
1288 lines
35 KiB

# html functions
# emit the http server response
sub http_header
# otherwise an intermittent busybox bug will incorrectly "fix" the generated output
# print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"; # Not needed under Uhttpd
print "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
print "Cache-Control: no-store\r\n";
print "\r\n";
# begin html page
sub html_header
my($title, $close) = @_;
print "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n";
print "<html>\n";
print "<head>\n";
print "<title>$title</title>\n";
print "<meta http-equiv='expires' content='0'>\n";
print "<meta http-equiv='cache-control' content='no-cache'>\n";
print "<meta http-equiv='pragma' content='no-cache'>\n";
print "<link rel=StyleSheet href='/", (-f "/tmp/.night") ? "night" : "day", ".css' type='text/css'>\n";
print "</head>\n" if $close;
# print the navigation bar
sub navbar
my($current) = @_;
$current = "" unless $current;
my @pages = qw(status setup ports admin);
my %titles = (status => "Node Status",
setup => "Basic Setup",
ports => "Port Forwarding,<br>DHCP, and Services",
admin => "Administration");
my($active_bg, $active_fg);
if(-f "/tmp/.night") { $active_bg = "red"; $active_fg = "black" }
else { $active_bg = "black"; $active_fg = "white" }
print "<hr><table cellpadding=5 border=0 width=100%><tr>\n";
foreach $page (@pages)
print "<td align=center width=25%";
print " class=navbar_select" if $page eq $current;
print "><a href='$page'>", $titles{$page}, "</a></td>\n";
print "</tr></table><hr>\n";
# put the submitted parameters into a hash
# (from $ENV{QUERY_STRING} in a method=get form)
sub read_query_string
return unless $ENV{QUERY_STRING};
foreach(split "&", $ENV{QUERY_STRING})
my ($parm, $val) = /(\w+)=(.*)/;
$val =~ s/\+/ /g;
if($val =~ /^([^%]*)%(\w\w)(.*)/) # convert hex values
my $val2 = "";
while($val =~ /^([^%]*)%(\w\w)(.*)/)
$val2 .= $1 . chr hex $2;
$val = $3;
$val2 .= $val;
$val = $val2;
$parms{$parm} = $val;
# c-style fgets for read_postdata
$stdinbuffer = "";
sub fgets
my($size) = @_;
my $line = "";
unless(length $stdinbuffer)
return "" unless read STDIN, $stdinbuffer, $size;
my ($first, $cr) = $stdinbuffer =~ /^([^\n]*)(\n)?/;
$cr = "" unless $cr;
$line .= $first . $cr;
$stdinbuffer = substr $stdinbuffer, length "$first$cr";
if($cr or length $line >= $size)
$line2 = $line;
$line2 =~ s/\r/\\r/;
$line2 =~ s/\n/\\n/;
push @parse_errors, "[$line2]";
return $line;
# read postdata
# (from STDIN in method=post form)
sub read_postdata
if ( $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} != "POST" || !$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}){ return; };
my ($line, $parm, $file, $handle, $tmp);
my $state = "boundary";
my ($boundary) = $ENV{CONTENT_TYPE} =~ /boundary=(\S+)/ if $ENV{CONTENT_TYPE};
my $parsedebug = 0;
push(@parse_errors, "[$boundary]") if $parsedebug;
while(length ($line = fgets(1000)))
$line =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; # chomp doesn't strip \r!
#print "[$state] $line<br>\n";
if($state eq "boundary" and $line =~ /^--$boundary(--)?$/)
last if $line eq "--$boundary--";
$state = "cdisp";
elsif($state eq "cdisp")
my $prefix = "Content-Disposition: form-data;";
if(($parm, $file) = $line =~ /^$prefix name="(\w+)"; filename="(.*)"$/)
{ # file upload
$parms{$parm} = $file;
if($file) { $state = "ctype" }
else { $state = "boundary" }
elsif(($parm) = $line =~ /^$prefix name="(\w+)"$/)
{ # form parameter
$line = fgets(10);
push(@parse_errors, "not blank: '$line'") unless $line eq "\r\n";
$line = fgets(1000);
$line =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
$parms{$parm} = $line;
$state = "boundary";
{ # oops, don't know what this is
push @parse_errors, "unknown line: '$line'";
elsif($state eq "ctype") # file upload happens here
push(@parse_errors, "unexpected: '$line'") unless $line =~ /^Content-Type: /;
$line = fgets(10);
push(@parse_errors, "not blank: '$line'") unless $line eq "\r\n";
$tmp = "";
system "mkdir -p /tmp/web/upload";
open($handle, ">/tmp/web/upload/file");
# get the next line from the form
$line = fgets(1000);
last unless length $line;
last if $line =~ /^--$boundary(--)?\r\n$/;
# make sure the trailing \r\n doesn't get into the file
print $handle $tmp;
$tmp = "";
if($line =~ /\r\n$/)
$line =~ s/\r\n$//;
$tmp = "\r\n";
print $handle $line;
last if $line eq "--$boundary--\r\n";
$state = "cdisp";
push(@parse_errors, `md5sum /tmp/web/upload/file`) if $parsedebug and $handle;
# generate a selector box option
sub selopt
my($label, $value, $select, $opt) = @_;
print "<option value=$value";
print " selected" if $value eq $select;
print " $opt" if $opt;
print ">$label</option>\n";
# generate a selector box option with preformatted spacing
sub selopt_pre
my($label, $value, $select, $opt) = @_;
print "<option value=$value";
print " selected" if $value eq $select;
print " $opt" if $opt;
print " style='font-family:monospace;white-space:pre'>$label</option>\n";
# display internal data for debugging
sub show_debug_info
return unless $debug;
print "<b>env</b><br>\n";
foreach(sort keys %ENV) { print "$_ = $ENV{$_}<br>\n" }
print "<br><br><b>parms</b><br>\n";
foreach(sort keys %parms)
$tmp = $parms{$_};
$tmp =~ s/ /\(space\)/g;
if($parms{$_} eq "") { print "$_ = (null)<br>\n" }
else { print "$_ = $tmp<br>\n" }
# report any form parsing errors
sub show_parse_errors
return unless @parse_errors;
print "<h3>Internal Error. Send the following information to ad5oo\</h3>\n";
print "<pre>\n";
foreach(@parse_errors) { print "$_\n" }
print "</pre>";
# show the reboot page, redirect to $link, and reboot
sub reboot_page
my ($link) = @_;
my($lanip, $lanmask, $junk, $lannet);
my $node = nvram_get("node");
$link = "/cgi-bin/status" unless $link;
# is the browser coming from the lan?
if(system "ifconfig br-lan >/dev/null 2>&1")
($lanip, $lanmask, $junk, $lannet) = &get_ip4_network("eth0");
($lanip, $lanmask, $junk, $lannet) = &get_ip4_network("br-lan");
my($browser) = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /::ffff:([\d\.]+)/;
my $fromlan = validate_same_subnet($browser, $lanip, $lanmask);
$junk = ""; # dummy to avoid warning
# detect a LAN subnet change
my $subnet_change = 0;
$lannet = ip2decimal($lannet);
$lanmask = ip2decimal($lanmask);
my $cfgip = ip2decimal($openwrt{network}{interface}{lan}{ipaddr});
my $cfgmask = ip2decimal($openwrt{network}{interface}{lan}{netmask});
$subnet_change = 1 if $lanmask != $cfgmask or $lannet != ($cfgip & $cfgmask);
# print the page
if($fromlan and $subnet_change)
html_header("$node rebooting", 1);
print "<body><center>\n";
print "<h1>$node is rebooting</h1><br>\n";
print "<h3>The LAN subnet has changed. You will need to acquire a new DHCP lease<br>";
print "and reset any name service caches you may be using.</h3><br>\n";
print "<h3>Wait for the Power LED to start blinking, then stop blinking.<br>\n";
print "When the DMZ LED turns off you can get your new DHCP lease and reconnect with<br>\n";
print "<a href='http://localnode.local.mesh:8080/'>http://localnode.local.mesh:8080/</a><br>or<br>\n";
print "<a href='http://$node.local.mesh:8080/'>http://$node.local.mesh:8080/</a></h3>\n";
html_header("$node rebooting", 0);
print "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='60;url=$link'>\n";
print "</head><body><center>\n";
print "<h1>$node is rebooting</h1><br>\n";
print "<h3>Your browser should return to this node in 60 seconds.</br><br>\n";
print "If something goes astray you can try to connect with<br><br>";
print "<a href='http://localnode.local.mesh:8080/'>http://localnode.local.mesh:8080/</a><br>or<br>\n";
print "<a href='http://$node.local.mesh:8080/'>http://$node.local.mesh:8080/</a></h3>\n";
print "</center></body></html>";
system "/sbin/reboot" unless $debug;
# word wrap a list of text strings
sub word_wrap
my $len = shift;
my @output = ();
my $str = $_;
while(length $str > $len)
my $str1 = substr $str, 0, $len;
my $str2 = substr $str, $len;
if($str1 =~ /^(.*)\s(\S+)$/)
push @output, "$1\n";
$str = $2 . $str2;
push @output, "$str1\n";
$str = $str2;
push @output, $str;
return @output;
# system interaction
# read an nvram variable
sub nvram_get_old
my ($var) = @_;
return "ERROR" if not defined $var;
chomp($var = `nvram get $var`);
return $var;
# set an nvram variable
sub nvram_set_old
my ($var, $val) = @_;
return "ERROR" if not defined $val;
return system "nvram set $var='$val'";
# Replace the /etc/nvram file used by 1.0.0 Linksys
# with the backfire uci command due to an observed race condition
# read an nvram variable
sub nvram_get
my ($var) = @_;
return "ERROR" if not defined $var;
chomp($var = `uci -c /etc/local/uci/ -q get hsmmmesh.settings.$var`);
return $var;
# set an nvram variable
sub nvram_set
my ($var, $val) = @_;
return "ERROR" if not defined $val;
system "uci -c /etc/local/uci/ set hsmmmesh.settings.$var='$val'";
system "uci -c /etc/local/uci/ commit";
# return the ipv4 network parameters of the given interface or "none"
sub get_ip4_network
my($ip, $mask, $bcast, $net, $cidr);
foreach(`ifconfig $_[0]`)
next unless /inet addr:([\d\.]+) Bcast:([\d\.]+) Mask:([\d\.]+)/;
($ip, $bcast, $mask) = ($1, $2, $3);
return ("none") unless defined $ip;
my $dmask = ip2decimal($mask);
$net = decimal2ip(ip2decimal($ip) & $dmask);
$cidr = 0;
for(my $i = 31; $i >= 0 and ($dmask & (1 << $i)); $i--) { $cidr++ }
return ($ip, $mask, $bcast, $net, $cidr);
# return the ipv6 address and scope of the given interface or "none"
sub get_ip6_addr
my $ip = "none";
my $scope = "";
foreach(`ifconfig $_[0]`)
next unless /inet6 addr: ([\w:]+)\/\d+ Scope:(\w+)/;
($ip, $scope) = ($1, $2);
return "$ip $scope";
# return the address of the default gateway or "none"
# currently assumes ipv4
sub get_default_gw
my $gw = "none";
# Table 31 is populated by OLSR
foreach(`/usr/sbin/ip route list table 31`)
next unless /^default\svia\s([\d\.]+)/;
$gw = $1;
# However a node with a wired default gw will route via that instead
foreach(`/usr/sbin/ip route list table 254`)
next unless /^default\svia\s([\d\.]+)/;
$gw = $1;
return $gw;
# return the hostname for the given ip address or ""
sub ip2hostname
my ($ip) = @_;
my $host;
return "" unless $ip;
return "" if $ip eq "none";
foreach(`nslookup $ip`)
next unless ($host) = /Address 1: $ip (\S+)/;
return $host;
return "";
# return the hostname and tactical name for a mesh node
sub mesh_ip2hostname
my ($ip) = @_;
my @list;
my $host;
return "" unless $ip;
return "" if $ip eq "none";
foreach(`grep $ip /etc/hosts 2>/dev/null`)
next unless ($host) = /^$ip\s+(.*)/;
return (join " / ", (split /\s+/, $host));
foreach(`grep $ip /var/run/hosts_olsr 2>/dev/null`)
next unless ($host) = /^$ip\s+([\w\-]+)/;
push @list, $host;
return join " / ", @list;
# return the hostname and tactical name for this node
#sub get_nodenames
# my $host = `grep "option 'hostname' /etc/config/system | awk '{print \$3}'`;
# my $tac = `grep "option 'tactical' /etc/config/system | awk '{print \$3}'`;
# $host =~ s/[\"\'\n]//g;
# $tac =~ s/[\"\'\n]//g;
# return ($host, $tac);
# return the mac address for the given interface
sub get_mac
my ($intf) = @_;
my $mac = "";
return "" unless $intf;
foreach(`ifconfig $intf 2>/dev/null`)
next unless /^\S+ .*HWaddr (\S+)/;
$mac = $1;
return $mac;
# load the setup file
sub load_cfg
#my $mac2 = nvram_get("mac2");
my $node = nvram_get("node");
my $mac2 = mac2ip(get_mac("wlan0"), 0);
my $dtdmac = mac2ip(get_mac("eth0"), 0);
open(FILE, $_[0]) or return 0;
while(defined ($line = <FILE>))
next if $line =~ /^\s*#/;
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
$line =~ s/<NODE>/$node/;
$line =~ s/<MAC2>/$mac2/;
$line =~ s/<DTDMAC>/$dtdmac/;
$line =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/;
$cfg{$1} = $2;
return 1;
# save the setup file and generate the full configuration
sub save_setup
# save the parms to the setup file
open(FILE, ">$_[0]") or return 0;
foreach(sort keys %parms)
next unless /^(aprs|dhcp|dmz|lan|olsrd|wan|wifi|dtdlink)_/;
print FILE "$_ = $parms{$_}\n";
# set the nvram parameters
nvram_set("node", $parms{node});
nvram_set("tactical", $parms{tactical});
nvram_set("config", $parms{config});
# generate the system config files
system "mkdir -p /tmp/web/save";
$rc = system "/usr/local/bin/node-setup -a $parms{config} >/tmp/web/save/node-setup.out 2>&1";
return 0 if $rc or -s "/tmp/web/save/node-setup.out";
system "rm -rf /tmp/web/save";
# change system and web passwords
$passwd2 = $passwd1;
$passwd2 =~ s/'/'\\''/g;
system "/usr/local/bin/setpasswd '$passwd2' >/dev/null 2>&1" if $passwd1;
system "touch /tmp/reboot-required";
return 1;
sub get_wifi_signal
my $wifiintf = `uci -q get network.wifi.ifname`;
chomp $wifiintf;
my ($SignalLevel) = "N/A";
my ($NoiseFloor) = "N/A";
foreach(`iwinfo $wifiintf info`)
next unless /.*Signal: ([\d\-]+) dBm.*Noise: ([\d\-]+) dBm/;
if ( $SignalLevel == "N/A" || $NoiseFloor == "N/A" )
return ("N/A","N/A");
else {
return ($SignalLevel, $NoiseFloor);
sub get_free_space
my $dir = $_[0];
foreach(`df -k $dir`)
next unless /$dir$/;
my @tmp = split /\s+/, $_;
return $tmp[3];
return "N/A";
sub get_free_mem
next unless /^Mem[:]/;
my @tmp = split /\s+/, $_;
return $tmp[3] + $tmp[5];
return "N/A";
# this works for the "/etc/config/network" file
# other files can use other schemas so this function is not universal
sub load_openwrt_config
my ($file) = @_;
my $base = $file;
$base =~ s/^.*\///;
my($section, $name) = ();
foreach(`cat $file 2>/dev/null`)
next if /^\s*$/;
next if /^\s*\#/;
($section, $name) = ($1, $2);
next unless $section and $name;
if(my($opt, $val) = /^\s+option\s+(\w+)\s+(\S+.*)/)
$val =~ s/^"//;
$val =~ s/\s+$//;
$val =~ s/"$//;
$openwrt{$base}{$section}{$name}{$opt} = $val;
# ip address functions
# add the given value to the last octet
sub add_ip_address
my($address, $add) = @_;
my($prefix, $last) = $address =~ /^(.*)\.(\d+)$/;
return "error" unless defined $last;
$last += $add;
return "error" if $last < 0 or $last > 255;
return "$prefix.$last";
# substitute the given value for the last octet
sub change_ip_address
my($address, $value) = @_;
my($prefix) = $address =~ /^(.*)\.\d+$/;
return "error" unless defined $prefix;
return "$prefix.$value";
# convert dotted quad to 32 bit value
sub ip2decimal
my($address) = @_;
my $sum = 0;
foreach(split /[.]/, $address)
$sum *= 256;
$sum += $_;
return $sum;
# convert 32 bit value to dotted quad
sub decimal2ip
my($sum) = @_;
my @parts;
for(my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++)
push @parts, $sum & 255;
$sum >>= 8;
return join ".", reverse @parts;
# convert a left shifted mac address into 3 IP address octets
sub mac2ip
my ($mac, $shiftbits) = @_;
my $val = 0;
my $str;
foreach($mac =~ /\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:(\w\w):(\w\w):(\w\w)/)
$val <<= 8;
$val += hex $_;
$val <<= $shiftbits;
return sprintf "%d.%d.%d",
($val & 0xff0000) >> 16,
($val & 0xff00) >> 8,
$val & 0xff;
# input validation
sub validate_node
my ($node) = @_;
return 0 unless $node =~ /^\w\-$/;
return 0 if $node =~ /_/;
return 1;
sub validate_ip
my($ip) = @_;
$ip =~ s/\s//g;
return 0 if $ip eq "";
return 0 if $ip eq "";
my $count = 0;
foreach($ip =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/)
++$count if $_ < 256;
return 0 unless $count == 4;
return 1;
sub validate_netmask
my($mask) = @_;
$mask =~ s/\s//g;
return 0 if $mask eq "";
my $count = 0;
my $bitmask = "";
foreach my $val ($mask =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/)
++$count if $val < 256;
for(my $i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i)
my $bit = 128 >> $i;
if($val & $bit) { $bitmask .= "1" }
else { $bitmask .= "0" }
return 0 unless $bitmask =~ /^1+0*$/;
return 0 unless $count == 4;
return 1;
# verify that the address is neither the network
# nor broadcast address for this subnet
sub validate_ip_netmask
my($ip, $mask) = @_;
return 0 unless validate_ip($ip);
return 0 unless validate_netmask($mask);
$ip = ip2decimal($ip);
$mask = ip2decimal($mask);
my $notmask = 0xffffffff - $mask;
return 0 if ($ip & $notmask) == 0;
return 0 if ($ip & $notmask) == $notmask;
return 1;
# verify that two addresses are in the same subnet
sub validate_same_subnet
my($addr1, $addr2, $mask) = @_;
$addr1 = ip2decimal($addr1);
$addr2 = ip2decimal($addr2);
$mask = ip2decimal($mask);
return 1 if ($addr1 & $mask) == ($addr2 & $mask);
return 0;
sub validate_mac
my($mac) = @_;
$mac = lc $mac;
$mac =~ s/^\s+//;
$mac =~ s/\s+$//;
return 0 unless length $mac == 17;
for(my $i = 0; $i < 17; $i++)
my $ch = chop $mac;
if(($i + 1) % 3) { return 0 unless $ch =~ /[0-9a-f]/ }
else { return 0 unless $ch eq ":" }
return 1;
sub validate_hostname
my($host) = @_;
$host =~ s/^\s+//;
$host =~ s/\s+$//;
return 0 if $host =~ /_/;
return 1 if $host =~ /^[\w\-]+$/;
return 0;
sub validate_port
my($port) = @_;
$port =~ s/^\s+//;
$port =~ s/\s+$//;
return 0 if $port eq "";
return 0 if $port =~ /\D/;
return 0 if $port < 1 or $port > 65535;
return 1;
sub validate_port_range
my($port) = @_;
my($port1, $port2);
return 0 unless ($port1, $port2) = $port =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*-\s*(\d+)\s*$/;
return 0 unless validate_port($port1);
return 0 unless validate_port($port2);
return 0 unless $port2 > $port1;
return 1;
sub validate_service_name
my($name) = @_;
return 0 if $name eq "";
return 0 if $name =~ /[:'"|]/;
return 0 unless $name =~ /[^|[:cntrl:]]+$/;
return 1;
sub validate_service_protocol
my($proto) = @_;
return 0 if $proto eq "";
return 0 if $name =~ /[:'"|]/;
return 0 unless $proto =~ /^[[:alnum:]]+$/;
return 1;
sub validate_service_suffix
my($suffix) = @_;
# protects against parsing errors in the config files and html
return 0 if $suffix =~ /[:'"|]/;
# checks if string meets critera specified by nameservice module
return 0 unless $suffix =~ /^[[:alnum:]\/?._=#-]*$/;
return 1;
sub validate_latitude
my($lat) = @_;
return 0 unless defined $lat;
$lat =~ s/^\s+//;
$lat =~ s/\s+$//;
return 0 if $lat =~ /[^\d\.\-]/;
return 0 if $lat < -90 or $lat > 90;
return 1;
sub validate_longitude
my($lon) = @_;
return 0 unless defined $lon;
$lon =~ s/^\s+//;
$lon =~ s/\s+$//;
return 0 if $lon =~ /[^\d\.\-]/;
return 0 if $lon < -180 or $lat > 180;
return 1;
# Get boardid
sub hardware_boardid
my $boardid = `cat /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0/subsystem_device`;
return $boardid;
# Return a hashref with device details
sub hardware_info
%model = (
'0xc2a2' => {
'name' => 'Bullet 2 HP',
'comment' => 'Not enough Ram or flash',
'supported' => '-1',
'0xc302' => {
'name' => 'PicoStation2',
'comment' => 'PicoStation2 (NOT M series) in testing',
'supported' => '-2',
'maxpower' => '16',
'pwroffset' => '4',
'antennas' => { 1 => 'Antenna' },
'defaultant' => 1,
'usechains' => 0,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xc3a2' => {
'name' => 'PicoStation2 HP',
'comment' => 'PicoStation2 HP (NOT M series) in testing',
'supported' => '-2',
'maxpower' => '19',
'pwroffset' => '10',
'antennas' => { 1 => 'Antenna' },
'defaultant' => 1,
'usechains' => 0,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xe009' => {
'name' => 'NanoStation Loco M9',
'comment' => 'NanoStation Loco M9',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '22',
'pwroffset' => '6',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Horizontal", 2 => "Vertical", 3 => "Diversity" },
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '900',
'0xe012' => {
'name' => 'NanoStation M2',
'comment' => '',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '18',
'pwroffset' => '10',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Horizontal", 2 => "Vertical", 3 => "Diversity" },
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xe0a2' => {
'name' => 'NanoStation Loco M2',
'comment' => '',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '18',
'pwroffset' => '5',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Horizontal", 2 => "Vertical", 3 => "Diversity" },
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xe1b2' => {
'name' => 'Rocket M2',
'comment' => '',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '18',
'pwroffset' => '10',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Chain0", 2 => "Chain1", 3 => "Diversity"},
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xe1b5' => {
'name' => 'Rocket M5',
'comment' => 'Rocket M5',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '22',
'pwroffset' => '5',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Chain0", 2 => "Chain1", 3 => "Diversity"},
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '5800ubntus',
'0xe1b9' => {
'name' => 'Rocket M9',
'comment' => 'Rocket M9',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '22',
'pwroffset' => '6',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Chain0", 2 => "Chain1", 3 => "Diversity"},
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '900',
'0xe202' => {
'name' => 'Bullet M2 HP',
'comment' => '',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '16',
'pwroffset' => '12',
'antennas' => { 1 => 'N Connector' },
'defaultant' => 1,
'usechains' => 0,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xe205' => {
'name' => 'Bullet M5',
'comment' => 'Bullet M5',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '19',
'pwroffset' => '6',
'antennas' => { 1 => 'N Connector' },
'defaultant' => 1,
'usechains' => 0,
'rfband' => '5800ubntus',
'0xe212' => {
'name' => 'airGrid M2',
'comment' => 'airGrid M2 -- Reported as an hp',
'supported' => '-2',
'maxpower' => '28',
'pwroffset' => '0',
'antennas' => { 1 => 'airGrid' },
'defaultant' => 1,
'usechains' => 0,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xe215' => {
'name' => 'airGrid M5',
'comment' => 'airGrid M5',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '19',
'pwroffset' => '1',
'antennas' => { 1 => 'airGrid' },
'defaultant' => 1,
'usechains' => 0,
'rfband' => '5800ubntus',
'0xe232' => {
'name' => 'NannoBridge M2',
'comment' => 'NanoBridge M2',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '21',
'pwroffset' => '2',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Horizontal", 2 => "Vertical", 3 => "Diversity"},
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xe239' => {
'name' => 'NannoBridge M9',
'comment' => 'NanoBridge M9',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '22',
'pwroffset' => '6',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Horizontal", 2 => "Vertical", 3 => "Diversity" },
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '900',
'0xe242' => {
'name' => 'airGrid M2 HP',
'comment' => 'airGrid M2 HP',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '19',
'pwroffset' => '9',
'antennas' => { 1 => 'airGrid' },
'defaultant' => 1,
'usechains' => 0,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xe243' => {
'name' => 'NannoBridge M3',
'comment' => 'Not Tested',
'supported' => '-2',
'maxpower' => '22',
'pwroffset' => '3',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Chain0", 2 => "Chain1", 3 => "Diversity"},
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xe252' => {
'name' => 'airGrid M2 HP',
'comment' => '',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '19',
'pwroffset' => '9',
'antennas' => { 1 => 'airGrid' },
'defaultant' => 1,
'usechains' => 0,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xe255' => {
'name' => 'airGrid M5 HP',
'comment' => 'airGrid M5',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '19',
'pwroffset' => '6',
'antennas' => { 1 => 'airGrid' },
'defaultant' => 1,
'usechains' => 0,
'rfband' => '5800ubntus',
'0xe2b5' => {
'name' => 'NannoBridge M5',
'comment' => 'NanoBridge M5',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '22',
'pwroffset' => '1',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Horizontal", 2 => "Vertical", 3 => "Diversity"},
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '5800ubntus',
'0xe2c2' => {
'name' => 'NannoBeam M2 International',
'comment' => 'NanoBeam M2 International -- XW board unsupported at this time',
'supported' => '-1',
'maxpower' => '18',
'pwroffset' => '10',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Horizontal", 2 => "Vertical", 3 => "Diversity"},
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xe2d2' => {
'name' => 'Bullet M2 Titanium HP',
'comment' => 'Bullet M2 Titanium',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '16',
'pwroffset' => '12',
'antennas' => { 1 => 'N Connector' },
'defaultant' => 1,
'usechains' => 0,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xe2d5' => {
'name' => 'Bullet M5 Titanium',
'comment' => 'Bullet M5 Titanium',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '19',
'pwroffset' => '6',
'antennas' => { 1 => 'N Connector' },
'defaultant' => 1,
'usechains' => 0,
'rfband' => '5800ubntus',
'0xe302' => {
'name' => 'PicoStation M2',
'comment' => 'PicoStation M2',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '16',
'pwroffset' => '12',
'antennas' => { 1 => 'Antenna' },
'defaultant' => 1,
'usechains' => 0,
'rfband' => '2400',
'0xe4e5' => {
'name' => 'NannoBeam M5 International',
'comment' => 'NanoBeam M5 International XW series unsuported at this time',
'supported' => '-1',
'maxpower' => '22',
'pwroffset' => '1',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Horizontal", 2 => "Vertical", 3 => "Diversity"},
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '5500',
'0xe805' => {
'name' => 'NanoStation M5',
'comment' => 'NanoStation M5',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '22',
'pwroffset' => '5',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Horizontal", 2 => "Vertical", 3 => "Diversity" },
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '5800ubntus',
'0xe8a5' => {
'name' => 'NanoStation Loco M5',
'comment' => 'NanoStation Loco M5',
'supported' => '1',
'maxpower' => '22',
'pwroffset' => '1',
'antennas' => { 1 => "Horizontal", 2 => "Vertical", 3 => "Diversity" },
'defaultant' => 3,
'usechains' => 1,
'rfband' => '5800ubntus',
$boardid = hardware_boardid();
if ( exists $model{ $boardid } ){
return $model{$boardid};
} else
return { 'name' => 'Unknown Hardware', => 'comment' => "We do not have this hardware in our database", supported => '-1',} ;
# Return maximum dbm value for tx power
sub wifi_maxpower
$boardinfo = hardware_info();
if ( exists $boardinfo->{'maxpower'} ) {
return $boardinfo->{'maxpower'};
} else
#When in doubt lets return 27 for safety.
return 27;
sub wifi_validant
$boardinfo = hardware_info();
if ( exists $boardinfo->{'antennas'} ) {
return $boardinfo->{'antennas'};
} else
return { 0 => "Left", 1 => "Right", 2 => "Diversity" };
sub wifi_defaultant
$boardinfo = hardware_info();
if ( exists $boardinfo->{'defaultant'} ) {
return $boardinfo->{'defaultant'};
} else
#Most likely to catch all models. Some have 3 and start at 1, some start at 0, others have 1 at 1, etc
return 1;
sub wifi_useschains
$boardinfo = hardware_info();
if ( exists $boardinfo->{'usechains'} ) {
return $boardinfo->{'usechains'};
} else
return 1;
#Some systems have power offsets in them because of a secondary amplifier
#Because of this the chipset may report one power level but the amplifier
#has increased it to a higher level.
sub wifi_txpoweroffset
my $doesiwoffset=`iwinfo wlan0 info 2>/dev/null` =~ /TX power offset: (\d+)/;
if ( $doesiwoffset ) {
return $1;
} else
$boardinfo = hardware_info();
if ( exists $boardinfo->{'pwroffset'} ) {
return $boardinfo->{'pwroffset'};
} else
return 0;
sub is_hardware_supported
$boardinfo = hardware_info();
return $boardinfo->{'supported'};
sub alert_banner
# Device compatibility alert
if ( is_hardware_supported() != 1 ){
if (is_hardware_supported() == 0 ){
print "<div style=\"padding:5px;background-color:#FF4719;border:1px solid #ccc;width:600px;\"><a href=\"/cgi-bin/sysinfo\">!!!! UNSUPPORTED DEVICE !!!!</a></div>\n";
elsif ( is_hardware_supported() == -2 ){
print "<div style=\"padding:5px;background-color:#FFFF00;border:1px solid #ccc;width:600px;\"><a href=\"/cgi-bin/sysinfo\"> !!!! THIS DEVICE IS STILL BEING TESTED !!!!</a></div>\n";
else {
print "<div style=\"padding:5px;background-color:#FFFF00;border:1px solid #ccc;width:600px;\"><a href=\"/cgi-bin/sysinfo\">!!!! UNTESTED HARDWARE !!!!</a></div>\n";
#weird uhttpd/busybox error requires a 1 at the end of this file