# Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org BEGIN { FS=":" } ($1 == "accept") || ($1 == "drop") || ($1 == "forward") { delete _opt str2data($3) if ((_l["proto"] == "") && (_l["sport"] _l["dport"] != "")) { _opt[0] = " -p tcp" _opt[1] = " -p udp" } else { _opt[0] = "" } } ($1 == "accept") { print "#\n# rules for " $_ target = " -j ACCEPT" for (o in _opt) { print "iptables -t nat -A prerouting_" $2 _opt[o] str2ipt($3) target # this one is to allow LAN access to node services when a DMZ server is in use if ($2 == "wifi") print "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING " _opt[o] str2ipt($3) target print "iptables -A input_" $2 " " _opt[o] str2ipt($3) target } } ($1 == "drop") { print "#\n# rules for " $_ for (o in _opt) { print "iptables -t nat -A prerouting_" $2 _opt[o] str2ipt($3) " -j DROP" } } # 1 2 3 4 5 # forward:wifi:dport=80 proto=tcp dest= ($1 == "forward") { print "#\n# rules for " $_ target = " -j DNAT --to " $4 fwopts = "" if ($5 != "") { if ((_l["proto"] == "tcp") || (_l["proto"] == "udp") || (_l["proto"] == "")) { if (_l["proto"] != "") fwopts = " -p " _l["proto"] fwopts = fwopts " --dport " $5 target = target ":" $5 } else fwopts = "" } for (o in _opt) { print "iptables -t nat -A prerouting_" $2 _opt[o] str2ipt($3) target # everything seems to work without this rule #print "iptables -A forwarding_" $2 _opt[o] " -d " $4 fwopts " -j ACCEPT" # the wan is more restricted so it needs extra rules if($2 == "wan") { fwopts = _opt[o] if ((_l["proto"] != "") && (_opt[0] == "")) fwopts = " -p " _l["proto"] if(_l["dport"] ~ /-/) { dport = portstr("dst", _l["dport"]) print "iptables -A input_" $2 fwopts " -d " $4 dport " -j ACCEPT" } else { print "iptables -A input_" $2 fwopts " -d " $4 " --dport " $5 " -j ACCEPT" } } # rules to give lan hosts access to port forwarded services if ($2 == "wifi") { fwopts = _opt[o] dport = "" if ((_l["proto"] != "") && (_opt[0] == "")) fwopts = " -p " _l["proto"] if (_l["dport"] != "") dport = portstr("dst", _l["dport"]) print "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING " fwopts " -s " LAN_NET " -d " _l["dest"] dport target } } # nat the packet source for requests that came from the lan # this doesn't work for the wan yet if ($2 == "wifi") { print "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s " LAN_NET " -d " $4 " -j SNAT --to " _l["dest"] } }