* Lua Services
* Lua versions of user page (non-admin)
* Support multiple antenna chains
* Improved led detection
* Fix logging
* Add manager.log files to support tool
* Lua versions of user page (non-admin)
* Dont count default route
* Fix board id for older nodes
* Handle missing node.history
* Check /tmp/snrlog exists
* Per discussion, make the Lua pages the defaults and Perl the backups
* Migrate /etc/config/dmz-mode to /etc/dmz-mode
* Migrate dmz_mode into /etc/config/aredn
* Use cmd append
* Changes should be in /etc/config.mesh
* Add commit
* add uci migration script
* removed debug lines
* added newline to end
* include gridsquare values
* migrate lat/lon/gridsquare to uci format
* remove from sysupgrade kept files list
* api: revise localhost function
Revise getLocalHosts() so it doesn't report unwanted hosts.
getLocalCnxType() is no longer needed.
* include new iplookup function too
* incorporate Eric r1de values for getCurrentNeighbors
* use alternative for mac2host()
* get actual wlan interface for arp query
* tested on dualband radio
Tested on dualband radios with active clients on both Mesh RF and Wifi
* add more error checking
* fix iplookup match
It is possible to have 2-digit "mid" prefixes. Fixes match to account
for 2 possible digits.
* tighten up code
* add extra info values for Eric r1de
* api: add RF IP for non-RF links
Add the RF IP address for non-RF linked devices. This allows the
services to be displayed for non-RF Current Neighbors.
* remove case manipulation
* Remove local.mesh suffix from CurrentNeighbor hostname
* Uppercase hostname for consistency
* Make hostname lowercase for consistency with Local Hosts display in newui
* fix: Local Alert File Read All
Read the entire local_message file rather than just the first line.
* fix: Local Alert File Read All
Also fix the issue with empty alert files showing empty newui alert
* Format Uptime as String
Format uptime as a string with values for days, hours, minutes, and
* Format uptime as String
Change code to use the secondsToClock function in utils.lua
Aliases in NAT mode allows the node admin to create alias names for hosts on the LAN and then use those for creating port forwarding rules. The aliases DO NOT effect the rest of the mesh network and are not propagated via OLSR.
NAT Mode aliases are only usable on the local LAN where the IP addresses are known and routable only on the subnet. Since the NAT hides these IP addresses or the node masquerades, other mesh nodes and devices by definition only know about the node’s hostname. Thus aliases on the LAN in NAT mode are not propagated by OLSR across the mesh. You _CANNOT_ use an alias name in a service listing.
You _will_ be able to set an alternate hostname for any host on the nodes' LAN however.
A host named `CBY45-DELLLAPTOP` can also be known as `wxc-shack-laptop`. It may make remembering which host is which a bit easier.
Since OLSR does not propagate the alias, the "Do Not Propagate" checkbox while in NAT Mode is hidden.
* enhancement: show the "non propagated" hosts as a grey color in the mesh list on the localnode.
This allows for the node admin to see, at a glance, which of the hosts are "hidden" or not.
* changed colors a little bit for the black background styles.
also assed in the aliases so now they will show up as a different color too.
this only effects the mesh listing on the localnode to where the aliases and/or non propagated hosts are.
the rest of the network does not see this.
* add a tooltip to the aliased/non propagated hostnames to help explain what they mean
Allows for aliased hostnames on the mesh. One IP/Host can be assigned to multiple hostnames.
This is useful for many things including virtual hosts, virtual machines, virtual email addresses, etc.
The possibilities are actually _endless_.
Allows for the node admin to choose to have DHCP leased hostnames/IP's propagated over the rest of the mesh network or not.
Defaults to allowing the hostname/IP to propagate.
The hostname/IP will *still* be resolvable from the localnode and will show up in the list of hosts on the localnode only.
This allows for selected local mesh devices to be not available over the rest of the mesh network.
ie: switches, routers, cameras, etc.
This will work immediately for *new* DHCP leases when the checkbox is selected.
For *existing* DHCP leases, it may take a while for the network to update, if ever.
To speed up the process of full network OLSR "DNS" updating, reboot all the nearest neighbor device(s) to the node you made these changes to.
That seems to get the changes "out" to the rest of the network faster than normal.
This reduces message forwarding by OLSR. Without this mode
olsr will forward a message backout the same interface it
was received on, presumably due to hidden 802.11n nodes.
OLSR has rare symptoms of live lock and stops
updating routing and host information. Suspect cause is
single threaded implementation with plugins continually
called from mutiple sources. Prior fixes to ensure
read/write calls are properly written may not have
fully resolved the causes. This change will reduce calls
to retrieve olsr data.
* Add experimental support for the GL.iNet GL-AR150 - https://openwrt.org/toh/gl.inet/gl-ar150
Mesh networking and tunneling have been confirmed working.
This device has been confirmed capable of operating on channel -1, but /etc/config/wireless has to be manually edited to select this channel.
* www/cgi-bin/perlfunc.pm patched to add UI support for the GL.iNet GL-AR150
* www/cgi-bin/perlfunc.pm patched to add UI support for the GL.iNet GL-AR150 - seems like only 18 dBm TX power is possible
* Remove Experimental comments and designate as stable
* Configure Ethernet ports & VLANs for GL-AR150, and update README.md
* Fix misunderstanding re README.md
* Patch Upstream OpenWRT GL-AR150 LAN & WAN LED mapping, configure WLAN LED as mesh linked indicator.
* sysinfo.json additions
lua library additions
Dependent on #389 and #391
Replaces #387
* additional check for nil needed
tested on a node with several very marginal RF links (IP, no host name) and it is working, so far.
also removed the decimal point on the n/lq values, we didn't need 10 places of accuracy. :)
* a couple more small changes
* changed neighborLinkInfo() function in aredn.info to show *all* links, not just RF.
Adds additional info for each RF link (tx/rx_rate, noise, signal)
* Removed redundant function.
Removed functions no longer needed.
Reworked getCurrentNeighbor function to add in the additional RF link info if requested.
This reverts commit d5be7814b3.
Auto Distance is not ready for a release and will be
reintroduced afterwards. Added logic to reset '0' distance
to 60km so tower nodes will continue to respond after
upgrade if running the experimental auto distance
Add option for hap ac lite to select which band to
use for LAN AP option, 2GHz or 5GHz. Also, ensure
all wireless cards are defined when disabled to
prevent default wireless config options.
enable passwords with virtually any character, enable SSIDs
with virtually any character. ensure ap is always
encrypted to give operator control of client access and
license compliance. Remove (week) WEP encryption option.
* aredn: hAP ac lite enable 5GHz LAN Access Point
enable ability to bridge LAN physical ports with wireless
LAN Access Point capability. On dual band hAP ac lite,
used in parallel with mesh RF on 2GHz. Enables future
features on single band devices to turn off mesh RF and
repurposed for mesh LAN Access Point.
closes: #215