* Add local package server How-To
Add a How-To section explaining how to create a local package host.
* Add local package server How-To
Tweak wording slightly.
* Add local package server How-To
Specify hAP ac lite as a device supporting PoE passthrough.
* Add local package server How-To
Mention recursive copying for httrack and wget.
* Update Optional Settings text
Update the Optional Settings description in the Basic Setup document.
* Update Optional Settings text
Add section headers.
* Clarify non-private messaging
Clarify that directed messages are not guaranteed to be private since
anyone can view the arednmesh message repository.
* Clarify non-private messaging
Fix typo in screenshot.
* Add note about tunnel issues with long nodenames
Add a note about tunnel issues with clients having long node names.
* Add note about tunnel issues with long nodenames
Included a link to the AREDN forum thread for more
* Add note about tunnel issues with long nodenames
Clarify it's the vtun package that has the limitation.
* Update release to
Update release number in screenshots to Include new comment
field for tunnels.
* Update wording for firmware targets
Update wording for firmware targets.
* Add steps to Firmware Upgrade Tips
Add steps to the Firmware Upgrade Tips section, and include more info in
the OLSR Restart section.
* Add wifi down to Troubleshooting Tips
Add the "wifi down" tip for troubleshooting firmware installs that
result in a "bad gateway" message.
* Add wifi down to Troubleshooting-2
Remove # for clarity.
Rework the Channel Planning section to clarify, expand, and illustrate
the importance of channel plans and frequency coordination.
Clarify Radio Spectrum section
Add HeyWhatsThat Profiler to Network Modeling section
Clarify the explanation of equipment size and gain for the different
Tweak the description of antenna polarization to clarify.
Clarify the statement about link quality so it is adequate for required
* Add clear browser cache to firmware install section
Add a paragraph explaining why clearing the web browser cache may be
required during firmware installs.
* Update link types graphic
Update link types graphic
* Update backbone diagram
Update backbone link on topology diagram
* Update backbone diagram
* Add auto-distance to Advanced Config
Add the auto-distance explanation to the Advanced Configuration page.
* Update trademark sign on adv config
Update the trademark sign on the advanced config page.
* Replace tunnel explanation
Replace tunnel explanation.
* Add nightly build features
Add nightly build features for SNR sound control and Basic Setup
* Add explanation for pitch/volume sliders
* Clarify wording on when LAN AP display appears
Clarify the wording about when the LAN AP display section will appear in
the UI.
* Fix snr-sound image
Fix the snr-sound image.
* Add Other Possible Services section
Add the Other Possible Services section to the doc set.
* Correct typo in image name
* Update screenshots to
Update screenshots to version and change text to
* Update etherpad screenshot
* Doc fixes and restructuring
This commit includes several misc changes to doc set. Create appendix
directory and add freq section with website images. Expand how-to
contribute section. Add reference to new 29 Host LAN mode. Add SNR sound
control to SNR graphs section. Add Radio Mobile Settings to How-To
section. Update images in Freq Spectrum section, and minimize reference
to "unshared" channels. Move Server Sync section to Services Overview.
* Fix misleading keyword search wording
Fix the misleading wording about doing a keyword search for AREDN.
* Fix total bandwidth allocation wording
Fix total bandwidth allocation wording in Radio Spectrum section.
* Clarify channel width at band edges
Clarify the warning against using wide channels that could transmit
outside of allowed FCC allocations.
* Heading change in services overview
* Add balancing comment about reducing channel width
Add a balancing comment that reducing channel width to increase SNR also
cuts throughput in half.
* Add SNR warning comment
* Fix reference to OpenWRT in screenshot
Replace reference to OpenWRT in screenshot with the AREDN login banner.
Add build files to gitignore. Change admonition type to attention. Create AREDN Services Guide and Services Overview docs as a work in progress. Update conf.py with new copyright year and release info. Expand index.rst with description of sections, and added Services Guide to toctree.
Added Network Design Guide sections, and edited a few Getting Started Guide areas. Both guidebooks are now part of the single existing AREDN documentation repository.