{% /* * Part of AREDN® -- Used for creating Amateur Radio Emergency Data Networks * Copyright (C) 2024 Tim Wilkinson * See Contributors file for additional contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms: * * Additional use restrictions exist on the AREDN® trademark and logo. * See AREDNLicense.txt for more info. * * Attributions to the AREDN® Project must be retained in the source code. * If importing this code into a new or existing project attribution * to the AREDN® project must be added to the source code. * * You must not misrepresent the origin of the material contained within. * * Modified versions must be modified to attribute to the original source * and be marked in reasonable ways as differentiate it from the original * version */ %} {% let links = {}; const o = olsr.getLinks(); for (let i = 0; i < length(o); i++) { links[o[i].remoteIP] = o[i]; } function calcColor(tracker) { if (tracker.blocked) { return "blocked"; } if (!tracker.routable) { return "idle"; } const quality = tracker.quality; if (quality < 40) { return "bad"; } else if (quality < 50) { return "poor"; } else if (quality < 75) { return "okay"; } else if (quality < 95) { return "good"; } else { return "excellent"; } }; function calcBitrate(txbitrate, rxbitrate) { if (txbitrate) { if (rxbitrate) { return sprintf("%.1f", ((txbitrate + rxbitrate) * 5 + 0.5) / 10); } else { return sprintf("%.1f", (txbitrate * 10 + 0.5) / 10); } } return "-"; } %}
Local Nodes
n snr
{% const trackers = lqm.getTrackers(); const llist = []; const nlist = []; const hlist = lqm.getHidden(); for (mac in trackers) { const tracker = trackers[mac]; if (tracker.hostname || (tracker.ip && tracker.routable)) { if (tracker.type === "DtD" && tracker.distance < 100) { push(llist, { name: tracker.hostname || `|${tracker.ip}`, mac: mac }); } else { push(nlist, { name: tracker.hostname || `|${tracker.ip}`, mac: mac }); } } } if (length(llist) > 0) { sort(llist, (a, b) => a.name == b.name ? 0 : a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1); for (let i = 0; i < length(llist); i++) { const tracker = trackers[llist[i].mac]; const status = calcColor(tracker); print(`
`); const link = links[tracker.ip] || {}; const lq = link.lossMultiplier ? (min(100, int(100 * link.linkQuality * 65536 / link.lossMultiplier)) + "%") : "-"; const nlq = link.lossMultiplier ? (min(100, int(100 * link.neighborLinkQuality * 65536 / link.lossMultiplier)) + "%") : "-"; if (tracker.hostname) { print(`
`); } else { print(`
`); } print("
"); print(`
${100 - tracker.quality}%
`); print("
"); } } else { print("
"); } %}
Neighborhood Nodes
{% if (length(nlist) > 0) { sort(nlist, (a, b) => a.name == b.name ? 0 : a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1); for (let i = 0; i < length(nlist); i++) { const tracker = trackers[nlist[i].mac]; const status = calcColor(tracker); print(`
`); const link = links[tracker.ip] || {}; const lq = link.lossMultiplier ? (int(100 * link.linkQuality * 65536 / link.lossMultiplier) + "%"): "-"; const nlq = link.lossMultiplier ? (int(100 * link.neighborLinkQuality * 65536 / link.lossMultiplier) + "%") : "-"; let icon = ""; let title = ""; switch (tracker.type) { case "RF": title = "RF "; icon = "wifi"; break; case "DtD": title = "DtD "; icon = "twoarrow"; break; case "Xlink": title = "Xlink "; icon = "plane"; break; case "Tunnel": title = "Legacy tunnel "; icon = "globe"; break; case "Wireguard": title = "Wireguard tunnel "; icon = "globe"; break; default: break; } if (tracker.hostname) { print(`
`); } else { print(`
`); } print("
"); let d = "-"; if ("distance" in tracker) { d = units.meters2distance(tracker.distance); if (d < 1) { d = "< 1"; } else { d = sprintf("%.1f", d); } } print(`
${tracker.snr || "-"}
${tracker.rev_snr || "-"}
${100 - tracker.quality}%
${calcBitrate(tracker.tx_bitrate, tracker.rx_bitrate)}
`); print("
"); } } else { print("
"); } %}
{% if (length(hlist) > 0) { %}
Hidden Nodes
{% sort(hlist, (a, b) => a.hostname == b.hostname ? 0 : a.hostname < b.hostname ? -1 : 1); for (let i = 0; i < length(hlist); i++) { const hostname = hlist[i].hostname; print(``); } %}
{% } %}