2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
include config.mk
include openwrt.mk
# get main- and subtarget name from TARGET
MAINTARGET=$(word 1, $(subst -, ,$(TARGET)))
SUBTARGET=$(word 2, $(subst -, ,$(TARGET)))
GIT_BRANCH=$(shell git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e 's,.*/\(.*\),\1,')
GIT_COMMIT=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
# set dir and file names
TOP_DIR=$(shell pwd)
TARGET_CONFIG=$(TOP_DIR)/configs/common.config $(TOP_DIR)/configs/$(MAINTARGET)-$(SUBTARGET).config
UMASK=umask 022
2018-07-11 21:30:46 -06:00
# set variables based on private or CircleCI build
ifeq ($(CIRCLECI),true)
$(info CircleCI build ...)
2020-03-25 18:57:56 -06:00
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
2020-03-25 18:57:56 -06:00
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
# test for existing $TARGET-config or abort
ifeq ($(wildcard $(TOP_DIR)/configs/$(TARGET).config),)
$(error config for $(TARGET) not defined)
default: compile
# clone openwrt
$(OPENWRT_DIR): .stamp-openwrt-removed
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); git checkout $(OPENWRT_COMMIT)
ln -sf $(TOP_DIR)/patches $(OPENWRT_DIR)/
ln -sf $(TOP_DIR)/files $(OPENWRT_DIR)/
touch .stamp-openwrt-cleaned
rm -f .stamp-unpatched
# when updating openwrt.mk to point to another repo
.stamp-openwrt-removed: openwrt.mk
rm -rf $(OPENWRT_DIR)
rm -f .stamp*
touch $@
# clean up openwrt working copy
openwrt-clean: stamp-clean-openwrt-cleaned .stamp-openwrt-cleaned
2018-07-11 21:30:46 -06:00
.stamp-openwrt-cleaned: | $(OPENWRT_DIR)
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); \
./scripts/feeds clean && \
git clean -dff && git fetch && git reset --hard HEAD && \
rm -rf .config feeds.conf build_dir/target-* logs/
rm -rf $(TOP_DIR)/results
2018-11-17 11:22:28 -07:00
rm -rf $(TOP_DIR)/.pc
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
rm -f .stamp-unpatched
ln -sf $(TOP_DIR)/patches $(OPENWRT_DIR)/
ln -sf $(TOP_DIR)/files $(OPENWRT_DIR)/
touch $@
# update openwrt and checkout specified commit
openwrt-update: .stamp-openwrt-updated .stamp-unpatched
.stamp-openwrt-updated: stamp-clean-openwrt-updated .stamp-openwrt-cleaned
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); git checkout --detach $(OPENWRT_COMMIT)
rm -f .stamp-unpatched
touch $@
# feeds
$(OPENWRT_DIR)/feeds.conf: feeds.conf
cp $(TOP_DIR)/feeds.conf $@
cat $(OPENWRT_DIR)/feeds.conf.default >> $@
# update feeds
feeds-update: stamp-clean-feeds-updated .stamp-feeds-updated
.stamp-feeds-updated: $(OPENWRT_DIR)/feeds.conf
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds uninstall -a
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds update -a
2020-01-22 18:37:27 -07:00
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install libcap
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install jansson
2018-08-08 10:45:45 -06:00
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install libidn2
2018-03-31 09:13:16 -06:00
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install liblzma
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install libssh2
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install libidn
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install libopenldap
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install libgnutls
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install libpam
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install libnetsnmp
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install -p arednpackages olsrd
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install perl
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install -p arednpackages vtun
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install -a -p arednpackages
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install snmpd
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install ntpclient
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install socat
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install xinetd
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install luci-base
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install luci-lib-nixio
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install luci-lib-ip
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install luci-lib-jsonc
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install luaposix
2019-03-26 21:49:33 -06:00
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); ./scripts/feeds install luasocket
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
touch $@
# prepare patch
pre-patch: stamp-clean-pre-patch .stamp-pre-patch
.stamp-pre-patch: $(wildcard $(TOP_DIR)/patches/*) | $(OPENWRT_DIR)
rm -f .stamp-unpatched
touch $@
# patch openwrt working copy
patch: stamp-clean-patched .stamp-patched
2018-08-08 10:45:45 -06:00
.stamp-patched: .stamp-pre-patch .stamp-unpatched .stamp-feeds-updated
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); quilt push -a || [ $$? = 2 ] && true
rm -rf $(OPENWRT_DIR)/tmp
touch $@
.stamp-build_rev: .FORCE
ifneq (,$(wildcard .stamp-build_rev))
ifneq ($(shell cat .stamp-build_rev),$(FW_VERSION))
echo $(FW_VERSION) | diff >/dev/null -q $@ - || echo -n $(FW_VERSION) >$@
echo -n $(FW_VERSION) >$@
# openwrt config
2018-05-19 23:39:51 -06:00
$(OPENWRT_DIR)/.config: .stamp-feeds-updated $(TARGET_CONFIG) .stamp-build_rev always
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
cat $(TARGET_CONFIG) >$(OPENWRT_DIR)/.config
echo "$(FW_VERSION)" >$(TOP_DIR)/files/etc/mesh-release
2018-07-11 21:30:46 -06:00
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
$(UMASK); \
$(MAKE) -C $(OPENWRT_DIR) defconfig
# prepare openwrt .config
prepare: stamp-clean-prepared .stamp-prepared
.stamp-prepared: .stamp-patched .stamp-feeds-updated $(OPENWRT_DIR)/.config
touch $@
# compile
compile: stamp-clean-compiled .stamp-compiled
2018-07-11 21:30:46 -06:00
.stamp-compiled: .stamp-prepared .stamp-feeds-updated | $(TOP_DIR)/firmware
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
$(UMASK); \
2018-07-11 21:30:46 -06:00
for FILE in `find $(TOP_DIR)/firmware/targets/ -path "*packages" -prune -o \( -type f -a \
2020-01-22 18:37:27 -07:00
! \( -name "*factory.bin" -o -name "*sysupgrade.bin" -o -name "*initramfs.elf" -o \
-name sha256sums -o -name "*.buildinfo" \) \
2018-07-11 21:30:46 -06:00
-print \)`; do rm $$FILE; \
for FILE in `find $(TOP_DIR)/firmware/targets/ -type f -a \
2020-01-22 18:37:27 -07:00
\( -name "*ar71xx-generic-*" \
-o -name "*ath79-generic-*" \
-o -name "*ar71xx-mikrotik*squashfs*" \
2018-07-11 21:30:46 -06:00
\) -print`; do \
2020-01-22 18:37:27 -07:00
NEWNAME="$${FILE/generic-/}"; \
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
NEWNAME="$${NEWNAME/squashfs-/}"; \
mv "$$FILE" "$$NEWNAME"; \
2018-03-31 09:13:16 -06:00
ln -sf $(OPENWRT_DIR)/bin/ $(TOP_DIR)/firmware
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
rm -f .stamp-$*
rm -f .stamp-*
# unpatch needs "patches/" in openwrt
2018-05-19 23:39:51 -06:00
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00
# RC = 2 of quilt --> nothing to be done
cd $(OPENWRT_DIR); quilt pop -a -f || [ $$? = 2 ] && true
rm -rf $(OPENWRT_DIR)/tmp
rm -f .stamp-patched
touch $@
clean: stamp-clean .stamp-openwrt-cleaned
2018-07-11 21:30:46 -06:00
.PHONY: openwrt-clean openwrt-update patch feeds-update prepare compile stamp-clean clean always
2018-03-23 01:39:07 -06:00