
650 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

=for comment
Part of AREDN -- Used for creating Amateur Radio Emergency Data Networks
Copyright (C) 2015 Conrad Lara
See Contributors file for additional contributors
Copyright (c) 2013 David Rivenburg et al. BroadBand-HamNet
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Additional Terms:
Additional use restrictions exist on the AREDN(TM) trademark and logo.
See AREDNLicense.txt for more info.
Attributions to the AREDN Project must be retained in the source code.
If importing this code into a new or existing project attribution
to the AREDN project must be added to the source code.
You must not misrepresent the origin of the material contained within.
Modified versions must be modified to attribute to the original source
and be marked in reasonable ways as differentiate it from the original
$debug = 0;
BEGIN {push @INC, '/www/cgi-bin'};
use perlfunc;
%rateL = (
'1.0M' => '1', # CCP LP
'2.0M' => '2', # CCP LP
'5.5M' => '5.5', # CCP LP
'MCS0' => '6.5', # HT20 LGI
'11.0M'=> '11', # CCP LP
'MCS1' => '13', # HT20 LGI...
'MCS2' => '19.5',
'MCS3' => '26',
'MCS4' => '39',
'MCS5' => '52',
'MCS6' => '58.5',
'MCS7' => '65',
'MCS8' => '13',
'MCS9' => '26',
'MCS10' => '39',
'MCS11' => '52',
'MCS12' => '78',
'MCS13' => '104',
'MCS14' => '117',
'MCS15' => '130',
%rateS = (
'MCS0' => '7.2',
'MCS1' => '14.4',
'MCS2' => '21.7',
'MCS3' => '28.9',
'MCS4' => '43.3',
'MCS5' => '57.8',
'MCS6' => '65',
'MCS7' => '72.2',
'MCS8' => '14.4',
'MCS9' => '28.9',
'MCS10' => '43.3',
'MCS11' => '57.8',
'MCS12' => '86.7',
'MCS13' => '115.6',
'MCS14' => '130',
'MCS15' => '144.4',
# collect some variables
$node = nvram_get("node");
$node = "NOCALL" if $node eq "";
$tactical = nvram_get("tactical");
$config = nvram_get("config");
$config = "not set" if $config eq "" or not -d "/etc/config.mesh";
($my_ip) = get_ip4_network(get_interface("wifi"));
${wifiif} = `uci -q get 'network.wifi.ifname'`;
chomp ${wifiif};
$phy = get_wlan2phy("${wifiif}");
chomp ($chanbw = `cat /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/${phy}/ath9k/chanbw`);
if ($chanbw eq "0x00000005") {$chanbw = 4;}
elsif ($chanbw eq "0x0000000a") {$chanbw = 2;}
else {$chanbw = 1;}
system "mkdir -p /tmp/web";
system "touch /tmp/web/automesh" if $parms{auto};
system "rm -f /tmp/web/automesh" if $parms{stop};
#get location info if available
$lat_lon = "<strong>Location Not Available</strong>";
if(-f "/etc/latlon") {
$rcgood=open(FILE, "/etc/latlon");
if($rcgood) {
push @lat_lon,$_;
$lat_lon = "<center><strong>Location: </strong> $lat_lon[0] $lat_lon[1]</center>";
$olsrTotal = `/sbin/ip route list table 30 | wc -l`; #num hosts olsr is keeping track of
$olsrNodes = `/sbin/ip route list table 30 | egrep "/" | wc -l`; #num *nodes* on the network (minus other hosts)
$node_desc = `/sbin/uci -q get system.\@system[0].description`; #pull the node description from uci
# parse the txtinfo output
$table = "none";
chomp($tmperr = `mktemp /tmp/web/nc.XXXXXX`);
foreach(`echo /all | nc 2006 2>$tmperr`)
if(/^Table: (\w+)/)
$table = $1;
next if /^\s*$/ or /^\D/;
if($table eq "Links")
($junk, $ip, $junk, $lq, $nlq) = split /\s+/, $_;
$links{$ip}{lq} = $lq;
$links{$ip}{nlq} = $nlq;
$mac = `grep $ip /proc/net/arp | grep ${wifiif} | grep -v "00:00:00:00:00:00" | head -1`;
$mac =~ s/^.*(\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w).*$/$1/;
chomp $mac;
if (! $mac or ! -e "/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/${phy}/netdev:${wifiif}/stations/$mac" )
$mbps = "";
$mbps = `egrep '^([^,]*,){3}A' /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/${phy}/netdev\:${wifiif}/stations/$mac/rc_stats_csv`;
if ($mbps)
($gi, $dummy, $rate, $dummy, $ewma) = $mbps =~ /^[^,]*,([^,]*),([^,]*,){2}([^,]*),([^,]*,){4}([^,]*).*$/ ;
$rate =~ s/[ \t]//g;
$mbps = $gi eq "SGI" ? $rateS{$rate}*$ewma/100 : $rateL{$rate}*$ewma/100 ;
$mbps = `egrep \"^A" /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/${phy}/netdev\:${wifiif}/stations/$mac/rc_stats_csv`;
if ($mbps)
$mbps =~ /^[^,]*,([^,]*),([^,]*,){4}([^,]*).*$/;
$mbps = $1*$3/100;
else { $mbps = "0"; }
if ( ! $mbps eq "" )
$mbps /= $chanbw;
$links{$ip}{mbps} = sprintf "%.1f",$mbps;
else { $links{$ip}{mbps} = "0.0"; }
elsif($table eq "Neighbors")
elsif($table eq "Topology")
elsif($table eq "HNA")
($iproute, $ip) = split /\s+/, $_;
($net, $cidr) = split /\//, $iproute;
if ( $net eq "" ) { $wangateway{$ip} = 1; }
elsif($table eq "MID")
($ip, $junk) = $_ =~ /^(\S+)\s+(.*)$/;
foreach $aip ( split /\s+/, $junk ) { $ipalias{$aip} = $ip }
elsif($table eq "Routes")
($ip, $junk, $junk, $etx) = split /\s+/, $_;
($net, $cidr) = split /\//, $ip;
$routes{$net}{cidr} = $cidr;
$routes{$net}{etx} = $etx;
$routes{$net}{value} = ip2decimal($net);
$routes{$net}{mask} = 0xffffffff - ((1 << (32 - $cidr)) - 1);
# stat and -s do not work in microperl
@parts = split /\s+/, `ls -l $tmperr`;
$txtinfo_err = $parts[4];
unlink $tmperr;
# load the local hosts file
foreach(`cat /etc/hosts`)
next unless /^10[.]/;
($ip, $name, $tactical) = split /\s+/, $_;
next if $name =~ /^(localhost|localnode|localap|dtdlink\..*)$/;
if ( $name !~ /\./ ) { $name="${name}.local.mesh"; }
if($ip eq $my_ip)
$tactical = "" unless $tactical;
$localhosts{$ip}{tactical} = $tactical;
$localhosts{$ip}{name} = $name;
else { push @{$localhosts{$my_ip}{hosts}}, $name; }
if($tactical eq "#NOPROP") { push @{$localhosts{$my_ip}{noprops}}, $name; }
if($tactical eq "#ALIAS") { push @{$localhosts{$my_ip}{aliases}}, $name; }
# load the olsr hosts file
foreach(`cat /var/run/hosts_olsr 2>/dev/null`)
next unless /^\d/;
($ip, $name, undef, $originator, undef, undef) = split /\s+/, $_;
next unless $originator;
next if $originator eq "myself";
if (( $name !~ /\./ ) || ( $name =~ /^mid\.[^\.]*$/ )) { $name="${name}.local.mesh"; }
if ( $ip eq $originator )
if($hosts{$ip}{name}) { $hosts{$ip}{tactical} = $name }
$hosts{$ip}{name} = $name;
if ( $routes{$ip} ) { $hosts{$ip}{etx} = $routes{$ip}{etx} ; }
else { $hosts{$ip}{etx} = "99.000"; }
elsif ( $name =~ /^dtdlink\..*$/ )
$hosts{$ip}{name} = $name;
$dtd{$originator} = 1;
if ( $routes{$ip} ) { $hosts{$ip}{etx} = $routes{$ip}{etx} ; }
else { $hosts{$ip}{etx} = "99.000"; }
elsif ( $name =~ /^mid\d+\..*$/ )
$midcount{$originator} = $midcount{$originator} ? $midcount{$originator}+1: 1 ;
if (! $hosts{$ip}{name} )
if ( $routes{$ip} ) { $hosts{$ip}{etx} = $routes{$ip}{etx} ; }
else { $hosts{$ip}{etx} = "99.000"; }
$hosts{$ip}{name} = $name;
else { push @{$hosts{$originator}{hosts}}, $name; }
# load the olsr services file
foreach(`cat /var/run/services_olsr 2>/dev/null`)
next unless /^\w/;
($url, $junk, $name) = split /\|/, $_;
next unless defined $name;
($protocol, $host, $port, $path) = $url =~ /^(\w+):\/\/([\w\-\.]+):(\d+)\/(.*)/;
next unless defined $path;
($name, $originator) = split /\#/, $name;
$name =~ s/\s+$//;
if ( $host !~ /\./ ) { $host="${host}.local.mesh"; }
# attempt to work around olsr never forgetting defunct services
# assume that the first entry in the file by this name is the most recent, ignore the rest
next if $services{$host}{$name};
$services{$host}{$name} = $port ? "<a href='${protocol}://${host}:${port}/${path}' target='_blank'>$name</a>" : $name;
# load the node history
foreach(`cat /tmp/node.history 2>/dev/null`)
($ip, $age, $host) = split / /, $_;
next unless $age;
$host = "" unless $host;
$host =~ s|/| / |;
$history{$ip}{age} = $age;
$history{$ip}{host} = $host;
#delete $hosts{""};
# generate the page
html_header("$node mesh status", 0);
print "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='10;url=/cgi-bin/mesh'>\n" if -f "/tmp/web/automesh";
print "</head>\n";
print "<body><form method=post action=/cgi-bin/mesh enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=reload value=1>\n";
print "<center>\n";
# page header
print "<h1>$node mesh status</h1>";
print "$lat_lon"; #display lat lon info
print "<table id='node_description_display'><tr><td>$node_desc</td></tr></table>" if $node_desc; #display node description
print "<hr><nobr>";
# nav buttons
if(-f "/tmp/web/automesh")
print "<input type=submit name=stop value=Stop title='Abort continuous status'>\n";
print "<input type=submit name=refresh value=Refresh title='Refresh this page'>\n";
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
print "<input type=submit name=auto value=Auto title='Automatic page refresh'>\n";
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp";
print "<button type=button onClick='window.location=\"status\"' title='Return to the status page'>Quit</button>\n";
print "<br><br><b>Whoops! OLSR is not running, try again later.</b>\n";
print "</center></form>";
print "</body></html>\n";
print "</nobr><br><br>\n";
unless(keys %localhosts or keys %links)
print "No other nodes are available.\n";
print "</center></form>";
print "</body></html\n";
print "<table><tr><td valign=top><table>\n";
# show local hosts
print "<tr><th colspan=4 align=left><nobr>Local Hosts</nobr></th><th align=left>Services</th></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td colspan=5><hr></td></tr>\n";
if(keys %localhosts)
%rows = ();
foreach $ip (keys %localhosts)
$host = $localhosts{$ip}{name};
$localpart = $host =~ s/.local.mesh//r;
$tactical = $localhosts{$ip}{tactical} ? " / " . $localhosts{$ip}{tactical} : "";
$rows{$host} = sprintf "<tr><td valign=top><nobr>%s</nobr>", $localpart . $tactical;
if ( $wangateway{$ip} ) { $nodeiface = "wan" ; }
if ( $nodeiface ) { $rows{$host} .= " &nbsp; <small>($nodeiface)</small>"; }
$rows{$host} .= "</td><td colspan=3>&nbsp;</td><td>\n" ;
foreach(sort keys %{$services{$host}})
$rows{$host} .= "<nobr>" . $services{$host}{$_} . "</nobr><br>\n";
$rows{$host} .= "</td></tr>\n";
# add locally advertised dmz hosts
foreach $dmzhost (@{$localhosts{$ip}{hosts}})
#find non-propagated and aliased hosts and change color
$nopropd = 0;
$aliased = 0;
if(grep { /$dmzhost/ } @{$localhosts{$ip}{noprops}}) { $nopropd = 1; }
if(grep { /$dmzhost/ } @{$localhosts{$ip}{aliases}}) { $aliased = 1; }
$localpart = $dmzhost =~ s/.local.mesh//r;
if(!$nopropd and !$aliased) { $rows{$host} .= "<tr><td valign=top><nobr>&nbsp;<img src='/dot.png'>$localpart</nobr></td>"; }
elsif($aliased) { $rows{$host} .= "<tr><td class=aliased-hosts valign=top title='Aliased Host'><nobr>&nbsp;<img src='/dot.png'>$localpart</nobr></td>"; }
else { $rows{$host} .= "<tr><td class=hidden-hosts valign=top title='Non Propagated Host'><nobr>&nbsp;<img src='/dot.png'>$localpart</nobr></td>"; }
$rows{$host} .= "<td colspan=3></td><td>\n";
foreach(sort keys %{$services{$dmzhost}})
$rows{$host} .= "<nobr>" . $services{$dmzhost}{$_} . "</nobr><br>\n";
$rows{$host} .= "</td></tr>\n";
foreach(sort keys %rows) { print $rows{$_} }
print "<tr><td>none</td></tr>\n";
# show remote nodes
print "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><th align=left><nobr>Remote Nodes</nobr></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th><th>ETX</th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th><th align=left>Services</th></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td colspan=5><hr></td></tr>\n";
%rows = ();
%sortrows = ();
foreach $ip (keys %hosts)
next if $links{$ip};
next if $ipalias{$ip};
foreach $aip (keys %ipalias)
if ($ipalias{$aip} eq $ip ) { if ($links{$aip} ) { $isNeig=1; last;} }
next if $isNeig;
$host = $hosts{$ip}{name};
$localpart = $host =~ s/.local.mesh//r;
$tactical = $hosts{$ip}{tactical} ? " / " . $hosts{$ip}{tactical} : "";
$etx = sprintf "%.2f", $hosts{$ip}{etx};
next if ($etx > 50 );
next if ($etx == 0 );
$rows{$host} = sprintf "<tr><td valign=top><nobr><a href='http://%s:8080/'>%s</a>", $host, $localpart . $tactical;
undef $nodeiface;
if ( $dtd{$ip} )
if ( $midcount{$ip} ) { $midcount{$ip} -= 1; } # extra mid entry matching and with dtdlink in hosts_olsrd
if ( $hosts{$ip}{tactical} ) { $midcount{$ip} -= 1; } # extra mid entry if tactical name defined
if ( $midcount{$ip} ) { $nodeiface = "tun*$midcount{$ip}" ; }
if ( $wangateway{$ip} ) { $nodeiface = $nodeiface ? $nodeiface . ",wan" : "wan" ; }
if ( $nodeiface ) { $rows{$host} .= " &nbsp; <small>($nodeiface)</small>"; }
$rows{$host} .= sprintf "</nobr></td><td></td><td align=right valign=top>%s</td><td></td><td>\n", $etx;
foreach(sort keys %{$services{$host}})
$rows{$host} .= "<nobr>" . $services{$host}{$_} . "</nobr><br>\n";
$rows{$host} .= "</td></tr>\n";
# add advertised dmz hosts
foreach $dmzhost (@{$hosts{$ip}{hosts}})
$localpart = $dmzhost =~ s/.local.mesh//r;
$rows{$host} .= "<tr><td valign=top><nobr>&nbsp;<img src='/dot.png'>$localpart</nobr></td>";
$rows{$host} .= "<td colspan=3></td><td>\n";
foreach(sort keys %{$services{$dmzhost}})
$rows{$host} .= "<nobr>" . $services{$dmzhost}{$_} . "</nobr><br>\n";
$rows{$host} .= "</td></tr>\n";
if(keys %rows)
foreach(sort { $hosts{$a}{etx} <=> $hosts{$b}{etx} } keys %sortrows) { print $rows{$sortrows{$_}} }
print "<tr><td>none</td></tr>\n";
print "</table></td><td width=20>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top><table>\n";
# show current neighbors
print "<tr><th align=left><nobr>Current Neighbors</nobr></th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th><th>LQ</th><th>NLQ</th><th>TxMbps</th><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;</th><th align=left>Services</th></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td colspan=7><hr></td></tr>\n";
if(keys %links)
%rows = ();
foreach $ip (keys %links)
$ipmain = exists $ipalias{$ip} ? $ipalias{$ip} : $ip ;
$host = $hosts{$ipmain}{name} ? $hosts{$ipmain}{name} : $ipmain;
$localpart = $host =~ s/.local.mesh//r;
$tactical = $hosts{$ipmain}{tactical} ? " / " . $hosts{$ipmain}{tactical} : "";
if ( $rows{$host} ) { $host .= " " ; } # avoid collision 2 links to same host {rf, dtd}
$no_space_host =~ s/\s+$//;
$rows{$host} = sprintf "<tr><td valign=top><nobr><a href='http://%s:8080/'>%s</a>", $no_space_host, $localpart . $tactical;
undef $nodeiface;
if ( $ipmain ne $ip ) # indicate if dtd or tunnel interface to neighbor
if ( $hosts{$ip}{name} =~ /^dtdlink\..*$/ ){ $nodeiface="dtd" ; }
elsif ( $hosts{$ip}{name} =~ /^mid\d+\..*$/ ) { $nodeiface="tun" ; }
else { $nodeiface="?" ; }
if ( $wangateway{$ip} or $wangateway{$ipmain} ) { $nodeiface = $nodeiface ? $nodeiface . ",wan" : "wan" ; }
if ( $nodeiface ) { $rows{$host} .= " &nbsp; <small>($nodeiface)</small>"; }
$rows{$host} .= sprintf ("</nobr></td><td></td><td align=right valign=top>%.0f%%</td><td align=right valign=top>%.0f%%</td><td align=right valign=top>%s</td><td></td><td>\n", 100*$links{$ip}{lq}, 100*$links{$ip}{nlq},$links{$ip}{mbps});
if ( ! exists $neighservices{$host} )
foreach(sort keys %{$services{$host}}) { $rows{$host} .= "<nobr>" . $services{$host}{$_} . "</nobr><br>\n" }
$rows{$host} .= "</td></tr>\n";
# add advertised dmz hosts
foreach $dmzhost (@{$hosts{$ipmain}{hosts}})
$localpart = $dmzhost =~ s/.local.mesh//r;
$rows{$host} .= "<tr><td valign=top><nobr>&nbsp;<img src='/dot.png'>$localpart</nobr></td><td colspan=5></td><td>\n";
foreach(sort keys %{$services{$dmzhost}}) { $rows{$host} .= $services{$dmzhost}{$_} . "<br>\n" }
$rows{$host} .= "</td></tr>\n";
foreach(sort keys %rows) { print $rows{$_} }
print "<tr><td>none</td></tr>\n";
# show previous neighbors
print "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><th colspan=6 align=left><nobr>Previous Neighbors</nobr></th><th align=left>When</th></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td colspan=7><hr></td></tr>\n";
%rows = ();
($uptime) = `cat /proc/uptime` =~ /^(\d+)/;
foreach $ip (keys %history)
next if $links{$ip};
next if $links{$ipalias{$ip}};
$age = sprintf "%010d", $uptime - $history{$ip}{age};
$host = $history{$ip}{host} ? $history{$ip}{host} : $ip;
$host =~ s/^mid\d+\.// ;
$host =~ s/^dtdlink\.// ;
$rows{$age} .= sprintf "<tr><td colspan=6><nobr>%s</nobr>", $host;
foreach(@{$hosts{$ip}{hosts}}) { $rows{$age} .= "<br><nobr><img src='/dot.png'>$_</nobr>" }
$rows{$age} .= "</td><td valign=top><nobr>";
if($age < 3600)
$val = int($age/60);
$rows{$age} .= $val == 1 ? "1 minute ago" : "$val minutes ago";
$val = sprintf "%.1f", $age/3660;
$rows{$age} .= $val eq "1.0" ? "1 hour ago" : "$val hours ago";
$rows{$age} .= "</nobr></td></tr>\n";
if(keys %rows)
foreach(sort keys %rows) { print $rows{$_} }
print "<tr><td>none</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><th align='left'>OLSR Entries</th></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td colspan=7><hr></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td>Total</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td align='right'>$olsrTotal</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td>Nodes</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td align='right'>$olsrNodes</td></tr>\n";
print "</table></td></tr></table>\n";
# end
print "</center>\n";
print "</form>\n";
print "<pre>\n";
print "localhosts\n";
foreach $ip (sort keys %localhosts)
printf "%s %s", $ip, $localhosts{$ip}{name};
printf "/%s", $localhosts{$ip}{tactical} if $localhosts{$ip}{tactical};
foreach(@{$localhosts{$ip}{hosts}}) { print ":$_" }
print "\n";
print "\nhosts\n";
foreach $ip (sort keys %hosts)
$hosts{$ip}{name} = "" unless $hosts{$ip}{name};
printf "%s %s", $ip, $hosts{$ip}{name};
printf "/%s", $hosts{$ip}{tactical} if $hosts{$ip}{tactical};
foreach(@{$hosts{$ip}{hosts}}) { print ":$_" }
printf(" %d", $hosts{$ip}{mid}) if $hosts{$ip}{mid};
print "\nlinks\n";
foreach(sort keys %links)
print "$_\n";
print "</pre>\n";
print "</body>\n";
print "</html>\n";