#!/usr/bin/perl # do nothing if olsrd is not running exit if system "ps | grep -v grep | grep -q 'olsrd '"; ($uptime) = `cat /proc/uptime` =~ /^(\d+)/; # load the hosts file foreach(`cat /var/run/hosts_olsr 2>/dev/null`) { next unless /^\d/; ($ip, $name, $junk, $originator, $mid) = split /\s+/, $_; next unless $originator; next if $originator eq "myself"; next unless ($ip eq $originator) or (defined $mid and $mid eq "(mid"); if($hosts{$ip}) { $hosts{$ip} .= "/$name" } else { $hosts{$ip} = $name } } # find the current neighbors foreach(`echo /links | nc 2006 2>/dev/null`) { next unless /^\d/; ($my_ip, $ip) = split /\s+/, $_; $history{$ip}{age} = $uptime; $history{$ip}{name} = $hosts{$ip}; } exit unless keys %history; # load and strip the current history foreach(`cat /tmp/node.history 2>/dev/null`) { chomp; ($ip, $age, $name) = split / /, $_; next unless $age; next if $history{$ip}; next if $uptime - $age > 86400; $name = "" unless $name; $history{$ip}{age} = $age; $history{$ip}{name} = $name; } # write the new history open(FILE, ">/tmp/node.history") or exit; foreach $ip (keys %history) { printf FILE "%s %s %s\n", $ip, $history{$ip}{age}, $history{$ip}{name}; } close(FILE);