2022-12-17 20:32:48 -07:00
Copyright [ 2022 ] Victor C Hall
Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License ;
You may not use this code except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
https : / / www . gnu . org / licenses / agpl - 3.0 . en . html
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
import os
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import logging
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import yaml
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from PIL import Image
import random
2023-01-07 09:29:09 -07:00
from data . image_train_item import ImageTrainItem , ImageCaption
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import data . aspects as aspects
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from colorama import Fore , Style
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import zipfile
2023-01-01 08:45:18 -07:00
import tqdm
import PIL
PIL . Image . MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 715827880 * 4 # increase decompression bomb error limit to 4x default
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2023-01-07 14:59:51 -07:00
2022-12-17 20:32:48 -07:00
class DataLoaderMultiAspect ( ) :
Data loader for multi - aspect - ratio training and bucketing
data_root : root folder of training data
batch_size : number of images per batch
flip_p : probability of flipping image horizontally ( i . e . 0 - 0.5 )
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def __init__ ( self , data_root , seed = 555 , debug_level = 0 , batch_size = 1 , flip_p = 0.0 , resolution = 512 , log_folder = None ) :
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self . image_paths = [ ]
self . debug_level = debug_level
self . flip_p = flip_p
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self . log_folder = log_folder
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self . seed = seed
self . batch_size = batch_size
self . runts = [ ]
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self . aspects = aspects . get_aspect_buckets ( resolution = resolution , square_only = False )
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logging . info ( f " * DLMA resolution { resolution } , buckets: { self . aspects } " )
logging . info ( " Preloading images... " )
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2022-12-29 19:11:06 -07:00
self . unzip_all ( data_root )
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self . __recurse_data_root ( self = self , recurse_root = data_root )
random . Random ( seed ) . shuffle ( self . image_paths )
2023-01-01 08:45:18 -07:00
self . prepared_train_data = self . __prescan_images ( self . image_paths , flip_p ) # ImageTrainItem[]
self . image_caption_pairs = self . __bucketize_images ( self . prepared_train_data , batch_size = batch_size , debug_level = debug_level )
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2023-01-01 08:45:18 -07:00
def shuffle ( self ) :
self . runts = [ ]
self . seed = self . seed + 1
random . Random ( self . seed ) . shuffle ( self . prepared_train_data )
self . image_caption_pairs = self . __bucketize_images ( self . prepared_train_data , batch_size = self . batch_size , debug_level = 0 )
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2022-12-29 19:11:06 -07:00
def unzip_all ( self , path ) :
try :
for root , dirs , files in os . walk ( path ) :
for file in files :
if file . endswith ( ' .zip ' ) :
logging . info ( f " Unzipping { file } " )
with zipfile . ZipFile ( path , ' r ' ) as zip_ref :
zip_ref . extractall ( path )
except Exception as e :
logging . error ( f " Error unzipping files { e } " )
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def get_all_images ( self ) :
return self . image_caption_pairs
2023-01-07 09:29:09 -07:00
def __read_caption_from_file ( file_path , fallback_caption : ImageCaption ) - > ImageCaption :
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try :
with open ( file_path , encoding = ' utf-8 ' , mode = ' r ' ) as caption_file :
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caption_text = caption_file . read ( )
caption = DataLoaderMultiAspect . __split_caption_into_tags ( caption_text )
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except :
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logging . error ( f " *** Error reading { file_path } to get caption, falling back to filename " )
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caption = fallback_caption
return caption
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def __read_caption_from_yaml ( file_path : str , fallback_caption : ImageCaption ) - > ImageCaption :
with open ( file_path , " r " ) as stream :
try :
file_content = yaml . safe_load ( stream )
main_prompt = file_content . get ( " main_prompt " , " " )
unparsed_tags = file_content . get ( " tags " , [ ] )
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max_caption_length = file_content . get ( " max_caption_length " , DEFAULT_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH )
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tags = [ ]
tag_weights = [ ]
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last_weight = None
weights_differ = False
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for unparsed_tag in unparsed_tags :
tag = unparsed_tag . get ( " tag " , " " ) . strip ( )
if len ( tag ) == 0 :
tags . append ( tag )
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tag_weight = unparsed_tag . get ( " weight " , 1.0 )
tag_weights . append ( tag_weight )
if last_weight is not None and weights_differ is False :
weights_differ = last_weight != tag_weight
last_weight = tag_weight
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2023-01-07 14:59:51 -07:00
return ImageCaption ( main_prompt , tags , tag_weights , max_caption_length , weights_differ )
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except :
logging . error ( f " *** Error reading { file_path } to get caption, falling back to filename " )
return fallback_caption
2023-01-07 09:29:09 -07:00
def __split_caption_into_tags ( caption_string : str ) - > ImageCaption :
Splits a string by " , " into the main prompt and additional tags with equal weights
split_caption = caption_string . split ( " , " )
main_prompt = split_caption . pop ( 0 ) . strip ( )
tags = [ ]
for tag in split_caption :
tags . append ( tag . strip ( ) )
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return ImageCaption ( main_prompt , tags , [ 1.0 ] * len ( tags ) , DEFAULT_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH , False )
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2022-12-17 20:32:48 -07:00
def __prescan_images ( self , image_paths : list , flip_p = 0.0 ) :
Create ImageTrainItem objects with metadata for hydration later
decorated_image_train_items = [ ]
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for pathname in tqdm . tqdm ( image_paths ) :
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caption_from_filename = os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( pathname ) ) [ 0 ] . split ( " _ " ) [ 0 ]
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caption = DataLoaderMultiAspect . __split_caption_into_tags ( caption_from_filename )
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2023-01-07 11:57:23 -07:00
file_path_without_ext = os . path . splitext ( pathname ) [ 0 ]
yaml_file_path = file_path_without_ext + " .yaml "
txt_file_path = file_path_without_ext + " .txt "
caption_file_path = file_path_without_ext + " .caption "
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2023-01-07 11:57:23 -07:00
if os . path . exists ( yaml_file_path ) :
caption = self . __read_caption_from_yaml ( yaml_file_path , caption )
elif os . path . exists ( txt_file_path ) :
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caption = self . __read_caption_from_file ( txt_file_path , caption )
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elif os . path . exists ( caption_file_path ) :
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caption = self . __read_caption_from_file ( caption_file_path , caption )
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2022-12-27 12:25:32 -07:00
try :
image = Image . open ( pathname )
width , height = image . size
image_aspect = width / height
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target_wh = min ( self . aspects , key = lambda aspects : abs ( aspects [ 0 ] / aspects [ 1 ] - image_aspect ) )
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2022-12-27 12:25:32 -07:00
image_train_item = ImageTrainItem ( image = None , caption = caption , target_wh = target_wh , pathname = pathname , flip_p = flip_p )
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2022-12-27 12:25:32 -07:00
decorated_image_train_items . append ( image_train_item )
except Exception as e :
logging . error ( f " { Fore . LIGHTRED_EX } *** Error opening { Fore . LIGHTYELLOW_EX } { pathname } { Fore . LIGHTRED_EX } to get metadata. File may be corrupt and will be skipped. { Style . RESET_ALL } " )
logging . error ( f " *** exception: { e } " )
2022-12-17 20:32:48 -07:00
return decorated_image_train_items
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def __bucketize_images ( self , prepared_train_data : list , batch_size = 1 , debug_level = 0 ) :
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Put images into buckets based on aspect ratio with batch_size * n images per bucket , discards remainder
# TODO: this is not terribly efficient but at least linear time
buckets = { }
for image_caption_pair in prepared_train_data :
2023-01-01 08:45:18 -07:00
image_caption_pair . runt_size = 0
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target_wh = image_caption_pair . target_wh
if ( target_wh [ 0 ] , target_wh [ 1 ] ) not in buckets :
buckets [ ( target_wh [ 0 ] , target_wh [ 1 ] ) ] = [ ]
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buckets [ ( target_wh [ 0 ] , target_wh [ 1 ] ) ] . append ( image_caption_pair )
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if len ( buckets ) > 1 :
for bucket in buckets :
truncate_count = len ( buckets [ bucket ] ) % batch_size
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if truncate_count > 0 :
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runt_bucket = buckets [ bucket ] [ - truncate_count : ]
for item in runt_bucket :
item . runt_size = truncate_count
while len ( runt_bucket ) < batch_size :
runt_bucket . append ( random . choice ( runt_bucket ) )
current_bucket_size = len ( buckets [ bucket ] )
buckets [ bucket ] = buckets [ bucket ] [ : current_bucket_size - truncate_count ]
buckets [ bucket ] . extend ( runt_bucket )
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# flatten the buckets
image_caption_pairs = [ ]
for bucket in buckets :
image_caption_pairs . extend ( buckets [ bucket ] )
return image_caption_pairs
def __recurse_data_root ( self , recurse_root ) :
2022-12-18 11:03:44 -07:00
multiply = 1
multiply_path = os . path . join ( recurse_root , " multiply.txt " )
if os . path . exists ( multiply_path ) :
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try :
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with open ( multiply_path , encoding = ' utf-8 ' , mode = ' r ' ) as f :
multiply = int ( float ( f . read ( ) . strip ( ) ) )
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logging . info ( f " * DLMA multiply.txt in { recurse_root } set to { multiply } " )
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except :
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logging . error ( f " *** Error reading multiply.txt in { recurse_root } , defaulting to 1 " )
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for f in os . listdir ( recurse_root ) :
current = os . path . join ( recurse_root , f )
if os . path . isfile ( current ) :
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ext = os . path . splitext ( f ) [ 1 ] . lower ( )
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if ext in [ ' .jpg ' , ' .jpeg ' , ' .png ' , ' .bmp ' , ' .webp ' , ' .jfif ' ] :
# add image multiplyrepeats number of times
for _ in range ( multiply ) :
self . image_paths . append ( current )
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sub_dirs = [ ]
for d in os . listdir ( recurse_root ) :
current = os . path . join ( recurse_root , d )
if os . path . isdir ( current ) :
sub_dirs . append ( current )
for dir in sub_dirs :
self . __recurse_data_root ( self = self , recurse_root = dir )