
235 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File

$debug = 0;
BEGIN {push @INC, '/www/cgi-bin'};
use perlfunc;
# collect some variables
$node = nvram_get("node");
$node = "NOCALL" if $node eq "";
$tactical = nvram_get("tactical");
$config = nvram_get("config");
$config = "not set" if $config eq "" or not -d "/etc/config.$config";
# set up the day/night style sheet
system "mkdir -p /tmp/web; cp -f /www/day.css /tmp/web/style.css" unless -f "/tmp/web/style.css";
if($parms{night}) { system "touch /tmp/.night; cp -f /www/night.css /tmp/web/style.css" }
elsif(not $parms{reload}) { $parms{night} = 1 if -f "/tmp/.night" }
else { system "rm -f /tmp/.night; cp -f /www/day.css /tmp/web/style.css" }
#system "rm -rf /tmp/web";
# generate the page
html_header("Broadband-Hamnet Node $node", 1);
print "<body><form method=post action=/cgi-bin/status enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n";
print "<center>\n";
# page header
print "<h1><big>$node";
print " / $tactical" if $tactical;
print "</big></h1>";
print "<hr>\n";
# nav buttons
print "<nobr>\n";
#print qq(<button type=button onClick='"/help.html", "_blank")' title='Open a help window'>Help</button>\n);
print "<a href='/help.html' target='_blank'>Help</a>\n";
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
print "<input type=submit name=refresh value=Refresh title='Refresh this page'>\n";
if($config eq "mesh")
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
print "<button type=button onClick='window.location=\"mesh\"' title='See what is on the mesh'>Mesh Status</button>\n";
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
print "<button type=button onClick='window.location=\"http://$node:1978/\"' title='See the OLSR routing details'";
#print " disabled" unless -f "/var/run/hosts_olsr";
print ">OLSR Status</button>\n";
if($config eq "mesh" or $config eq "client")
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
print "<button type=button onClick='window.location=\"scan\"' title='See what wireless networks are nearby'>WiFi Scan</button>\n";
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
print "<button type=button onClick='window.location=\"setup\"' title='Configure this node'>Setup</button>\n";
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
print "<input type=checkbox name=night value=night onClick='form.submit()' ";
if($parms{night}) { print "title='Switch to bright colors' checked" }
else { print "title='Switch to dark colors'" }
print ">Night Mode</nobr>\n";
print "<input type=hidden name=reload value=reload>\n";
if($config eq "not set")
print "<b><br><br>This node is not yet configured.<br>";
print "Go to the setup page and set your node name and password.<br>\n";
print "Click Save Changes, <u>even if you didn't make any changes</u>, then the node will reboot.</b>\n";
# status display
@col1 = @col2 = ();
$hide_local = 0;
$browser_ip = "";
# left column - network interface info
if(system "ifconfig br-lan >/dev/null 2>&1") # lan not bridged
# show the wifi address
($ip, $mask, $bcast, $net, $cidr) = get_ip4_network("wlan0");
$cidr = "/ $cidr" if $cidr;
$str = "<th align=right><nobr>WiFi address</nobr></th><td>$ip <small>$cidr</small><br>";
$str .= "<small><nobr>" . get_ip6_addr("wlan0") . "</nobr></small></td>";
push @col1, $str;
# find out if the browser is on this node's lan
# if not, hide the local network details
($ip, $mask, $bcast, $net, $cidr) = get_ip4_network("eth0");
if($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /::ffff:([\d\.]+)/)
$browser_ip = $1;
$hide_local = 1 unless validate_same_subnet($browser_ip, $ip, $mask);
if($ip =~ /^10\./ or not $hide_local)
$cidr = "/ $cidr" if $cidr;
$str = "<th align=right><nobr>LAN address</nobr></th><td>$ip <small>$cidr</small><br>";
$str .= "<small><nobr>" . get_ip6_addr("eth0") . "</nobr></small></td>";
push @col1, $str;
else # lan is bridged
# show the wifi/lan bridge address unless the browser is on a different network
($ip, $mask, $bcast, $net, $cidr) = get_ip4_network("br-lan");
if($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /::ffff:([\d\.]+)/)
$browser_ip = $1;
$hide_local = 1 unless validate_same_subnet($browser_ip, $ip, $mask);
$cidr = "/ $cidr" if $cidr;
$str = "<th align=right><nobr>WiFi/LAN address</nobr></th><td>$ip <small>$cidr</small><br>";
$str .= "<small><nobr>" . get_ip6_addr("br-lan") . "</nobr></small></td>";
push @col1, $str;
if(not $hide_local and not system "ifconfig eth0.1 >/dev/null 2>&1")
($ip, $mask, $bcast, $net, $cidr) = get_ip4_network("eth0.1");
$cidr = "/ $cidr" if $cidr;
$cidr = "" unless $cidr;
$str = "<th align=right><nobr>WAN address</nobr></th><td>$ip <small>$cidr</small><br>";
$str .= "<small><nobr>" . get_ip6_addr("eth0.1") . "</nobr></small></td>";
push @col1, $str;
$ip = get_default_gw();
if($ip =~ /^10\./ or not $hide_local)
$str = "<th align=right><nobr>default gateway</nobr></th><td>$ip";
$str .= "<br><nobr>" . mesh_ip2hostname($ip) . "</nobr>" if $ip =~ /^10\./;
push @col1, $str . "</td>";
$str = "<th align=right><nobr>your address</nobr></th><td>$browser_ip";
$str .= "<br><nobr>" . mesh_ip2hostname($browser_ip) . "</nobr>";# if $ip =~ /^10\./;
push @col1, $str . "</td>";
if(-f "/tmp/olsrd.log")
chomp($lines = `wc -l /tmp/olsrd.log | awk '{print \$1}'`);
chomp($start = `tail -n1 /tmp/olsrd.log | awk '{print \$1}'`);
chomp($uptime = `cat /proc/uptime | cut -f1 -d.`);
$uptime -= $start;
$up_d = int($uptime/86400);
$uptime -= $up_d*86400;
$up_h = int($uptime/3600);
$uptime -= $up_h*3600;
$up_m = int($uptime/60);
$up_s = $uptime - $up_m*60;
$str = "<th align=right><nobr>OLSR restarts</nobr><br>runtime</th>";
$str .= sprintf "<td>%d<br><nobr>%d - %02d:%02d:%02d</nobr></td></tr>",
$lines, $up_d, $up_h, $up_m, $up_s;
push @col1, "<td> </td><td> </td>";
push @col1, $str;
# right column - system info
if($config eq "mesh" or $config eq "client")
$str = "<th align=right valign=middle><nobr>Signal/Noise/Ratio</nobr></th><td valign=middle><nobr>";
($s, $n) = get_wifi_signal("wlan0");
if($s eq "N/A") { $str .= "N/A" }
else { $str .= sprintf "<big><b>%d / %d / %d dB</b></big>", $s, $n, $s - $n }
$str .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$str .= "<button type=button onClick='window.location=\"signal?start=1\"' title='Display continuous signal strength'>Auto</button>\n";
$str .= "</nobr></td>";
push @col2, $str;
push @col2, "<th align=right><nobr>firmware version</nobr><br>configuration</th><td><nobr>" . `cat /etc/mesh-release` . "</nobr><br>$config</td>";
push @col2, "<th align=right>system time</th><td>" . `date +'%a %b %e %Y<br>%T %Z'` . "</td>";
$uptime = `uptime`;
$uptime =~ s/^ ..:..:.. up //;
($uptime, $load) = $uptime =~ /(.*), load average: (.*)/;
push @col2, "<th align=right>uptime<br>load average</th><td>$uptime<br>$load</td>";
$str = "<th align=right>free space</th><td><nobr>flash = ";
$space = get_free_space("/overlay");
$str .= $space < 100 ? "<blink><b>$space KB</b></blink>" : "$space KB";
$str .= "</nobr><br><nobr>/tmp = ";
$space = get_free_space("/tmp");
$str .= $space < 3000 ? "<blink><b>$space KB</b></blink>" : "$space KB";
$str .= "</nobr><br><nobr>memory = ";
$space = get_free_mem();
$str .= $space < 500 ? "<blink><b>$space KB</b></blink>" : "$space KB";
$str .= "</nobr></td>";
push @col2, $str;
# now print the tables
print "<br><br><table>\n";
print "<tr><td valign=top><table cellpadding=4>\n";
foreach(@col1) { print "<tr>$_</tr>\n" }
print "</table></td><td valign=top><table cellpadding=4>\n";
foreach(@col2) { print "<tr>$_</tr>\n" }
print "</table></td></tr></table>\n";
# end
print "</center>\n";
print "</form>\n";
print "</body>\n";
print "</html>\n";