2024-12-07 13:28:51 -07:00
import time
import RNS
from typing import Union
from kivy . metrics import dp , sp
from kivy . lang . builder import Builder
from kivy . core . clipboard import Clipboard
from kivy . utils import escape_markup
from kivymd . uix . recycleview import MDRecycleView
from kivymd . uix . list import OneLineIconListItem
from kivymd . uix . pickers import MDColorPicker
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from kivymd . uix . button import MDRectangleFlatButton
from kivymd . uix . dialog import MDDialog
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from kivymd . icon_definitions import md_icons
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from kivymd . toast import toast
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from kivy . properties import StringProperty , BooleanProperty
from kivy . effects . scroll import ScrollEffect
from kivy . clock import Clock
from sideband . sense import Telemeter
import threading
from datetime import datetime
if RNS . vendor . platformutils . get_platform ( ) == " android " :
from ui . helpers import ts_format
from android . permissions import request_permissions , check_permission
else :
from . helpers import ts_format
class Utilities ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , app ) :
self . app = app
self . screen = None
self . rnstatus_screen = None
self . rnstatus_instance = None
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self . logviewer_screen = None
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if not self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . has_screen ( " utilities_screen " ) :
self . screen = Builder . load_string ( layout_utilities_screen )
self . screen . app = self . app
self . screen . delegate = self
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . add_widget ( self . screen )
self . screen . ids . telemetry_scrollview . effect_cls = ScrollEffect
2024-12-08 13:17:41 -07:00
info = " This section contains various utilities and diagnostics tools, "
info + = " that can be helpful while using Sideband and Reticulum. "
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if self . app . theme_cls . theme_style == " Dark " :
info = " [color=# " + self . app . dark_theme_text_color + " ] " + info + " [/color] "
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self . screen . ids . utilities_info . text = info
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2024-12-10 12:24:09 -07:00
### RNode Flasher
def flasher_action ( self , sender = None ) :
yes_button = MDRectangleFlatButton ( text = " Launch " , font_size = dp ( 18 ) , theme_text_color = " Custom " , line_color = self . app . color_accept , text_color = self . app . color_accept )
no_button = MDRectangleFlatButton ( text = " Back " , font_size = dp ( 18 ) )
dialog = MDDialog (
title = " RNode Flasher " ,
text = " You can use the included web-based RNode flasher, by starting Sideband ' s built-in repository server, and accessing the RNode Flasher page. " ,
buttons = [ no_button , yes_button ] ,
# elevation=0,
def dl_yes ( s ) :
dialog . dismiss ( )
self . app . sideband . start_webshare ( )
def cb ( dt ) :
self . app . repository_action ( )
Clock . schedule_once ( cb , 0.6 )
def dl_no ( s ) :
dialog . dismiss ( )
yes_button . bind ( on_release = dl_yes )
no_button . bind ( on_release = dl_no )
dialog . open ( )
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### rnstatus screen
def rnstatus_action ( self , sender = None ) :
if not self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . has_screen ( " rnstatus_screen " ) :
self . rnstatus_screen = Builder . load_string ( layout_rnstatus_screen )
self . rnstatus_screen . app = self . app
self . rnstatus_screen . delegate = self
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . add_widget ( self . rnstatus_screen )
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " rnstatus_screen "
self . app . sideband . setstate ( " app.displaying " , self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . current )
self . update_rnstatus ( )
def update_rnstatus ( self , sender = None ) :
threading . Thread ( target = self . update_rnstatus_job , daemon = True ) . start ( )
def update_rnstatus_job ( self , sender = None ) :
if self . rnstatus_instance == None :
import RNS . Utilities . rnstatus as rnstatus
self . rnstatus_instance = rnstatus
import io
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
output = " None "
with io . StringIO ( ) as buffer , redirect_stdout ( buffer ) :
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with RNS . logging_lock :
self . rnstatus_instance . main ( rns_instance = RNS . Reticulum . get_instance ( ) )
output = buffer . getvalue ( )
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def cb ( dt ) :
2024-12-08 04:45:50 -07:00
self . rnstatus_screen . ids . rnstatus_output . text = f " [font=RobotoMono-Regular][size= { int ( dp ( 12 ) ) } ] { output } [/size][/font] "
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Clock . schedule_once ( cb , 0.2 )
if self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . current == " rnstatus_screen " :
Clock . schedule_once ( self . update_rnstatus , 1 )
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### Advanced Configuration screen
def advanced_action ( self , sender = None ) :
if not self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . has_screen ( " advanced_screen " ) :
self . advanced_screen = Builder . load_string ( layout_advanced_screen )
self . advanced_screen . app = self . app
self . advanced_screen . delegate = self
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . add_widget ( self . advanced_screen )
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " advanced_screen "
self . app . sideband . setstate ( " app.displaying " , self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . current )
self . update_advanced ( )
def update_advanced ( self , sender = None ) :
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if RNS . vendor . platformutils . is_android ( ) :
ct = self . app . sideband . config [ " config_template " ]
self . advanced_screen . ids . config_template . text = f " [font=RobotoMono-Regular][size= { int ( dp ( 12 ) ) } ] { ct } [/size][/font] "
else :
self . advanced_screen . ids . config_template . text = f " [font=RobotoMono-Regular][size= { int ( dp ( 12 ) ) } ]On this platform, Reticulum configuration is managed by the system. You can change the configuration by editing the file located at: \n \n { self . app . sideband . reticulum . configpath } [/size][/font] "
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def copy_config ( self , sender = None ) :
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if RNS . vendor . platformutils . is_android ( ) :
Clipboard . copy ( self . app . sideband . config_template )
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def paste_config ( self , sender = None ) :
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if RNS . vendor . platformutils . is_android ( ) :
self . app . sideband . config_template = Clipboard . paste ( )
self . app . sideband . config [ " config_template " ] = self . app . sideband . config_template
self . app . sideband . save_configuration ( )
self . update_advanced ( )
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### Log viewer screen
def logviewer_action ( self , sender = None ) :
if not self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . has_screen ( " logviewer_screen " ) :
self . logviewer_screen = Builder . load_string ( layout_logviewer_screen )
self . logviewer_screen . app = self . app
self . logviewer_screen . delegate = self
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . add_widget ( self . logviewer_screen )
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . transition . direction = " left "
self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . current = " logviewer_screen "
self . app . sideband . setstate ( " app.displaying " , self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . current )
self . update_logviewer ( )
def update_logviewer ( self , sender = None ) :
threading . Thread ( target = self . update_logviewer_job , daemon = True ) . start ( )
def update_logviewer_job ( self , sender = None ) :
try :
output = self . app . sideband . get_log ( )
except Exception as e :
output = f " An error occurred while retrieving log entries: \n { e } "
self . logviewer_screen . log_contents = output
def cb ( dt ) :
2024-12-08 04:45:50 -07:00
self . logviewer_screen . ids . logviewer_output . text = f " [font=RobotoMono-Regular][size= { int ( dp ( 12 ) ) } ] { output } [/size][/font] "
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Clock . schedule_once ( cb , 0.2 )
if self . app . root . ids . screen_manager . current == " logviewer_screen " :
Clock . schedule_once ( self . update_logviewer , 1 )
def logviewer_copy ( self , sender = None ) :
Clipboard . copy ( self . logviewer_screen . log_contents )
if True or RNS . vendor . platformutils . is_android ( ) :
toast ( " Log copied to clipboard " )
2024-12-07 13:28:51 -07:00
layout_utilities_screen = """
MDScreen :
name : " utilities_screen "
BoxLayout :
orientation : " vertical "
MDTopAppBar :
title : " Utilities "
anchor_title : " left "
elevation : 0
left_action_items :
[ [ ' menu ' , lambda x : root . app . nav_drawer . set_state ( " open " ) ] ]
right_action_items :
[ ' close ' , lambda x : root . app . close_any_action ( self ) ] ,
ScrollView :
id : telemetry_scrollview
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " vertical "
size_hint_y : None
height : self . minimum_height
2024-12-08 13:17:41 -07:00
padding : [ dp ( 28 ) , dp ( 32 ) , dp ( 28 ) , dp ( 16 ) ]
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2024-12-08 13:17:41 -07:00
# MDLabel:
# text: "Utilities & Tools"
# font_style: "H6"
2024-12-07 13:28:51 -07:00
MDLabel :
2024-12-08 13:17:41 -07:00
id : utilities_info
2024-12-07 13:28:51 -07:00
markup : True
text : " "
size_hint_y : None
text_size : self . width , None
height : self . texture_size [ 1 ]
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " vertical "
spacing : " 24dp "
size_hint_y : None
height : self . minimum_height
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 35 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 35 ) ]
MDRectangleFlatIconButton :
id : rnstatus_button
icon : " wifi-check "
text : " Reticulum Status "
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) ]
icon_size : dp ( 24 )
font_size : dp ( 16 )
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
on_release : root . delegate . rnstatus_action ( self )
disabled : False
MDRectangleFlatIconButton :
id : logview_button
icon : " list-box-outline "
text : " Log Viewer "
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) ]
icon_size : dp ( 24 )
font_size : dp ( 16 )
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
2024-12-07 14:27:39 -07:00
on_release : root . delegate . logviewer_action ( self )
disabled : False
2024-12-08 13:17:41 -07:00
MDRectangleFlatIconButton :
2024-12-10 12:24:09 -07:00
id : flasher_button
icon : " radio-handheld "
text : " RNode Flasher "
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) ]
icon_size : dp ( 24 )
font_size : dp ( 16 )
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
on_release : root . delegate . flasher_action ( self )
disabled : False
MDRectangleFlatIconButton :
2024-12-08 13:17:41 -07:00
id : advanced_button
icon : " network-pos "
text : " Advanced RNS Configuration "
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) ]
icon_size : dp ( 24 )
font_size : dp ( 16 )
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
on_release : root . delegate . advanced_action ( self )
disabled : False
2024-12-07 13:28:51 -07:00
layout_rnstatus_screen = """
MDScreen :
name : " rnstatus_screen "
BoxLayout :
orientation : " vertical "
MDTopAppBar :
id : top_bar
title : " Reticulum Status "
anchor_title : " left "
elevation : 0
left_action_items :
[ [ ' menu ' , lambda x : root . app . nav_drawer . set_state ( " open " ) ] ]
right_action_items :
2024-12-07 14:27:39 -07:00
# ['refresh', lambda x: root.delegate.update_rnstatus()],
2024-12-07 13:28:51 -07:00
[ ' close ' , lambda x : root . app . close_sub_utilities_action ( self ) ] ,
MDScrollView :
2024-12-07 14:27:39 -07:00
id : rnstatus_scrollview
2024-12-07 13:28:51 -07:00
size_hint_x : 1
size_hint_y : None
size : [ root . width , root . height - root . ids . top_bar . height ]
do_scroll_x : False
do_scroll_y : True
MDGridLayout :
cols : 1
padding : [ dp ( 28 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 28 ) , dp ( 28 ) ]
size_hint_y : None
height : self . minimum_height
MDLabel :
id : rnstatus_output
markup : True
text : " "
size_hint_y : None
text_size : self . width , None
height : self . texture_size [ 1 ]
2024-12-07 14:27:39 -07:00
layout_logviewer_screen = """
MDScreen :
name : " logviewer_screen "
BoxLayout :
orientation : " vertical "
MDTopAppBar :
id : top_bar
title : " Log Viewer "
anchor_title : " left "
elevation : 0
left_action_items :
[ [ ' menu ' , lambda x : root . app . nav_drawer . set_state ( " open " ) ] ]
right_action_items :
[ ' content-copy ' , lambda x : root . delegate . logviewer_copy ( ) ] ,
[ ' close ' , lambda x : root . app . close_sub_utilities_action ( self ) ] ,
MDScrollView :
id : logviewer_scrollview
size_hint_x : 1
size_hint_y : None
size : [ root . width , root . height - root . ids . top_bar . height ]
do_scroll_x : False
do_scroll_y : True
MDGridLayout :
cols : 1
padding : [ dp ( 28 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 28 ) , dp ( 28 ) ]
size_hint_y : None
height : self . minimum_height
MDLabel :
id : logviewer_output
markup : True
text : " "
size_hint_y : None
text_size : self . width , None
height : self . texture_size [ 1 ]
2024-12-10 17:58:46 -07:00
layout_advanced_screen = """
MDScreen :
name : " advanced_screen "
BoxLayout :
orientation : " vertical "
MDTopAppBar :
id : top_bar
title : " RNS Configuration "
anchor_title : " left "
elevation : 0
left_action_items :
[ [ ' menu ' , lambda x : root . app . nav_drawer . set_state ( " open " ) ] ]
right_action_items :
# ['refresh', lambda x: root.delegate.update_rnstatus()],
[ ' close ' , lambda x : root . app . close_sub_utilities_action ( self ) ] ,
MDScrollView :
id : advanced_scrollview
size_hint_x : 1
size_hint_y : None
size : [ root . width , root . height - root . ids . top_bar . height ]
do_scroll_x : False
do_scroll_y : True
MDGridLayout :
cols : 1
padding : [ dp ( 28 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 28 ) , dp ( 28 ) ]
size_hint_y : None
height : self . minimum_height
MDBoxLayout :
orientation : " horizontal "
spacing : dp ( 24 )
size_hint_y : None
height : self . minimum_height
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 24 ) ]
MDRectangleFlatIconButton :
id : telemetry_button
icon : " content-copy "
text : " Copy Configuration "
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) ]
icon_size : dp ( 24 )
font_size : dp ( 16 )
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
on_release : root . delegate . copy_config ( self )
disabled : False
MDRectangleFlatIconButton :
id : coordinates_button
icon : " download "
text : " Paste Configuration "
padding : [ dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) , dp ( 0 ) , dp ( 14 ) ]
icon_size : dp ( 24 )
font_size : dp ( 16 )
size_hint : [ 1.0 , None ]
on_release : root . delegate . paste_config ( self )
disabled : False
MDLabel :
id : config_template
markup : True
text : " "
size_hint_y : None
text_size : self . width , None
height : self . texture_size [ 1 ]