=========================== AREDN® Documentation =========================== :Release: |release| This documentation set consists of several sections which are shown in the navigation list. * The **Getting Started Guide** walks through the process of configuring an AREDN® radio node to be part of a mesh network. * The **Network Design Guide** provides background information and tips for planning and deploying a robust mesh network. * The **Applications and Services Guide** discusses the types of programs or services that can be used across a mesh network. * The **How-to Guides** provide tips and techniques for various tasks. * Finally, the **Appendix** contains supplementary information. If you wish to locate specific topics within the documentation, you can type keywords into the *Search docs* field to display a list of items which match your search. If you would like to see the documentation for a specific AREDN® release, click on the **Read the Docs** label at the bottom of the navigation bar. This label shows the version you are currently viewing, but clicking the label bar opens a panel with several other options. Here you may choose to view another version of the documentation, and you can also download the entire documentation set in any of several formats *(PDF, ePub, HTML)* for offline use. .. note:: AREDN® is a registered trademark of *Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network, Inc.* and may not be used without permission. Site Map -------- .. toctree:: :caption: WHAT IS AREDN® aredn_overview why_aredn .. toctree:: :caption: GETTING STARTED GUIDE arednGettingStarted/selecting_devices arednGettingStarted/downloading_firmware arednGettingStarted/installing_firmware arednGettingStarted/firstboot_setup arednGettingStarted/node_status arednGettingStarted/mesh_status arednGettingStarted/node_admin arednGettingStarted/report_issues .. toctree:: :caption: NETWORK DESIGN GUIDE arednNetworkDesign/networking_overview arednNetworkDesign/network_topology arednNetworkDesign/frequency_bands arednNetworkDesign/channel_planning arednNetworkDesign/network_modeling .. toctree:: :caption: APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES GUIDE arednServicesGuide/services_overview arednServicesGuide/chat_programs arednServicesGuide/email_programs arednServicesGuide/file_sharing arednServicesGuide/voip_programs arednServicesGuide/video_streaming arednServicesGuide/network_tools arednServicesGuide/dispatch_programs arednServicesGuide/other_programs .. toctree:: :caption: HOW-TO GUIDES arednHow-toGuides/beginner-guide arednHow-toGuides/firmware_tips arednHow-toGuides/home-router-connection arednHow-toGuides/poe arednHow-toGuides/command-line arednHow-toGuides/dish-aiming arednHow-toGuides/lqm arednHow-toGuides/puttygen_ssh_keys arednHow-toGuides/radio_mobile_settings arednHow-toGuides/siso-mimo arednHow-toGuides/supernodes arednHow-toGuides/local-software-source arednHow-toGuides/xlinks arednHow-toGuides/vm-install arednHow-toGuides/devtools .. toctree:: :caption: APPENDIX appendix/known_issues appendix/more_info appendix/responsible_disclosure appendix/freq_charts appendix/acronyms appendix/LICENSE