From 9b4d9d8adc9a8644af040130a8af38c8830fc5af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Steve <> Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 20:18:50 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] update acronyms list (#408) --- appendix/acronyms.rst | 170 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 154 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/appendix/acronyms.rst b/appendix/acronyms.rst index dc5b736..059b9a4 100644 --- a/appendix/acronyms.rst +++ b/appendix/acronyms.rst @@ -1,82 +1,220 @@ ============= -Acroynms List +Acronyms List ============= -List of acronyms used in this documentation. +*Contributor: Tim Bratton K5RA* +List of acronyms sometimes encountered in the AREDN® project. + +:AAM: AREDN® Alert Message +:AAMM: AREDN® Alert Message Manager :AC: Alternating Current +:ACK: Acknowledge, Acknowledgement +:ADMIN: Administration, Administrative, Administrator +:ADS-B: Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast +:ADV: Advanced +:AFS: AREDN® Firmware Selector :AGL: Above Ground Level +:AM: Amplitude Modulation :AP: Access Point :API: Application Programming Interface -:AREDN®: Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network +:AREDN: Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network +:ARES: Amateur Radio Emergency Service +:ARP: Address Resolution Protocol +:ARPS: Automatic Packet Reporting System +:ARRL: American Radio Relay League +:ASF: Apache Software Foundation +:ATA: Analog Telephone Adapter +:AV: Audio Visual +:AVL: Automatic Vehicle Location +:AZ: Azimuth +:BIN: Binary File Type +:BSSID: Basic Service Set Identifier +:CAD: Computer Aided Dispatch, Computer Aided Design :CCA: Clear Channel Assessment :CGI: Common Gateway Interface +:CHAN: Channel +:CIDR: Classless Inter-Domain Routing +:CM: Centimeter (10 E-2 meter) +:CMD: Command +:CONF: Configuration +:CPU: Central Processing Unit :CSMA/CA: Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance +:CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (computer graphics) +:CTR: Center +:CTRL: Control (a keyboard key) :CTS: Clear to Send -:dB: Decibel -:dBm: Decibel relative to one milliwatt +:CTCSS: Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System +:DB: Decibel +:DBI: Decibel relative to an isotropic radiator +:DBM: Decibel relative to one milliwatt (10E-3 watt) :DC: Direct Current :DDNS: Dynamic Domain Name System :DFS: Dynamic Frequency Selection :DHCP: Dynamic Host Control Protocol +:DHS: Department of Homeland Security :DMZ: Demilitarized Zone :DNS: Domain Name System -:DtD: Device to Device -:ePub: Electronic Publication +:DSP: Digital Signal Processor +:DTD: Device to Device +:EL: Elevation +:EMCOMM: Emergency Communications +:EPUB: Electronic Publication :ETX: Expected Transmission :EWMA: Exponential Weighted Moving Average :FCC: Federal Communications Commission +:FLV: Flash video file container format :FQDN: Fully Qualified Domain Name :FTP: File Transfer Protocol +:GHZ: Gigahertz (10E9 Hertz) +:GIS: Geographic Information System +:GNU: A project within which the free software concept originated :GPS: Global Positioning System -:HD: High Definition +:GUI: Graphical User Interface +:GZ: A file format and software application (gzip) for file compression/decompression (g for GNU) +:HLS: HTTP Live Streaming +:HSL: Hue, saturation, lightness (for image color representation) :HTML: HyperText Markup Language -:HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol +:HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol +:IANA: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority :ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol :ICS: Incident Command System -:IP: Internet Protocol +:ICS-213: General Message form +:ID: Identifier, Identity +:IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers +:IIC: A synchronous master/slave single-ended, serial communications bus +:IMAP: Internet Mail Access Protocol +:IMG: Image file format +:IPK: A compressed archive format used by the OpenWRT Package Management System (opkg) on AREDN® nodes +:IP: Internet Protocol, Internet Protocol address :IRC: Internet Relay Chat +:IRCD: Internet Relay Chat Daemon +:ISES: Open Information Systems for Emergency Services :ISP: Internet Service Provider +:I2C: A synchronous master/slave single-ended, serial communications bus :JSON: Javascript Object Notation -:LAMP: Linux Apache MySQL PHP +:KML: Keyhole Markup Language +:KW: Kilowatt (10E3 watt) +:LAMP: Linux, Apache, mySQL/MariaDB, and Perl/PHP/Python :LAN: Local Area Network +:LAT: Latitude :LED: Light Emitting Diode :LGI: Long Guard Interval +:LGPL: Lesser General Public License (GNU) +:LON: Longitude +:LOS: Line of Sight :LQ: Link Quality -:LQM: Link Quality Manager +:LQM: Link Quality Manager, Link Quality Management +:MA: Milliamp (10E-3 amp) :MAC: Media Access Control +:MACOS: Apple Computer Operating System +:MAMPP: MacOS, Apache, mySQL/MariaDB, and Perl/PHP/Python +:MB: Megabtye (10E6 bytes) +:MBPS: Megabits (10E6 bits) per second +:MCC: Mobile Command and Control :MCS: Modulation Coding Scheme +:MG: Magnetic North +:MHZ: Megahertz (10E6 Hertz) +:µV: Microvolt (10E-6 volt) :MIMO: Multiple Input Multiple Output +:MM: Millimeter (10E-3 meter) +:MP4: A digital multimedia container format :MRC: Maximal Ratio Combining +:MTR: My traceroute, Matt's traceroute – combines functions of traceroute and ping into one network diagnostic tool +:MS: Microsoft +:MSC: Mobile Switching Center +:MSG: Message :NAT: Network Address Translation +:NAV: Navigation +:NC: Non-commercial :NLOS: Near Line of Sight :NLQ: Neighbor Link Quality :NTP: Network Time Protocol +:NVRAM: Non-volatile Random Access Memory :OFDM: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing :OLSR: Optimized Link State Routing protocol +:OLSRD: Optimized Link State Routing Daemon +:ONVIF: Open Network Video Interface Forum +:OPENWRT: An open-source project for embedded operating systems based on Linux upon which AREDN® is based +:OS: Operating System :PBX: Private Branch Exchange +:PC: Personal Computer :PDF: Portable Document Format :PEP: Peak Envelope Power -:PoE: Power Over Ethernet +:PHP: Perl Hypertext Pre-Processor +:PPK: Private Key File Extension +:POE: Power Over Ethernet +:POP: Post Office Protocol +:PR: Pull Request (a GitHub mechanism) +:PSK: Phase-Shift Keying +:PSK: Protect Access Pre-Shared Key +:PTZ: Pan, Tilt, and Zoom (video camera control) +:PUB: Public Key File Extension +:PUTTY: Communications tool for running interactive command-line sessions on other computers +:PVE: Proxmox Virtual Environment +:PVID: Port VLAN Identification :PXE: Preboot Execution Environment +:QEMU: Quick Emulator (computer virtualization engine) +:QTH: Radio Q-signal for “Location” +:RACES: Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service :RAM: Random Access Memory :RF: Radio Frequency +:ROM: Read-Only Memory +:RPI: Raspberry Pi single-board computer :RSSI: Received Signal Strength Indicator +:RST: ReStructured Text file format :RTS: Request to Send :RTSP: Real Time Streaming Protocol +:RX: Receive, Receiver :SCP: Secure Copy Program +:SDR: Software Defined Radio +:SF: San Francisco (California) :SISO: Single Input Single Output +:SKYWARN: Program of the National Weather Service which collects reports of localized severe weather in the United States +:SMS: Short Message Service +:SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol +:SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol :SNR: Signal to Noise Ratio +:SOP: Standard Operating Procedure +:SQL: Structured Query Language for relational databases +:SS: Spread Spectrum :SSH: Secure Shell :SSID: Service Set Identifier :SSL: Secure Sockets Layer -:TCP: Transmission Control Procol +:TCP: Transmission Control Protocol +:TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol +:TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access +:TELNET: Command line terminal program :TFTP: Trivial File Transfer Protocol +:TMP: temporary +:TN: True North +:TX/RX: Transmit/Receive +:UCI: Unified Configuration Interface :UDP: User Datagram Protocol +:UI: User Interface :URL: Universal Resource Locator :USB: Universal Serial Bus +:V: Volts +:V2V: Virtual-to-virtual VM migration program +:VDC: Volts – Direct Current :VLAN: Virtual Local Area Network -:VoIP: Voice over IP +:VLC: VideoLAN Client +:VM: Virtual Machine +:VMDK: Virtual Machine Disk format +:VOIP: Voice over IP +:W: Watt (unit of power) :WAN: Wide Area Network +:WEBRTC: Web Real-Time Communication - open-source project to facility web communications +:WGT: Weight +:WIFI: Family of wireless networking protocols based on IEEE 802.11 standard +:WIMAX: Family of wireless communication protocols based on IEEE 802.16 standard +:WIN: Microsoft Windows +:WINLINK: Worldwide radio messaging system using amateur radio frequencies +:WINSCP: Secure file copy program for Windows :WISP: Wireless Internet Service Provider -:XLINK: Link configured to pass AREDN® data between non-AREDN® devices +:WPA: WiFi Protected Access encryption method (WPA/WPA2/WPA3) +:WX: Weather +:XLINK: Cross-Link configured to pass AREDN® data between non-AREDN® devices +:XMPP: Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol +:YAAC: Yet Another ARPS Client +:ZIP: File format and software application used for file compression/decompression