2015-06-11 14:37:23 -06:00
PHPCSFixer = require "../src/beautifiers/php-cs-fixer"
Beautifier = require "../src/beautifiers/beautifier"
2017-05-28 15:21:10 -06:00
Executable = require "../src/beautifiers/executable"
2015-06-11 18:16:05 -06:00
path = require 'path'
2015-06-11 14:37:23 -06:00
# Use the command `window:run-package-specs` (cmd-alt-ctrl-p) to run specs.
# To run a specific `it` or `describe` block add an `f` to the front (e.g. `fit`
# or `fdescribe`). Remove the `f` to unfocus the block.
2015-06-11 19:07:56 -06:00
# Check if Windows
isWindows = process.platform is 'win32' or
process.env.OSTYPE is 'cygwin' or
process.env.OSTYPE is 'msys'
2015-06-11 14:37:23 -06:00
describe "PHP-CS-Fixer Beautifier", ->
2015-06-11 18:59:00 -06:00
beforeEach ->
# Activate package
waitsForPromise ->
activationPromise = atom.packages.activatePackage('atom-beautify')
# Force activate package
pack = atom.packages.getLoadedPackage("atom-beautify")
# Change logger level
# atom.config.set('atom-beautify._loggerLevel', 'verbose')
# Return promise
return activationPromise
describe "Beautifier::beautify", ->
2015-06-11 14:37:23 -06:00
2015-06-11 18:59:00 -06:00
beautifier = null
2017-05-28 15:21:10 -06:00
execSpawn = null
2015-06-11 18:59:00 -06:00
beforeEach ->
beautifier = new PHPCSFixer()
# console.log('new beautifier')
2017-05-28 15:21:10 -06:00
execSpawn = Executable.prototype.spawn
afterEach ->
Executable.prototype.spawn = execSpawn
2015-06-11 18:59:00 -06:00
OSSpecificSpecs = ->
text = "<?php echo \"test\"; ?>"
it "should error when beautifier's program not found", ->
expect(beautifier instanceof Beautifier).toBe(true)
waitsForPromise shouldReject: true, ->
language = "PHP"
options = {
fixers: ""
levels: ""
2015-06-11 19:07:56 -06:00
# Mock spawn
2017-05-28 15:21:10 -06:00
# beautifier.spawn
Executable.prototype.spawn = (exe, args, options) ->
2015-06-11 19:07:56 -06:00
# console.log('spawn', exe, args, options)
er = new Error('ENOENT')
er.code = 'ENOENT'
return beautifier.Promise.reject(er)
# Beautify
2017-05-28 15:21:10 -06:00
p = beautifier.loadExecutables().then(() -> beautifier.beautify(text, language, options))
2015-06-11 18:59:00 -06:00
expect(p instanceof beautifier.Promise).toBe(true)
cb = (v) ->
# console.log(v)
expect(v instanceof Error).toBe(true, \
"Expected '#{v}' to be instance of Error")
expect(v.code).toBe("CommandNotFound", \
"Expected to be CommandNotFound")
return v
p.then(cb, cb)
return p
failWhichProgram = (failingProgram) ->
it "should error when '#{failingProgram}' not found", ->
expect(beautifier instanceof Beautifier).toBe(true)
2017-05-28 15:21:10 -06:00
if not Executable.isWindows and failingProgram is "php"
2015-06-11 18:59:00 -06:00
# Only applicable on Windows
waitsForPromise shouldReject: true, ->
language = "PHP"
options = {
fixers: ""
levels: ""
cb = (v) ->
# console.log('cb value', v)
expect(v instanceof Error).toBe(true, \
"Expected '#{v}' to be instance of Error")
expect(v.code).toBe("CommandNotFound", \
"Expected to be CommandNotFound")
return v
# which = beautifier.which.bind(beautifier)
beautifier.which = (exe, options) ->
return beautifier.Promise.resolve(null) \
if not exe?
if exe is failingProgram
# which(exe, options)
# console.log('fake exe path', exe)
2017-05-28 15:21:10 -06:00
# oldSpawn = beautifier.spawn.bind(beautifier)
# beautifier.spawn
Executable.prototype.spawn = (exe, args, options) ->
2015-06-11 18:59:00 -06:00
# console.log('spawn', exe, args, options)
if exe is failingProgram
er = new Error('ENOENT')
er.code = 'ENOENT'
return beautifier.Promise.reject(er)
return beautifier.Promise.resolve({
returnCode: 0,
stdout: 'stdout',
stderr: ''
2017-05-28 15:21:10 -06:00
p = beautifier.loadExecutables().then(() -> beautifier.beautify(text, language, options))
2015-06-11 18:59:00 -06:00
expect(p instanceof beautifier.Promise).toBe(true)
p.then(cb, cb)
return p
2017-05-28 15:21:10 -06:00
# failWhichProgram('php-cs-fixer')
2015-06-11 18:59:00 -06:00
2015-06-11 19:07:56 -06:00
unless isWindows
describe "Mac/Linux", ->
2015-06-11 18:59:00 -06:00
2015-06-11 19:07:56 -06:00
beforeEach ->
# console.log('mac/linx')
2017-05-28 15:21:10 -06:00
Executable.isWindows = () -> false
2015-06-11 18:59:00 -06:00
2015-06-11 19:07:56 -06:00
do OSSpecificSpecs
2015-06-11 18:59:00 -06:00
describe "Windows", ->
beforeEach ->
# console.log('windows')
2017-05-28 15:21:10 -06:00
Executable.isWindows = () -> true
2015-06-11 18:59:00 -06:00
do OSSpecificSpecs