#!/usr/bin/perl $debug = 0; BEGIN {push @INC, '/www/cgi-bin'}; use perlfunc; use ucifunc; use tunfunc; $VPNVER="1.0"; $config = nvram_get("config"); $node = nvram_get("node"); $node = "NOCALL" if $node eq ""; $unode = uc $node; # UPPER CASE NODENAME #$vpncfile = "/etc/vpnclients"; #$tmpdir = "/tmp/web/vpn"; #$tmpvtundsconf = "${tmpdir}/vtundsrv.conf.tmp"; #$tmpconnfile = "${tmpdir}/vpnclients"; #$tsfile = "/etc/tunnel.server"; #$tmptsfile = "${tmpdir}/tunnel.server.tmp"; read_postdata(); ################# # page checks ################# if($parms{button_reboot}) { system "/sbin/reboot"; } if($parms{button_install}) { install_vtun(); } reboot_required() if($config eq "" or -e "/tmp/reboot-required"); vpn_setup_required() unless(-e "/usr/sbin/vtund" ); get_active_tun(); ################# # If RESET, revert the UCI file ################# if($parms{button_reset}) { ($rc,$res)=&uci_revert("vtun"); ($rc,$res)=&uci_delete_option("vtun","network",0,"start"); $rc=&uci_commit("vtun"); } ################# # get vtun network address ################# @netw = (); @netw = get_server_network_address(); ################# # If RESET or FIRST TIME, load clients/servers from file into parms ################# if($parms{button_reset} or not $parms{reload}) { # revert to previous state on initial load ($rc,$res)=&uci_revert("vtun"); # load clients from UCI &get_client_info(); $parms{server_net1}=@netw[2]; $parms{server_net2}=@netw[3]; # initialize the "add" entries to clear them foreach $var (qw(client_add_enabled client_add_name client_add_passwd)) { $parms{$var} = ""; $parms{$var} = "0" if($var eq 'client_add_enabled'); } } ################# # load clients from FORM and validate ################# for($i =0 , @list = (); $i < $parms{client_num}; $i++) { push @list, $i } push @list, "_add"; $client_num = 0; foreach $val (@list) { foreach $var (qw(enabled name passwd)) { $varname = "client${val}_$var"; $parms{$varname} = "0" if($val eq "enabled" and $parms{$varname} eq ""); $parms{$varname} = "" unless $parms{$varname}; $parms{$varname} =~ s/^\s+//; $parms{$varname} =~ s/\s+$//; if($val ne "_add") { if($parms{$varname} eq "" and ($var eq "enabled")) { $parms{$varname} = "0"; } } eval sprintf("\$%s = \$parms{%s}", $var, $varname); } # Validate ADDed values if($val eq "_add") { # skip any null values on add or save next unless ($enabled or $name or $passwd) and ($parms{client_add} or $parms{button_save}); } # no delete capabilities as net renumbering is not allowed if($val eq "_add" and $parm{button_save}) { push @cli_err, "$val this client must be added or cleared out before saving changes"; next; } # password MUST be alphanumeric (no special chars) push @cli_err, "The password cannot contain non-alphanumeric characters (#$client_num)" if ($passwd =~ m/[^a-zA-Z0-9@]/); push @cli_err, "A client name is required" if($name eq ""); push @cli_err, "A client password is required" if($passwd eq ""); next if $val eq "_add" and @cli_err and $cli_err[-1] =~ /^$val /; $parms{"client${client_num}_enabled"} = $enabled; $parms{"client${client_num}_name"} = uc $name; $parms{"client${client_num}_passwd"} = $passwd; # Commit the data for this client $client_num++; # Clear out the ADD values if($val eq "_add") { foreach $var (qw(net enabled name passwd)) { $parms{"client_add_${var}"} = ""; } } } $parms{client_num} = $client_num; ################# # SAVE the clients ################# $rc=save_clients(); ################# # SAVE the server network numbers into the UCI ################# $netw[2]=$parms{server_net1}; $netw[3]=$parms{server_net2}; $rc=save_network(); ################# # save configuration (commit) ################# if($parms{button_save} and not (@cli_err or @serv_err)) { if (&uci_commit("vtun")) { push(@errors,"Problem committing UCI vtun"); system("cp -f /etc/config/vtun /etc/config.mesh"); } unless($debug == 3) { push(@errors,"Problem restaring vtundsrv") if system "/etc/init.d/vtundsrv restart > /dev/null 2>&1"; } } ###################################################################################### # generate the page ###################################################################################### http_header() unless $debug == 2; html_header("$node setup", 1); print "
\n"; print "
\n" unless $debug == 2; print "\n" if $debug == 2; print "\n"; ################# # Navigation bar ################# print "\n"; ################# # control buttons ################# print "\n"; push @hidden, ""; ################# # messages ################# if(@cli_err) { print "\n"; } if($parms{button_save}) { if(@cli_err) { print "\n"; } elsif(@errors) { print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; } print "\n"; } ################# # everything else ################# if($config eq "mesh") { print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
\n"; navbar("vpn"); print "
"; print "Help"; print "   \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print "
"; foreach(@cli_err) { print "$_
" } print "
Configuration NOT saved!
Configuration saved, however:
"; foreach(@errors) { print "$_
" } print "
Configuration saved and is now active.
\n"; &print_vpn_clients(); print "

\n"; print "

Tunnel v${VPNVER}

"; push @hidden, ""; ################# # add hidden form fields ################# foreach(@hidden) { print "$_\n" } ################# # close the form ################# print "
\n"; show_debug_info(); ################# # close the html ################# print "\n"; exit; ################## # page subsections ################## ###################################################### # List the clients allowed to connect to this server # - CHANGE TO UCI ###################################################### sub print_vpn_clients() { print ""; print "
"; print "
Tunnel Server Network: "; printf("%d.%d.",@netw[0],@netw[1]); print ""; print "."; print ""; print " (must be between 0 and 254)
"; print "
"; print ""; print "\n"; print ""; print "\n"; print "\n"; for($i = 0, @list = (); $i < $parms{client_num}; ++$i) { push @list, $i }; push @list, "_add" unless($parms{client_num} > 9); $cnum=0; foreach $val (@list) { foreach $var (qw(enabled name passwd)) { eval sprintf("\$%s = \$parms{client%s_%s}", $var, $val, $var); } print "\n" if $val eq "_add" and scalar(@list) > 1; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; # handle rollover of netw[3] if(@netw[3]+($cnum * 4) > 252) { @netw[2]++; $netw[3] = 0; $net=0; $cnum=0; } else { $net=$cnum; } if($val eq "_add") { $lastnet=@netw[3]+(($net) * 4); } else { $lastnet=@netw[3]+($net * 4); } $fullnet=sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d",@netw[0],@netw[1],@netw[2],$lastnet); print ""; print ""; print ""; print "" unless($val eq "_add"); print "\n"; # display any errors while(@cli_err and $cli_err[0] =~ /^$val /) { $err = shift @cli_err; $err =~ s/^\S+ //; print "\n"; } #push @hidden, "" unless($val eq "_add"); print "\n"; $cnum++; } print "
Allow the following clients to connect to this server:
Enabled?ClientPwdNetActive Action
"; # Required to be first, so, if the checkbox is cleared, a value will still POST print "" unless($val eq "_add"); print "   $fullnet "; print "" if (&is_tunnel_active($name) && ($val ne "_add")); print "" if ($val ne "_add"); print "" if($val eq "_add"); print "
\n"; } ################################# # load client info from UCI ################################# sub get_client_info() { my @clients=&uci_get_all_by_sectiontype("vtun","client"); foreach $c (0..@clients-1) { foreach $var (qw(enabled name passwd)) { $parms{"client${c}_$var"} = @clients[$c]->{$var}; $parms{"client${c}_$var"} = "0" if($parms{"client${c}_$var"} eq ""); } } $parms{client_num} = scalar(@clients); } ################################# # save clients from form to UCI ################################# sub save_clients() { for ($i=0; $i < $parms{"client_num"}; $i++) { foreach $var (qw(enabled name passwd)) { $rc=&uci_set_indexed_option("vtun","client",$i,$var,$parms{"client${i}_$var"}); push(@errors,"Problem saving UCI vtun client (#$i)") if $rc; } } } ################################# # save network info to UCI ################################# sub save_network() { my $net=sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d",172,31,$parms{server_net1},$parms{server_net2}); #push @cli_err, "The server net values must be between 0-254!"; push @errors, "Problem saving the server network values!" if (&uci_set_indexed_option("vtun","network",0,"start",$net)); } sub DEBUGEXIT() { my ($text) = @_; http_header(); html_header("$node setup", 1); print "DEBUG-"; print $text; print ""; exit; }