--[[ Part of AREDN -- Used for creating Amateur Radio Emergency Data Networks Copyright (C) 2023 Tim Wilkinson See Contributors file for additional contributors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Additional Terms: Additional use restrictions exist on the AREDN(TM) trademark and logo. See AREDNLicense.txt for more info. Attributions to the AREDN Project must be retained in the source code. If importing this code into a new or existing project attribution to the AREDN project must be added to the source code. You must not misrepresent the origin of the material contained within. Modified versions must be modified to attribute to the original source and be marked in reasonable ways as differentiate it from the original version --]] local ip = require("luci.ip") local IW = "/usr/sbin/iw" local ARPING = "/usr/sbin/arping" local M = {} local wifi local phy local chipset local frequency local ssid local action_limits = { unresponsive_report = 3, unresponsive_trigger1 = 5, unresponsive_trigger2 = 10, zero_trigger1 = 10 * 60, -- 10 minutes zero_trigger2 = 30 * 60 -- 30 minutes } -- Start action state assuming the node is active and no actions are pending local action_state = { scan1 = true, scan2 = true, rejoin1 = true, rejoin2 = true } local unresponsive = { max = 0, ignore = 15, stations = {} } local station_count = { first_zero = 0, first_nonzero = 0, last_zero = 0, last_nonzero = 0, history = {}, history_limit = 120 -- 2 hours } -- Detect Mikrotik AC which requires special handling local mikrotik_ac = false local boardid = aredn.hardware.get_board_id():lower() if boardid:match("mikrotik") and boardid:match("ac") then mikrotik_ac = true end local logfile = "/tmp/wireless_monitor.log" if not file_exists(logfile) then io.open(logfile, "w+"):close() end local log = aredn.log.open(logfile, 8000) -- Various forms of network resets -- function M.reset_network(mode) log:write("reset_network: " .. mode) if mode == "rejoin" then -- Only observered on Mikrotik AC devices if mikrotik_ac then os.execute(IW .. " " .. wifi .. " ibss leave > /dev/null 2>&1") os.execute(IW .. " " .. wifi .. " ibss join " .. ssid .. " " .. frequency .. " fixed-freq > /dev/null 2>&1") else log:write("-- ignoring (mikrotik ac only)") end elseif mode == "scan-quick" then os.execute(IW .. " " .. wifi .. " scan freq " .. frequency .. " > /dev/null 2>&1") elseif mode == "scan-all" then os.execute(IW .. " " .. wifi .. " scan > /dev/null 2>&1") os.execute(IW .. " " .. wifi .. " scan passive > /dev/null 2>&1") else log:write("-- unknown") end end -- Monitor stations and detect if they become unresponsive -- function M.monitor_unresponsive_stations() local old = unresponsive.stations unresponsive.stations = {} unresponsive.max = 0 local now = nixio.sysinfo().uptime local arp = {} arptable( function (entry) if entry.Device == wifi and entry["Flags"] ~= "0x0" then local ipaddr = entry["IP address"] local mac = entry["HW address"] if mac and ipaddr then arp[mac:upper()] = ipaddr end end end ) for mac, _ in pairs(iwinfo.nl80211.assoclist(wifi)) do local ipaddr = arp[mac:upper()] if ipaddr then unresponsive.stations[ipaddr] = -1 local rt = ip.route(ipaddr) if rt and tostring(rt.gw) == ipaddr then unresponsive.stations[ipaddr] = 0 -- The first ping is broadcast, the rest unicast for line in io.popen(ARPING .. " -w 5 -I " .. wifi .. " " .. ipaddr):lines() do -- If we see exactly one response then broadcast works and unicast doesnt. -- We neeed to force the station to reassociate if line:match("^Received 1 response") then local val = (old[ipaddr] or 0) + 1 unresponsive.stations[ipaddr] = val if val < unresponsive.ignore then if val > action_limits.unresponsive_report then log:write("Possible unresponsive node: " .. ipaddr .. " [" .. mac .. "]") end if val > unresponsive.max then unresponsive.max = val end end break end end end end end end -- Monitor number of connected stations -- function M.monitor_station_count() local count = 0 for mac, station in pairs(iwinfo.nl80211.assoclist(wifi)) do count = count + 1 end table.insert(station_count.history, 1, count) while #station_count.history > station_count.history_limit do station_count.history[#station_count.history] = nil end local now = nixio.sysinfo().uptime if count == 0 then station_count.last_zero = now if station_count.first_zero <= station_count.first_nonzero then station_count.first_zero = now end else station_count.last_nonzero = now if station_count.first_nonzero <= station_count.first_zero then station_count.first_nonzero = now end end end -- Take action depending on the monitor state function M.run_actions() -- No action if we have stations and they're responsive if station_count.last_nonzero > station_count.last_zero and unresponsive.max < action_limits.unresponsive_trigger1 then for k, _ in pairs(action_state) do action_state[k] = false end return end -- Otherwise ... -- If network stations falls to zero when it was previously non-zero if station_count.first_zero > station_count.first_nonzero then if not action_state.scan1 and station_count.last_zero - station_count.first_zero > action_limits.zero_trigger1 then M.reset_network("scan-quick") action_state.scan1 = true return elseif not action_state.scan2 and station_count.last_zero - station_count.first_zero > action_limits.zero_trigger2 then M.reset_network("scan-all") action_state.scan2 = true return end end -- We are failing to ping stations we are associated with if unresponsive.max >= action_limits.unresponsive_trigger1 and not action_state.rejoin1 then M.reset_network("rejoin") action_state.rejoin1 = true return elseif unresponsive.max >= action_limits.unresponsive_trigger2 and not action_state.rejoin2 then M.reset_network("rejoin") action_state.rejoin2 = true return end end function M.run_monitors() M.monitor_unresponsive_stations() M.monitor_station_count() end function M.save() local f = io.open("/tmp/wireless_monitor.info", "w") if f then f:write(luci.jsonc.stringify({ now = nixio.sysinfo().uptime, unresponsive = unresponsive, station_count = station_count, action_state = action_state }, true)) f:close() end end function M.start_monitor() if not string.match(get_ifname("wifi"), "^wlan") then exit_app() return end -- No stations when we start local now = nixio.sysinfo().uptime station_count.first_zero = now station_count.last_zero = now wait_for_ticks(math.max(1, 120 - nixio.sysinfo().uptime)) -- Extract all the necessary wifi parameters wifi = get_ifname("wifi") phy = iwinfo.nl80211.phyname(wifi) frequency = iwinfo.nl80211.frequency(wifi) ssid = iwinfo.nl80211.ssid(wifi) if not (phy and frequency and ssid) then log:write("Startup failed") log:flush() exit_app() return end -- Select chipset if nixio.fs.stat("/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/" .. phy .. "/ath9k") then chipset = "ath9k" elseif nixio.fs.stat("/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/" .. phy .. "/ath10k") then chipset = "ath10k" else exit_app() return end log:write("Monitoring wireless chipset: " .. chipset) M.reset_network("rejoin") while true do M.run_monitors() M.run_actions() M.save() log:flush() wait_for_ticks(60) -- 1 minute end end return M.start_monitor