#!/usr/bin/lua --[[ Part of AREDN -- Used for creating Amateur Radio Emergency Data Networks Copyright (C) 2016 Darryl Quinn See Contributors file for additional contributors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Additional Terms: Additional use restrictions exist on the AREDN(TM) trademark and logo. See AREDNLicense.txt for more info. Attributions to the AREDN Project must be retained in the source code. If importing this code into a new or existing project attribution to the AREDN project must be added to the source code. You must not misrepresent the origin of the material contained within. Modified versions must be modified to attribute to the original source and be marked in reasonable ways as differentiate it from the original version --]] require("aredn.utils") local nxo=require("nixio") require("iwinfo") require("luci.sys") require("uci") -- setup extensions os.capture=capture string.print=print_r -- delay just after rssi_monitor has a chance to run noise floor calibration sleep(5) local MAXLINES=2880 -- 2 days worth local AGETIME=25000 local INACTIVETIMEOUT=10000 local tmpdir="/tmp/snrlog" local lastdat="/tmp/snr.dat" local lasttime={} local lines={} local arpcache={} local nscache={} local defnoise=-95 local tmpdirlist={} local neighbors={} local stations={} local wifiiface="" -- Neighbor Class Neighbor={} Neighbor.__index=Neighbor function Neighbor.create(macaddress) local n={} setmetatable(n,Neighbor) n.mac=macaddress:lower() n.hostname=nil n.sigfile=nil n.datafile=nil n.ip=nil n.lastseen=nil n.level=nil n.ip=n:findIp() n.hostname=n:findHostname() n.signal=n:findSignal() n.noise=n:findNoise() n.lastseen=n:findLastTime() n.datafile=n:generateDataFileName() return n end function Neighbor:hasIP() return not (self.ip==nil) end function Neighbor:hasHostName() return not (self.hostname==nil) end function Neighbor:getExistingDataFileName() local efn=nil for fn in nxo.fs.glob(tmpdir.."/"..self.mac.."-*") do efn=nxo.fs.basename(fn) end return efn end function Neighbor:generateDataFileName() local tmpfn=nil local efn=self:getExistingDataFileName() if efn~=nil then -- existing file found, improve or use tmpfn=self.mac.."-" m,x=string.match(efn,"^([%x2:]*)%-(.*)") if x==nil or x=="" then -- "00:11:22:33:44:55-" if self:hasHostName() then tmpfn=tmpfn..self.hostname nxo.fs.rename(tmpdir.."/"..efn,tmpdir.."/"..tmpfn) elseif self:hasIP() then tmpfn=tmpfn..self.ip nxo.fs.rename(tmpdir.."/"..efn,tmpdir.."/"..tmpfn) end elseif get_ip_type(x)==1 then -- "00:11:22:33:44:55-" if self:hasHostName() then tmpfn=tmpfn..self.hostname nxo.fs.rename(tmpdir.."/"..efn,tmpdir.."/"..tmpfn) else tmpfn=efn end else -- "00:11:22:33:44:55-MAYBE-GOOD-HOST" if x==self.hostname then -- "00:11:22:33:44:55-SAME-HOST" tmpfn=efn else -- "00:11:22:33:44:55-NEW-HOST-NAME" if self.hostname~=nil then tmpfn=tmpfn..self.hostname nxo.fs.rename(tmpdir.."/"..efn,tmpdir.."/"..tmpfn) else tmpfn=efn end end end else -- no prior file, let's generate one tmpfn=self.mac.."-" if self:hasHostName() then tmpfn=tmpfn..self.hostname elseif self:hasIP() then tmpfn=tmpfn..self.ip end end return tmpfn end function Neighbor:findLastTime() self.lastseen=lasttime[mac] return self.lastseen end function Neighbor:findHostname() if self:hasIP() then self.hostname=nslookup(self.ip) end return self.hostname end function Neighbor:findIp() -- lookup IP from arpcache local myarp=arpcache[self.mac] if myarp~=nil then self.ip=myarp["IP address"] end return self.ip end function Neighbor:findSignal() -- lookup from iwinfo self.signal=stations[self.mac:upper()].signal return self.signal end function Neighbor:findNoise() -- lookup from iwinfo self.noise=stations[self.mac:upper()].noise return self.noise end function Neighbor:log() local oktolog=false if self.lastseen ~= nil then if stations[self.mac:upper()].inactive < INACTIVETIMEOUT then oktolog=true end else oktolog=true end if self.signal==0 then oktolog=false end if oktolog then -- log neighbor data to datafile local f, err=assert(io.open(tmpdir.."/"..self.datafile, "a"),"Cannot open file ("..tmpdir.."/"..self.datafile..") for appending!") if f~=nil then local now=os.date("%m/%d %H:%M:%S",os.time()) local outline=string.format("%s,%s,%s\n",now,self.signal,self.noise) f:write(outline) f:close() else print(err) end end return oktolog end -- Neighbor Class END -- MAIN() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- get wifi interface name wifiiface=get_ifname("wifi") -- load the lasttime table if file_exists(lastdat) then local f,err=io.open(lastdat,"r") if f~=nil then for line in f:lines() do mac,last=string.match(line, "(.*)|(.*)") lasttime[mac]=last end end f:close() end -- get radio noise floor local nf=iwinfo["nl80211"].noise(wifiiface) if (nf < -101 or nf > -50) then nf=defnoise end -- create tmp dir if needed if not dir_exists(tmpdir) then nxo.fs.mkdir(tmpdir) end -- get system uptime --now=os.time() now=luci.sys.uptime() -- get all stations stations=iwinfo["nl80211"].assoclist(wifiiface) -- load up arpcache luci.sys.net.arptable( function(a) arpcache[a["HW address"]:lower()]=a end ) -- iterate over all the stations for mstation in pairs(stations) do local n=Neighbor.create(mstation) table.insert(neighbors,n) end -- get all the existing files in tmpdir local tmpdirlist={} for maclist in nxo.fs.dir(tmpdir) do maclistbase=nxo.fs.basename(maclist) table.insert(tmpdirlist,maclistbase) end -- neighbors loop START for _,n in pairs(neighbors) do -- trim datafile file_trim(tmpdir.."/"..n.datafile,MAXLINES) if n:log()==true then lasttime[n.mac]=now end end -- neighbors loop END -- update snr.dat local snrdatcache={} if not file_exists(lastdat) then -- create file local f,err=assert(io.open(lastdat,"w+"),"Cannot create "..lastdat) f:close() end for line in io.lines(lastdat) do local mac,lastt=string.match(line,"(.*)|(.*)") if ((now-lastt) < AGETIME) then -- keep it snrdatcache[mac]=lastt else -- find the file and purge it for maclist in nxo.fs.glob(tmpdir.."/"..mac.."*") do nxo.fs.remove(maclist) end end end for _,n in pairs(neighbors) do snrdatcache[n.mac]=now end -- re-write snr.dat file local f,err=assert(io.open(lastdat,"w+"),"Cannot overwrite "..lastdat) for k,v in pairs(snrdatcache) do f:write(string.format("%s|%s\n",k,v)) end f:close() -- END MAIN