Not getting much debug information at moment, would like to put this in uci-defaults but with issues that I can't seem to log at moment (and not having serial cable for this device) I'm going with lets put it in /etc/init.d/local before nvram and similar gets set.
ref AREDN->ticket:115
Needs to be in uci-defaults to be sure these data sets execute BEFORE the OS boots
We also need to get radio0 path because its mandatory for wifi to work.
Needed for sysupgrade from 3.0.2 to latest version.
By checking the "Keep Settings" box the node will run sysupgrade instead of mtd. Core settings are stored between installs and the _setup files are updated by pulling in missing items from the _setup.default files.
Includes removing files that are provided by packages instead
of being embedded as binaries.
Changes made for UBNT hardware AND for newer base openwrt (Backfire)