=for comment Part of AREDN -- Used for creating Amateur Radio Emergency Data Networks Copyright (c) 2015 Darryl Quinn See Contributors file for additional contributors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Additional Terms: Additional use restrictions exist on the AREDN(TM) trademark and logo. See AREDNLicense.txt for more info. Attributions to the AREDN Project must be retained in the source code. If importing this code into a new or existing project attribution to the AREDN project must be added to the source code. You must not misrepresent the origin of the material contained within. Modified versions must be modified to attribute to the original source and be marked in reasonable ways as differentiate it from the original version. =cut ### UCI Helpers --GET-- --GET-- --GET-- --GET-- --GET-- --GET-- --GET-- --GET-- --GET-- --GET-- --GET-- ### sub uci_get_sectiontype_count() { my ($config, $stype)=@_; my $cmd=sprintf('uci show %s|egrep %s\.\@%s.*=%s|wc -l',$config,$stype,$stype,$stype); my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; chomp($res); return ($rc,$res); } sub uci_get_indexed_option() { my ($config,$stype,$index,$key)=@_; my $cmd=sprintf('uci get %s.@%s[%s].%s',$config,$stype,$index,$key); my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; chomp($res); return ($rc,$res); } sub uci_get_indexed_sectiontype() { my ($config,$stype,$index)=@_; my $cmd=sprintf('uci get %s.@%s[%s]',$config,$stype,$index); my @res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; chomp($res); return ($rc, @res); } sub uci_get_named_option() { my ($config,$sname,$option)=@_; my $cmd=sprintf('uci get %s.%s.%s',$config,$sname,$option); my @res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; chomp($res); return ($rc, @res); } # Returns an array of section names sub uci_get_names_by_sectiontype() { my ($config,$stype)=@_; my @names=(); my $cmd=sprintf('uci show %s|egrep vtun\..*=%s',$config,$stype); my @lines=`$cmd`; if (scalar @lines) { foreach $l (0..@lines-1) { @parts=(); chomp($lines[$l]); @parts = $lines[$l] =~ /^$config\.(.*)\=$stype/g;1; if (scalar(@parts) eq 1) { push(@names,$parts[0]); } } } return @names; } # Returns all lines of config for a named section sub uci_get_named_section() { my ($config,$sname)=@_; my $cmd=sprintf('uci show %s.%s',$config,$sname); my @lines=`$cmd`; my %section; if (scalar @lines) { foreach (@lines) { $l=$_; chomp($l); # @parts=(); @parts = $l =~ /^$config\.$sname\.(.*)\=(.*)/g;1; if (scalar(@parts) eq 2) { $parts[1] =~ s/^\'|\'+$//g; $section->{$parts[0]} = $parts[1]; } } } return $section; } # RETURNS an array of hashes sub uci_get_all_indexed_by_sectiontype() { my ($config,$stype)=@_; my @sections=(); my $cmd=sprintf('uci show %s|grep %s.@%s',$config,$config,$stype); my @lines=`$cmd`; if (scalar @lines) { my $lastindex=0; my $sect={}; my @parts=(); foreach $l (0..@lines-1) { @parts=(); chomp($lines[$l]); @parts = $lines[$l] =~ /^$config\.\@$stype\[(.*)\]\.(.*)\=(.*)/g;1; if (scalar(@parts) eq 3) { if ($parts[0] ne $lastindex) { push @sections, $sect; $sect={}; $lastindex=$parts[0]; } $parts[2] =~ s/^\'|\'+$//g; $sect->{$parts[1]} = $parts[2]; next; } } push (@sections, $sect); } return (@sections); } ### UCI Helpers --ADD-- ### sub uci_add_sectiontype() { my ($config,$stype)=@_; system `touch /etc/config/$config` if (! -f "/etc/config/$config"); my $cmd=sprintf('uci add %s %s',$config,$stype); my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; return $rc; } sub uci_add_list_named_option() { my ($config,$sname,$option,$val)=@_; my $cmd=sprintf('uci add_list %s.%s.%s=\'%s\'',$config,$sname,$option,$val); my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; return $rc; } sub uci_add_named_section() { my ($config,$sname,$stype)=@_; system `touch /etc/config/$config` if (! -f "/etc/config/$config"); my $cmd=sprintf('uci set %s.%s=%s',$config,$sname,$stype); #uci set olsrd.tunnelserver=Interface my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; return $rc; } sub uci_rename_named_section() { my ($config,$sname,$snewname)=@_; my $cmd=sprintf('uci rename %s.%s=%s',$config,$sname,$snewname); #uci rename vtun.server_2=server_1 my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; return $rc; } sub uci_delete_named_section() { my ($config,$sname,$stype)=@_; system `touch /etc/config/$config` if (! -f "/etc/config/$config"); my $cmd=sprintf('uci delete "%s.%s"',$config,$sname); #uci delete vtun.server_9 my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; return $rc; } ### UCI Helpers --DELETE-- ### sub uci_delete_option() { my ($config,$stype,$index,$option)=@_; my $cmd=sprintf('uci delete %s.@%s[%s].%s',$config,$stype,$index,$option); my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; chomp($res); return ($rc,$res); } sub uci_delete_named_option() { my ($config,$sname,$option)=@_; my $cmd=sprintf('uci delete %s.%s.%s',$config,$sname,$option); my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; return $rc; } sub uci_delete_indexed_type() { my ($config,$stype,$index)=@_; my $cmd=sprintf('uci delete %s.@%s[%s]',$config,$stype,$index); my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; chomp($res); return ($rc,$res); } ### UCI Helpers --SET-- ### sub uci_set_named_option() { my ($config,$sname,$option,$val)=@_; my $cmd=sprintf('uci set %s.%s.%s="%s"',$config,$sname,$option,$val); #uci set olsrd.tunnelserver.Ip4Broadcast= my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; return $rc; } ## issue with multiple sections added! sub uci_set_indexed_option() { my ($config,$stype,$index,$option,$val)=@_; system `touch /etc/config/$config` if (! -f "/etc/config/$config"); if (&uci_get_sectiontype_count($config,$stype) eq 0) { my $rc=&uci_add_sectiontype($config,$stype); if ($rc) { return $rc}; } my $cmd=sprintf('uci set %s.@%s[%s].%s="%s"',$config,$stype,$index,$option,$val); my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; return $rc; } ### UCI Helpers --OTHER-- ### sub uci_commit() { my ($config)=@_; my $cmd=sprintf('uci commit %s',$config); my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; return $rc; } sub uci_revert() { my ($config)=@_; my $cmd=sprintf('uci revert %s',$config); my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; chomp($res); return ($rc,$res); } sub uci_clone() { my ($config)=@_; # TODO: add protection of overwriting specific templated files in /etc/config.mesh my $cmd=sprintf('cp /etc/config/%s /etc/config.mesh',$config); my $res=`$cmd`; my $rc=$?; return $rc; } ### UCI Helpers END ### #weird uhttpd/busybox error requires a 1 at the end of this file 1