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Getting Started Fast
The best way to get started with the Reticulum Network Stack depends on what
you want to do. This guide will outline sensible starting paths for different
Try Using a Reticulum-based Program
If you simply want to try using a program built with Reticulum, you can take
a look at `Nomad Network <>`_, which
provides a complete encrypted communications suite built with Reticulum.
.. image:: screenshots/nomadnet_3.png
:target: _images/nomadnet_3.png
`Nomad Network <>`_ is a user-facing client
for the messaging and information-sharing protocol
`LXMF <>`_, another project built with Reticulum.
You can install Nomad Network via pip:
.. code::
# Install ...
pip3 install nomadnet
# ... and run
**Please Note**: If this is the very first time you use pip to install a program
on your system, you might need to reboot your system for your program to become
available. If you get a "command not found" error or similar when running the
program, reboot your system and try again.
If you would rather use a program with a graphical user interface, you can take
a look at `Sideband <>`_, which is available for Android,
Linux and macOS.
.. image:: screenshots/sideband_1.png
:width: 400px
:align: center
:target: _images/sideband_1.png
Using the Included Utilities
Reticulum comes with a range of included utilities that make it easier to
manage your network, check connectivity and make Reticulum available to other
programs on your system.
You can use ``rnsd`` to run Reticulum as a background or foreground service,
and the ``rnstatus``, ``rnpath`` and ``rnprobe`` utilities to view and query
network status and connectivity.
To learn more about these utility programs, have a look at the
:ref:`Using Reticulum on Your System<using-main>` chapter of this manual.
Creating a Network With Reticulum
To create a network, you will need to specify one or more *interfaces* for
Reticulum to use. This is done in the Reticulum configuration file, which by
default is located at ``~/.reticulum/config``. You can edit this file by hand,
or use the interactive ``rnsconfig`` utility.
When Reticulum is started for the first time, it will create a default
configuration file, with one active interface. This default interface uses
your existing ethernet and WiFi networks (if any), and only allows you to
communicate with other Reticulum peers within your local broadcast domains.
To communicate further, you will have to add one or more interfaces. The default
configuration includes a number of examples, ranging from using TCP over the
internet, to LoRa and Packet Radio interfaces.
With Reticulum, you only need to configure what interfaces you want to communicate
over. There is no need to configure address spaces, subnets, routing tables,
or other things you might be used to from other network types.
Once Reticulums knows which interfaces it should use, it will automatically
discover topography and configure transport of data to any destinations it
knows about.
Possibly, the examples in the config file are enough to get you started. If
you want more information, you can read the :ref:`Building Networks<networks-main>`
and :ref:`Interfaces<interfaces-main>` chapters of this manual.
Connecting Reticulum Instances Over the Internet
Reticulum currently offers two interfaces for connecting instances over the Internet: :ref:`TCP<interfaces-tcps>`
and :ref:`I2P<interfaces-i2p>`. Each interface offers a different set of features, and Reticulum
users should carefully choose the interface which best suites their needs.
The ``TCPServerInterface`` allows users to host an instance accessible over TCP/IP. This
method is generally faster, lower latency, and more energy efficient than using ``I2PInterface``,
however it also leaks considerable metadata about the server host.
Direct TCP client connections are able to see your node's IP address and may be able
to use this information to determine your location or identity. Adversaries
inspecting your network's internet packets may be able to record packet metadata
like time of transmission and packet size. By default TCP does not encrypt traffic,
so an adversary may be able to use packet inspection to learn that a system is running
Reticulum, and what other IP adresses connect to it. Hosting a node via TCP server also
requires a public IP address.
The ``I2PInterface`` routes messages through the `Invisible Internet Protocol
(I2P) <>`_. To properly use this interface, users must also run an I2P daemon in
parallel to ``rnsd``. For always-on nodes it is recommended to use `i2pd <>`_ because it
generally runs more efficiently.
By default, I2P will fully encrypt all traffic sent over the network, and
obfuscate both the sender's and receiver's IP addresses. Running an I2P node
will also relay other I2P user's encrypted packets, which will use extra
bandwidth and compute power, but also makes timing attacks and other forms of
deep-packet-inspection much more difficult. Similar to RNS, I2P uses cryptographic
public keys as destination addresses, which allows users to host nodes on non-static IPs.
In general it is recommended to use an I2P node if you want to host a publically accessible
instance, while preserving anonymity. If you care more about performance, and a slightly
easier setup, use TCP.
There is a experimental public testnet you can join by adding one of the following
interfaces to your ``.reticulum/config`` file:
.. code::
# For connecting over TCP/IP:
[[RNS Testnet Frankfurt]]
type = TCPClientInterface
interface_enabled = yes
outgoing = True
target_host =
target_port = 4965
# For connecting over I2P:
[[RNS Testnet I2P Node A]]
type = I2PInterface
interface_enabled = yes
peers = ykzlw5ujbaqc2xkec4cpvgyxj257wcrmmgkuxqmqcur7cq3w3lha.b32.i2p
Develop a Program with Reticulum
If you want to develop programs that use Reticulum, the easiest way to get
started is to install the latest release of Reticulum via pip:
.. code::
pip3 install rns
The above command will install Reticulum and dependencies, and you will be
ready to import and use RNS in your own programs. The next step will most
likely be to look at some :ref:`Example Programs<examples-main>`.
For extended functionality, you can install optional dependencies:
.. code::
pip3 install pyserial netifaces
Further information can be found in the :ref:`API Reference<api-main>`.
Participate in Reticulum Development
If you want to participate in the development of Reticulum and associated
utilities, you'll want to get the latest source from GitHub. In that case,
don't use pip, but try this recipe:
.. code::
# Install dependencies
pip3 install cryptography pyserial netifaces
# Clone repository
git clone
# Move into Reticulum folder and symlink library to examples folder
cd Reticulum
ln -s ../RNS ./Examples/
# Run an example
python3 Examples/ -s
# Unless you've manually created a config file, Reticulum will do so now,
# and immediately exit. Make any necessary changes to the file:
nano ~/.reticulum/config
# ... and launch the example again.
python3 Examples/ -s
# You can now repeat the process on another computer,
# and run the same example with -h to get command line options.
python3 Examples/ -h
# Run the example in client mode to "ping" the server.
# Replace the hash below with the actual destination hash of your server.
python3 Examples/ 3e12fc71692f8ec47bc5
# Have a look at another example
python3 Examples/ -h
When you have experimented with the basic examples, it's time to go read the
:ref:`Understanding Reticulum<understanding-main>` chapter.
Reticulum on ARM64
On some architectures, including ARM64, not all dependencies have precompiled
binaries. On such systems, you will need to install ``python3-dev`` before
installing Reticulum or programs that depend on Reticulum.
.. code::
# Install Python and development packages
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-dev
# Install Reticulum
python3 -m pip install rns
Reticulum on Android
Reticulum can be used on Android in different ways. The easiest way to get
started is using an app like `Sideband <>`_.
For more control and features, you can use Reticulum and related programs via
the `Termux app <>`_, at the time of writing available on
`F-droid <>`_.
Termux is a terminal emulator and Linux environment for Android based devices,
which includes the ability to use many different programs and libraries,
including Reticulum.
Since the Python module does not offer pre-built wheels for
Android, the standard one-line install of Reticulum does not work on Android,
and a few extra commands are required.
From within Termux, execute the following:
.. code::
# First, make sure indexes and packages are up to date.
pkg update
pkg upgrade
# Then install dependencies for the cryptography library.
pkg install python build-essential openssl libffi rust
# Make sure pip is up to date, and install the wheel module.
pip3 install wheel pip --upgrade
# To allow the installer to build the cryptography module,
# we need to let it know what platform we are compiling for:
export CARGO_BUILD_TARGET="aarch64-linux-android"
# Start the install process for the cryptography module.
# Depending on your device, this can take several minutes,
# since the module must be compiled locally on your device.
pip3 install cryptography
# If the above installation succeeds, you can now install
# Reticulum and any related software
pip3 install rns
It is also possible to include Reticulum in apps compiled and distributed as
Android APKs. A detailed tutorial and example source code will be included
here at a later point.
Adding Radio Interfaces
Once you have Reticulum installed and working, you can add radio interfaces with
any compatible hardware you have available. For information on how to configure
this, see the :ref:`Interfaces<interfaces-main>` section of this manual.
A range of common LoRa development boards and transceiver modules can be used
as interfaces with Reticulum. You can refer to the following external resources
for more information:
* `How To Make Your Own RNodes <>`_
* `Installing RNode Firmware on Compatible LoRa Devices <>`_
* `Private, Secure and Uncensorable Messaging Over a LoRa Mesh <>`_
* `RNode Firmware <>`_