/** * \file * * * \author Bernie Innocenti * \author Francesco Sacchi * \author Luca Ottaviano * * \brief Low-level timer module for AVR MEGA (implementation). * * This module is automatically included so no need to include * in test list. * notest: avr */ #include #include // BV() #include #include #include #if CPU_AVR_ATMEGA1281 || CPU_AVR_ATMEGA1280 || CPU_AVR_ATMEGA168 || CPU_AVR_ATMEGA328P || CPU_AVR_ATMEGA2560 #define REG_TIFR0 TIFR0 #define REG_TIFR1 TIFR1 #define REG_TIFR2 TIFR2 #if CPU_AVR_ATMEGA1281 || CPU_AVR_ATMEGA1280 || CPU_AVR_ATMEGA2560 #define REG_TIFR3 TIFR3 #endif #define REG_TIMSK0 TIMSK0 #define REG_TIMSK1 TIMSK1 #define REG_TIMSK2 TIMSK2 #if CPU_AVR_ATMEGA1281 || CPU_AVR_ATMEGA1280 || CPU_AVR_ATMEGA2560 #define REG_TIMSK3 TIMSK3 #endif #define REG_TCCR0A TCCR0A #define REG_TCCR0B TCCR0B #define REG_TCCR2A TCCR2A #define REG_TCCR2B TCCR2B #define REG_OCR0A OCR0A #define REG_OCR2A OCR2A #define BIT_OCF0A OCF0A #define BIT_OCF2A OCF2A #define BIT_OCIE0A OCIE0A #define BIT_OCIE2A OCIE2A #else #define REG_TIFR0 TIFR #define REG_TIFR1 TIFR #define REG_TIFR2 TIFR #define REG_TIFR3 TIFR #define REG_TIMSK0 TIMSK #define REG_TIMSK1 TIMSK #define REG_TIMSK2 TIMSK #define REG_TIMSK3 ETIMSK #define REG_TCCR0A TCCR0 #define REG_TCCR0B TCCR0 #define REG_TCCR2A TCCR2 #define REG_TCCR2B TCCR2 #define REG_OCR0A OCR0 #define REG_OCR2A OCR2 #define BIT_OCF0A OCF0 #define BIT_OCF2A OCF2 #define BIT_OCIE0A OCIE0 #define BIT_OCIE2A OCIE2 #endif #if CPU_AVR_ATMEGA128 || CPU_AVR_ATMEGA64 || CPU_AVR_ATMEGA103 /* These ATMega have different prescaler options. */ #define TIMER0_PRESCALER_64 BV(CS02) #define TIMER2_PRESCALER_64 (BV(CS21) | BV(CS20)) #else #define TIMER0_PRESCALER_64 (BV(CS01) | BV(CS00)) #define TIMER2_PRESCALER_64 BV(CS22) #endif /** HW dependent timer initialization */ #if (CONFIG_TIMER == TIMER_ON_OUTPUT_COMPARE0) void timer_hw_init(void) { cpu_flags_t flags; IRQ_SAVE_DISABLE(flags); /* Reset Timer flags */ REG_TIFR0 = BV(BIT_OCF0A) | BV(TOV0); /* Setup Timer/Counter interrupt */ REG_TCCR0A = 0; // TCCR2 reg could be separate or a unique register with both A & B values, this is needed to REG_TCCR0B = 0; REG_TCCR0A = BV(WGM01); /* Clear on Compare match */ #if TIMER_PRESCALER == 64 REG_TCCR0B |= TIMER0_PRESCALER_64; #else #error Unsupported value of TIMER_PRESCALER #endif TCNT0 = 0x00; /* Initialization of Timer/Counter */ REG_OCR0A = OCR_DIVISOR; /* Timer/Counter Output Compare Register */ /* Enable timer interrupts: Timer/Counter2 Output Compare (OCIE2) */ REG_TIMSK0 &= ~BV(TOIE0); REG_TIMSK0 |= BV(BIT_OCIE0A); IRQ_RESTORE(flags); } #elif (CONFIG_TIMER == TIMER_ON_OVERFLOW1) void timer_hw_init(void) { cpu_flags_t flags; IRQ_SAVE_DISABLE(flags); /* Reset Timer overflow flag */ REG_TIFR1 |= BV(TOV1); /* Fast PWM mode, 9 bit, 24 kHz, no prescaling. */ #if (TIMER_PRESCALER == 1) && (TIMER_HW_BITS == 9) TCCR1A |= BV(WGM11); TCCR1A &= ~BV(WGM10); TCCR1B |= BV(WGM12) | BV(CS10); TCCR1B &= ~(BV(WGM13) | BV(CS11) | BV(CS12)); /* Fast PWM mode, 8 bit, 24 kHz, no prescaling. */ #elif (TIMER_PRESCALER == 1) && (TIMER_HW_BITS == 8) TCCR1A |= BV(WGM10); TCCR1A &= ~BV(WGM11); TCCR1B |= BV(WGM12) | BV(CS10); TCCR1B &= ~(BV(WGM13) | BV(CS11) | BV(CS12)); #else #error Unsupported value of TIMER_PRESCALER or TIMER_HW_BITS #endif TCNT1 = 0x00; /* initialization of Timer/Counter */ /* Enable timer interrupt: Timer/Counter1 Overflow */ REG_TIMSK1 |= BV(TOIE1); IRQ_RESTORE(flags); } #elif (CONFIG_TIMER == TIMER_ON_OUTPUT_COMPARE2) void timer_hw_init(void) { cpu_flags_t flags; IRQ_SAVE_DISABLE(flags); /* Reset Timer flags */ REG_TIFR2 = BV(BIT_OCF2A) | BV(TOV2); /* Setup Timer/Counter interrupt */ REG_TCCR2A = 0; // TCCR2 reg could be separate or a unique register with both A & B values, this is needed to REG_TCCR2B = 0; // ensure correct initialization. REG_TCCR2A = BV(WGM21); #if TIMER_PRESCALER == 64 REG_TCCR2B |= TIMER2_PRESCALER_64; #else #error Unsupported value of TIMER_PRESCALER #endif /* Clear on Compare match & prescaler = 64, internal sys clock. When changing prescaler change TIMER_HW_HPTICKS_PER_SEC too */ TCNT2 = 0x00; /* initialization of Timer/Counter */ REG_OCR2A = (uint8_t)OCR_DIVISOR; /* Timer/Counter Output Compare Register */ /* Enable timer interrupts: Timer/Counter2 Output Compare (OCIE2) */ REG_TIMSK2 &= ~BV(TOIE2); REG_TIMSK2 |= BV(BIT_OCIE2A); IRQ_RESTORE(flags); } #elif (CONFIG_TIMER == TIMER_ON_OVERFLOW3) #if CPU_AVR_ATMEGA168 || CPU_AVR_ATMEGA328P || CPU_AVR_ATMEGA32 #error For select target there is not TIMER_ON_OVERFLOW3, please select an other one. #endif void timer_hw_init(void) { cpu_flags_t flags; IRQ_SAVE_DISABLE(flags); /* Reset Timer overflow flag */ REG_TIFR3 |= BV(TOV3); /* Fast PWM mode, 9 bit, 24 kHz, no prescaling. */ #if (TIMER_PRESCALER == 1) && (TIMER_HW_BITS == 9) TCCR3A |= BV(WGM31); TCCR3A &= ~BV(WGM30); TCCR3B |= BV(WGM32) | BV(CS30); TCCR3B &= ~(BV(WGM33) | BV(CS31) | BV(CS32)); /* Fast PWM mode, 8 bit, 24 kHz, no prescaling. */ #elif (TIMER_PRESCALER == 1) && (TIMER_HW_BITS == 8) TCCR3A |= BV(WGM30); TCCR3A &= ~BV(WGM31); TCCR3B |= BV(WGM32) | BV(CS30); TCCR3B &= ~(BV(WGM33) | BV(CS31) | BV(CS32)); #else #error Unsupported value of TIMER_PRESCALER or TIMER_HW_BITS #endif /* initialization of Timer/Counter */ TCNT3 = 0x00; /* Enable timer interrupt: Timer/Counter3 Overflow */ REG_TIMSK3 |= BV(TOIE3); IRQ_RESTORE(flags); } #else #error Unimplemented value for CONFIG_TIMER #endif /* CONFIG_TIMER */