Fixes #370. Allow Promises in allOptions for beautification
This commit is contained in:
@ -288,195 +288,201 @@ module.exports = class Beautifiers
beautify : (text, allOptions, grammar, filePath, {onSave} = {}) ->
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
||||'beautify', text, allOptions, grammar, filePath)
return Promise.all(allOptions)
.then((allOptions) =>
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
||||'beautify', text, allOptions, grammar, filePath)
# Get language
fileExtension = path.extname(filePath)
# Remove prefix "." (period) in fileExtension
fileExtension = fileExtension.substr(1)
languages = @languages.getLanguages({grammar, extension: fileExtension})
logger.verbose(languages, grammar, fileExtension)
# Check if unsupported language
if languages.length < 1
unsupportedGrammar = true
# Check if on save
if onSave
# Ignore this, as it was just a general file save, and
# not intended to be beautified
return resolve( null )
# TODO: select appropriate language
language = languages[0]
# Get language config
langDisabled = atom.config.get("atom-beautify.language_#{language.namespace}_disabled")
# Beautify!
unsupportedGrammar = false
# Check if Language is disabled
if langDisabled
return resolve( null )
# Get more language config
preferredBeautifierName = atom.config.get("atom-beautify.language_#{language.namespace}_default_beautifier")
beautifyOnSave = atom.config.get("atom-beautify.language_#{language.namespace}_beautify_on_save")
legacyBeautifyOnSave = atom.config.get("atom-beautify.beautifyOnSave")
# Verify if beautifying on save
if onSave and not (beautifyOnSave or legacyBeautifyOnSave)
# Saving, and beautify on save is disabled
return resolve( null )
# Options for Language
options = @getOptions([language.namespace].concat(language.fallback or []), allOptions) or {}
# Get Beautifier
logger.verbose(grammar, language)
beautifiers = @getBeautifiers(, options)
logger.verbose('options', options)
logger.verbose('beautifiers', beautifiers)
logger.verbose(, filePath, options, allOptions)
# Get language
fileExtension = path.extname(filePath)
# Remove prefix "." (period) in fileExtension
fileExtension = fileExtension.substr(1)
languages = @languages.getLanguages({grammar, extension: fileExtension})
logger.verbose(languages, grammar, fileExtension)
# Check if unsupported language
if beautifiers.length < 1
if languages.length < 1
unsupportedGrammar = true
# Check if on save
if onSave
# Ignore this, as it was just a general file save, and
# not intended to be beautified
return resolve( null )
# Select beautifier from language config preferences
beautifier = _.find(beautifiers, (beautifier) ->
|||| is preferredBeautifierName
) or beautifiers[0]
logger.verbose('beautifier',, beautifiers)
transformOptions = (beautifier, languageName, options) ->
# Transform options, if applicable
beautifierOptions = beautifier.options[languageName]
if typeof beautifierOptions is "boolean"
# Language is supported by beautifier
# If true then all options are directly supported
# If falsy then pass all options to beautifier,
# although no options are directly supported.
return options
else if typeof beautifierOptions is "object"
# Transform the options
transformedOptions = {}
# TODO: select appropriate language
language = languages[0]
# Transform for fields
for field, op of beautifierOptions
if typeof op is "string"
# Rename
transformedOptions[field] = options[op]
else if typeof op is "function"
# Transform
transformedOptions[field] = op(options[field])
else if typeof op is "boolean"
# Enable/Disable
if op is true
transformedOptions[field] = options[field]
else if _.isArray(op)
# Complex function
[fields..., fn] = op
vals =, (f) ->
return options[f]
# Get language config
langDisabled = atom.config.get("atom-beautify.language_#{language.namespace}_disabled")
# Apply function
transformedOptions[field] = fn.apply( null , vals)
# Replace old options with new transformed options
return transformedOptions
logger.warn("Unsupported Language options: ", beautifierOptions)
return options
# Apply language-specific option transformations
options = transformOptions(beautifier,, options)
# Beautify text with language options
beautifier.beautify(text,, options)
# Check if Analytics is enabled
if atom.config.get("")
# Setup Analytics
analytics = new Analytics(analyticsWriteKey)
unless atom.config.get("atom-beautify._analyticsUserId")
uuid = require("node-uuid")
atom.config.set "atom-beautify._analyticsUserId", uuid.v4()
# Setup Analytics User Id
userId = atom.config.get("atom-beautify._analyticsUserId")
analytics.identify userId : userId
version = pkg.version
userId : atom.config.get("atom-beautify._analyticsUserId")
event : "Beautify"
properties :
language : language?.name
grammar : grammar
extension : fileExtension
version : version
options : allOptions
label : language?.name
category : version
if unsupportedGrammar
if atom.config.get("atom-beautify.muteUnsupportedLanguageErrors")
return resolve( null )
repoBugsUrl = pkg.bugs.url
# Beautify!
unsupportedGrammar = false
# issueTitle = "Add support for language with grammar '
# issueBody = """
# **Atom Version**:
# **Atom Beautify Version**:
# **Platform**:
# ```
# ```
# """
# requestLanguageUrl = "
# detail = "If you would like to request this language be supported please create an issue by clicking <a href=\"
title = "Atom Beautify could not find a supported beautifier for this file"
detail = """
Atom Beautify could not determine a supported beautifier to handle this file with grammar \"#{grammar}\" and extension \"#{fileExtension}\". \
If you would like to request support for this file and it's language, please create an issue for Atom Beautify at #{repoBugsUrl}
# Check if Language is disabled
if langDisabled
return resolve( null )
# Get more language config
preferredBeautifierName = atom.config.get("atom-beautify.language_#{language.namespace}_default_beautifier")
beautifyOnSave = atom.config.get("atom-beautify.language_#{language.namespace}_beautify_on_save")
legacyBeautifyOnSave = atom.config.get("atom-beautify.beautifyOnSave")
# Verify if beautifying on save
if onSave and not (beautifyOnSave or legacyBeautifyOnSave)
# Saving, and beautify on save is disabled
return resolve( null )
# Options for Language
options = @getOptions([language.namespace].concat(language.fallback or []), allOptions) or {}
# Get Beautifier
logger.verbose(grammar, language)
beautifiers = @getBeautifiers(, options)
logger.verbose('options', options)
logger.verbose('beautifiers', beautifiers)
logger.verbose(, filePath, options, allOptions)
# Check if unsupported language
if beautifiers.length < 1
unsupportedGrammar = true
# Select beautifier from language config preferences
beautifier = _.find(beautifiers, (beautifier) ->
|||| is preferredBeautifierName
) or beautifiers[0]
logger.verbose('beautifier',, beautifiers)
transformOptions = (beautifier, languageName, options) ->
# Transform options, if applicable
beautifierOptions = beautifier.options[languageName]
if typeof beautifierOptions is "boolean"
# Language is supported by beautifier
# If true then all options are directly supported
# If falsy then pass all options to beautifier,
# although no options are directly supported.
return options
else if typeof beautifierOptions is "object"
# Transform the options
transformedOptions = {}
# Transform for fields
for field, op of beautifierOptions
if typeof op is "string"
# Rename
transformedOptions[field] = options[op]
else if typeof op is "function"
# Transform
transformedOptions[field] = op(options[field])
else if typeof op is "boolean"
# Enable/Disable
if op is true
transformedOptions[field] = options[field]
else if _.isArray(op)
# Complex function
[fields..., fn] = op
vals =, (f) ->
return options[f]
# Apply function
transformedOptions[field] = fn.apply( null , vals)
# Replace old options with new transformed options
return transformedOptions
logger.warn("Unsupported Language options: ", beautifierOptions)
return options
# Apply language-specific option transformations
options = transformOptions(beautifier,, options)
# Beautify text with language options
beautifier.beautify(text,, options)
# Check if Analytics is enabled
if atom.config.get("")
# Setup Analytics
analytics = new Analytics(analyticsWriteKey)
unless atom.config.get("atom-beautify._analyticsUserId")
uuid = require("node-uuid")
atom.config.set "atom-beautify._analyticsUserId", uuid.v4()
# Setup Analytics User Id
userId = atom.config.get("atom-beautify._analyticsUserId")
analytics.identify userId : userId
version = pkg.version
userId : atom.config.get("atom-beautify._analyticsUserId")
event : "Beautify"
properties :
language : language?.name
grammar : grammar
extension : fileExtension
version : version
options : allOptions
label : language?.name
category : version
if unsupportedGrammar
if atom.config.get("atom-beautify.muteUnsupportedLanguageErrors")
return resolve( null )
repoBugsUrl = pkg.bugs.url
# issueTitle = "Add support for language with grammar '
# issueBody = """
# **Atom Version**:
# **Atom Beautify Version**:
# **Platform**:
# ```
# ```
# """
# requestLanguageUrl = "
# detail = "If you would like to request this language be supported please create an issue by clicking <a href=\"
title = "Atom Beautify could not find a supported beautifier for this file"
detail = """
Atom Beautify could not determine a supported beautifier to handle this file with grammar \"#{grammar}\" and extension \"#{fileExtension}\". \
If you would like to request support for this file and it's language, please create an issue for Atom Beautify at #{repoBugsUrl}
atom?.notifications.addWarning(title, {
dismissable : true
return resolve( null )
atom?.notifications.addWarning(title, {
dismissable : true
return resolve( null )
findFileResults : {}
Reference in New Issue