#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # Copyright (C) 2006-2011 OpenWrt.org START=84 STOP=85 CLIENT_CONF=/etc/vtund.conf # Starting tun interface is tun50 TUNNUM=60 MAXTUNNUM=69 ######### UTILITY FUNCTIONS ########### # return the number of "type" sections uci_type_count() { local t="$1" local rc="$2" local count=`uci show vtun|egrep "@$t\[.\]=$t"|wc -l` eval "$rc=$count" } ######### UTILITY FUNCTIONS END ########### options_config() { local cfg="$1" local new_file="$2" local port timeout syslog ppp ifconfig route firewall ip config_get port "$cfg" port "5525" config_get timeout "$cfg" timeout "60" config_get syslog "$cfg" syslog "daemon" config_get ppp "$cfg" ppp "/usr/sbin/pppd" config_get ifconfig "$cfg" ifconfig "/sbin/ifconfig" config_get route "$cfg" route "/sbin/route" config_get firewall "$cfg" firewall "/usr/sbin/iptables" config_get ip "$cfg" ip "/sbin/ip" echo "options {" >> $new_file echo " port $port;" >> $new_file echo " timeout $timeout;" >> $new_file echo " syslog $syslog;" >> $new_file echo " ppp $ppp;" >> $new_file echo " ifconfig $ifconfig;" >> $new_file echo " route $route;" >> $new_file echo " firewall $firewall;" >> $new_file echo " ip $ip;" >> $new_file echo "}" >> $new_file echo " " >> $new_file } # CONNECT THIS CLIENT TO A SERVER to_server_config() { local cfg="$1" local new_file="$2" local enabled host pwd net node netip clientip serverip if [ $TUNNUM -lt $MAXTUNNUM ] then config_get_bool enabled "$cfg" enabled config_get node "$cfg" node config_get host "$cfg" host config_get passwd "$cfg" passwd config_get netip "$cfg" netip config_get clientip "$cfg" clientip config_get serverip "$cfg" serverip if [ $enabled -eq 1 ] then echo "$node {" >> $new_file echo " passwd $passwd;" >> $new_file echo " device tun${TUNNUM};" >> $new_file echo " up {" >> $new_file echo -e " ifconfig \"%% ${clientip} netmask pointopoint ${serverip} mtu 1450\";" >> $new_file echo -e " route \"add -net ${netip}/30 gw ${serverip}\";" >> $new_file echo " };" >> $new_file echo " down {" >> $new_file echo " };" >> $new_file echo "}" >> $new_file echo " " >> $new_file TUNNUM=$(( TUNNUM + 1 )) fi else echo "## TOO MANY TUNNEL CONNECTIONS (${TUNNUM}) ##" >> $new_file fi } start_clients() { local cfg="$1" local new_file="$2" local enabled host pwd net node netip clientip serverip config_get_bool enabled "$cfg" enabled if [ $enabled -eq 1 ] then config_get node "$cfg" node config_get host "$cfg" host /usr/sbin/vtund -p -f $CLIENT_CONF ${node} $host fi } apply_uci_config() { sh -c '. /lib/functions.sh; include /lib/config; uci_apply_defaults' } start() { # only if vtun is installed if [[ -x "/usr/sbin/vtund" ]] then apply_uci_config config_load vtun # Remove the current vtun config file rm -f $CLIENT_CONF # config_foreach network_config network config_foreach options_config options "$CLIENT_CONF" config_foreach to_server_config server "$CLIENT_CONF" # STARTUP CLIENT TO SERVER CONNECTIONS config_foreach start_clients server "$CLIENT_CONF" fi } stop() { # only if vtun is installed if [[ -x "/usr/sbin/vtund" ]] then # find all the vtund CLIENT processess... #for x in `ps -w|grep -F 'vtund[c]:'|grep -v grep|tr -s ' '|cut -d' ' -f2` #do # s=`echo $s $x` #done #kill $s killall vtund fi }