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Acroynms List
List of acronyms used in this documentation.
:AC: Alternating Current
:AGL: Above Ground Level
:AP: Access Point
:API: Application Programming Interface
2024-07-18 11:44:22 -06:00
:AREDN®: Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network
:CCA: Clear Channel Assessment
:CGI: Common Gateway Interface
:CSMA/CA: Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance
:CTS: Clear to Send
:dB: Decibel
:dBm: Decibel relative to one milliwatt
:DC: Direct Current
:DDNS: Dynamic Domain Name System
:DFS: Dynamic Frequency Selection
:DHCP: Dynamic Host Control Protocol
:DMZ: Demilitarized Zone
:DNS: Domain Name System
:DtD: Device to Device
:ePub: Electronic Publication
:ETX: Expected Transmission
:EWMA: Exponential Weighted Moving Average
:FCC: Federal Communications Commission
:FQDN: Fully Qualified Domain Name
:FTP: File Transfer Protocol
:GPS: Global Positioning System
:HD: High Definition
:HTML: HyperText Markup Language
:HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
:ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol
:ICS: Incident Command System
:IP: Internet Protocol
:IRC: Internet Relay Chat
:ISP: Internet Service Provider
:JSON: Javascript Object Notation
:LAMP: Linux Apache MySQL PHP
:LAN: Local Area Network
:LED: Light Emitting Diode
:LGI: Long Guard Interval
:LQ: Link Quality
:LQM: Link Quality Manager
:MAC: Media Access Control
:MCS: Modulation Coding Scheme
:MIMO: Multiple Input Multiple Output
:MRC: Maximal Ratio Combining
:NAT: Network Address Translation
:NLOS: Near Line of Sight
:NLQ: Neighbor Link Quality
:NTP: Network Time Protocol
:OFDM: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
:OLSR: Optimized Link State Routing protocol
:PBX: Private Branch Exchange
:PDF: Portable Document Format
:PEP: Peak Envelope Power
:PoE: Power Over Ethernet
:PXE: Preboot Execution Environment
:RAM: Random Access Memory
:RF: Radio Frequency
:RSSI: Received Signal Strength Indicator
:RTS: Request to Send
:RTSP: Real Time Streaming Protocol
:SCP: Secure Copy Program
:SISO: Single Input Single Output
:SNR: Signal to Noise Ratio
:SSH: Secure Shell
:SSID: Service Set Identifier
:SSL: Secure Sockets Layer
:TCP: Transmission Control Procol
:TFTP: Trivial File Transfer Protocol
:UDP: User Datagram Protocol
:URL: Universal Resource Locator
:USB: Universal Serial Bus
:VLAN: Virtual Local Area Network
:VoIP: Voice over IP
:WAN: Wide Area Network
:WISP: Wireless Internet Service Provider
2024-07-18 11:44:22 -06:00
:XLINK: Link configured to pass AREDN® data between non-AREDN® devices