#!/usr/bin/lua --[[ Part of AREDN -- Used for creating Amateur Radio Emergency Data Networks Copyright (C) 2021 Tim Wilkinson Original Perl Copyright (C) 2015 Conrad Lara See Contributors file for additional contributors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Additional Terms: Additional use restrictions exist on the AREDN(TM) trademark and logo. See AREDNLicense.txt for more info. Attributions to the AREDN Project must be retained in the source code. If importing this code into a new or existing project attribution to the AREDN project must be added to the source code. You must not misrepresent the origin of the material contained within. Modified versions must be modified to attribute to the original source and be marked in reasonable ways as differentiate it from the original version --]] require("nixio") require("aredn.hardware") require("aredn.http") require("aredn.utils") local html = require("aredn.html") require("uci") local aredn_info = require("aredn.info") local olsr = require("aredn.olsr") -- helpers start function mesh_ip_to_hostnames(ip) if not ip or ip == "" or ip == "none" then return "" end local pattern = "^" .. ip .. "%s+([%w%-]+)" for line in io.lines("/etc/hosts") do local host = line:match(pattern) if host then return host.gsub("%s+", " / ") end end local hosts = "" for line in io.lines("/var/run/hosts_olsr") do local host = line:match(pattern) if host then hosts = hosts .. " / " .. host end end return hosts:sub(4, #hosts) end function get_default_gw() -- a node with a wired default gw will route via this local p = io.popen("ip route list table 254") if p then for line in p:lines() do local gw = line:match("^default%svia%s([%d%.]+)") if gw then p:close() return gw end end p:close() end -- table 31 is populated by OLSR p = io.popen("ip route list table 31") if p then for line in p:lines() do local gw = line:match("^default%svia%s([%d%.]+)") if gw then p:close() return gw end end p:close() end return "none" end function get_wifi_signal(wifiif) local signal = -1000 local noise = -1000 for mac, station in pairs(iwinfo.nl80211.assoclist(wifiif)) do if station.signal ~= 0 and station.signal > signal then signal = station.signal end if station.noise ~= 0 and station.noise > noise then noise = station.noise end end if signal == -1000 or noise == -1000 then return "N/A", "N/A" else return signal, noise end end function css_options() html.print("") for file in nixio.fs.glob("/www/*.css") do if file ~= "/www/style.css" then file = file:match("/www/(.*).css") html.print("") end end end -- helpers end local node = aredn_info.get_nvram("node") if node == "" then node = "NOCALL" end local tactical = aredn_info.get_nvram("tactical") local config = aredn_info.get_nvram("config") if config == "" or nixio.fs.stat("/etc/config.mesh", "type") ~= "dir" then config = "not set" end local wifi_iface = aredn.hardware.get_iface_name("wifi") local wifi_nr = wifi_iface:match("wlan(%d+)") local wifi_disabled = true local radio = "radio0" if wifi_nr then wifi_disabled = false radio = "radio" .. wifi_nr end local cursor = uci.cursor() local wifi_channel local wifi_chanbw local wifi_ssid if not wifi_disabled then wifi_channel = tonumber(cursor:get("wireless", radio, "channel")) if wifi_channel >= 76 and wifi_channel <= 99 then wifi_channel = wifi_channel * 5 + 3000 end wifi_chanbw = cursor:get("wireless", radio, "chanbw") wifi_ssid = "N/A" cursor:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function (section) if section.network == "wifi" then wifi_ssid = section.ssid return false end end ) end local node_desc = cursor:get("system", "@system[0]", "description") local lat_lon = "Location Not Available" local lat = cursor:get("aredn", "@location[0]", "lat") local lon = cursor:get("aredn", "@location[0]", "lon") if lat and lon then lat_lon = string.format("
Location: %s %s
", lat, lon) end local olsr_routes = olsr.getOLSRRoutes() local olsr_total = 0 local olsr_nodes = 0 for i, node in ipairs(olsr_routes) do if node.genmask ~= 0 then -- don't count default route olsr_total = olsr_total + 1 if node.genmask ~= 32 then olsr_nodes = olsr_nodes + 1 end end end -- post data if os.getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") == "POST" then require('luci.http') require('luci.sys') local request = luci.http.Request(luci.sys.getenv(), function() local v = io.read(1024) if not v then io.close() end return v end ) local css = request:formvalue("css") if css and css:match("%.css$") and nixio.fs.stat("/www/" .. css) then nixio.fs.unlink("/tmp/web/style.css") nixio.fs.symlink("/www/" .. css, "/tmp/web/style.css") end end -- generate page http_header() html.header(node .. " status", true) html.print("
") html.print("
") html.alert_banner() html.msg_banner() -- page header html.print("

" .. node) if tactical ~= "" then html.print(" / " .. tactical) end html.print("

") html.print("
" .. lat_lon .. "
") if node_desc then html.print("
" .. node_desc .. "
") end html.print("
") -- nav buttons html.print("") html.print("Help") html.print("  ") html.print("") if config == "mesh" then html.print("  ") html.print("") if cursor:get("aredn", "@lqm[0]", "enable") == "1" then html.print("  ") html.print("") end if not wifi_disabled then html.print("  ") html.print("") end end html.print("  ") html.print("") html.print("  ") html.print("") html.print("") if config == "not set" then html.print("

This node is not yet configured.
") html.print("Go to the setup page and set your node name and password.
") html.print("Click Save Changes, even if you didn't make any changes, then the node will reboot.
") html.print("

") html.print("
") html.print("

This device can be configured to either permit or prohibit known encrypted traffic on its RF link. It is up to the user to decide which is appropriate based on how it will be used and the license under which it will be operated. These rules vary by country, frequency, and intended use. You are encouraged to read and understand these rules before going further.

") html.print("

This device is pre-configured with no restrictions as to the type of data being passed.

") html.print("

Follow these steps if you wish to prohibit known encrypted traffic on the RF link. These instructions will disappear, so copy them for your reference:

") html.print("

    ") html.print("
  1. Setup your node name and password as instructed at the top of this page
  2. ") html.print("
  3. After you Save Changes allow your node to reboot
  4. ") html.print("
  5. Return to the Node Status page and navigate to Setup > Administration
  6. ") html.print("
  7. Obtain the blockknownencryption package from the AREDN™ website OR refresh the Package list (node must be connected to the internet)
  8. ") html.print("
  9. Install the blockknownencryption package by uploading it or choosing it from the package drop-down list
  10. ") html.print("
  11. Wait until the package installs and then reboot your node
  12. ") html.print("

") html.print("
") end -- status display local col1 = {} local col2 = {} -- left column - network interface info local ip = cursor:get("network", "wifi", "ipaddr") local cidr = netmask_to_cidr(cursor:get("network", "wifi", "netmask")) if wifi_disabled then col1[#col1 + 1] = "
Primary address" .. ip .. " / " .. cidr .. "
" else col1[#col1 + 1] = "Wifi address" .. ip .. " / " .. cidr .. "
" end ip = cursor:get("network", "lan", "ipaddr") mask = cursor:get("network", "lan", "netmask") local browser_ip local remote_ip = os.getenv("REMOTE_ADDRESS") if remote_ip then remote_ip = remote_ip.match("::ffff:([%d%.]+)") end local hide_local = false if remote_ip then browser_ip = remote_ip if not validate_same_subnet(remote_ip, ip, mask) then hide_local = true end end if ip:match("^10%.") or not hide_local then cidr = netmask_to_cidr(mask) col1[#col1 + 1] = "LAN address" .. ip .. " / " .. cidr .. "
" end local wan_iface = aredn.hardware.get_iface_name("wan") if not hide_local and wan_iface then local ip, bcast, mask = aredn.hardware.get_interface_ip4(wan_iface) if ip then cidr = netmask_to_cidr(mask) col1[#col1 + 1] = "WAN address" .. ip .. " / " .. cidr .. "
" else col1[#col1 + 1] = "WAN addressnone
" end end ip = get_default_gw() if ip:match("^10%.") or not hide_local then col1[#col1 + 1] = "default gateway" .. ip if ip:match("^10%.") then col1[#col1] = col1[#col1] .. "
" .. mesh_ip_to_hostnames(ip) .. "" end col1[#col1] = col1[#col1] .. "" end if browser_ip then col1[#col1 + 1] = "your address" .. browser_ip .. "
" .. mesh_ip_to_hostnames(browser_ip) .. "" end if not wifi_disabled then col1[#col1 + 1] = "SSID" .. wifi_ssid .. "" col1[#col1 + 1] = "Channel" .. wifi_channel .. "" col1[#col1 + 1] = "Bandwidth" .. wifi_chanbw .. " MHz" end -- right column - system info if config == "mesh" and not wifi_disabled then col2[#col2 + 1] = "Signal/Noise/Ratio" local s, n = get_wifi_signal(wifi_iface) if s == "N/A" then col2[#col2] = col2[#col2] .. "N/A" else col2[#col2] = col2[#col2] .. "" .. s .. " / " .. n .. " / " .. math.abs(s - n) .. " dB" end col2[#col2] = col2[#col2] .. "   " end col2[#col2 + 1] = "firmware version
model" .. read_all("/etc/mesh-release") .. "
" .. aredn.hardware.get_radio().name .. ""; local sysinfo = nixio.sysinfo() local uptime = string.format("%d:%02d", math.floor(sysinfo.uptime / 3600) % 24, math.floor(sysinfo.uptime / 60) % 60) if sysinfo.uptime >= 172800 then uptime = math.floor(sysinfo.uptime / 86400) .. " days, " .. uptime elseif sysinfo.uptime >= 86400 then uptime = "1 day, " .. uptime end col2[#col2 + 1] = "system time
uptime" .. os.date("%a %b %e %Y") .. " " .. os.date("%T %Z") .. "
" .. uptime .. ""; local vfs = nixio.fs.statvfs("/overlay") local fspace = vfs.bfree * vfs.bsize / 1024 if fspace < 100 then fspace = "" .. fspace .. " KB" else fspace = fspace .. " KB" end vfs = nixio.fs.statvfs("/tmp") local tspace = vfs.bfree * vfs.bsize / 1024 if tspace < 3000 then tspace = "" .. tspace .. " KB" else tspace = tspace .. " KB" end local rspace = (sysinfo.freeram + sysinfo.bufferram) / 1024 if rspace < 500 then rspace = "" .. rspace .. " KB" else rspace = rspace .. " KB" end col2[#col2 + 1] = "load average
free space" .. string.format("%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", sysinfo.loads[1], sysinfo.loads[2], sysinfo.loads[3]) .. "
flash = " .. fspace .. "
/tmp = " .. tspace .. "
memory = " .. rspace .. ""; col2[#col2 + 1] = "OLSR EntriesTotal = " .. olsr_total .. "
Nodes = " .. olsr_nodes .. "" -- now print the tables html.print("

") html.print("
") for i, line in ipairs(col1) do html.print("" .. line .. "") end html.print("
") for i, line in ipairs(col2) do html.print("" .. line .. "") end html.print("
") -- end html.print("
") html.footer() html.print("")