# Wasted
Lock a device and wipe its data on emergency.
You can use [PanicKit](https://guardianproject.info/code/panickit/), tile, shortcut or send a
message with a secret code. On trigger, using
[Device Administration API](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/admin/device-admin), it
locks a device and optionally runs wipe (factory reset). Also it can send a broadcast message
instead of the wipe.
Also you can:
* fire when a device was not unlocked for X time
* fire when a USB data connection is made while a device is locked
* fire when a fake messenger app is launched
* fire when a duress password is entered (companion app: [Duress](https://github.com/x13a/Duress))
The app works in `Work Profile` too, but with limitations. Use it to install risky apps and
`Wasted` in it. Then you can wipe this profile data with one click without wiping the whole device.
For base security take a look at: [Sentry](https://github.com/x13a/Sentry).
Only encrypted device may guarantee that the data will not be recoverable.
## Broadcast
* action: `me.lucky.wasted.action.TRIGGER`
* receiver: `me.lucky.wasted/.TriggerReceiver`
* also you have to send a secret code from Wasted with the key: `code`
## Permissions
* DEVICE_ADMIN - lock and optionally wipe a device
* FOREGROUND_SERVICE - receive lock and USB state events
* RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - persist lock job and foreground service across reboots
## Localization
## License
[![GNU GPLv3 Image](https://www.gnu.org/graphics/gplv3-127x51.png)](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)