""" Copyright [2022] Victor C Hall Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License; You may not use this code except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import bisect import logging import math import os import random import typing import yaml import PIL import PIL.Image as Image import numpy as np from torchvision import transforms _RANDOM_TRIM = 0.04 DEFAULT_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH = 2048 OptionalImageCaption = typing.Optional['ImageCaption'] class ImageCaption: """ Represents the various parts of an image caption """ def __init__(self, main_prompt: str, rating: float, tags: list[str], tag_weights: list[float], max_target_length: int, use_weights: bool): """ :param main_prompt: The part of the caption which should always be included :param tags: list of tags to pick from to fill the caption :param tag_weights: weights to indicate which tags are more desired and should be picked preferably :param max_target_length: The desired maximum length of a generated caption :param use_weights: if ture, weights are considered when shuffling tags """ self.__main_prompt = main_prompt self.__rating = rating self.__tags = tags self.__tag_weights = tag_weights self.__max_target_length = max_target_length self.__use_weights = use_weights if use_weights and len(tags) > len(tag_weights): self.__tag_weights.extend([1.0] * (len(tags) - len(tag_weights))) if use_weights and len(tag_weights) > len(tags): self.__tag_weights = tag_weights[:len(tags)] def rating(self) -> float: return self.__rating def get_shuffled_caption(self, seed: int) -> str: """ returns the caption a string with a random selection of the tags in random order :param seed used to initialize the randomizer :return: generated caption string """ if self.__tags: max_target_tag_length = self.__max_target_length - len(self.__main_prompt) if self.__use_weights: tags_caption = self.__get_weighted_shuffled_tags(seed, self.__tags, self.__tag_weights, max_target_tag_length) else: tags_caption = self.__get_shuffled_tags(seed, self.__tags) return self.__main_prompt + ", " + tags_caption return self.__main_prompt def get_caption(self) -> str: if self.__tags: return self.__main_prompt + ", " + ", ".join(self.__tags) return self.__main_prompt @staticmethod def __get_weighted_shuffled_tags(seed: int, tags: list[str], weights: list[float], max_target_tag_length: int) -> str: picker = random.Random(seed) tags_copy = tags.copy() weights_copy = weights.copy() caption = "" while len(tags_copy) != 0 and len(caption) < max_target_tag_length: cum_weights = [] weight_sum = 0.0 for weight in weights_copy: weight_sum += weight cum_weights.append(weight_sum) point = picker.uniform(0, weight_sum) pos = bisect.bisect_left(cum_weights, point) weights_copy.pop(pos) tag = tags_copy.pop(pos) if caption: caption += ", " caption += tag if caption: caption += ", " caption += tag return caption @staticmethod def __get_shuffled_tags(seed: int, tags: list[str]) -> str: random.Random(seed).shuffle(tags) return ", ".join(tags) @staticmethod def parse(string: str) -> 'ImageCaption': """ Parses a string to get the caption. :param string: String to parse. :return: `ImageCaption` object. """ split_caption = list(map(str.strip, string.split(","))) main_prompt = split_caption[0] tags = split_caption[1:] tag_weights = [1.0] * len(tags) return ImageCaption(main_prompt, 1.0, tags, tag_weights, DEFAULT_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH, False) @staticmethod def from_file_name(file_path: str) -> 'ImageCaption': """ Parses the file name to get the caption. :param file_path: Path to the image file. :return: `ImageCaption` object. """ (file_name, _) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path)) caption = file_name.split("_")[0] return ImageCaption.parse(caption) @staticmethod def from_text_file(file_path: str, default_caption: OptionalImageCaption=None) -> OptionalImageCaption: """ Parses a text file to get the caption. Returns the default caption if the file does not exist or is invalid. :param file_path: Path to the text file. :param default_caption: Optional `ImageCaption` to return if the file does not exist or is invalid. :return: `ImageCaption` object or `None`. """ try: with open(file_path, encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as caption_file: caption_text = caption_file.read() return ImageCaption.parse(caption_text) except: logging.error(f" *** Error reading {file_path} to get caption") return default_caption @staticmethod def from_yaml_file(file_path: str, default_caption: OptionalImageCaption=None) -> OptionalImageCaption: """ Parses a yaml file to get the caption. Returns the default caption if the file does not exist or is invalid. :param file_path: path to the yaml file :param default_caption: caption to return if the file does not exist or is invalid :return: `ImageCaption` object or `None`. """ try: with open(file_path, "r") as stream: file_content = yaml.safe_load(stream) main_prompt = file_content.get("main_prompt", "") rating = file_content.get("rating", 1.0) unparsed_tags = file_content.get("tags", []) max_caption_length = file_content.get("max_caption_length", DEFAULT_MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH) tags = [] tag_weights = [] last_weight = None weights_differ = False for unparsed_tag in unparsed_tags: tag = unparsed_tag.get("tag", "").strip() if len(tag) == 0: continue tags.append(tag) tag_weight = unparsed_tag.get("weight", 1.0) tag_weights.append(tag_weight) if last_weight is not None and weights_differ is False: weights_differ = last_weight != tag_weight last_weight = tag_weight return ImageCaption(main_prompt, rating, tags, tag_weights, max_caption_length, weights_differ) except: logging.error(f" *** Error reading {file_path} to get caption") return default_caption @staticmethod def from_file(file_path: str, default_caption: OptionalImageCaption=None) -> OptionalImageCaption: """ Try to resolve a caption from a file path or return `default_caption`. :string: The path to the file to parse. :default_caption: Optional `ImageCaption` to return if the file does not exist or is invalid. :return: `ImageCaption` object or `None`. """ if os.path.exists(file_path): (file_path_without_ext, ext) = os.path.splitext(file_path) match ext: case ".yaml" | ".yml": return ImageCaption.from_yaml_file(file_path, default_caption) case ".txt" | ".caption": return ImageCaption.from_text_file(file_path, default_caption) case '.jpg'| '.jpeg'| '.png'| '.bmp'| '.webp'| '.jfif': for ext in [".yaml", ".yml", ".txt", ".caption"]: file_path = file_path_without_ext + ext image_caption = ImageCaption.from_file(file_path) if image_caption is not None: return image_caption return ImageCaption.from_file_name(file_path) case _: return default_caption else: return default_caption @staticmethod def resolve(string: str) -> 'ImageCaption': """ Try to resolve a caption from a string. If the string is a file path, the caption will be read from the file, otherwise the string will be parsed as a caption. :string: The string to resolve. :return: `ImageCaption` object. """ return ImageCaption.from_file(string, None) or ImageCaption.parse(string) class ImageTrainItem: """ image: PIL.Image identifier: caption, target_aspect: (width, height), pathname: path to image file flip_p: probability of flipping image (0.0 to 1.0) rating: the relative rating of the images. The rating is measured in comparison to the other images. """ def __init__(self, image: PIL.Image, caption: ImageCaption, aspects: list[float], pathname: str, flip_p=0.0, multiplier: float=1.0): self.caption = caption self.aspects = aspects self.pathname = pathname self.flip = transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=flip_p) self.cropped_img = None self.runt_size = 0 self.multiplier = multiplier self.image_size = None if image is None: self.image = [] else: self.image = image self.image_size = image.size self.target_size = None self.is_undersized = False self.error = None self.__compute_target_width_height() def hydrate(self, crop=False, save=False, crop_jitter=20): """ crop: hard center crop to 512x512 save: save the cropped image to disk, for manual inspection of resize/crop crop_jitter: randomly shift cropp by N pixels when using multiple aspect ratios to improve training quality """ # print(self.pathname, self.image) try: # if not hasattr(self, 'image'): self.image = PIL.Image.open(self.pathname).convert('RGB') width, height = self.image.size if crop: cropped_img = self.__autocrop(self.image) self.image = cropped_img.resize((512, 512), resample=PIL.Image.BICUBIC) else: width, height = self.image.size jitter_amount = random.randint(0, crop_jitter) if self.target_wh[0] == self.target_wh[1]: if width > height: left = random.randint(0, width - height) self.image = self.image.crop((left, 0, height + left, height)) width = height elif height > width: top = random.randint(0, height - width) self.image = self.image.crop((0, top, width, width + top)) height = width elif width > self.target_wh[0]: slice = min(int(self.target_wh[0] * _RANDOM_TRIM), width - self.target_wh[0]) slicew_ratio = random.random() left = int(slice * slicew_ratio) right = width - int(slice * (1 - slicew_ratio)) sliceh_ratio = random.random() top = int(slice * sliceh_ratio) bottom = height - int(slice * (1 - sliceh_ratio)) self.image = self.image.crop((left, top, right, bottom)) else: image_aspect = width / height target_aspect = self.target_wh[0] / self.target_wh[1] if image_aspect > target_aspect: new_width = int(height * target_aspect) jitter_amount = max(min(jitter_amount, int(abs(width - new_width) / 2)), 0) left = jitter_amount right = left + new_width self.image = self.image.crop((left, 0, right, height)) else: new_height = int(width / target_aspect) jitter_amount = max(min(jitter_amount, int(abs(height - new_height) / 2)), 0) top = jitter_amount bottom = top + new_height self.image = self.image.crop((0, top, width, bottom)) self.image = self.image.resize(self.target_wh, resample=PIL.Image.BICUBIC) self.image = self.flip(self.image) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Fatal Error loading image: {self.pathname}:") logging.error(e) exit() if type(self.image) is not np.ndarray: if save: base_name = os.path.basename(self.pathname) if not os.path.exists("test/output"): os.makedirs("test/output") self.image.save(f"test/output/{base_name}") self.image = np.array(self.image).astype(np.uint8) # self.image = (self.image / 127.5 - 1.0).astype(np.float32) # print(self.image.shape) return self def __compute_target_width_height(self): try: with Image.open(self.pathname) as image: width, height = image.size image_aspect = width / height target_wh = min(self.aspects, key=lambda aspects:abs(aspects[0]/aspects[1] - image_aspect)) self.is_undersized = width * height < target_wh[0] * target_wh[1] self.target_wh = target_wh except Exception as e: self.error = e @staticmethod def __autocrop(image: PIL.Image, q=.404): """ crops image to a random square inside small axis using a truncated gaussian distribution across the long axis """ x, y = image.size if x != y: if (x > y): rand_x = x - y sigma = max(rand_x * q, 1) else: rand_y = y - x sigma = max(rand_y * q, 1) if (x > y): x_crop_gauss = abs(random.gauss(0, sigma)) x_crop = min(x_crop_gauss, (x - y) / 2) x_crop = math.trunc(x_crop) y_crop = 0 else: y_crop_gauss = abs(random.gauss(0, sigma)) x_crop = 0 y_crop = min(y_crop_gauss, (y - x) / 2) y_crop = math.trunc(y_crop) min_xy = min(x, y) image = image.crop((x_crop, y_crop, x_crop + min_xy, y_crop + min_xy)) return image