Merge pull request #24 from noprompt/refactor-data-resolution
Refactor data resolution
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,20 +19,15 @@ import os
import logging
import copy
import yaml
from PIL import Image
import random
from data.image_train_item import ImageTrainItem, ImageCaption
from data.image_train_item import ImageTrainItem
import data.aspects as aspects
import data.resolver as resolver
from colorama import Fore, Style
import zipfile
import tqdm
import PIL
PIL.Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 715827880*4 # increase decompression bomb error limit to 4x default
class DataLoaderMultiAspect():
Data loader for multi-aspect-ratio training and bucketing
@ -42,24 +37,17 @@ class DataLoaderMultiAspect():
flip_p: probability of flipping image horizontally (i.e. 0-0.5)
def __init__(self, data_root, seed=555, debug_level=0, batch_size=1, flip_p=0.0, resolution=512, log_folder=None):
self.image_paths = []
self.data_root = data_root
self.debug_level = debug_level
self.flip_p = flip_p
self.log_folder = log_folder
self.seed = seed
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.has_scanned = False
self.aspects = aspects.get_aspect_buckets(resolution=resolution, square_only=False)
||||"* DLMA resolution {resolution}, buckets: {self.aspects}")
||||" Preloading images...")
self.__recurse_data_root(self=self, recurse_root=data_root)
self.prepared_train_data = self.__prescan_images(self.image_paths, flip_p)
print(f"DLMA Loaded {len(self.prepared_train_data)} images")
(self.rating_overall_sum, self.ratings_summed) = self.__sort_and_precalc_image_ratings()
@ -152,18 +140,6 @@ class DataLoaderMultiAspect():
return image_caption_pairs
def unzip_all(path):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.zip'):
||||"Unzipping {file}")
with zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r') as zip_ref:
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error unzipping files {e}")
def __sort_and_precalc_image_ratings(self) -> tuple[float, list[float]]:
self.prepared_train_data = sorted(self.prepared_train_data, key=lambda img: img.caption.rating())
@ -175,161 +151,44 @@ class DataLoaderMultiAspect():
return rating_overall_sum, ratings_summed
def __read_caption_from_file(file_path, fallback_caption: ImageCaption) -> ImageCaption:
with open(file_path, encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as caption_file:
caption_text =
caption = DataLoaderMultiAspect.__split_caption_into_tags(caption_text)
logging.error(f" *** Error reading {file_path} to get caption, falling back to filename")
caption = fallback_caption
return caption
def __read_caption_from_yaml(file_path: str, fallback_caption: ImageCaption) -> ImageCaption:
with open(file_path, "r") as stream:
file_content = yaml.safe_load(stream)
main_prompt = file_content.get("main_prompt", "")
rating = file_content.get("rating", 1.0)
unparsed_tags = file_content.get("tags", [])
max_caption_length = file_content.get("max_caption_length", DEFAULT_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH)
tags = []
tag_weights = []
last_weight = None
weights_differ = False
for unparsed_tag in unparsed_tags:
tag = unparsed_tag.get("tag", "").strip()
if len(tag) == 0:
tag_weight = unparsed_tag.get("weight", 1.0)
if last_weight is not None and weights_differ is False:
weights_differ = last_weight != tag_weight
last_weight = tag_weight
return ImageCaption(main_prompt, rating, tags, tag_weights, max_caption_length, weights_differ)
logging.error(f" *** Error reading {file_path} to get caption, falling back to filename")
return fallback_caption
def __split_caption_into_tags(caption_string: str) -> ImageCaption:
Splits a string by "," into the main prompt and additional tags with equal weights
split_caption = caption_string.split(",")
main_prompt = split_caption.pop(0).strip()
tags = []
for tag in split_caption:
return ImageCaption(main_prompt, 1.0, tags, [1.0] * len(tags), DEFAULT_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH, False)
def __prescan_images(self, image_paths: list, flip_p=0.0) -> list[ImageTrainItem]:
def __prepare_train_data(self, flip_p=0.0) -> list[ImageTrainItem]:
Create ImageTrainItem objects with metadata for hydration later
decorated_image_train_items = []
if not self.has_scanned:
undersized_images = []
multipliers = {}
skip_folders = []
randomizer = random.Random(self.seed)
for pathname in tqdm.tqdm(image_paths):
caption_from_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pathname))[0].split("_")[0]
caption = DataLoaderMultiAspect.__split_caption_into_tags(caption_from_filename)
file_path_without_ext = os.path.splitext(pathname)[0]
yaml_file_path = file_path_without_ext + ".yaml"
txt_file_path = file_path_without_ext + ".txt"
caption_file_path = file_path_without_ext + ".caption"
current_dir = os.path.dirname(pathname)
if current_dir not in multipliers:
multiply_txt_path = os.path.join(current_dir, "multiply.txt")
#print(current_dir, multiply_txt_path)
if os.path.exists(multiply_txt_path):
with open(multiply_txt_path, 'r') as f:
val = float(
multipliers[current_dir] = val
||||" * DLMA multiply.txt in {current_dir} set to {val}")
multipliers[current_dir] = 1.0
except Exception as e:
logging.warning(f" * {Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX}Error trying to read multiply.txt for {current_dir}: {Style.RESET_ALL}{e}")
multipliers[current_dir] = 1.0
if os.path.exists(yaml_file_path):
caption = self.__read_caption_from_yaml(yaml_file_path, caption)
elif os.path.exists(txt_file_path):
caption = self.__read_caption_from_file(txt_file_path, caption)
elif os.path.exists(caption_file_path):
caption = self.__read_caption_from_file(caption_file_path, caption)
image =
width, height = image.size
image_aspect = width / height
target_wh = min(self.aspects, key=lambda aspects:abs(aspects[0]/aspects[1] - image_aspect))
if not self.has_scanned:
if width * height < target_wh[0] * target_wh[1]:
undersized_images.append(f" {pathname}, size: {width},{height}, target size: {target_wh}")
image_train_item = ImageTrainItem(image=None, # image loaded at runtime to apply jitter
cur_file_multiplier = multipliers[current_dir]
while cur_file_multiplier >= 1.0:
cur_file_multiplier -= 1
if cur_file_multiplier > 0:
if randomizer.random() < cur_file_multiplier:
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"{Fore.LIGHTRED_EX} *** Error opening {Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX}{pathname}{Fore.LIGHTRED_EX} to get metadata. File may be corrupt and will be skipped.{Style.RESET_ALL}")
logging.error(f" *** exception: {e}")
if not self.has_scanned:
self.has_scanned = True
if len(undersized_images) > 0:
underized_log_path = os.path.join(self.log_folder, "undersized_images.txt")
logging.warning(f"{Fore.LIGHTRED_EX} ** Some images are smaller than the target size, consider using larger images{Style.RESET_ALL}")
logging.warning(f"{Fore.LIGHTRED_EX} ** Check {underized_log_path} for more information.{Style.RESET_ALL}")
with open(underized_log_path, "w") as undersized_images_file:
undersized_images_file.write(f" The following images are smaller than the target size, consider removing or sourcing a larger copy:")
for undersized_image in undersized_images:
print (f" * DLMA: {len(decorated_image_train_items)} images loaded from {len(image_paths)} files")
||||" Preloading images...")
items = resolver.resolve(self.data_root, self.aspects, flip_p=flip_p, seed=self.seed)
image_paths = set(map(lambda item: item.pathname, items))
print (f" * DLMA: {len(items)} images loaded from {len(image_paths)} files")
self.prepared_train_data = items
def __report_errors(self, items: list[ImageTrainItem]):
for item in items:
if item.error is not None:
logging.error(f"{Fore.LIGHTRED_EX} *** Error opening {Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX}{item.pathname}{Fore.LIGHTRED_EX} to get metadata. File may be corrupt and will be skipped.{Style.RESET_ALL}")
logging.error(f" *** exception: {item.error}")
undersized_items = [item for item in items if item.is_undersized]
if len(undersized_items) > 0:
underized_log_path = os.path.join(self.log_folder, "undersized_images.txt")
logging.warning(f"{Fore.LIGHTRED_EX} ** Some images are smaller than the target size, consider using larger images{Style.RESET_ALL}")
logging.warning(f"{Fore.LIGHTRED_EX} ** Check {underized_log_path} for more information.{Style.RESET_ALL}")
with open(underized_log_path, "w") as undersized_images_file:
undersized_images_file.write(f" The following images are smaller than the target size, consider removing or sourcing a larger copy:")
for undersized_item in undersized_items:
message = f" *** {undersized_item.pathname} with size: {undersized_item.image_size} is smaller than target size: {undersized_item.target_wh}, consider using larger images"
return decorated_image_train_items
def __pick_random_subset(self, dropout_fraction: float, picker: random.Random) -> list[ImageTrainItem]:
@ -367,23 +226,3 @@ class DataLoaderMultiAspect():
return picked_images
def __recurse_data_root(self, recurse_root):
for f in os.listdir(recurse_root):
current = os.path.join(recurse_root, f)
if os.path.isfile(current):
ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower()
if ext in ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.bmp', '.webp', '.jfif']:
sub_dirs = []
for d in os.listdir(recurse_root):
current = os.path.join(recurse_root, d)
if os.path.isdir(current):
for dir in sub_dirs:
self.__recurse_data_root(self=self, recurse_root=dir)
@ -18,13 +18,19 @@ import logging
import math
import os
import random
import typing
import yaml
import PIL
import PIL.Image as Image
import numpy as np
from torchvision import transforms
OptionalImageCaption = typing.Optional['ImageCaption']
class ImageCaption:
@ -60,17 +66,21 @@ class ImageCaption:
:param seed used to initialize the randomizer
:return: generated caption string
max_target_tag_length = self.__max_target_length - len(self.__main_prompt)
if self.__tags:
max_target_tag_length = self.__max_target_length - len(self.__main_prompt)
if self.__use_weights:
tags_caption = self.__get_weighted_shuffled_tags(seed, self.__tags, self.__tag_weights, max_target_tag_length)
tags_caption = self.__get_shuffled_tags(seed, self.__tags)
if self.__use_weights:
tags_caption = self.__get_weighted_shuffled_tags(seed, self.__tags, self.__tag_weights, max_target_tag_length)
tags_caption = self.__get_shuffled_tags(seed, self.__tags)
return self.__main_prompt + ", " + tags_caption
return self.__main_prompt + ", " + tags_caption
return self.__main_prompt
def get_caption(self) -> str:
return self.__main_prompt + ", " + ", ".join(self.__tags)
if self.__tags:
return self.__main_prompt + ", " + ", ".join(self.__tags)
return self.__main_prompt
def __get_weighted_shuffled_tags(seed: int, tags: list[str], weights: list[float], max_target_tag_length: int) -> str:
@ -91,7 +101,14 @@ class ImageCaption:
tag = tags_copy.pop(pos)
caption += ", " + tag
if caption:
caption += ", "
caption += tag
if caption:
caption += ", "
caption += tag
return caption
@ -100,6 +117,136 @@ class ImageCaption:
return ", ".join(tags)
def parse(string: str) -> 'ImageCaption':
Parses a string to get the caption.
:param string: String to parse.
:return: `ImageCaption` object.
split_caption = list(map(str.strip, string.split(",")))
main_prompt = split_caption[0]
tags = split_caption[1:]
tag_weights = [1.0] * len(tags)
return ImageCaption(main_prompt, 1.0, tags, tag_weights, DEFAULT_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH, False)
def from_file_name(file_path: str) -> 'ImageCaption':
Parses the file name to get the caption.
:param file_path: Path to the image file.
:return: `ImageCaption` object.
(file_name, _) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))
caption = file_name.split("_")[0]
return ImageCaption.parse(caption)
def from_text_file(file_path: str, default_caption: OptionalImageCaption=None) -> OptionalImageCaption:
Parses a text file to get the caption. Returns the default caption if
the file does not exist or is invalid.
:param file_path: Path to the text file.
:param default_caption: Optional `ImageCaption` to return if the file does not exist or is invalid.
:return: `ImageCaption` object or `None`.
with open(file_path, encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as caption_file:
caption_text =
return ImageCaption.parse(caption_text)
logging.error(f" *** Error reading {file_path} to get caption")
return default_caption
def from_yaml_file(file_path: str, default_caption: OptionalImageCaption=None) -> OptionalImageCaption:
Parses a yaml file to get the caption. Returns the default caption if
the file does not exist or is invalid.
:param file_path: path to the yaml file
:param default_caption: caption to return if the file does not exist or is invalid
:return: `ImageCaption` object or `None`.
with open(file_path, "r") as stream:
file_content = yaml.safe_load(stream)
main_prompt = file_content.get("main_prompt", "")
rating = file_content.get("rating", 1.0)
unparsed_tags = file_content.get("tags", [])
max_caption_length = file_content.get("max_caption_length", DEFAULT_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH)
tags = []
tag_weights = []
last_weight = None
weights_differ = False
for unparsed_tag in unparsed_tags:
tag = unparsed_tag.get("tag", "").strip()
if len(tag) == 0:
tag_weight = unparsed_tag.get("weight", 1.0)
if last_weight is not None and weights_differ is False:
weights_differ = last_weight != tag_weight
last_weight = tag_weight
return ImageCaption(main_prompt, rating, tags, tag_weights, max_caption_length, weights_differ)
logging.error(f" *** Error reading {file_path} to get caption")
return default_caption
def from_file(file_path: str, default_caption: OptionalImageCaption=None) -> OptionalImageCaption:
Try to resolve a caption from a file path or return `default_caption`.
:string: The path to the file to parse.
:default_caption: Optional `ImageCaption` to return if the file does not exist or is invalid.
:return: `ImageCaption` object or `None`.
if os.path.exists(file_path):
(file_path_without_ext, ext) = os.path.splitext(file_path)
match ext:
case ".yaml" | ".yml":
return ImageCaption.from_yaml_file(file_path, default_caption)
case ".txt" | ".caption":
return ImageCaption.from_text_file(file_path, default_caption)
case '.jpg'| '.jpeg'| '.png'| '.bmp'| '.webp'| '.jfif':
for ext in [".yaml", ".yml", ".txt", ".caption"]:
file_path = file_path_without_ext + ext
image_caption = ImageCaption.from_file(file_path)
if image_caption is not None:
return image_caption
return ImageCaption.from_file_name(file_path)
case _:
return default_caption
return default_caption
def resolve(string: str) -> 'ImageCaption':
Try to resolve a caption from a string. If the string is a file path,
the caption will be read from the file, otherwise the string will be
parsed as a caption.
:string: The string to resolve.
:return: `ImageCaption` object.
return ImageCaption.from_file(string, None) or ImageCaption.parse(string)
class ImageTrainItem:
@ -110,19 +257,26 @@ class ImageTrainItem:
flip_p: probability of flipping image (0.0 to 1.0)
rating: the relative rating of the images. The rating is measured in comparison to the other images.
def __init__(self, image: PIL.Image, caption: ImageCaption, target_wh: list, pathname: str, flip_p=0.0, multiplier: float=1.0):
def __init__(self, image: PIL.Image, caption: ImageCaption, aspects: list[float], pathname: str, flip_p=0.0, multiplier: float=1.0):
self.caption = caption
self.target_wh = target_wh
self.aspects = aspects
self.pathname = pathname
self.flip = transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=flip_p)
self.cropped_img = None
self.runt_size = 0
self.multiplier = multiplier
self.image_size = None
if image is None:
self.image = []
self.image = image
self.image_size = image.size
self.target_size = None
self.is_undersized = False
self.error = None
def hydrate(self, crop=False, save=False, crop_jitter=20):
@ -199,6 +353,18 @@ class ImageTrainItem:
# print(self.image.shape)
return self
def __compute_target_width_height(self):
with as image:
width, height = image.size
image_aspect = width / height
target_wh = min(self.aspects, key=lambda aspects:abs(aspects[0]/aspects[1] - image_aspect))
self.is_undersized = width * height < target_wh[0] * target_wh[1]
self.target_wh = target_wh
except Exception as e:
self.error = e
def __autocrop(image: PIL.Image, q=.404):
@ -229,4 +395,4 @@ class ImageTrainItem:
min_xy = min(x, y)
image = image.crop((x_crop, y_crop, x_crop + min_xy, y_crop + min_xy))
return image
return image
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import typing
import zipfile
import PIL.Image as Image
import tqdm
from colorama import Fore, Style
from data.image_train_item import ImageCaption, ImageTrainItem
class DataResolver:
def __init__(self, aspects: list[typing.Tuple[int, int]], flip_p=0.0, seed=555):
self.seed = seed
self.aspects = aspects
self.flip_p = flip_p
def image_train_items(self, data_root: str) -> list[ImageTrainItem]:
Get the list of `ImageTrainItem` for the given data root.
:param data_root: The data root, a directory, a file, etc..
:return: The list of `ImageTrainItem`.
raise NotImplementedError()
def image_train_item(self, image_path: str, caption: ImageCaption, multiplier: float=1) -> ImageTrainItem:
return ImageTrainItem(
class JSONResolver(DataResolver):
def image_train_items(self, json_path: str) -> list[ImageTrainItem]:
Create `ImageTrainItem` objects with metadata for hydration later.
Extracts images and captions from a JSON file.
:param json_path: The path to the JSON file.
items = []
with open(json_path, encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as f:
json_data = json.load(f)
for data in tqdm.tqdm(json_data):
caption = JSONResolver.image_caption(data)
if caption:
image_value = JSONResolver.get_image_value(data)
item = self.image_train_item(image_value, caption)
if item:
return items
def get_image_value(json_data: dict) -> typing.Optional[str]:
Get the image from the json data if possible.
:param json_data: The json data, a dict.
:return: The image, or None if not found.
image_value = json_data.get("image", None)
if isinstance(image_value, str):
image_value = image_value.strip()
if os.path.exists(image_value):
return image_value
def get_caption_value(json_data: dict) -> typing.Optional[str]:
Get the caption from the json data if possible.
:param json_data: The json data, a dict.
:return: The caption, or None if not found.
caption_value = json_data.get("caption", None)
if isinstance(caption_value, str):
return caption_value.strip()
def image_caption(json_data: dict) -> typing.Optional[ImageCaption]:
Get the caption from the json data if possible.
:param json_data: The json data, a dict.
:return: The `ImageCaption`, or None if not found.
image_value = JSONResolver.get_image_value(json_data)
caption_value = JSONResolver.get_caption_value(json_data)
if image_value:
if caption_value:
return ImageCaption.resolve(caption_value)
return ImageCaption.from_file(image_value)
class DirectoryResolver(DataResolver):
def image_train_items(self, data_root: str) -> list[ImageTrainItem]:
Create `ImageTrainItem` objects with metadata for hydration later.
Unzips all zip files in `data_root` and then recursively searches the
`data_root` for images and captions.
:param data_root: The root directory to recurse through
image_paths = list(DirectoryResolver.recurse_data_root(data_root))
items = []
multipliers = {}
skip_folders = []
randomizer = random.Random(self.seed)
for pathname in tqdm.tqdm(image_paths):
current_dir = os.path.dirname(pathname)
if current_dir not in multipliers:
multiply_txt_path = os.path.join(current_dir, "multiply.txt")
if os.path.exists(multiply_txt_path):
with open(multiply_txt_path, 'r') as f:
val = float(
multipliers[current_dir] = val
||||" * DLMA multiply.txt in {current_dir} set to {val}")
except Exception as e:
logging.warning(f" * {Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX}Error trying to read multiply.txt for {current_dir}: {Style.RESET_ALL}{e}")
multipliers[current_dir] = 1.0
multipliers[current_dir] = 1.0
caption = ImageCaption.resolve(pathname)
item = self.image_train_item(pathname, caption, multiplier=multipliers[current_dir])
cur_file_multiplier = multipliers[current_dir]
while cur_file_multiplier >= 1.0:
cur_file_multiplier -= 1
if cur_file_multiplier > 0:
if randomizer.random() < cur_file_multiplier:
return items
def unzip_all(path):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.zip'):
||||"Unzipping {file}")
with zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r') as zip_ref:
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error unzipping files {e}")
def recurse_data_root(recurse_root):
for f in os.listdir(recurse_root):
current = os.path.join(recurse_root, f)
if os.path.isfile(current):
ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower()
if ext in ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.bmp', '.webp', '.jfif']:
yield current
for d in os.listdir(recurse_root):
current = os.path.join(recurse_root, d)
if os.path.isdir(current):
yield from DirectoryResolver.recurse_data_root(current)
def strategy(data_root: str):
if os.path.isfile(data_root) and data_root.endswith('.json'):
return JSONResolver
if os.path.isdir(data_root):
return DirectoryResolver
raise ValueError(f"data_root '{data_root}' is not a valid directory or JSON file.")
def resolve_root(path: str, aspects: list[float], flip_p: float = 0.0, seed=555) -> list[ImageTrainItem]:
:param data_root: Directory or JSON file.
:param aspects: The list of aspect ratios to use
:param flip_p: The probability of flipping the image
if os.path.isfile(path) and path.endswith('.json'):
resolver = JSONResolver(aspects, flip_p, seed)
if os.path.isdir(path):
resolver = DirectoryResolver(aspects, flip_p, seed)
if not resolver:
raise ValueError(f"data_root '{path}' is not a valid directory or JSON file.")
items = resolver.image_train_items(path)
return items
def resolve(value: typing.Union[dict, str], aspects: list[float], flip_p: float=0.0, seed=555) -> list[ImageTrainItem]:
Resolve the training data from the value.
:param value: The value to resolve, either a dict or a string.
:param aspects: The list of aspect ratios to use
:param flip_p: The probability of flipping the image
if isinstance(value, str):
return resolve_root(value, aspects, flip_p)
if isinstance(value, dict):
resolver = value.get('resolver', None)
match resolver:
case 'directory' | 'json':
path = value.get('path', None)
return resolve_root(path, aspects, flip_p, seed)
case 'multi':
items = []
for resolver in value.get('resolvers', []):
items += resolve(resolver, aspects, flip_p, seed)
return items
case _:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot resolve training data for resolver value '{resolver}'")
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
import json
import glob
import os
import unittest
import PIL.Image as Image
import data.aspects as aspects
import data.resolver as resolver
DATA_PATH = os.path.abspath('./test/data')
JSON_ROOT_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test_root.json')
ASPECTS = aspects.get_aspect_buckets(512)
IMAGE_1_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test1.jpg')
CAPTION_1_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test1.txt')
IMAGE_2_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test2.jpg')
IMAGE_3_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test3.jpg')
class TestResolve(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
||||'RGB', (512, 512)).save(IMAGE_1_PATH)
with open(CAPTION_1_PATH, 'w') as f:
f.write('caption for test1')
||||'RGB', (512, 512)).save(IMAGE_2_PATH)
# Undersized image
||||'RGB', (256, 256)).save(IMAGE_3_PATH)
json_data = [
'image': IMAGE_1_PATH,
'caption': CAPTION_1_PATH
'image': IMAGE_2_PATH,
'caption': 'caption for test2'
'image': IMAGE_3_PATH,
with open(JSON_ROOT_PATH, 'w') as f:
json.dump(json_data, f, indent=4)
def tearDownClass(cls):
for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'test*')):
def test_directory_resolve_with_str(self):
items = resolver.resolve(DATA_PATH, ASPECTS)
image_paths = [item.pathname for item in items]
image_captions = [item.caption for item in items]
captions = [caption.get_caption() for caption in image_captions]
self.assertEqual(len(items), 3)
self.assertEqual(image_paths, [IMAGE_1_PATH, IMAGE_2_PATH, IMAGE_3_PATH])
self.assertEqual(captions, ['caption for test1', 'test2', 'test3'])
undersized_images = list(filter(lambda i: i.is_undersized, items))
self.assertEqual(len(undersized_images), 1)
def test_directory_resolve_with_dict(self):
data_root_spec = {
'resolver': 'directory',
'path': DATA_PATH,
items = resolver.resolve(data_root_spec, ASPECTS)
image_paths = [item.pathname for item in items]
image_captions = [item.caption for item in items]
captions = [caption.get_caption() for caption in image_captions]
self.assertEqual(len(items), 3)
self.assertEqual(image_paths, [IMAGE_1_PATH, IMAGE_2_PATH, IMAGE_3_PATH])
self.assertEqual(captions, ['caption for test1', 'test2', 'test3'])
undersized_images = list(filter(lambda i: i.is_undersized, items))
self.assertEqual(len(undersized_images), 1)
def test_json_resolve_with_str(self):
items = resolver.resolve(JSON_ROOT_PATH, ASPECTS)
image_paths = [item.pathname for item in items]
image_captions = [item.caption for item in items]
captions = [caption.get_caption() for caption in image_captions]
self.assertEqual(len(items), 3)
self.assertEqual(image_paths, [IMAGE_1_PATH, IMAGE_2_PATH, IMAGE_3_PATH])
self.assertEqual(captions, ['caption for test1', 'caption for test2', 'test3'])
undersized_images = list(filter(lambda i: i.is_undersized, items))
self.assertEqual(len(undersized_images), 1)
def test_json_resolve_with_dict(self):
data_root_spec = {
'resolver': 'json',
items = resolver.resolve(data_root_spec, ASPECTS)
image_paths = [item.pathname for item in items]
image_captions = [item.caption for item in items]
captions = [caption.get_caption() for caption in image_captions]
self.assertEqual(len(items), 3)
self.assertEqual(image_paths, [IMAGE_1_PATH, IMAGE_2_PATH, IMAGE_3_PATH])
self.assertEqual(captions, ['caption for test1', 'caption for test2', 'test3'])
undersized_images = list(filter(lambda i: i.is_undersized, items))
self.assertEqual(len(undersized_images), 1)
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
import unittest
import os
import pathlib
import PIL.Image as Image
from data.image_train_item import ImageCaption, ImageTrainItem
DATA_PATH = pathlib.Path('./test/data')
class TestImageCaption(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
with open(DATA_PATH / "test1.txt", encoding='utf-8', mode='w') as f:
f.write("caption for test1")
||||"RGB", (512,512)).save(DATA_PATH / "test1.jpg")
||||"RGB", (512,512)).save(DATA_PATH / "test2.jpg")
with open(DATA_PATH / "test_caption.caption", encoding='utf-8', mode='w') as f:
f.write("caption for test2")
return super().setUp()
def tearDown(self) -> None:
for file in DATA_PATH.glob("test*"):
return super().tearDown()
def test_constructor(self):
caption = ImageCaption("hello world", 1.0, ["one", "two", "three"], [1.0]*3, 2048, False)
self.assertEqual(caption.get_caption(), "hello world, one, two, three")
caption = ImageCaption("hello world", 1.0, [], [], 2048, False)
self.assertEqual(caption.get_caption(), "hello world")
def test_parse(self):
caption = ImageCaption.parse("hello world, one, two, three")
self.assertEqual(caption.get_caption(), "hello world, one, two, three")
def test_from_file_name(self):
caption = ImageCaption.from_file_name("foo bar_1_2_3.jpg")
self.assertEqual(caption.get_caption(), "foo bar")
def test_from_text_file(self):
caption = ImageCaption.from_text_file("test/data/test1.txt")
self.assertEqual(caption.get_caption(), "caption for test1")
def test_from_file(self):
caption = ImageCaption.from_file("test/data/test1.txt")
self.assertEqual(caption.get_caption(), "caption for test1")
caption = ImageCaption.from_file("test/data/test_caption.caption")
self.assertEqual(caption.get_caption(), "caption for test2")
def test_resolve(self):
caption = ImageCaption.resolve("test/data/test1.txt")
self.assertEqual(caption.get_caption(), "caption for test1")
caption = ImageCaption.resolve("test/data/test_caption.caption")
self.assertEqual(caption.get_caption(), "caption for test2")
caption = ImageCaption.resolve("hello world")
self.assertEqual(caption.get_caption(), "hello world")
caption = ImageCaption.resolve("test/data/test1.jpg")
self.assertEqual(caption.get_caption(), "caption for test1")
caption = ImageCaption.resolve("test/data/test2.jpg")
self.assertEqual(caption.get_caption(), "test2")
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