mirror of https://github.com/aredn/aredn.git
854 lines
25 KiB
Executable File
854 lines
25 KiB
Executable File
=for commnet
Part of AREDN -- Used for creating Amateur Radio Emergency Data Networks
Copyright (C) 2015 Conrad Lara
See Contributors file for additional contributors
Copyright (c) 2013 David Rivenburg et al. BroadBand-HamNet
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Additional Terms:
Additional use restrictions exist on the AREDN(TM) trademark and logo.
See AREDNLicense.txt for more info.
Attributions to the AREDN Project must be retained in the source code.
If importing this code into a new or existing project attribution
to the AREDN project must be added to the source code.
You must not misrepresent the origin of the material conained within.
Modified versions must be modified to attribute to the original source
and be marked in reasonable ways as differentiate it from the original
$debug = 0;
BEGIN {push @INC, '/www/cgi-bin'};
use perlfunc;
use channelmaps;
# load the config parms
($config = $parms{config}) or
($config = nvram_get("config") and -d "/etc/config.$config") or
($config = "mesh");
# convert the %parms into scalars for convenience
foreach(keys %cfg)
eval (sprintf "\$$_ = \"%s\"", quotemeta $cfg{$_});
foreach(keys %parms)
next unless /^\w+$/;
$parms{$_} =~ s/^\s+//;
$parms{$_} =~ s/\s+$//;
eval (sprintf "\$$_ = \"%s\"", quotemeta $parms{$_});
if($button_reset or $config ne $oldconfig)
foreach(keys %cfg)
eval (sprintf "\$$_ = \"%s\"", quotemeta $cfg{$_});
if($parms{button_reset} or $parms{button_default} or (not $nodetac and not keys %parms))
$nodetac = nvram_get("node");
$tactical = nvram_get("tactical");
$nodetac .= " / $tactical" if $tactical;
$nodetac = $parms{nodetac};
# make sure unchecked checkboxes are accounted for
foreach(qw(lan_dhcp olsrd_bridge olsrd_gw wifi_hidden))
$parms{$_} = 0 unless $parms{$_};
# lan is always static
$lan_proto = "static";
# enforce direct mode settings
# (formerly known as dmz mode)
$dmz_mode = 0 unless $config eq "mesh";
$dmz_mode = 2 if $dmz_mode != 0 and $dmz_mode < 2;
$dmz_mode = 4 if $dmz_mode > 4;
$ipshift = (ip2decimal($wifi_ip) << $dmz_mode) & 0xffffff;
$dmz_lan_ip = add_ip_address("1" . decimal2ip($ipshift), 1);
$dmz_lan_mask = decimal2ip(0xffffffff << $dmz_mode);
($octet) = $dmz_lan_ip =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)/;
$dmz_dhcp_start = $octet + 1;
$dmz_dhcp_end = $dmz_dhcp_start + (1 << $dmz_mode) - 4;
$parms{dmz_lan_ip} = $dmz_lan_ip;
$parms{dmz_lan_mask} = $dmz_lan_mask;
$parms{dmz_dhcp_start} = $dmz_dhcp_start;
$parms{dmz_dhcp_end} = $dmz_dhcp_end;
# derive values which are not explicitly defined
$parms{dhcp_limit} = $dhcp_limit = $dhcp_end - $dhcp_start + 1;
$parms{dmz_dhcp_limit} = $dmz_dhcp_limit = $dmz_dhcp_end - $dmz_dhcp_start + 1;
# get the active wifi settings on a fresh page load
my $wifiintf = get_interface("wifi");
($wifi_txpower) = `iwinfo $wifiintf info 2>/dev/null` =~ /Tx-Power: (\d+)/;
(my $doesiwoffset) = `iwinfo $wifiintf info 2>/dev/null` =~ /TX power offset: (\d+)/;
if ( $doesiwoffset ) {
$wifi_txpower -= $1;
if (wifi_useschains()){
$wifi_txant = `cat /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k/tx_chainmask`;
$wifi_rxant = `cat /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k/rx_chainmask`;
$wifi_txant = hex($wifi_txant);
$wifi_rxant = hex($wifi_rxant);
else {
foreach ( `iw phy phy0 info` ) {
next unless /Configured Antennas: TX 0x([\d]+) RX 0x([\d]+)/;
$wifi_txant = $1;
$wifi_rxant = $2;
$slottime = "";
# sanitize the active settings
$valid_ant = wifi_validant();
$wifi_txpower = wifi_maxpower() if not defined $wifi_txpower or $wifi_txpower > wifi_maxpower();
$wifi_txpower = 1 if $wifi_txpower < 1;
$wifi_rxant = wifi_defaultant() if not defined $wifi_rxant or not exists $valid_ant->{$wifi_rxant};
$wifi_txant = wifi_defaultant() if not defined $wifi_txant or not exists $valid_ant->{$wifi_txant};
$wifi_distance = 0 unless defined $wifi_distance;
$wifi_distance = 0 if $wifi_distance =~ /\D/;
# stuff the sanitized data back into the parms hash
# so they get saved correctly
$parms{wifi_distance} = $wifi_distance;
$parms{wifi_txpower} = $wifi_txpower;
$parms{wifi_txant} = $wifi_txant;
$parms{wifi_rxant} = $wifi_rxant;
# apply the wifi settings
if($parms{button_apply} or $parms{button_save})
my $wifiintf = get_interface("wifi");
$cmd = "";
$cmd .= "echo $wifi_rxant > /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k/rx_chainmask;";
$cmd .= "echo $wifi_txant > /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k/tx_chainmask;";
} else {
$cmd .= "ifdown wifi >/dev/null 2>&1;";
$cmd .= "ifdown wifi_mon >/dev/null 2>&1;";
$cmd .= "iw phy phy0 set antenna $wifi_txantenna $wifi_rxantenna >/dev/null 2>&1;";
$cmd .= "ifup wifi >/dev/null 2>&1;";
$cmd .= "ifup wifi_mon >/dev/null 2>&1;";
$cmd .= "iw phy phy0 set distance $wifi_distance >/dev/null 2>&1;";
$cmd .= "iw dev $wifiintf set txpower fixed ${wifi_txpower}00 >/dev/null 2>&1;";
system $cmd;
# validate and save configuration
@errors = ();
if($wifi_proto eq "static")
if(not validate_netmask($wifi_mask))
push @errors, "invalid WiFi netmask";
elsif(not validate_ip_netmask($wifi_ip, $wifi_mask))
push @errors, "invalid WiFi IP address";
if ($config eq "mesh"){
push (@errors, "invalid WiFi SSID") unless length $wifi_ssid <= 27;
} else
push (@errors, "invalid WiFi SSID") unless length $wifi_ssid <= 32;
if ( is_channel_valid($wifi_channel) != 1 )
push (@errors, "invalid WiFi channel")
if ( !is_wifi_chanbw_valid($wifi_chanbw,$wifi_ssid) )
push (@errors, "Invalid WiFi channel width");
$wifi_chanbw = 20;
push (@errors, "invalid WiFi distance") if $wifi_distance < 0 or $wifi_distance =~ /\D/;
if ( $testcountry eq $wifi_country ) {
if ( $wifi_country_validated ne 1 ) {
push (@errors, "Invalid country");
if($lan_proto eq "static")
if(not validate_netmask($lan_mask))
push @errors, "invalid LAN netmask";
elsif($lan_mask !~ /^255\.255\.255\./)
push @errors, "LAN netmask must begin with 255.255.255";
elsif(not validate_ip_netmask($lan_ip, $lan_mask))
push @errors, "invalid LAN IP address";
my $start_addr = change_ip_address($lan_ip, $dhcp_start);
my $end_addr = change_ip_address($lan_ip, $dhcp_end);
unless(validate_ip_netmask($start_addr, $lan_mask) and
validate_same_subnet($start_addr, $lan_ip, $lan_mask))
push @errors, "invalid DHCP start address";
unless(validate_ip_netmask($end_addr, $lan_mask) and
validate_same_subnet($end_addr, $lan_ip, $lan_mask))
push @errors, "invalid DHCP end address";
if($dhcp_start > $dhcp_end)
push @errors, "invalid DHCP start/end addresses";
if($lan_gw and not
(validate_ip_netmask($lan_gw, $lan_mask) and
validate_same_subnet($lan_ip, $lan_gw, $lan_mask)))
push @errors, "invalid LAN gateway";
if($wan_proto eq "static")
if(not validate_netmask($wan_mask))
push @errors, "invalid WAN netmask";
elsif(not validate_ip_netmask($wan_ip, $wan_mask))
push @errors, "invalid WAN IP address";
unless (validate_ip_netmask($wan_gw, $wan_mask) and
validate_same_subnet($wan_ip, $wan_gw, $wan_mask))
push @errors, "invalid WAN gateway";
push (@errors, "invalid WAN DNS 1") unless validate_ip($wan_dns1);
push (@errors, "invalid WAN DNS 2") if $wan_dns2 ne "" and not validate_ip($wan_dns2);
if($passwd1 or $passwd2)
push (@errors, "passwords do not match") if $passwd1 ne $passwd2;
push (@errors, "passwords cannot contain '#'") if $passwd1 =~ /#/;
push (@errors, "password must be changed") if $passwd1 eq "hsmm";
elsif(-f "/etc/config/unconfigured")
push @errors, "password must be changed during initial configuration";
if($aprs_lat or $aprs_lon)
push (@errors, "invalid latitude") unless validate_latitude($aprs_lat);
push (@errors, "invalid longitude") unless validate_longitude($aprs_lon);
if($nodetac =~ /\//)
$nodetac =~ /^\s*([\w\-]+)\s*\/\s*([\w\-]+)\s*$/;
$node = $1;
$tactical = $2;
push(@errors, "invalid node/tactical name") if not $2;
$node = $nodetac;
$tactical = "";
push(@errors, "you must set the node name") if $node eq "";
if($node and ($node =~ /[^\w\-]/ or $node =~ /_/))
push(@errors, "invalid node name");
if($tactical =~ /[^\w\-]/ or $tactical =~ /_/)
push(@errors, "invalid tactical name");
if($debug == 3) # don't save the config, just validate it
push (@errors, "OK") unless @errors;
$parms{node} = $node;
$parms{tactical} = $tactical;
system "touch /tmp/unconfigured" if -f "/etc/config/unconfigured";
$rc = save_setup("/etc/config.$config/_setup");
if(-s "/tmp/web/save/node-setup.out")
push @errors, `cat /tmp/web/save/node-setup.out`;
elsif(not $rc)
push @errors, "error saving setup";
reboot_page("/cgi-bin/status") if -f "/tmp/unconfigured" and not @errors;
system "rm -rf /tmp/web/save";
reboot_page("/cgi-bin/status") if $parms{button_reboot};
# generate the page
http_header() unless $debug == 2;
html_header(nvram_get("node") . " setup", 1);
print "<body><center>\n";
print "<form method=post action=/cgi-bin/setup enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n" unless $debug == 2;
print "<form method=post action=test>\n" if $debug == 2;
print "<table width=790>\n";
print "<tr><td>\n";
print "</td></tr>\n";
# control buttons
print "<tr><td align=center>
<a href='/help.html#setup' target='_blank'>Help</a>
<input type=submit name=button_save value='Save Changes' title='Store these settings'>
<input type=submit name=button_reset value='Reset Values' title='Revert to the last saved settings'>
<input type=submit name=button_default value='Default Values' title='Set all values to their default'>
<input type=submit name=button_reboot value=Reboot style='font-weight:bold' title='Immediately reboot this node'>
<tr><td> </td></tr>\n";
# messages
print "<tr><th>Configuration NOT saved!</th></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td align=center><table>\n";
print "<tr><td><ul style='padding-left:0'>\n";
foreach(@errors) { print "<li>$_</li>\n" }
print "</ul></td></tr></table>\n";
print "</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td align=center>";
print "<b>Configuration saved.</b><br><br>\n";
print "</td></tr>\n";
if(not @errors and -f "/tmp/reboot-required")
print "<tr><td align=center><h3>Reboot is required for changes to take effect</h3></td></tr>";
# node name and type, password
print "<tr><td align=center>\n";
print "<table cellpadding=5 border=0>
<td>Node Name</td>
<td><input type=text name=nodetac value='$nodetac' tabindex=1></td>
<td align=right>Password</td>
<td><input type=password name=passwd1 value='$passwd1' size=8 tabindex=2></td>";
if(0)#$config eq "mesh")
print "<td> </td>";
print "<td align=right>Latitude</td>";
print "<td><input type=text size=8 name=aprs_lat value='$aprs_lat' tabindex=4></td>\n";
print "
<td>Node Type</td>
<td><select name=config onChange='form.submit()' tabindex=6>\n";
selopt("Mesh Node", "mesh", $config);
selopt("Mesh Access Point", "mesh_ap", $config);
selopt("Standard Access Point", "ap", $config);
selopt("Wireless Client", "client", $config);
selopt("Wired Router", "router", $config);
#selopt("User", "user", $config, "disabled");
$oldconfig = $config;
print "</select></td>
<td>Verify Password</td>
<td><input type=password name=passwd2 value='$passwd2' size=8 tabindex=3></td>";
if(0)#$config eq "mesh")
print "<td> </td>";
print "<td align=right>Longitude</td>";
print "<td><input type=text size=8 name=aprs_lon value='$aprs_lon' tabindex=5></td>\n";
print "
<table cellpadding=5 border=1 width=100%>
<tr><td valign=top width=33%>\n";
# WiFi settings
print "<table width=100%>
<tr><th colspan=2>WiFi</th></tr>
#if($config ne "user" and $config ne "client")
if($config ne "user")
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=wifi_proto value='$wifi_proto'>";
print "<select name=wifi_proto disabled>\n";
print "<select name=wifi_proto onChange='form.submit()'>\n";
$dis = "";
$dis = "disabled" if $config eq "client";
selopt("Static", "static", $wifi_proto);
selopt("DHCP", "dhcp", $wifi_proto);
selopt("Bridged", "bridged", $wifi_proto, $dis);
selopt("disabled", "disabled", $wifi_proto, $dis);
print "</select></td>\n</tr>\n";
if($wifi_proto eq "static")
print "<tr><td><nobr>IP Address</nobr></td>\n";
print "<td><input type=text size=15 name=wifi_ip value='$wifi_ip'></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td>Netmask</td>\n";
print "<td><input type=text size=15 name=wifi_mask value='$wifi_mask'></td></tr>\n";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=wifi_ip value='$wifi_ip'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=wifi_mask value='$wifi_mask'>";
if($wifi_proto ne "disabled")
print "<tr><td>SSID</td>\n";
print "<td><input type=text size=15 name=wifi_ssid value='$wifi_ssid'>";
if ($config eq "mesh")
print "-$wifi_chanbw-v3</td></tr>\n";
} else
print "</td></tr>\n";
if($wifi_mode eq "ap")
print "<tr><td>Hidden</td>";
print "<td><input type=checkbox name=wifi_hidden value=1";
print " checked" if $wifi_hidden;
print "></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td>Mode</td>\n";
if($config ne "user")
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=wifi_mode value='$wifi_mode'>";
print "<td><select name=wifi_mode disabled>\n";
} else {
print "<td><select name=wifi_mode>\n";
selopt("Access Point", "ap", $wifi_mode);
selopt("Client", "sta", $wifi_mode);
selopt("Ad-Hoc", "adhoc", $wifi_mode);
print "</select></td></tr>\n";
if($wifi_mode ne "sta")
print "<tr><td>Channel</td>\n";
print "<td><select name=wifi_channel>\n";
my $rfchannels=rf_channels_list();
foreach $channelnumber (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$rfchannels} )
selopt($rfchannels->{$channelnumber}, $channelnumber, $wifi_channel);
print "</select></td></tr>\n";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=wifi_channel value='$wifi_channel'>";
print "<tr><td>Channel Width</td>\n";
print "<td><select name=wifi_chanbw>\n";
selopt("20 MHz","20",$wifi_chanbw);
selopt("10 MHz","10",$wifi_chanbw);
selopt("5 MHz","5",$wifi_chanbw);
print "</select></td></tr>\n";
if ($config ne "mesh")
print "<tr><td>Country</td>\n";
print "<td><select name=wifi_country>\n";
print "</select></td></tr>\n";
push (@hidden, "<input type=hidden name=wifi_country value='HX'>");
print "<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><hr><small>Active Settings</small></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><nobr>Rx Antenna</nobr></td>\n";
print "<td><select name=wifi_rxant>\n";
$validants = wifi_validant();
while (($value, $name) = each (%{$validants})){
selopt($name, $value, $wifi_rxant);
print "</select></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><nobr>Tx Antenna</nobr></td>\n";
print "<td><select name=wifi_txant>\n";
while (($value, $name) = each (%{$validants})){
selopt($name, $value, $wifi_txant);
print "</select></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><nobr>Tx Power</nobr></td>\n";
print "<td><select name=wifi_txpower>\n";
my $txpoweroffset = wifi_txpoweroffset();
for($i = wifi_maxpower(); $i >= 1; --$i) { selopt($i+$txpoweroffset ." dBm", $i, $wifi_txpower) }
print "</select></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td>Distance</td>\n";
print "<td><input type=text size=8 name=wifi_distance value='$wifi_distance' title='Distance in meters to the farthest neighbor; 0=automatic'></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td></td><td><input type=submit name=button_apply value=Apply title='Immediately use these active settings'></td></tr>\n";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=wifi_ssid value='$wifi_ssid'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=wifi_mode value='$wifi_mode'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=wifi_channel value='$wifi_channel'>";
print "</table></td>\n";
# LAN settings
print "<td valign=top width=33%><table width=100%>
<tr><th colspan=2>LAN</th></tr>
<td>LAN Mode</td>
<td><select name=dmz_mode onChange='form.submit()'";
print " disabled" unless $config eq "mesh";
print ">\n";
selopt("NAT", 0, $dmz_mode);
selopt("1 host Direct", 2, $dmz_mode);
selopt("5 host Direct", 3, $dmz_mode);
selopt("13 host Direct", 4, $dmz_mode);
print "</select></td>\n</tr>\n";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=lan_proto value='static'>";
print "<tr><td><nobr>IP Address</nobr></td>";
#print "<td><input type=text size=15 name=dmz_lan_ip value='$dmz_lan_ip' disabled></td></tr>\n";
print "<td>$dmz_lan_ip</td></tr>\n";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dmz_lan_ip value='$dmz_lan_ip'>";
print "<tr><td>Netmask</td>";
#print "<td><input type=text size=15 name=dmz_lan_mask value='$dmz_lan_mask' disabled></td></tr>\n";
print "<td>$dmz_lan_mask</td></tr>\n";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dmz_lan_mask value='$dmz_lan_mask'>";
print "<tr><td><nobr>DHCP Server</nobr></td>";
print "<td><input type=checkbox name=lan_dhcp value=1";
print " checked" if $lan_dhcp;
print "></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><nobr>DHCP Start</nobr></td>";
#print "<td><input type=text size=4 name=dmz_dhcp_start value='$dmz_dhcp_start' disabled></td></tr>\n";
print "<td>$dmz_dhcp_start</td></tr>\n";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dmz_dhcp_start value='$dmz_dhcp_start'>";
print "<tr><td><nobr>DHCP End</nobr></td>";
#print "<td><input type=text size=4 name=dmz_dhcp_end value='$dmz_dhcp_end' disabled></td></tr>\n";
print "<td>$dmz_dhcp_end</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></hr></td></tr>";
print "<tr><th colspan=2>Advanced</th></tr>";
print "<tr><td>Disable<br>Default Route</td>";
print "<td><input type=checkbox name=lan_dhcp_noroute value=1";
print " checked" if $lan_dhcp_noroute;
print "></td></tr>\n";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dmz_dhcp_end value='$dmz_dhcp_end'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dmz_dhcp_limit value='$dmz_dhcp_limit'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=lan_ip value='$lan_ip'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=lan_mask value='$lan_mask'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dhcp_start value='$dhcp_start'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dhcp_end value='$dhcp_end'>";
print "<tr><td><nobr>IP Address</nobr></td>";
print "<td><input type=text size=15 name=lan_ip value='$lan_ip'></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td>Netmask</td>";
print "<td><input type=text size=15 name=lan_mask value='$lan_mask'></td></tr>\n";
if($wan_proto eq "disabled" and $wifi_proto ne "dhcp")
print "<tr><td>Gateway</td>";
print "<td><input type=text size=15 name=lan_gw value='$lan_gw' title='leave blank if not needed'></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><nobr>DHCP Server</nobr></td>";
print "<td><input type=checkbox name=lan_dhcp value=1";
if($config eq "mesh_ap")
print " disabled";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=lan_dhcp value='$lan_dhcp'>";
print " checked" if $lan_dhcp;
print "></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><nobr>DHCP Start</nobr></td>";
print "<td><input type=text size=4 name=dhcp_start value='$dhcp_start'";
if($config eq "mesh_ap")
print " disabled";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dhcp_start value='$dhcp_start'>";
print "></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><nobr>DHCP End</nobr></td>";
print "<td><input type=text size=4 name=dhcp_end value='$dhcp_end'";
if($config eq "mesh_ap")
print " disabled";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dhcp_end value='$dhcp_end'>";
print "></td></tr>\n";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dhcp_limit value='$dhcp_limit'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dmz_lan_ip value='$dmz_lan_ip'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dmz_lan_mask value='$dmz_lan_mask'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dmz_dhcp_start value='$dmz_dhcp_start'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dmz_dhcp_end value='$dmz_dhcp_end'>";
if($config eq "mesh" and 0) # disable for now
print "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><nobr><i>Mesh Bridge</i></nobr></td>\n";
print "<td><input type=checkbox name=olsrd_bridge value=1";
print " checked" if $olsrd_bridge;
print "></td></tr>\n";
print "</table></td>\n";
# WAN settings
print "<td valign=top width=33%><table width=100%>
<tr><th colspan=2>WAN</th></tr>
<td width=50%>Protocol</td>\n";
if($config ne "client" and $config ne "mesh_ap")
print "<td><select name=wan_proto onChange='form.submit()'>\n";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=wan_proto value='$wan_proto'>";
print "<td><select name=wan_proto disabled>\n";
selopt("Static", "static", $wan_proto);
selopt("DHCP", "dhcp", $wan_proto);
selopt("disabled", "disabled", $wan_proto);
print "</select></td>\n</tr>\n";
if($wan_proto eq "static")
print "<tr><td><nobr>IP Address</nobr></td>\n";
print "<td><input type=text size=15 name=wan_ip value='$wan_ip'></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td>Netmask</td>\n";
print "<td><input type=text size=15 name=wan_mask value='$wan_mask'></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td>Gateway</td>\n";
print "<td><input type=text size=15 name=wan_gw value='$wan_gw'></td></tr>\n";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=wan_ip value='$wan_ip'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=wan_mask value='$wan_mask'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=wan_gw value='$wan_gw'>";
print "<tr><td><nobr>DNS 1</nobr></td>\n";
print "<td><input type=text size=15 name=wan_dns1 value='$wan_dns1'></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><nobr>DNS 2</nobr></td>\n";
print "<td><input type=text size=15 name=wan_dns2 value='$wan_dns2'></td></tr>\n";
if($config eq "mesh")
print "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><nobr>Mesh Gateway</nobr></td>\n";
print "<td><input type=checkbox name=olsrd_gw value=1 title='Allow this node to provide internet access to all other nodes'";
print " checked" if $olsrd_gw;
print "></td></tr>\n";
print "</table>
print "</table>\n";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=oldconfig value='$oldconfig'>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=reload value=1>";
push @hidden, "<input type=hidden name=dtdlink_ip value='$dtdlink_ip'>";
foreach(@hidden) { print "$_\n" }
print "</form></center>\n";
print "<br><b>config</b><br>\n";
foreach(sort keys %cfg)
$tmp = $cfg{$_};
$tmp =~ s/ /\(space\)/g;
if($cfg{$_} eq "") { print "$_ = (null)<br>\n" }
else { print "$_ = $tmp<br>\n" }
print "</body>\n";
print "</html>\n";