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Link Quality Management (#360) * Link Quality Management experiment (built in) * Protect LQM pages * Omit "empty" mac addresses * Integrate LQM v0.2 Includes proposed UI if this were built-in. When LQM is enabled (advanced settings) the usual distance inputs are replaced with "min snr' and "max distance" inputs which are the major ones you might tweak, as well as a link to the LQM status page. Other controls are now available (so protected) in advanced settings. * Improve LQM updating * Use running snr averages * Merge app changes * AREDN-ize the UI * Improve status language * Improved DtD detection * Improve quality reporting * Link Quality category * Enable by default * Better intergration * Link => Neighbor * Formatting * Make sure initial page is populated without extra fetch * Handle empty * Update with latest experiment algorithm changes * Validate LQM settings before applying them * Algorithm updates * Improve quality reporting * %% -> % * Default max distance now 50 miles * Get actual noise if radio will provide it * low_snr => min_snr * Dont print node description if we dont have one * Remove properties duplicated from setup page * Localize max distance. Miles in GB and US, Kilometers everywhere else. * Ping link quality testing * UDP 'ping' for quality check * Change Active Settings title * Expand ping test * Improve messaging * Add a ping penalty for neighbors which cannot be contacted in a timely manner. * Remove user_blocks config option. No one needs to use this anymore. * Localize distances on lqm page * Improve status reporting * First run emergency node setup. When a node first runs LQM, if the default settings fail to connect to a node we will now adjust them so that at least one node is viable. * Restore blocking of mac addresses * LQM now off by default fixed #47
2022-05-18 11:49:00 -06:00
Copyright (C) 2022 Tim Wilkinson
See Contributors file for additional contributors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Additional Terms:
Additional use restrictions exist on the AREDN(TM) trademark and logo.
See AREDNLicense.txt for more info.
Attributions to the AREDN Project must be retained in the source code.
If importing this code into a new or existing project attribution
to the AREDN project must be added to the source code.
You must not misrepresent the origin of the material contained within.
Modified versions must be modified to attribute to the original source
and be marked in reasonable ways as differentiate it from the original
local json = require("luci.jsonc")
local ip = require("luci.ip")
local info = require("")
local refresh_timeout = 15 * 60 -- refresh high cost data every 15 minutes
local pending_timeout = 5 * 60 -- pending node wait 5 minutes before they are included
local first_run_timeout = 4 * 60 -- first ever run can adjust the config to make sure we dont ignore evereyone
local lastseen_timeout = 60 * 60 -- age out nodes we've not seen for 1 hour
local snr_run_avg = 0.8 -- snr running average
local quality_min_packets = 100 -- minimum number of tx packets before we can safely calculate the link quality
local quality_injection_max = 10 -- number of packets to inject into poor links to update quality
local quality_run_avg = 0.8 -- quality running average
local ping_timeout = 1.0 -- timeout before ping gives a qualtiy penalty
local myhostname = (info.get_nvram("node") or "localnode"):lower()
local now = 0
function get_config()
local c = uci.cursor() -- each time as /etc/config/aredn may have changed
return {
margin = tonumber(c:get("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "margin_snr")),
low = tonumber(c:get("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "min_snr")),
min_distance = tonumber(c:get("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "min_distance")),
max_distance = tonumber(c:get("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "max_distance")),
min_quality = tonumber(c:get("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "min_quality")),
margin_quality = tonumber(c:get("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "margin_quality")),
ping_penalty = tonumber(c:get("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "ping_penalty")),
user_blocks = c:get("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "user_blocks") or ""
2022-05-20 20:23:57 -06:00
function is_connected(track)
if track.lastseen >= now then
return true
return false
Link Quality Management (#360) * Link Quality Management experiment (built in) * Protect LQM pages * Omit "empty" mac addresses * Integrate LQM v0.2 Includes proposed UI if this were built-in. When LQM is enabled (advanced settings) the usual distance inputs are replaced with "min snr' and "max distance" inputs which are the major ones you might tweak, as well as a link to the LQM status page. Other controls are now available (so protected) in advanced settings. * Improve LQM updating * Use running snr averages * Merge app changes * AREDN-ize the UI * Improve status language * Improved DtD detection * Improve quality reporting * Link Quality category * Enable by default * Better intergration * Link => Neighbor * Formatting * Make sure initial page is populated without extra fetch * Handle empty * Update with latest experiment algorithm changes * Validate LQM settings before applying them * Algorithm updates * Improve quality reporting * %% -> % * Default max distance now 50 miles * Get actual noise if radio will provide it * low_snr => min_snr * Dont print node description if we dont have one * Remove properties duplicated from setup page * Localize max distance. Miles in GB and US, Kilometers everywhere else. * Ping link quality testing * UDP 'ping' for quality check * Change Active Settings title * Expand ping test * Improve messaging * Add a ping penalty for neighbors which cannot be contacted in a timely manner. * Remove user_blocks config option. No one needs to use this anymore. * Localize distances on lqm page * Improve status reporting * First run emergency node setup. When a node first runs LQM, if the default settings fail to connect to a node we will now adjust them so that at least one node is viable. * Restore blocking of mac addresses * LQM now off by default fixed #47
2022-05-18 11:49:00 -06:00
function should_block(track)
if now > track.pending then
return track.blocks.dtd or track.blocks.signal or track.blocks.distance or track.blocks.user or track.blocks.dup or track.blocks.quality
return track.blocks.dtd or track.blocks.user
function should_nonpair_block(track)
return track.blocks.dtd or track.blocks.signal or track.blocks.distance or track.blocks.user or track.blocks.quality
function only_quality_block(track)
return track.blocked and track.blocks.quality and not (
track.blocks.dtd or track.blocks.signal or track.blocks.distance or track.blocks.user or track.blocks.dup
2022-05-20 20:23:57 -06:00
function should_ping(track)
if track.ip and is_connected(track) and not (track.blocks.dtd or track.blocks.distance or track.blocks.user) then
return true
return false
Link Quality Management (#360) * Link Quality Management experiment (built in) * Protect LQM pages * Omit "empty" mac addresses * Integrate LQM v0.2 Includes proposed UI if this were built-in. When LQM is enabled (advanced settings) the usual distance inputs are replaced with "min snr' and "max distance" inputs which are the major ones you might tweak, as well as a link to the LQM status page. Other controls are now available (so protected) in advanced settings. * Improve LQM updating * Use running snr averages * Merge app changes * AREDN-ize the UI * Improve status language * Improved DtD detection * Improve quality reporting * Link Quality category * Enable by default * Better intergration * Link => Neighbor * Formatting * Make sure initial page is populated without extra fetch * Handle empty * Update with latest experiment algorithm changes * Validate LQM settings before applying them * Algorithm updates * Improve quality reporting * %% -> % * Default max distance now 50 miles * Get actual noise if radio will provide it * low_snr => min_snr * Dont print node description if we dont have one * Remove properties duplicated from setup page * Localize max distance. Miles in GB and US, Kilometers everywhere else. * Ping link quality testing * UDP 'ping' for quality check * Change Active Settings title * Expand ping test * Improve messaging * Add a ping penalty for neighbors which cannot be contacted in a timely manner. * Remove user_blocks config option. No one needs to use this anymore. * Localize distances on lqm page * Improve status reporting * First run emergency node setup. When a node first runs LQM, if the default settings fail to connect to a node we will now adjust them so that at least one node is viable. * Restore blocking of mac addresses * LQM now off by default fixed #47
2022-05-18 11:49:00 -06:00
function update_block(track)
if should_block(track) then
if not track.blocked then
track.blocked = true
os.execute("/usr/sbin/iptables -D input_lqm -p udp --destination-port 698 -m mac --mac-source " .. track.mac .. " -j DROP 2> /dev/null")
os.execute("/usr/sbin/iptables -I input_lqm -p udp --destination-port 698 -m mac --mac-source " .. track.mac .. " -j DROP 2> /dev/null")
return "blocked"
if track.blocked then
track.blocked = false
os.execute("/usr/sbin/iptables -D input_lqm -p udp --destination-port 698 -m mac --mac-source " .. track.mac .. " -j DROP 2> /dev/null")
return "unblocked"
return "unchanged"
function calcDistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
local r2 = 12742000 -- diameter earth (meters)
local p = 0.017453292519943295 -- Math.PI / 180
local v = 0.5 - math.cos((lat2 - lat1) * p) / 2 + math.cos(lat1 * p) * math.cos(lat2 * p) * (1 - math.cos((lon2 - lon1) * p)) / 2
return math.floor(r2 * math.asin(math.sqrt(v)))
-- Clear old data
local f ="/tmp/", "w")
local cursor = uci.cursor()
-- Get radio
local radioname = "radio0"
for i = 0,2
if cursor:get("wireless","@wifi-iface[" .. i .. "]", "network") == "wifi" then
radioname = cursor:get("wireless","@wifi-iface[" .. i .. "]", "device")
local phy = "phy" .. radioname:match("radio(%d+)")
local wlan = get_ifname("wifi")
function lqm()
-- Let things startup for a while before we begin
wait_for_ticks(math.max(1, 30 - nixio.sysinfo().uptime))
-- Create filters (cannot create during install as they disappear on reboot)
os.execute("/usr/sbin/iptables -F input_lqm 2> /dev/null")
os.execute("/usr/sbin/iptables -X input_lqm 2> /dev/null")
os.execute("/usr/sbin/iptables -N input_lqm 2> /dev/null")
os.execute("/usr/sbin/iptables -D INPUT -j input_lqm -m comment --comment 'block low quality links' 2> /dev/null")
os.execute("/usr/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -j input_lqm -m comment --comment 'block low quality links' 2> /dev/null")
-- We dont know any distances yet
os.execute("iw " .. phy .. " set distance auto")
-- Setup a first_run timeout if this is our first every run
if cursor:get("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "first_run") == "0" then
first_run_timeout = 0
first_run_timeout = first_run_timeout + nixio.sysinfo().uptime
local tracker = {}
while true
now = nixio.sysinfo().uptime
local config = get_config()
local lat = tonumber(cursor:get("aredn", "@location[0]", "lat"))
local lon = tonumber(cursor:get("aredn", "@location[0]", "lon"))
local arps = {}
function (entry)
arps[entry["HW address"]:upper()] = entry
local kv = {
["signal avg:"] = "signal",
["tx packets:"] = "tx_packets",
["tx retries:"] = "tx_retries",
["tx failed:"] = "tx_fail",
["tx bitrate:"] = "tx_rate"
local stations = {}
local station = {}
local noise = iwinfo.nl80211.noise(wlan) or -95
for line in io.popen("iw " .. wlan .. " station dump"):lines()
local mac = line:match("^Station ([0-9a-f:]+) ")
if mac then
station = {
signal = 0,
noise = noise,
stations[mac:upper()] = station
for k, v in pairs(kv)
local val = line:match(k .. "%s*([%d%-]+)")
if val then
station[v] = tonumber(val)
for mac, station in pairs(stations)
if station.signal ~= 0 then
local snr = station.signal - station.noise
if not tracker[mac] then
tracker[mac] = {
pending = now + pending_timeout,
refresh = 0,
mac = mac,
station = nil,
ip = nil,
hostname = nil,
lat = nil,
lon = nil,
distance = nil,
blocks = {
dtd = false,
signal = false,
distance = false,
pair = false,
quality = false
blocked = false,
2022-05-20 20:23:57 -06:00
snr = 0,
Link Quality Management (#360) * Link Quality Management experiment (built in) * Protect LQM pages * Omit "empty" mac addresses * Integrate LQM v0.2 Includes proposed UI if this were built-in. When LQM is enabled (advanced settings) the usual distance inputs are replaced with "min snr' and "max distance" inputs which are the major ones you might tweak, as well as a link to the LQM status page. Other controls are now available (so protected) in advanced settings. * Improve LQM updating * Use running snr averages * Merge app changes * AREDN-ize the UI * Improve status language * Improved DtD detection * Improve quality reporting * Link Quality category * Enable by default * Better intergration * Link => Neighbor * Formatting * Make sure initial page is populated without extra fetch * Handle empty * Update with latest experiment algorithm changes * Validate LQM settings before applying them * Algorithm updates * Improve quality reporting * %% -> % * Default max distance now 50 miles * Get actual noise if radio will provide it * low_snr => min_snr * Dont print node description if we dont have one * Remove properties duplicated from setup page * Localize max distance. Miles in GB and US, Kilometers everywhere else. * Ping link quality testing * UDP 'ping' for quality check * Change Active Settings title * Expand ping test * Improve messaging * Add a ping penalty for neighbors which cannot be contacted in a timely manner. * Remove user_blocks config option. No one needs to use this anymore. * Localize distances on lqm page * Improve status reporting * First run emergency node setup. When a node first runs LQM, if the default settings fail to connect to a node we will now adjust them so that at least one node is viable. * Restore blocking of mac addresses * LQM now off by default fixed #47
2022-05-18 11:49:00 -06:00
rev_snr = nil,
avg_snr = 0,
links = {},
tx_rate = 0,
last_tx = nil,
last_tx_total = nil
local track = tracker[mac]
-- If we have a direct dtd connection to this device, make sure we use that
local entry = arps[mac]
if entry then
track.ip = entry["IP address"]
local a, b, c = mac:match("^(..:..:..:)(..)(:..:..)$")
local dtd = arps[string.format("%s%02x%s", a, tonumber(b, 16) + 1, c):upper()]
if dtd and dtd.Device:match("%.2$") then
track.blocks.dtd = true
local hostname = nixio.getnameinfo(track.ip)
if hostname then
track.hostname = hostname:lower():match("^(.*)%.local%.mesh$")
-- Running average SNR
2022-05-20 20:23:57 -06:00
if track.snr == 0 then
track.snr = snr
track.snr = math.ceil(snr_run_avg * track.snr + (1 - snr_run_avg) * snr)
Link Quality Management (#360) * Link Quality Management experiment (built in) * Protect LQM pages * Omit "empty" mac addresses * Integrate LQM v0.2 Includes proposed UI if this were built-in. When LQM is enabled (advanced settings) the usual distance inputs are replaced with "min snr' and "max distance" inputs which are the major ones you might tweak, as well as a link to the LQM status page. Other controls are now available (so protected) in advanced settings. * Improve LQM updating * Use running snr averages * Merge app changes * AREDN-ize the UI * Improve status language * Improved DtD detection * Improve quality reporting * Link Quality category * Enable by default * Better intergration * Link => Neighbor * Formatting * Make sure initial page is populated without extra fetch * Handle empty * Update with latest experiment algorithm changes * Validate LQM settings before applying them * Algorithm updates * Improve quality reporting * %% -> % * Default max distance now 50 miles * Get actual noise if radio will provide it * low_snr => min_snr * Dont print node description if we dont have one * Remove properties duplicated from setup page * Localize max distance. Miles in GB and US, Kilometers everywhere else. * Ping link quality testing * UDP 'ping' for quality check * Change Active Settings title * Expand ping test * Improve messaging * Add a ping penalty for neighbors which cannot be contacted in a timely manner. * Remove user_blocks config option. No one needs to use this anymore. * Localize distances on lqm page * Improve status reporting * First run emergency node setup. When a node first runs LQM, if the default settings fail to connect to a node we will now adjust them so that at least one node is viable. * Restore blocking of mac addresses * LQM now off by default fixed #47
2022-05-18 11:49:00 -06:00
-- Running average estimate of link quality
local tx = station.tx_packets
local tx_total = station.tx_packets + station.tx_fail + station.tx_retries
if not track.last_tx then
track.last_tx = tx
track.last_tx_total = tx_total
track.tx_quality = 100
elseif tx_total >= track.last_tx_total + quality_min_packets then
local tx_quality = 100 * (tx - track.last_tx) / (tx_total - track.last_tx_total)
track.last_tx = tx
track.last_tx_total = tx_total
track.last_quality = tx_quality
track.tx_quality = math.ceil(quality_run_avg * track.tx_quality + (1 - quality_run_avg) * tx_quality)
track.tx_rate = station.tx_rate
track.lastseen = now
local distance = -1
local alt_distance = -1
local coverage = -1
-- Update link tracking state
for _, track in pairs(tracker)
-- Only refresh remote attributes periodically
if track.ip and (now > track.refresh or track.pending > now) then
track.refresh = now + refresh_timeout
local info = json.parse(luci.sys.httpget("http://" .. track.ip .. ":8080/cgi-bin/sysinfo.json?link_info=1&lqm=1"))
if info then
if tonumber( and tonumber(info.lon) then = tonumber(
track.lon = tonumber(info.lon)
if lat and lon then
track.distance = calcDistance(lat, lon,, track.lon)
local old_rev_snr = track.rev_snr
track.links = {}
-- Note: We cannot assume a missing link means no wifi connection
track.rev_snr = null
if info.lqm and info.lqm.enabled then
for _, rtrack in pairs(
if rtrack.hostname then
local hostname = rtrack.hostname:lower():gsub("^dtdlink%.","")
track.links[hostname] = {
type = "RF",
snr = rtrack.snr
if myhostname == hostname then
if not old_rev_snr or not rtrack.snr then
track.rev_snr = rtrack.snr
track.rev_snr = math.ceil(snr_run_avg * old_rev_snr + (1 - snr_run_avg) * rtrack.snr)
for ip, link in pairs(info.link_info)
if link.hostname and link.linkType == "DTD" then
track.links[link.hostname:lower()] = { type = "DTD" }
-- If there's no LQM information we fallback on using link information.
for ip, link in pairs(info.link_info)
if link.hostname then
local hostname = link.hostname:lower():gsub("^dtdlink%.","")
if link.linkType == "DTD" then
track.links[hostname] = { type = link.linkType }
elseif link.linkType == "RF" and link.signal and link.noise then
local snr = link.signal - link.noise
if not track.links[hostname] then
track.links[hostname] = {
type = link.linkType,
snr = snr
if myhostname == hostname then
if not old_rev_snr then
track.rev_snr = snr
track.rev_snr = math.ceil(snr_run_avg * old_rev_snr + (1 - snr_run_avg) * snr)
-- Clear these if we cannot talk to the other end, so we dont use stale values
track.links = {}
track.rev_snr = nil
2022-05-20 20:23:57 -06:00
if is_connected(track) then
-- Update avg snr using both ends (if we have them)
track.avg_snr = (track.snr + (track.rev_snr or track.snr)) / 2
-- Routable
local rt = track.ip and ip.route(track.ip) or nil
if rt and tostring( == track.ip then
track.routable = true
track.routable = false
Link Quality Management (#360) * Link Quality Management experiment (built in) * Protect LQM pages * Omit "empty" mac addresses * Integrate LQM v0.2 Includes proposed UI if this were built-in. When LQM is enabled (advanced settings) the usual distance inputs are replaced with "min snr' and "max distance" inputs which are the major ones you might tweak, as well as a link to the LQM status page. Other controls are now available (so protected) in advanced settings. * Improve LQM updating * Use running snr averages * Merge app changes * AREDN-ize the UI * Improve status language * Improved DtD detection * Improve quality reporting * Link Quality category * Enable by default * Better intergration * Link => Neighbor * Formatting * Make sure initial page is populated without extra fetch * Handle empty * Update with latest experiment algorithm changes * Validate LQM settings before applying them * Algorithm updates * Improve quality reporting * %% -> % * Default max distance now 50 miles * Get actual noise if radio will provide it * low_snr => min_snr * Dont print node description if we dont have one * Remove properties duplicated from setup page * Localize max distance. Miles in GB and US, Kilometers everywhere else. * Ping link quality testing * UDP 'ping' for quality check * Change Active Settings title * Expand ping test * Improve messaging * Add a ping penalty for neighbors which cannot be contacted in a timely manner. * Remove user_blocks config option. No one needs to use this anymore. * Localize distances on lqm page * Improve status reporting * First run emergency node setup. When a node first runs LQM, if the default settings fail to connect to a node we will now adjust them so that at least one node is viable. * Restore blocking of mac addresses * LQM now off by default fixed #47
2022-05-18 11:49:00 -06:00
2022-05-20 20:23:57 -06:00
-- Clear snr when we've not seen the node this time (disconnected)
track.snr = 0
track.rev_snr = nil
Link Quality Management (#360) * Link Quality Management experiment (built in) * Protect LQM pages * Omit "empty" mac addresses * Integrate LQM v0.2 Includes proposed UI if this were built-in. When LQM is enabled (advanced settings) the usual distance inputs are replaced with "min snr' and "max distance" inputs which are the major ones you might tweak, as well as a link to the LQM status page. Other controls are now available (so protected) in advanced settings. * Improve LQM updating * Use running snr averages * Merge app changes * AREDN-ize the UI * Improve status language * Improved DtD detection * Improve quality reporting * Link Quality category * Enable by default * Better intergration * Link => Neighbor * Formatting * Make sure initial page is populated without extra fetch * Handle empty * Update with latest experiment algorithm changes * Validate LQM settings before applying them * Algorithm updates * Improve quality reporting * %% -> % * Default max distance now 50 miles * Get actual noise if radio will provide it * low_snr => min_snr * Dont print node description if we dont have one * Remove properties duplicated from setup page * Localize max distance. Miles in GB and US, Kilometers everywhere else. * Ping link quality testing * UDP 'ping' for quality check * Change Active Settings title * Expand ping test * Improve messaging * Add a ping penalty for neighbors which cannot be contacted in a timely manner. * Remove user_blocks config option. No one needs to use this anymore. * Localize distances on lqm page * Improve status reporting * First run emergency node setup. When a node first runs LQM, if the default settings fail to connect to a node we will now adjust them so that at least one node is viable. * Restore blocking of mac addresses * LQM now off by default fixed #47
2022-05-18 11:49:00 -06:00
track.routable = false
-- Ping addresses and penalize quality for excessively slow links
2022-05-20 20:23:57 -06:00
if should_ping(track) then
-- Make an arp request to the target ip to see if we get a timely reply. By using ARP we avoid any
-- potential routing issues and avoid any firewall blocks on the other end.
-- Take a penalty if we fail
if os.execute("/usr/sbin/arping -f -w " .. ping_timeout .. " -I " .. wlan .. " " .. track.ip .. " >/dev/null") ~= 0 then
Link Quality Management (#360) * Link Quality Management experiment (built in) * Protect LQM pages * Omit "empty" mac addresses * Integrate LQM v0.2 Includes proposed UI if this were built-in. When LQM is enabled (advanced settings) the usual distance inputs are replaced with "min snr' and "max distance" inputs which are the major ones you might tweak, as well as a link to the LQM status page. Other controls are now available (so protected) in advanced settings. * Improve LQM updating * Use running snr averages * Merge app changes * AREDN-ize the UI * Improve status language * Improved DtD detection * Improve quality reporting * Link Quality category * Enable by default * Better intergration * Link => Neighbor * Formatting * Make sure initial page is populated without extra fetch * Handle empty * Update with latest experiment algorithm changes * Validate LQM settings before applying them * Algorithm updates * Improve quality reporting * %% -> % * Default max distance now 50 miles * Get actual noise if radio will provide it * low_snr => min_snr * Dont print node description if we dont have one * Remove properties duplicated from setup page * Localize max distance. Miles in GB and US, Kilometers everywhere else. * Ping link quality testing * UDP 'ping' for quality check * Change Active Settings title * Expand ping test * Improve messaging * Add a ping penalty for neighbors which cannot be contacted in a timely manner. * Remove user_blocks config option. No one needs to use this anymore. * Localize distances on lqm page * Improve status reporting * First run emergency node setup. When a node first runs LQM, if the default settings fail to connect to a node we will now adjust them so that at least one node is viable. * Restore blocking of mac addresses * LQM now off by default fixed #47
2022-05-18 11:49:00 -06:00
track.tx_quality = math.max(0, math.ceil(track.tx_quality - config.ping_penalty))
-- Inject traffic into links with poor quality
-- We do this so we can keep measuring the current link quality otherwise, once it becomes
-- bad, it wont be used and we can never tell if it becomes good again. Beware injecting too
-- much traffic because, on very poor links, this can generate multiple retries per packet, flooding
-- the wifi channel
if track.ip and only_quality_block(track) then
-- Create socket we use to inject traffic into degraded links
-- This is setup so it ignores routing and will always send to the correct wifi station
local sigsock = nixio.socket("inet", "dgram")
sigsock:setopt("socket", "bindtodevice", wlan)
sigsock:setopt("socket", "dontroute", 1)
for _ = 1,quality_injection_max
sigsock:sendto("", track.ip, 8080)
-- First run handling (emergency node)
-- If this is the very first time this has even been run, either because this is an upgrade or a new install,
-- we make sure we can talk to *something* by adjusting config options so that's possible and we don't
-- accidentally isolate the node.
if first_run_timeout ~= 0 and now >= first_run_timeout then
local changes = {
snr = -1,
distance = nil,
tx_quality = nil
-- Scan through the list of nodes we're tracking and select the node with the best SNR then
-- adjust our settings so that this node is valid
for _, track in pairs(tracker)
local snr = track.snr
if track.rev_snr and track.rev_snr ~= 0 and track.rev_snr < snr then
snr = track.rev_snr
if snr > changes.snr then
changes.snr = snr
changes.distance = track.distance
changes.tx_quality = track.tx_quality
local cursorb = uci.cursor("/etc/config.mesh")
if changes.snr > -1 then
if changes.snr < config.low then
cursor:set("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "min_snr", math.max(1, changes.snr - 3))
cursorb:set("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "min_snr", math.max(1, changes.snr - 3))
if changes.distance and changes.distance > config.max_distance then
cursor:set("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "max_distance", changes.distance)
cursorb:set("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "max_distance", changes.distance)
if changes.tx_quality and changes.tx_quality < config.min_quality then
cursor:set("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "min_quality", math.max(0, math.floor(changes.tx_quality - 20)))
cursorb:set("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "min_quality", math.max(0, math.floor(changes.tx_quality - 20)))
cursor:set("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "first_run", "0")
cursorb:set("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "first_run", "0")
first_run_timeout = 0
-- Work out what to block, unblock and limit
for _, track in pairs(tracker)
-- When unblocked link signal becomes too low, block
if not track.blocks.signal then
if track.snr < config.low or (track.rev_snr and track.rev_snr < config.low) then
track.blocks.signal = true
-- when blocked link becomes (low+margin) again, unblock
if track.snr >= config.low + config.margin and (not track.rev_snr or track.rev_snr >= config.low + config.margin) then
track.blocks.signal = false
-- When signal is good enough to unblock a link but the quality is low, artificially bump
-- it up to give the link chance to recover
if track.blocks.quality then
track.tx_quality = config.min_quality + config.margin_quality
-- Block any nodes which are too distant
if not track.distance or (track.distance >= config.min_distance and track.distance <= config.max_distance) then
track.blocks.distance = false
track.blocks.distance = true
-- Block if user requested it
track.blocks.user = false
for val in string.gmatch(config.user_blocks, "([^,]+)")
if val == track.mac then
track.blocks.user = true
-- Block if quality is poor
if track.tx_quality then
if not track.blocks.quality and track.tx_quality < config.min_quality then
track.blocks.quality = true
elseif track.blocks.quality and track.tx_quality >= config.min_quality + config.margin_quality then
track.blocks.quality = false
-- Eliminate link pairs, where we might have links to multiple radios at the same site
-- Find them and select the one with the best SNR avg on both ends
for _, track in pairs(tracker)
if track.hostname and not should_nonpair_block(track) then
-- Get a list of radio pairs. These are radios we're associated with which are DTD'ed together
local tracklist = { track }
for _, track2 in pairs(tracker)
if track ~= track2 and track2.hostname and not should_nonpair_block(track2) then
local connection = track.links[track2.hostname]
if connection and connection.type == "DTD" then
tracklist[#tracklist + 1] = track2
if #tracklist == 1 then
track.blocks.dup = false
-- Find the link with the best average snr overall as well as unblocked
local bestany = track
local bestunblocked = nil
for _, track2 in ipairs(tracklist)
if track2.avg_snr > bestany.avg_snr then
bestany = track2
if not track2.blocks.dup and (not bestunblocked or (track2.avg_snr > bestunblocked.avg_snr)) then
bestunblocked = track2
-- A new winner if it's sufficiently better than the current
if not bestunblocked or bestany.avg_snr >= bestunblocked.avg_snr + config.margin then
bestunblocked = bestany
for _, track2 in ipairs(tracklist)
if track2 == bestunblocked then
track2.blocks.dup = false
track2.blocks.dup = true
-- Update the block state and calculate the routable distance
for _, track in pairs(tracker)
if update_block(track) == "unblocked" then
-- If the link becomes unblocked, return it to pending state
track.pending = now + pending_timeout
-- Find the most distant, unblocked, routable, node
if not track.blocked and track.distance then
if now > track.pending and track.routable then
if track.distance > distance then
distance = track.distance
if track.distance > alt_distance then
alt_distance = track.distance
-- Remove any trackers which are too old
if now > track.lastseen + lastseen_timeout then
track.blocked = true;
track.blocks = {}
tracker[track.mac] = nil
distance = distance + 1
alt_distance = alt_distance + 1
-- Update the wifi distance
if distance > 0 then
coverage = math.floor((distance * 2 * 0.0033) / 3) -- airtime
os.execute("iw " .. phy .. " set coverage " .. coverage)
elseif alt_distance > 1 then
coverage = math.floor((alt_distance * 2 * 0.0033) / 3)
os.execute("iw " .. phy .. " set coverage " .. coverage)
os.execute("iw " .. phy .. " set distance auto")
-- Save this for the UI
f ="/tmp/", "w")
if f then
now = now,
trackers = tracker,
distance = distance,
coverage = coverage
}, true))
wait_for_ticks(60) -- 1 minute
return lqm