# default parameters for Makefile # What version will show in the AREDN firmware 'Node Status" UI page? PRIVATE_BUILD_VERSION=NoCall # build options: -j# for (# of cores +1) on build machine, V=s for verbose output # https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/build#make_options (archive) # https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/usebuildsytem (openwrt-lede merge) # example "MAKE_ARGS=-j33 V=s IGNORE_ERRORS=m BUILD_LOG=1" MAKE_ARGS=-j3 # Where will the installed image find add-on Packages to download? # This URL must contain the packages from this build # downloading packages within the AREDN UI uses signatures PRIVATE_BUILD_PACKAGES=http://downloads.arednmesh.org/snapshots/trunk # These options are for more complex changes SHELL:=$(shell which bash) TARGET=ar71xx-generic