
389 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

=for comment
Part of AREDN -- Used for creating Amateur Radio Emergency Data Networks
Copyright (C) 2015 Joe Ayers
See Contributors file for additional contributors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Additional Terms:
Additional use restrictions exist on the AREDN(TM) trademark and logo.
See AREDNLicense.txt for more info.
Attributions to the AREDN Project must be retained in the source code.
If importing this code into a new or existing project attribution
to the AREDN project must be added to the source code.
You must not misrepresent the origin of the material contained within.
Modified versions must be modified to attribute to the original source
and be marked in reasonable ways as differentiate it from the original
# Joe Ayers AE6XE 2015-12-08
# work around Atheros ANI overly attenuating recieve chain with tendency to become stuck
# A receive chain may go deaf at noise prone sites and some neighbors may drop out.
# The wireless driver poorly tunes and treats these neighbors as noise in error.
# This is a workaround until root cause driver updates occur.
chomp ($iface=`uci -q get 'network.wifi.ifname'`); # wireless interface
$wifi_disable = ( $iface =~ /eth.*$/ )? 1 : 0;
exit 0 if $wifi_disable;
$now=`cat /proc/uptime | cut -f1 -d" "`;
chomp $now;
exit 0 unless $now > 119;
sleep 3; # wait for snrlog to see that we are not running
if ( -f "$rssipid" )
chomp (${rssipidvalue}=`cat $rssipid`);
exit 0 if ( ${rssipidvalue} > 0 and -d "/proc/${rssipidvalue}" );
open(my $mypid, '>', $rssipid) or die("Could not open $rssipid. $!");
print $mypid $$;
close $mypid;
if ( -f "$snrlogpid" )
chomp (${snrlogpidvalue}=`cat $snrlogpid`);
while ( ${snrlogpidvalue} > 0 and -d "/proc/${snrlogpidvalue}" and $waitcount < 4)
sleep 5;
if ( $waitcount == 4 ) # skip this turn if snrlog still running
unlink $rssipid;
exit 0;
sleep 7;
foreach(`iwinfo $iface info`)
next unless /^.*PHY name:\s*([a-z0-4]+)/;
$phy = $1;
$phy = "phy0" unless $phy;
$datfile = "/tmp/rssi.dat";
$logfile = "/tmp/rssi.log";
open(my $lfh, '>>', $logfile) or die "Could not open file $logfile $!";
sub getRSSI
for (keys %rssi)
delete $rssi{$_};
chomp ($stationCount = `ls -1 /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/${phy}/netdev:${iface}/stations | wc -l`);
if ($stationCount >= 1)
open(FILE, "/usr/sbin/iw $iface station dump 2>&1 |") or die "/usr/sbin/iw failed $!";
$neighborCount = 0;
while($line = <FILE>)
if($line =~ /Station (\S+) \(on $iface\)/) { $mac = $1;}
if($antnum and $line =~ /signal:[ \t]+[-\d]+[ \t]*\[([-\d]+),[ \t]*([-\d]+)/)
$H = $1;
$V = $2;
if ((not $antnum) and $line =~ /signal:[ \t]+[-\d]+[ \t]*\[([-\d]+)\]/)
$H = $1;
if ($H)
if ($H < -95) { $rssi{$mac}{"Hrssi"}=-96 ; }
else { $rssi{$mac}{"Hrssi"}=$H ; }
undef $H;
$neighborCount += 1;
if ($V)
if ($V < -95) { $rssi{$mac}{"Vrssi"}=-96 ; }
else { $rssi{$mac}{"Vrssi"}=$V ; }
undef $V;
sub getChannelScan
$iface =~ /wlan(\d+)/;
$radio = "radio$1";
$chnum = `uci get wireless.$`;
$chnum += 1;
if ($chnum == 8 or $chnum == 12 or $chnum == 100 or $chnum == 185) { $chnum -= 2; }
if ($chnum == 0) { $chnum = 1; }
$freq = `iwinfo $iface freqlist | grep "Channel $chnum" | head -1 | sed -e "s/\\.//"`;
$freq =~ /([\d]+)[ \t]+GHz/;
$freq = $1;
$antnum=`cat /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/${phy}/ath9k/tx_chainmask`;
if ($antnum == "1")
$antnum=1; # more than one
if ( -e $datfile )
open(FILE, "<$datfile") or die "Unable to read \"$datfile\"";
while($line = <FILE>)
if ($antnum)
($mac, $aveH, $aveV, $stdDevH, $stdDevV, $numS, $last) = split /\|/, $line;
$rssiHist{$mac}{"aveV"} = $aveV;
$rssiHist{$mac}{"sdV"} = $stdDevV;
($mac, $aveH, $stdDevH, $numS, $last) = split /\|/, $line;
$rssiHist{$mac}{"aveH"} = $aveH;
$rssiHist{$mac}{"sdH"} = $stdDevH;
$rssiHist{$mac}{"num"} = $numS;
chomp $last;
$rssiHist{$mac}{"last"} = $last;
close FILE ;
$ofdm_level = `cat /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/${phy}/ath9k/ani | grep "OFDM LEVEL" | cut -f2 -d: `;
$now=`cat /proc/uptime | cut -f1 -d" "`;
chomp $now;
if ($now < 750 and $now > 119 )
# avoid node going deaf while trying to obtain 'normal' statistics of neighbor strength
# in first few minutes after boot
system("/usr/sbin/iw $iface scan freq $freq passive > /dev/null");
getRSSI() ;
for (keys %rssi)
if ( $rssiHist{$_} and $now - $rssiHist{$_}{"last"} < 3600 )
$hit = 0 ;
$sdH3 = int(3 * $rssiHist{$_}{"sdH"} + .5);
# is the RSSI attenuated and 3 standard deviations away?
if (abs ($rssiHist{$_}{"aveH"} - $rssi{$_}{"Hrssi"}) > $sdH3) { $hit += 1; }
if ( $antnum )
$sdV3 = int(3 * $rssiHist{$_}{"sdV"} + .5);
if (abs ( $rssiHist{$_}{"aveV"} - $rssi{$_}{"Vrssi"}) > $sdV3) { $hit += 1; }
if ($rssiHist{$_}{"num"} > 9 and $ofdm_level <= 3 and $hit > 0)
# Overly Attenuated Chain Suspected
$datestring = localtime();
if ($antnum)
print $lfh "$datestring: Attenuated Suspect $_ [$rssi{$_}{'Hrssi'},$rssi{$_}{'Vrssi'}] $rssiHist{$_}{'aveH'} ";
print $lfh "$rssiHist{$_}{'aveV'} $rssiHist{$_}{'sdH'} $rssiHist{$_}{'sdV'}\n";
print $lfh "$datestring: Attenuated Suspect $_ [$rssi{$_}{'Hrssi'}] $rssiHist{$_}{'aveH'} $rssiHist{$_}{'sdH'}\n";
# find strongest signal to compare RSSI before/after reset
if ( $amac )
if ($antnum)
if ($rssi{$amac}{"Hrssi"} < $rssi{$amac}{"Vrssi"} ) { $strong1 = "Vrssi" ;} else {$strong1 = "Hrssi"; }
if ($rssi{$_}{"Hrssi"} < $rssi{$_}{"Vrssi"} ) { $strong2 = "Vrssi" ;} else {$strong2 = "Hrssi"; }
if ($rssi{$amac}{$strong1} < $rssi{$_}{$strong2} ) { $amac = $_ ;}
if ($rssi{$amac}{"Hrssi"} < $rssi{$_}{"Hrssi"} ) { $amac = $_ ;}
else { $amac = $_ ; }
next ; # do not update statistics when suspected condition
# unpdate statistics
$aveH = (($rssiHist{$_}{"aveH"}*$rssiHist{$_}{"num"})+$rssi{$_}{"Hrssi"}) / ($rssiHist{$_}{"num"} + 1 );
$sdH = sqrt((($rssiHist{$_}{"num"}-1)*($rssiHist{$_}{"sdH"}**2) +
chomp $aveH;
chomp $sdH;
if ($antnum)
$aveV = (($rssiHist{$_}{"aveV"}*$rssiHist{$_}{"num"})+$rssi{$_}{"Vrssi"}) / ($rssiHist{$_}{"num"} + 1 );
$sdV = sqrt((($rssiHist{$_}{"num"}-1)*($rssiHist{$_}{"sdV"}**2) +
chomp $aveV;
chomp $sdV;
$rssiHist{$_}{"aveH"} = $aveH;
$rssiHist{$_}{"sdH"} = $sdH;
$rssiHist{$_}{"last"} = $now;
if ($rssiHist{$_}{"num"} < 60 )
# keep statistics to 60 sample (minute) moving window
$rssiHist{$_}{"num"} += 1;
if ($antnum)
$rssiHist{$_}{"aveV"} = $aveV;
$rssiHist{$_}{"sdV"} = $sdV;
# new neigbor or data too old--restart history
$rssiHist{$_}{"aveH"} = $rssi{$_}{"Hrssi"};
$rssiHist{$_}{"sdH"} = 0;
$rssiHist{$_}{"num"} = 1;
$rssiHist{$_}{"last"} = $now;
if ($antnum)
$rssiHist{$_}{"aveV"} = $rssi{$_}{"Vrssi"};
$rssiHist{$_}{"sdV"} = 0;
if ($amac)
$datestring = localtime();
if ($antnum) {print $lfh "$datestring: before $amac [ $rssi{$amac}{'Hrssi'}, $rssi{$amac}{'Vrssi'} ]\n";}
else {print $lfh "$datestring: before $amac [ $rssi{$amac}{'Hrssi'}]\n";}
system("/usr/sbin/iw $iface scan freq $freq passive > /dev/null");
sleep 5;
$beforeH = $rssi{$amac}{"Hrssi"};
if ($antnum) { $beforeV = $rssi{$amac}{"Vrssi"}; }
getRSSI() ;
$datestring = localtime();
if ($antnum) {print $lfh "$datestring: after $amac [ $rssi{$amac}{'Hrssi'}, $rssi{$amac}{'Vrssi'} ]\n";}
else {print $lfh "$datestring: after $amac [ $rssi{$amac}{'Hrssi'}]\n";}
$falpos = 0;
if ($antnum)
if (abs ( $beforeH - $rssi{$amac}{"Hrssi"} ) <= 2 and
abs ( $beforeV - $rssi{$amac}{"Vrssi"} ) <= 2 ) { $falpos = 1; }
elsif (abs ( $beforeH - $rssi{$amac}{"Hrssi"} ) <= 2 ) { $falpos = 1; }
if ( $falpos )
# if a false-positive (within 2dB change after a reset), then add data point to statistics
$aveH = (($rssiHist{$amac}{"aveH"}*$rssiHist{$amac}{"num"})+ $beforeH )
/ ($rssiHist{$amac}{"num"} + 1 );
$sdH = sqrt((($rssiHist{$amac}{"num"}-1)*($rssiHist{$amac}{"sdH"}**2) +
chomp $aveH;
chomp $sdH;
$rssiHist{$amac}{"aveH"} = $aveH;
$rssiHist{$amac}{"sdH"} = $sdH;
if ($antnum)
$aveV = (($rssiHist{$amac}{"aveV"}*$rssiHist{$amac}{"num"})+ $beforeV ) /
($rssiHist{$amac}{"num"} + 1 );
$sdV = sqrt((($rssiHist{$amac}{"num"}-1)*($rssiHist{$amac}{"sdV"}**2) +
(($beforeV-$aveV)*($beforeV-$rssiHist{$amac}{"aveV"}))) /
chomp $aveV;
chomp $sdV;
$rssiHist{$amac}{"aveV"} = $aveV;
$rssiHist{$amac}{"sdV"} = $sdV;
if ($rssiHist{$amac}{"num"} < 60 )
# keep statistics to 60 sample (minute) moving window
$rssiHist{$amac}{"num"} += 1;
$rssiHist{$amac}{"last"} = $now + 5 ;
$datestring = localtime();
print $lfh "$datestring: $amac Possible valid data point, adding to statistics.\n";
close $lfh;
open($dfh, ">$datfile") or die "Unable to create \"$datfile\" $!";
for (keys %rssiHist)
if ($antnum)
print $dfh "$_|$rssiHist{$_}{'aveH'}|$rssiHist{$_}{'aveV'}|$rssiHist{$_}{'sdH'}|";
print $dfh "$rssiHist{$_}{'sdV'}|$rssiHist{$_}{'num'}|$rssiHist{$_}{'last'}\n";
print $dfh "$_|$rssiHist{$_}{'aveH'}|$rssiHist{$_}{'sdH'}|$rssiHist{$_}{'num'}|$rssiHist{$_}{'last'}\n";
close $dfh;
unlink $rssipid;
# when logfile gets 1k over $MAXSIZE, then chop down
$MAXSIZE = 2**14;
exit 0 unless -s $logfile > $MAXSIZE + 1024;
@ARGV = $logfile;
undef $/;
$^I = "";
while (<>)
substr($_, 0, length() - $MAXSIZE) = "";