#!/usr/bin/perl $debug = 0; BEGIN {push @INC, '/www/cgi-bin'}; use perlfunc; # collect some variables $node = nvram_get("node"); $node = "NOCALL" if $node eq ""; $tactical = nvram_get("tactical"); $config = nvram_get("config"); $config = "not set" if $config eq "" or not -d "/etc/config.$config"; read_postdata(); # set up the day/night style sheet system "mkdir -p /tmp/web; cp -f /www/day.css /tmp/web/style.css" unless -f "/tmp/web/style.css"; if($parms{night}) { system "touch /tmp/.night; cp -f /www/night.css /tmp/web/style.css" } elsif(not $parms{reload}) { $parms{night} = 1 if -f "/tmp/.night" } else { system "rm -f /tmp/.night; cp -f /www/day.css /tmp/web/style.css" } #system "rm -rf /tmp/web"; # generate the page http_header(); html_header("Broadband-Hamnet Node $node", 1); print "
\n"; print "
\n"; alert_banner(); # page header print "

$node"; print " / $tactical" if $tactical; print "

"; print "
\n"; # nav buttons print "\n"; #print qq(\n); print "Help\n"; print "   "; print "\n"; if($config eq "mesh") { print "   "; print "\n"; print "   "; print "\n"; } if($config eq "mesh" or $config eq "client") { print "   "; print "\n"; } print "   "; print "\n"; print "   "; print "Night Mode\n"; print "\n"; if($config eq "not set") { print "

This node is not yet configured.
"; print "Go to the setup page and set your node name and password.
\n"; print "Click Save Changes, even if you didn't make any changes, then the node will reboot.
\n"; print "

\n"; print "
\n"; print "

This device can be configured to either permit or prohibit known encrypted traffic on its RF link. It is up to the user to decide which is appropriate based on how it will be used and the license under which it will be operated. These rules vary by country, frequency, and intended use. You are encouraged to read and understand these rules before going further.

"; print "

This device is pre-configured with no restrictions as to the type of data being passed and is currently compatible with the Linksys WRT54G-series BBHN firmware.

\n"; print "

Follow these steps if you wish to prohibit known encrypted traffic on the RF link. These instructions will disappear, so copy them for your reference:

"; print "

    \n"; print "
  1. Setup your node name and password as instructed at the top of this page
  2. "; print "
  3. After you Save Changes allow your node to reboot
  4. "; print "
  5. Return to the Node Status page and navigate to Setup > Administration
  6. "; print "
  7. Obtain the blockknownencryption package from the BBHN website OR refresh the Package list (node must be connected to the internet)
  8. "; print "
  9. Install the blockknownencryption package by uploading it or choosing it from the package drop-down list
  10. "; print "
  11. Wait until the package installs and then reboot your node
  12. "; print "

\n"; print "
"; } # status display @col1 = @col2 = (); $hide_local = 0; $browser_ip = ""; # left column - network interface info if(system "ifconfig br-lan >/dev/null 2>&1") # lan not bridged { # show the wifi address ($ip, $mask, $bcast, $net, $cidr) = get_ip4_network("wlan0"); $cidr = "/ $cidr" if $cidr; $str = "WiFi address$ip $cidr
"; $str .= "" . get_ip6_addr("wlan0") . ""; push @col1, $str; # find out if the browser is on this node's lan # if not, hide the local network details ($ip, $mask, $bcast, $net, $cidr) = get_ip4_network("eth0"); if($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /::ffff:([\d\.]+)/) { $browser_ip = $1; $hide_local = 1 unless validate_same_subnet($browser_ip, $ip, $mask); } if($ip =~ /^10\./ or not $hide_local) { $cidr = "/ $cidr" if $cidr; $str = "LAN address$ip $cidr
"; $str .= "" . get_ip6_addr("eth0") . ""; push @col1, $str; } } else # lan is bridged { # show the wifi/lan bridge address unless the browser is on a different network ($ip, $mask, $bcast, $net, $cidr) = get_ip4_network("br-lan"); if($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /::ffff:([\d\.]+)/) { $browser_ip = $1; $hide_local = 1 unless validate_same_subnet($browser_ip, $ip, $mask); } unless($hide_local) { $cidr = "/ $cidr" if $cidr; $str = "WiFi/LAN address$ip $cidr
"; $str .= "" . get_ip6_addr("br-lan") . ""; push @col1, $str; } } if(not $hide_local and not system "ifconfig eth0.1 >/dev/null 2>&1") { ($ip, $mask, $bcast, $net, $cidr) = get_ip4_network("eth0.1"); $cidr = "/ $cidr" if $cidr; $cidr = "" unless $cidr; $str = "WAN address$ip $cidr
"; $str .= "" . get_ip6_addr("eth0.1") . ""; push @col1, $str; } $ip = get_default_gw(); if($ip =~ /^10\./ or not $hide_local) { $str = "default gateway$ip"; $str .= "
" . mesh_ip2hostname($ip) . "" if $ip =~ /^10\./; push @col1, $str . ""; } if($browser_ip) { $str = "your address$browser_ip"; $str .= "
" . mesh_ip2hostname($browser_ip) . "";# if $ip =~ /^10\./; push @col1, $str . ""; } if(-f "/tmp/olsrd.log") { chomp($lines = `wc -l /tmp/olsrd.log | awk '{print \$1}'`); chomp($start = `tail -n1 /tmp/olsrd.log | awk '{print \$1}'`); chomp($uptime = `cat /proc/uptime | cut -f1 -d.`); $uptime -= $start; $up_d = int($uptime/86400); $uptime -= $up_d*86400; $up_h = int($uptime/3600); $uptime -= $up_h*3600; $up_m = int($uptime/60); $up_s = $uptime - $up_m*60; $str = "OLSR restarts
runtime"; $str .= sprintf "%d
%d - %02d:%02d:%02d", $lines, $up_d, $up_h, $up_m, $up_s; push @col1, " "; push @col1, $str; } # right column - system info if($config eq "mesh" or $config eq "client") { $str = "Signal/Noise/Ratio"; ($s, $n) = get_wifi_signal("wlan0"); if($s eq "N/A") { $str .= "N/A" } else { $str .= sprintf "%d / %d / %d dB", $s, $n, $s - $n } $str .= "   "; $str .= "\n"; $str .= ""; push @col2, $str; } push @col2, "firmware version
configuration" . `cat /etc/mesh-release` . "
$config"; push @col2, "system time" . `date +'%a %b %e %Y
%T %Z'` . ""; $uptime = `uptime`; $uptime =~ s/^ ..:..:.. up //; ($uptime, $load) = $uptime =~ /(.*), load average: (.*)/; push @col2, "uptime
load average$uptime
$load"; $str = "free spaceflash = "; $space = get_free_space("/overlay"); $str .= $space < 100 ? "$space KB" : "$space KB"; $str .= "
/tmp = "; $space = get_free_space("/tmp"); $str .= $space < 3000 ? "$space KB" : "$space KB"; $str .= "
memory = "; $space = get_free_mem(); $str .= $space < 500 ? "$space KB" : "$space KB"; $str .= ""; push @col2, $str; # now print the tables print "

\n"; print "
\n"; foreach(@col1) { print "$_\n" } print "
\n"; foreach(@col2) { print "$_\n" } print "
\n"; # end print "
\n"; print "
\n"; show_debug_info(); show_parse_errors(); print "\n"; print "\n";