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--- a/feeds/luci/libs/luci-lib-base/luasrc/http.lua
+++ b/feeds/luci/libs/luci-lib-base/luasrc/http.lua
@@ -6,13 +6,378 @@
local coroutine = require "coroutine"
local table = require "table"
local lhttp = require "lucihttp"
+local nixio = require "nixio"
+local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12"
-local L, table, ipairs, pairs, type, error = _G.L, table, ipairs, pairs, type, error
+local L, table, ipairs, pairs, type, tostring, tonumber, error = _G.L, table, ipairs, pairs, type, tostring, tonumber, error
module "luci.http"
HTTP_MAX_CONTENT = 1024*100 -- 100 kB maximum content size
+-- Restore Request functionality
+Request = util.class()
+function Request.__init__(self, env, sourcein, sinkerr)
+ self.input = sourcein
+ self.error = sinkerr
+ -- File handler nil by default to let .content() work
+ self.filehandler = nil
+ -- HTTP-Message table
+ self.message = {
+ env = env,
+ headers = {},
+ params = urldecode_params(env.QUERY_STRING or ""),
+ }
+ self.parsed_input = false
+function Request.formvalue(self, name, noparse)
+ if not noparse and not self.parsed_input then
+ self:_parse_input()
+ end
+ if name then
+ return self.message.params[name]
+ else
+ return self.message.params
+ end
+function Request.formvaluetable(self, prefix)
+ local vals = {}
+ prefix = prefix and prefix .. "." or "."
+ if not self.parsed_input then
+ self:_parse_input()
+ end
+ local void = self.message.params[nil]
+ for k, v in pairs(self.message.params) do
+ if k:find(prefix, 1, true) == 1 then
+ vals[k:sub(#prefix + 1)] = tostring(v)
+ end
+ end
+ return vals
+function Request.content(self)
+ if not self.parsed_input then
+ self:_parse_input()
+ end
+ return self.message.content, self.message.content_length
+function Request.getcookie(self, name)
+ return lhttp.header_attribute("cookie; " .. (self:getenv("HTTP_COOKIE") or ""), name)
+function Request.getenv(self, name)
+ if name then
+ return self.message.env[name]
+ else
+ return self.message.env
+ end
+function Request.setfilehandler(self, callback)
+ self.filehandler = callback
+ if not self.parsed_input then
+ return
+ end
+ -- If input has already been parsed then uploads are stored as unlinked
+ -- temporary files pointed to by open file handles in the parameter
+ -- value table. Loop all params, and invoke the file callback for any
+ -- param with an open file handle.
+ local name, value
+ for name, value in pairs(self.message.params) do
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ while value.fd do
+ local data = value.fd:read(1024)
+ local eof = (not data or data == "")
+ callback(value, data, eof)
+ if eof then
+ value.fd:close()
+ value.fd = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function Request._parse_input(self)
+ parse_message_body(
+ self.input,
+ self.message,
+ self.filehandler
+ )
+ self.parsed_input = true
+-- from given url or string. Returns a table with urldecoded values.
+-- Simple parameters are stored as string values associated with the parameter
+-- name within the table. Parameters with multiple values are stored as array
+-- containing the corresponding values.
+function urldecode_params(url, tbl)
+ local parser, name
+ local params = tbl or { }
+ parser = lhttp.urlencoded_parser(function (what, buffer, length)
+ if what == parser.TUPLE then
+ name, value = nil, nil
+ elseif what == parser.NAME then
+ name = lhttp.urldecode(buffer)
+ elseif what == parser.VALUE and name then
+ params[name] = lhttp.urldecode(buffer) or ""
+ end
+ return true
+ end)
+ if parser then
+ parser:parse((url or ""):match("[^?]*$"))
+ parser:parse(nil)
+ end
+ return params
+-- Content-Type. Stores all extracted data associated with its parameter name
+-- in the params table within the given message object. Multiple parameter
+-- values are stored as tables, ordinary ones as strings.
+-- If an optional file callback function is given then it is fed with the
+-- file contents chunk by chunk and only the extracted file name is stored
+-- within the params table. The callback function will be called subsequently
+-- with three arguments:
+-- o Table containing decoded (name, file) and raw (headers) mime header data
+-- o String value containing a chunk of the file data
+-- o Boolean which indicates whether the current chunk is the last one (eof)
+function mimedecode_message_body(src, msg, file_cb)
+ local parser, header, field
+ local len, maxlen = 0, tonumber(msg.env.CONTENT_LENGTH or nil)
+ parser, err = lhttp.multipart_parser(msg.env.CONTENT_TYPE, function (what, buffer, length)
+ if what == parser.PART_INIT then
+ field = { }
+ elseif what == parser.HEADER_NAME then
+ header = buffer:lower()
+ elseif what == parser.HEADER_VALUE and header then
+ if header:lower() == "content-disposition" and
+ lhttp.header_attribute(buffer, nil) == "form-data"
+ then
+ = lhttp.header_attribute(buffer, "name")
+ field.file = lhttp.header_attribute(buffer, "filename")
+ field[1] = field.file
+ end
+ if field.headers then
+ field.headers[header] = buffer
+ else
+ field.headers = { [header] = buffer }
+ end
+ elseif what == parser.PART_BEGIN then
+ return not field.file
+ elseif what == parser.PART_DATA and and length > 0 then
+ if field.file then
+ if file_cb then
+ file_cb(field, buffer, false)
+ msg.params[] = msg.params[] or field
+ else
+ if not field.fd then
+ field.fd = nixio.mkstemp(
+ end
+ if field.fd then
+ field.fd:write(buffer)
+ msg.params[] = msg.params[] or field
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ field.value = buffer
+ end
+ elseif what == parser.PART_END and then
+ if field.file and msg.params[] then
+ if file_cb then
+ file_cb(field, "", true)
+ elseif field.fd then
+ field.fd:seek(0, "set")
+ end
+ else
+ local val = msg.params[]
+ if type(val) == "table" then
+ val[#val+1] = field.value or ""
+ elseif val ~= nil then
+ msg.params[] = { val, field.value or "" }
+ else
+ msg.params[] = field.value or ""
+ end
+ end
+ field = nil
+ elseif what == parser.ERROR then
+ err = buffer
+ end
+ return true
+ return ltn12.pump.all(src, function (chunk)
+ len = len + (chunk and #chunk or 0)
+ if maxlen and len > maxlen + 2 then
+ return nil, "Message body size exceeds Content-Length"
+ end
+ if not parser or not parser:parse(chunk) then
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ return true
+ end)
+-- Content-Type. Stores all extracted data associated with its parameter name
+-- in the params table within the given message object. Multiple parameter
+-- values are stored as tables, ordinary ones as strings.
+function urldecode_message_body(src, msg)
+ local err, name, value, parser
+ local len, maxlen = 0, tonumber(msg.env.CONTENT_LENGTH or nil)
+ parser = lhttp.urlencoded_parser(function (what, buffer, length)
+ if what == parser.TUPLE then
+ name, value = nil, nil
+ elseif what == parser.NAME then
+ name = lhttp.urldecode(buffer, lhttp.DECODE_PLUS)
+ elseif what == parser.VALUE and name then
+ local val = msg.params[name]
+ if type(val) == "table" then
+ val[#val+1] = lhttp.urldecode(buffer, lhttp.DECODE_PLUS) or ""
+ elseif val ~= nil then
+ msg.params[name] = { val, lhttp.urldecode(buffer, lhttp.DECODE_PLUS) or "" }
+ else
+ msg.params[name] = lhttp.urldecode(buffer, lhttp.DECODE_PLUS) or ""
+ end
+ elseif what == parser.ERROR then
+ err = buffer
+ end
+ return true
+ return ltn12.pump.all(src, function (chunk)
+ len = len + (chunk and #chunk or 0)
+ if maxlen and len > maxlen + 2 then
+ return nil, "Message body size exceeds Content-Length"
+ elseif len > HTTP_MAX_CONTENT then
+ return nil, "Message body size exceeds maximum allowed length"
+ end
+ if not parser or not parser:parse(chunk) then
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ return true
+ end)
+-- This function will examine the Content-Type within the given message object
+-- to select the appropriate content decoder.
+-- Currently the application/x-www-urlencoded and application/form-data
+-- mime types are supported. If the encountered content encoding can't be
+-- handled then the whole message body will be stored unaltered as "content"
+-- property within the given message object.
+function parse_message_body(src, msg, filecb)
+ if msg.env.CONTENT_LENGTH or msg.env.REQUEST_METHOD == "POST" then
+ local ctype = lhttp.header_attribute(msg.env.CONTENT_TYPE, nil)
+ -- Is it multipart/mime ?
+ if ctype == "multipart/form-data" then
+ return mimedecode_message_body(src, msg, filecb)
+ -- Is it application/x-www-form-urlencoded ?
+ elseif ctype == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" then
+ return urldecode_message_body(src, msg)
+ end
+ -- Unhandled encoding
+ -- If a file callback is given then feed it chunk by chunk, else
+ -- store whole buffer in message.content
+ local sink
+ -- If we have a file callback then feed it
+ if type(filecb) == "function" then
+ local meta = {
+ name = "raw",
+ encoding = msg.env.CONTENT_TYPE
+ }
+ sink = function( chunk )
+ if chunk then
+ return filecb(meta, chunk, false)
+ else
+ return filecb(meta, nil, true)
+ end
+ end
+ -- ... else append to .content
+ else
+ msg.content = ""
+ msg.content_length = 0
+ sink = function( chunk )
+ if chunk then
+ if ( msg.content_length + #chunk ) <= HTTP_MAX_CONTENT then
+ msg.content = msg.content .. chunk
+ msg.content_length = msg.content_length + #chunk
+ return true
+ else
+ return nil, "POST data exceeds maximum allowed length"
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ -- Pump data...
+ while true do
+ local ok, err = ltn12.pump.step( src, sink )
+ if not ok and err then
+ return nil, err
+ elseif not ok then -- eof
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+-- END
function close()