**First, open a command line, then make sure to activate the environment:**
You should see your command line show ```(venv)``` at the beginning of the line. If you don't, something went wrong with setup.
I recommend you copy one of the examples below and keep it in a text file for future reference. Your settings are logged in the logs folder, but you'll need to make a command to start training.
Resuming from a checkpoint, 50 epochs, 6 batch size, 3e-6 learning rate, cosine scheduler, generate samples evern 200 steps, 10 minute checkpoint interval, adam8bit, and using the default "input" folder for training data:
Training from SD2 512 base model, 18 epochs, 4 batch size, 1.2e-6 learning rate, constant LR, generate samples evern 100 steps, 30 minute checkpoint interval, adam8bit, using imagesin the x:\mydata folder, training at resolution class of 640:
Training from the "SD21" model on the "jets" dataset on another drive, for 50 epochs, 6 batch size, 1.5e-6 learning rate, cosine scheduler that will decay in 1500 steps, generate samples evern 100 steps, save a checkpoint every 20 epochs, and use AdamW 8bit optimizer:
You should point to the folder in the logs per above if you want to resume rather than running a conversion back on a 2.0GB or 2.5GB pruned file if possible.