{% /* * Part of AREDN® -- Used for creating Amateur Radio Emergency Data Networks * Copyright (C) 2024 Tim Wilkinson * See Contributors file for additional contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms: * * Additional use restrictions exist on the AREDN® trademark and logo. * See AREDNLicense.txt for more info. * * Attributions to the AREDN® Project must be retained in the source code. * If importing this code into a new or existing project attribution * to the AREDN® project must be added to the source code. * * You must not misrepresent the origin of the material contained within. * * Modified versions must be modified to attribute to the original source * and be marked in reasonable ways as differentiate it from the original * version */ %} {% const last_scan_file = "/tmp/last-scan.json"; let last_scan = []; let scan_time = "Unknown"; if (request.env.REQUEST_METHOD === "PUT") { const config = radios.getActiveConfiguration(); const radio = config[0]?.mode === radios.RADIO_MESH ? config[0] : config[1]?.mode === radios.RADIO_MESH ? config[1] : null; if (!radio) { return; } const radiomode = radio.modes[radios.RADIO_MESH]; const wifiiface = radio.iface; const myssid = radiomode.ssid; const mychan = radiomode.channel; const myfreq = hardware.getChannelFrequency(wifiiface, radiomode.channel); const nodename = configuration.getName(); const scan = {}; let ubnt_ac = false; const board_type = hardware.getBoard().model.id; if (index(board_type, "ubnt,") === 0 && index(board_type, "ac") !== -1) { ubnt_ac = true } const reArp = /^([\.0-9]+) +0x. +0x. +([0-9a-fA-F:]+)/; const arp = {}; let f = fs.open("/proc/net/arp"); if (f) { for (let l = f.read("line"); length(l); l = f.read("line")) { const m = match(l, reArp); if (m) { arp[m[2]] = m[1]; } } f.close(); } f = fs.popen(`/usr/sbin/iw dev ${wifiiface} station dump`); if (f) { const re = regexp(`^Station ([0-9a-fA-F:]+) \\(on ${wifiiface}\\)`); const reSi = /signal:[ \t]+(-[0-9]+)/; let station; for (let l = f.read("line"); length(l); l = f.read("line")) { let m = match(l, re); if (m) { station = scan[m[1]]; if (!station) { const ip = arp[m[1]]; const hostname = ip ? network.nslookup(ip) : null; station = { mac: m[1], signal: 9999, chan: { [mychan]: true }, key: "", joined: false, mode: "Connected Ad-Hoc Station", ssid: myssid, ip: ip, hostname: hostname }; scan[m[1]] = station; } } m = match(l, reSi); if (m) { station.signal = int(m[1]); } } f.close(); } if (ubnt_ac) { system(`/usr/sbin/iw dev ${wifiiface} ibss leave > /dev/null 2>&1`); system("/sbin/wifi up > /dev/null 2>&1"); for (let attempt = 10; attempt > 0; attempt--) { f = fs.popen(`/usr/sbin/iw dev ${wifiiface} scan`); if (f) { for (let l = f.read("line"); length(l); l = f.read("line")) { if (substr(l, 0, 4) === "BSS ") { attempt = 0; break; } } f.close(); } if (attempt > 0) { sleep(2000); } } } f = fs.popen(`/usr/sbin/iw dev ${wifiiface} scan passive`); if (f) { const re = /^BSS ([0-9a-fA-F:]+)/; const reF = /freq: ([0-9]+)/; const reSs = /SSID: (.+)\n/; const reSi = /signal: (.+)\n/; const reC = /Group cipher: (.+)\n/; let station = {}; for (let l = f.read("line"); length(l); l = f.read("line")) { let m = match(l, re); if (m) { station = scan[m[1]]; if (!station) { const ip = arp[m[1]]; const hostname = ip ? network.nslookup(ip) : null; station = { mac: m[1], signal: 9999, chan: {}, key: "", joined: false, mode: "AP", ssid: "", ip: ip, hostname: hostname }; scan[m[1]] = station; } if (index(l, "joined") !== -1) { station.mode = "My Ad-Hoc Network"; station.joined = true; station.hostname = nodename; } } m = match(l, reF); if (m) { if (m[1] == myfreq) { station.mode = "My Ad-Hoc Network"; station.joined = true; } const chan = hardware.getChannelFromFrequency(int(m[1])); if (chan) { station.chan[chan] = true; } } m = match(l, reSs); if (m) { station.ssid = m[1]; } m = match(l, reSi); if (m) { station.signal = int(m[1]); } m = match(l, reC); if (m) { station.key = m[1]; } if (index(l, "capability: IBSS") !== -1 && station.mode === "AP") { station.mode = "Foreign Ad-Hoc Network"; } } f.close(); } for (let k in scan) { scan[k].chan = join(" ", sort(keys(scan[k].chan))); scan[k].hostname = scan[k].hostname ? replace(scan[k].hostname, ".local.mesh", "") : null; } last_scan = sort( filter(values(scan), v => v.signal !== 9999 || v.joined), (a, b) => b.signal - a.signal ); fs.writefile(last_scan_file, sprintf("%J", last_scan)); scan_time = "0 seconds ago"; } else { const d = fs.readfile(last_scan_file); if (d) { last_scan = json(d); const last = time() - fs.stat(last_scan_file).mtime; if (last === 1) { scan_time = "1 second ago"; } else if (last < 60) { scan_time = `${last} seconds ago`; } else if (last < 120) { scan_time = `1 minute ago`; } else if (last < 3600) { scan_time = `${int(last / 60)} minutes ago`; } else { scan_time = "a long time ago"; } } } %}
{{_R("tool-header", "WiFi Scan")}}
{% for (let i = 0; i < length(last_scan); i++) { const s = last_scan[i]; %} {% } %}
SNRSignalChanEncSSIDHostnameMAC/BSSID802.11 Mode
{{95 + s.signal}}{{s.signal}}{{s.chan}}-{{s.ssid}}{{s.hostname || s.ip || "-"}}{{s.mac}}{{s.mode}}
Last Scan: {{scan_time}}
Scan the appropriate radio spectrum for other nodes and wifi devices. What a node can find while scanning is highly dependent on the hardware itself. Also, due to the nature of wireless scanning and beaconing, multiple scans are something required for a complete pictures of the surrounding radio area.

By default the last scan is shown.")}} {{_R("tool-footer")}}