diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e6e4d32..d05c2cd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -71,53 +71,53 @@ See [Issue #1678](https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify/issues/1687) for a
Some of the supported beautifiers are developed for Node.js and are automatically installed when Atom-Beautify is installed. However, other beautifiers are command-line interface (CLI) applications and require you to manually install them.
-| Beautifier | Is Pre-Installed? | Installation Instructions |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| align-yaml | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| autopep8 | :x: | Go to https://github.com/hhatto/autopep8 and follow the instructions. |
-| beautysh | :x: | Go to https://github.com/bemeurer/beautysh and follow the instructions. |
-| clang-format | :x: | Go to https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html and follow the instructions. |
-| cljfmt | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| Coffee Formatter | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| coffee-fmt | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| Crystal | :x: | Go to http://crystal-lang.org and follow the instructions. |
-| CSScomb | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| dfmt | :x: | Go to https://github.com/Hackerpilot/dfmt and follow the instructions. |
-| elm-format | :x: | Go to https://github.com/avh4/elm-format and follow the instructions. |
-| erl_tidy | :x: | Go to http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl_tidy.html and follow the instructions. |
-| ESLint Fixer | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| formatR | :x: | Go to https://github.com/yihui/formatR and follow the instructions. |
-| Fortran Beautifier | :x: | Go to https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ and follow the instructions. |
-| Gherkin formatter | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| gofmt | :x: | Go to https://golang.org/cmd/gofmt/ and follow the instructions. |
-| hh_format | :x: | Go to http://hhvm.com/ and follow the instructions. |
-| HTML Beautifier | :x: | Go to https://github.com/threedaymonk/htmlbeautifier and follow the instructions. |
-| JS Beautify | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| JSCS Fixer | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| Latex Beautify | :x: | Go to https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl and follow the instructions. |
-| Lua beautifier | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| Marko Beautifier | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| Nginx Beautify | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| ocp-indent | :x: | Go to https://www.typerex.org/ocp-indent.html and follow the instructions. |
-| Perltidy | :x: | Go to http://perltidy.sourceforge.net/ and follow the instructions. |
-| PHP-CS-Fixer | :x: | Go to https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer and follow the instructions. |
-| PHPCBF | :x: | Go to http://php.net/manual/en/install.php and follow the instructions. |
-| Pretty Diff | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| Pug Beautify | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| puppet-lint | :x: | Go to http://puppet-lint.com/ and follow the instructions. |
-| pybeautifier | :x: | Go to https://github.com/guyskk/pybeautifier and follow the instructions. |
-| Remark | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| Rubocop | :x: | Go to https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop and follow the instructions. |
-| Ruby Beautify | :x: | Go to https://github.com/erniebrodeur/ruby-beautify and follow the instructions. |
-| rustfmt | :x: | Go to https://github.com/nrc/rustfmt and follow the instructions. |
-| SassConvert | :x: | Go to http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#syntax and follow the instructions. |
-| sqlformat | :x: | Go to https://github.com/andialbrecht/sqlparse and follow the instructions. |
-| stylish-haskell | :x: | Go to https://github.com/jaspervdj/stylish-haskell and follow the instructions. |
-| Tidy Markdown | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| TypeScript Formatter | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| Uncrustify | :x: | Go to https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify and follow the instructions. |
-| Vue Beautifier | :white_check_mark: | Nothing! |
-| yapf | :x: | Go to https://github.com/google/yapf and follow the instructions. |
+| Beautifier | Preinstalled | [:whale: Docker](https://www.docker.com/) | Installation |
+| --- | --- | --- |--- |
+| align-yaml | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| autopep8 | :warning: 2 executables | :warning: Only 1 of 2 executables | :whale: With [Docker](https://www.docker.com/):
1. Install [autopep8 (`autopep8`)](https://github.com/hhatto/autopep8) with `docker pull unibeautify/autopep8`
:bookmark_tabs: Manually:
1. Install [autopep8 (`autopep8`)](https://github.com/hhatto/autopep8) by following https://github.com/hhatto/autopep8#installation
2. Install [isort (`isort`)](https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort) by following https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort#installing-isort
+| beautysh | :warning: 1 executable | :white_check_mark: :100:% of executables | :whale: With [Docker](https://www.docker.com/):
1. Install [beautysh (`beautysh`)](https://github.com/bemeurer/beautysh) with `docker pull unibeautify/beautysh`
:bookmark_tabs: Manually:
1. Install [beautysh (`beautysh`)](https://github.com/bemeurer/beautysh) by following https://github.com/bemeurer/beautysh#installation
+| clang-format | :warning: 1 executable | :white_check_mark: :100:% of executables | :whale: With [Docker](https://www.docker.com/):
1. Install [ClangFormat (`clang-format`)](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) with `docker pull unibeautify/clang-format`
:bookmark_tabs: Manually:
1. Install [ClangFormat (`clang-format`)](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) by following https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html
+| cljfmt | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| Coffee Formatter | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| coffee-fmt | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| Crystal | :warning: 1 executable | :white_check_mark: :100:% of executables | :whale: With [Docker](https://www.docker.com/):
1. Install [Crystal (`crystal`)](http://crystal-lang.org) with `docker pull unibeautify/crystal`
:bookmark_tabs: Manually:
1. Install [Crystal (`crystal`)](http://crystal-lang.org) by following https://crystal-lang.org/docs/installation/
+| CSScomb | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| dfmt | :warning: 1 executable | :x: No Docker support | :bookmark_tabs: Manually:
1. Install [Dfmt (`dfmt`)](https://github.com/Hackerpilot/dfmt) by following https://github.com/dlang-community/dfmt#building
+| elm-format | :warning: 1 executable | :white_check_mark: :100:% of executables | :whale: With [Docker](https://www.docker.com/):
1. Install [elm-format (`elm-format`)](https://github.com/avh4/elm-format) with `docker pull unibeautify/elm-format`
:bookmark_tabs: Manually:
1. Install [elm-format (`elm-format`)](https://github.com/avh4/elm-format) by following https://github.com/avh4/elm-format#installation-
+| erl_tidy | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl_tidy.html and follow the instructions. |
+| ESLint Fixer | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| formatR | :warning: 1 executable | :white_check_mark: :100:% of executables | :whale: With [Docker](https://www.docker.com/):
1. Install [Rscript (`rscript`)](https://github.com/yihui/formatR) with `docker pull unibeautify/rscript`
:bookmark_tabs: Manually:
1. Install [Rscript (`rscript`)](https://github.com/yihui/formatR) by following https://github.com/yihui/formatR
+| Fortran Beautifier | :warning: 1 executable | :x: No Docker support | :bookmark_tabs: Manually:
1. Install [Emacs (`emacs`)](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/) by following https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/
+| Gherkin formatter | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| gofmt | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to https://golang.org/cmd/gofmt/ and follow the instructions. |
+| hh_format | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to http://hhvm.com/ and follow the instructions. |
+| HTML Beautifier | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to https://github.com/threedaymonk/htmlbeautifier and follow the instructions. |
+| JS Beautify | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| JSCS Fixer | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| Latex Beautify | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl and follow the instructions. |
+| Lua beautifier | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| Marko Beautifier | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| Nginx Beautify | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| ocp-indent | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to https://www.typerex.org/ocp-indent.html and follow the instructions. |
+| Perltidy | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to http://perltidy.sourceforge.net/ and follow the instructions. |
+| PHP-CS-Fixer | :warning: 2 executables | :warning: Only 1 of 2 executables | :whale: With [Docker](https://www.docker.com/):
1. Install [PHP-CS-Fixer (`php-cs-fixer`)](https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer) with `docker pull unibeautify/php-cs-fixer`
:bookmark_tabs: Manually:
1. Install [PHP (`php`)](http://php.net/) by following http://php.net/manual/en/install.php
2. Install [PHP-CS-Fixer (`php-cs-fixer`)](https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer) by following https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer#installation
+| PHPCBF | :warning: 1 executable | :white_check_mark: :100:% of executables | :whale: With [Docker](https://www.docker.com/):
1. Install [PHPCBF (`phpcbf`)](https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer) with `docker pull unibeautify/phpcbf`
:bookmark_tabs: Manually:
1. Install [PHPCBF (`phpcbf`)](https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer) by following https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer#installation
+| Pretty Diff | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| Pug Beautify | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| puppet-lint | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to http://puppet-lint.com/ and follow the instructions. |
+| pybeautifier | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to https://github.com/guyskk/pybeautifier and follow the instructions. |
+| Remark | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| Rubocop | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop and follow the instructions. |
+| Ruby Beautify | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to https://github.com/erniebrodeur/ruby-beautify and follow the instructions. |
+| rustfmt | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to https://github.com/nrc/rustfmt and follow the instructions. |
+| SassConvert | :warning: 1 executable | :white_check_mark: :100:% of executables | :whale: With [Docker](https://www.docker.com/):
1. Install [SassConvert (`sass-convert`)](http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#syntax) with `docker pull unibeautify/sass-convert`
:bookmark_tabs: Manually:
1. Install [SassConvert (`sass-convert`)](http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#syntax) by following http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#syntax
+| sqlformat | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to https://github.com/andialbrecht/sqlparse and follow the instructions. |
+| stylish-haskell | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to https://github.com/jaspervdj/stylish-haskell and follow the instructions. |
+| Tidy Markdown | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| TypeScript Formatter | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| Uncrustify | :warning: 1 executable | :white_check_mark: :100:% of executables | :whale: With [Docker](https://www.docker.com/):
1. Install [Uncrustify (`uncrustify`)](http://uncrustify.sourceforge.net/) with `docker pull unibeautify/uncrustify`
:bookmark_tabs: Manually:
1. Install [Uncrustify (`uncrustify`)](http://uncrustify.sourceforge.net/) by following https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify
+| Vue Beautifier | :white_check_mark: | :ok_hand: Not necessary | :smiley: Nothing! |
+| yapf | :warning: Manual installation | :construction: Not an executable | :page_facing_up: Go to https://github.com/google/yapf and follow the instructions. |
## Language Support
@@ -125,71 +125,71 @@ See [all supported options in the documentation at `docs/options.md`](docs/opti
| Language | Grammars | File Extensions | Supported Beautifiers |
| --- | --- | --- | ---- |
-| Apex | `Apex` |`.cls`, `.trigger` | [`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify) (Default) |
-| Arduino | `Arduino` |`.ino`, `.pde` | [`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify) (Default) |
-| Bash | `Shell Script` |`.bash`, `.sh` | [`beautysh`](https://github.com/bemeurer/beautysh) (Default) |
-| C | `C`, `opencl` |`.h`, `.c`, `.cl` | [`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify) (Default), [`clang-format`](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) |
-| Coldfusion | `html` |`.cfm`, `.cfml`, `.cfc` | [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| Clojure | `Clojure` |`.clj`, `.cljs`, `.edn` | [`cljfmt`](https://github.com/snoe/node-cljfmt) (Default) |
-| CoffeeScript | `CoffeeScript` |`.coffee` | [`Coffee Formatter`](https://github.com/Glavin001/Coffee-Formatter), [`coffee-fmt`](https://github.com/sterpe/coffee-fmt) (Default) |
-| C++ | `C++` |`.h`, `.hh`, `.cc`, `.cpp`, `.cxx`, `.C`, `.cu`, `.c++`, `.hpp`, `.hxx`, `.h++`, `.cuh` | [`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify) (Default), [`clang-format`](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) |
-| Crystal | `Crystal` |`.cr` | [`Crystal`](http://crystal-lang.org) (Default) |
-| C# | `C#` |`.cs` | [`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify) (Default) |
-| CSS | `CSS` |`.css` | [`CSScomb`](https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js), [`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify) (Default), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff), [`SassConvert`](http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#syntax) |
-| CSV | `CSV` |`.csv` | [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| D | `D` |`.d` | [`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify) (Default), [`dfmt`](https://github.com/Hackerpilot/dfmt) |
-| EJS | `EJS`, `JavaScript Template`, `HTML (Angular)` |`.ejs` | [`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify) (Default), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) |
-| Elm | `Elm` |`.elm` | [`elm-format`](https://github.com/avh4/elm-format) (Default) |
-| ERB | `HTML (Ruby - ERB)`, `HTML (Rails)` |`.erb` | [`HTML Beautifier`](https://github.com/threedaymonk/htmlbeautifier), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| Erlang | `Erlang` |`.erl` | [`erl_tidy`](http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl_tidy.html) (Default) |
-| Fortran | `Fortran - Modern` |`.f90`, `.F90`, `.f95`, `.F95` | [`Fortran Beautifier`](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/) (Default) |
-| gherkin | `Gherkin` |`.feature` | [`Gherkin formatter`](https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify/blob/master/src/beautifiers/gherkin.coffee) (Default) |
-| GLSL | `C`, `opencl`, `GLSL` |`.vert`, `.frag` | [`clang-format`](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) (Default) |
-| Go | `Go` |`.go` | [`gofmt`](https://golang.org/cmd/gofmt/) (Default) |
-| Golang Template | `HTML (Go)`, `Go Template` |`.gohtml` | [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| Handlebars | `Handlebars`, `HTML (Handlebars)` |`.hbs`, `.handlebars` | [`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify) (Default), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) |
-| Haskell | `Haskell` |`.hs` | [`stylish-haskell`](https://github.com/jaspervdj/stylish-haskell) (Default) |
-| HTML | `HTML` |`.html` | [`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify) (Default), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) |
-| Jade | `Jade`, `Pug` |`.jade`, `.pug` | [`Pug Beautify`](https://github.com/vingorius/pug-beautify) (Default) |
-| Java | `Java` |`.java` | [`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify) (Default) |
-| JavaScript | `JavaScript` |`.js` | [`ESLint Fixer`](https://github.com/eslint/eslint), [`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify) (Default), [`JSCS Fixer`](https://github.com/jscs-dev/node-jscs/), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) |
-| JSON | `JSON` |`.json` | [`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify) (Default), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) |
-| JSX | `JSX`, `JavaScript (JSX)`, `Babel ES6 JavaScript`, `JavaScript with JSX` |`.jsx`, `.js` | [`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| LaTeX | `BibTeX`, `LaTeX`, `TeX` |`.bib`, `.tex`, `.sty`, `.cls`, `.dtx`, `.ins`, `.bbx`, `.cbx` | [`Latex Beautify`](https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl) (Default) |
-| LESS | `LESS` |`.less` | [`CSScomb`](https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| Lua | `Lua` |`.lua` | [`Lua beautifier`](https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify/blob/master/src/beautifiers/lua-beautifier/beautifier.coffee) (Default) |
-| Markdown | `GitHub Markdown` |`.markdown`, `.md` | [`Remark`](https://github.com/wooorm/remark), [`Tidy Markdown`](https://github.com/slang800/tidy-markdown) (Default) |
-| Marko | `Marko` |`.marko` | [`Marko Beautifier`](https://github.com/marko-js/marko-prettyprint) (Default) |
-| Mustache | `HTML (Mustache)` |`.mustache` | [`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify) (Default), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) |
-| Nginx | `nginx` |`.conf` | [`Nginx Beautify`](https://github.com/denysvitali/nginxbeautify) (Default) |
-| Nunjucks | `Nunjucks`, `Nunjucks Templates`, `HTML (Nunjucks Templates)` |`.njk`, `.nunjucks` | [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| Objective-C | `Objective-C`, `Objective-C++` |`.m`, `.mm`, `.h` | [`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify) (Default), [`clang-format`](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) |
-| OCaml | `OCaml` |`.ml` | [`ocp-indent`](https://www.typerex.org/ocp-indent.html) (Default) |
-| Pawn | `Pawn` | | [`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify) (Default) |
-| Perl | `Perl`, `Perl 6` |`.pl`, `.PL`, `.pm`, `.pod`, `.t` | [`Perltidy`](http://perltidy.sourceforge.net/) (Default) |
-| PHP | `PHP` |`.php`, `.module`, `.inc` | [`PHP-CS-Fixer`](https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer) (Default), [`PHPCBF`](http://php.net/manual/en/install.php), [`hh_format`](http://hhvm.com/) |
-| Puppet | `Puppet` |`.pp` | [`puppet-lint`](http://puppet-lint.com/) (Default) |
-| Python | `Python` |`.py` | [`autopep8`](https://github.com/hhatto/autopep8) (Default), [`pybeautifier`](https://github.com/guyskk/pybeautifier), [`yapf`](https://github.com/google/yapf) |
-| R | `R` |`.r`, `.R` | [`formatR`](https://github.com/yihui/formatR) (Default) |
-| Riot.js | `Riot.js`, `HTML (Riot Tag)` |`.tag` | [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| Ruby | `Ruby`, `Ruby on Rails` |`.rb` | [`Rubocop`](https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop) (Default), [`Ruby Beautify`](https://github.com/erniebrodeur/ruby-beautify) |
-| Rust | `Rust` |`.rs`, `.rlib` | [`rustfmt`](https://github.com/nrc/rustfmt) (Default) |
-| Sass | `Sass` |`.sass` | [`SassConvert`](http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#syntax) (Default) |
-| SCSS | `SCSS` |`.scss` | [`CSScomb`](https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default), [`SassConvert`](http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#syntax) |
-| Spacebars | `Spacebars` | | [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| SQL | `SQL (Rails)`, `SQL` |`.sql` | [`sqlformat`](https://github.com/andialbrecht/sqlparse) (Default) |
-| SVG | `SVG` |`.svg` | [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| Swig | `HTML (Swig)`, `SWIG` |`.swig` | [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| TSS | `TSS` |`.tss` | [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| Twig | `HTML (Twig)` |`.twig` | [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| TypeScript | `TypeScript` |`.ts` | [`TypeScript Formatter`](https://github.com/vvakame/typescript-formatter) (Default) |
-| UX Markup | `UX` |`.ux` | [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| Vala | `Vala` |`.vala`, `.vapi` | [`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify) (Default) |
-| Visualforce | `Visualforce` |`.page` | [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| Vue | `Vue Component` |`.vue` | [`Vue Beautifier`](https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify/blob/master/src/beautifiers/vue-beautifier.coffee) (Default) |
-| XML | `SLD`, `XML`, `XHTML`, `XSD`, `XSL`, `JSP`, `GSP` |`.sld`, `.xml`, `.xhtml`, `.xsd`, `.xsl`, `.jsp`, `.gsp`, `.plist`, `.recipe`, `.config` | [`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| XTemplate | `XTemplate` |`.xtemplate` | [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) (Default) |
-| YAML | `YAML` |`.yml`, `.yaml` | [`align-yaml`](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/align-yaml) (Default) |
+| Apex | `Apex` |`.cls`, `.trigger` | **[`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify)** |
+| Arduino | `Arduino` |`.ino`, `.pde` | **[`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify)** |
+| Bash | `Shell Script` |`.bash`, `.sh` | **[`beautysh`](https://github.com/bemeurer/beautysh)** |
+| C | `C`, `opencl` |`.h`, `.c`, `.cl` | **[`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify)**, [`clang-format`](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) |
+| Coldfusion | `html` |`.cfm`, `.cfml`, `.cfc` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)** |
+| Clojure | `Clojure` |`.clj`, `.cljs`, `.edn` | **[`cljfmt`](https://github.com/snoe/node-cljfmt)** |
+| CoffeeScript | `CoffeeScript` |`.coffee` | **[`coffee-fmt`](https://github.com/sterpe/coffee-fmt)**, [`Coffee Formatter`](https://github.com/Glavin001/Coffee-Formatter) |
+| C++ | `C++` |`.h`, `.hh`, `.cc`, `.cpp`, `.cxx`, `.C`, `.cu`, `.c++`, `.hpp`, `.hxx`, `.h++`, `.cuh` | **[`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify)**, [`clang-format`](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) |
+| Crystal | `Crystal` |`.cr` | **[`Crystal`](http://crystal-lang.org)** |
+| C# | `C#` |`.cs` | **[`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify)** |
+| CSS | `CSS` |`.css` | **[`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify)**, [`CSScomb`](https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff), [`SassConvert`](http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#syntax) |
+| CSV | `CSV` |`.csv` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)** |
+| D | `D` |`.d` | **[`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify)**, [`dfmt`](https://github.com/Hackerpilot/dfmt) |
+| EJS | `EJS`, `JavaScript Template`, `HTML (Angular)` |`.ejs` | **[`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify)**, [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) |
+| Elm | `Elm` |`.elm` | **[`elm-format`](https://github.com/avh4/elm-format)** |
+| ERB | `HTML (Ruby - ERB)`, `HTML (Rails)` |`.erb` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)**, [`HTML Beautifier`](https://github.com/threedaymonk/htmlbeautifier) |
+| Erlang | `Erlang` |`.erl` | **[`erl_tidy`](http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl_tidy.html)** |
+| Fortran | `Fortran - Modern` |`.f90`, `.F90`, `.f95`, `.F95` | **[`Fortran Beautifier`](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)** |
+| gherkin | `Gherkin` |`.feature` | **[`Gherkin formatter`](https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify/blob/master/src/beautifiers/gherkin.coffee)** |
+| GLSL | `C`, `opencl`, `GLSL` |`.vert`, `.frag` | **[`clang-format`](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html)** |
+| Go | `Go` |`.go` | **[`gofmt`](https://golang.org/cmd/gofmt/)** |
+| Golang Template | `HTML (Go)`, `Go Template` |`.gohtml` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)** |
+| Handlebars | `Handlebars`, `HTML (Handlebars)` |`.hbs`, `.handlebars` | **[`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify)**, [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) |
+| Haskell | `Haskell` |`.hs` | **[`stylish-haskell`](https://github.com/jaspervdj/stylish-haskell)** |
+| HTML | `HTML` |`.html` | **[`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify)**, [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) |
+| Jade | `Jade`, `Pug` |`.jade`, `.pug` | **[`Pug Beautify`](https://github.com/vingorius/pug-beautify)** |
+| Java | `Java` |`.java` | **[`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify)** |
+| JavaScript | `JavaScript` |`.js` | **[`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify)**, [`ESLint Fixer`](https://github.com/eslint/eslint), [`JSCS Fixer`](https://github.com/jscs-dev/node-jscs/), [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) |
+| JSON | `JSON` |`.json` | **[`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify)**, [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) |
+| JSX | `JSX`, `JavaScript (JSX)`, `Babel ES6 JavaScript`, `JavaScript with JSX` |`.jsx`, `.js` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)**, [`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify) |
+| LaTeX | `BibTeX`, `LaTeX`, `TeX` |`.bib`, `.tex`, `.sty`, `.cls`, `.dtx`, `.ins`, `.bbx`, `.cbx` | **[`Latex Beautify`](https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl)** |
+| LESS | `LESS` |`.less` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)**, [`CSScomb`](https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js) |
+| Lua | `Lua` |`.lua` | **[`Lua beautifier`](https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify/blob/master/src/beautifiers/lua-beautifier/beautifier.coffee)** |
+| Markdown | `GitHub Markdown` |`.markdown`, `.md` | **[`Tidy Markdown`](https://github.com/slang800/tidy-markdown)**, [`Remark`](https://github.com/wooorm/remark) |
+| Marko | `Marko` |`.marko` | **[`Marko Beautifier`](https://github.com/marko-js/marko-prettyprint)** |
+| Mustache | `HTML (Mustache)` |`.mustache` | **[`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify)**, [`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff) |
+| Nginx | `nginx` |`.conf` | **[`Nginx Beautify`](https://github.com/denysvitali/nginxbeautify)** |
+| Nunjucks | `Nunjucks`, `Nunjucks Templates`, `HTML (Nunjucks Templates)` |`.njk`, `.nunjucks` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)** |
+| Objective-C | `Objective-C`, `Objective-C++` |`.m`, `.mm`, `.h` | **[`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify)**, [`clang-format`](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) |
+| OCaml | `OCaml` |`.ml` | **[`ocp-indent`](https://www.typerex.org/ocp-indent.html)** |
+| Pawn | `Pawn` | | **[`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify)** |
+| Perl | `Perl`, `Perl 6` |`.pl`, `.PL`, `.pm`, `.pod`, `.t` | **[`Perltidy`](http://perltidy.sourceforge.net/)** |
+| PHP | `PHP` |`.php`, `.module`, `.inc` | **[`PHP-CS-Fixer`](https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer)**, [`PHPCBF`](http://php.net/manual/en/install.php), [`hh_format`](http://hhvm.com/) |
+| Puppet | `Puppet` |`.pp` | **[`puppet-lint`](http://puppet-lint.com/)** |
+| Python | `Python` |`.py` | **[`autopep8`](https://github.com/hhatto/autopep8)**, [`pybeautifier`](https://github.com/guyskk/pybeautifier), [`yapf`](https://github.com/google/yapf) |
+| R | `R` |`.r`, `.R` | **[`formatR`](https://github.com/yihui/formatR)** |
+| Riot.js | `Riot.js`, `HTML (Riot Tag)` |`.tag` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)** |
+| Ruby | `Ruby`, `Ruby on Rails` |`.rb` | **[`Rubocop`](https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop)**, [`Ruby Beautify`](https://github.com/erniebrodeur/ruby-beautify) |
+| Rust | `Rust` |`.rs`, `.rlib` | **[`rustfmt`](https://github.com/nrc/rustfmt)** |
+| Sass | `Sass` |`.sass` | **[`SassConvert`](http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#syntax)** |
+| SCSS | `SCSS` |`.scss` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)**, [`CSScomb`](https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js), [`SassConvert`](http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#syntax) |
+| Spacebars | `Spacebars` | | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)** |
+| SQL | `SQL (Rails)`, `SQL` |`.sql` | **[`sqlformat`](https://github.com/andialbrecht/sqlparse)** |
+| SVG | `SVG` |`.svg` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)** |
+| Swig | `HTML (Swig)`, `SWIG` |`.swig` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)** |
+| TSS | `TSS` |`.tss` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)** |
+| Twig | `HTML (Twig)` |`.twig` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)** |
+| TypeScript | `TypeScript` |`.ts` | **[`TypeScript Formatter`](https://github.com/vvakame/typescript-formatter)** |
+| UX Markup | `UX` |`.ux` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)** |
+| Vala | `Vala` |`.vala`, `.vapi` | **[`Uncrustify`](https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify)** |
+| Visualforce | `Visualforce` |`.page` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)** |
+| Vue | `Vue Component` |`.vue` | **[`Vue Beautifier`](https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify/blob/master/src/beautifiers/vue-beautifier.coffee)** |
+| XML | `SLD`, `XML`, `XHTML`, `XSD`, `XSL`, `JSP`, `GSP` |`.sld`, `.xml`, `.xhtml`, `.xsd`, `.xsl`, `.jsp`, `.gsp`, `.plist`, `.recipe`, `.config` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)**, [`JS Beautify`](https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify) |
+| XTemplate | `XTemplate` |`.xtemplate` | **[`Pretty Diff`](https://github.com/prettydiff/prettydiff)** |
+| YAML | `YAML` |`.yml`, `.yaml` | **[`align-yaml`](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/align-yaml)** |
## Usage
diff --git a/docs/index.coffee b/docs/index.coffee
index b3218f9..1c22739 100755
--- a/docs/index.coffee
+++ b/docs/index.coffee
@@ -91,17 +91,25 @@ Handlebars.registerHelper('language-beautifiers-support', (languageOptions, opti
.map((val, k) ->
name = val.title
defaultBeautifier = _.get(val, "properties.default_beautifier.default")
- beautifiers = _.map(val.beautifiers, (b) ->
- beautifier = beautifiersMap[b]
- isDefault = b is defaultBeautifier
- if beautifier.link
- r = "[`#{b}`](#{beautifier.link})"
- else
- r = "`#{b}`"
- if isDefault
- r += " (Default)"
- return r
- )
+ beautifiers = _.chain(val.beautifiers)
+ .sortBy()
+ .sortBy((b) ->
+ beautifier = beautifiersMap[b]
+ isDefault = b is defaultBeautifier
+ return !isDefault
+ )
+ .map((b) ->
+ beautifier = beautifiersMap[b]
+ isDefault = b is defaultBeautifier
+ if beautifier.link
+ r = "[`#{b}`](#{beautifier.link})"
+ else
+ r = "`#{b}`"
+ if isDefault
+ r = "**#{r}**"
+ return r
+ )
+ .value()
grammars = _.map(val.grammars, (b) -> "`#{b}`")
extensions = _.map(val.extensions, (b) -> "`.#{b}`")
@@ -155,7 +163,7 @@ Handlebars.registerHelper('language-options-support', (languageOptions, options)
Handlebars.registerHelper('beautifiers-info', (beautifiers, options) ->
- | Beautifier | Is Pre-Installed? | Installation Instructions |
+ | Beautifier | Preinstalled? | Installation Instructions |
| --- | ---- |
| Pretty Diff | :white_check_mark: | N/A |
| AutoPEP8 | :x: | LINK |
@@ -167,12 +175,60 @@ Handlebars.registerHelper('beautifiers-info', (beautifiers, options) ->
if typeof isPreInstalled is "function"
isPreInstalled = beautifier.isPreInstalled()
link = beautifier.link
- installationInstructions = if isPreInstalled then "Nothing!" else "Go to #{link} and follow the instructions."
- return "| #{name} | #{if isPreInstalled then ':white_check_mark:' else ':x:'} | #{installationInstructions} |"
+ executables = beautifier.executables or []
+ hasExecutables = executables.length > 0
+ dockerExecutables = executables.filter((exe) -> !!exe.docker)
+ hasDockerExecutables = dockerExecutables.length > 0
+ installWithDocker = dockerExecutables.map((d) -> "- #{d.docker.image}").join('\n')
+ preinstalledCell = do (() ->
+ if isPreInstalled
+ ":white_check_mark:"
+ else
+ if executables.length > 0
+ ":warning: #{executables.length} executable#{if executables.length is 1 then '' else 's'}"
+ else
+ ":warning: Manual installation"
+ )
+ dockerCell = do (() ->
+ if isPreInstalled
+ ":ok_hand: Not necessary"
+ else
+ if hasExecutables
+ if dockerExecutables.length is executables.length
+ ":white_check_mark: :100:% of executables"
+ else if dockerExecutables.length > 0
+ ":warning: Only #{dockerExecutables.length} of #{executables.length} executables"
+ else
+ ":x: No Docker support"
+ else
+ ":construction: Not an executable"
+ )
+ installationInstructions = do (() ->
+ if isPreInstalled
+ ":smiley: Nothing!"
+ else
+ if hasExecutables
+ executablesInstallation = ""
+ if hasDockerExecutables
+ executablesInstallation += ":whale: With [Docker](https://www.docker.com/):
+ dockerExecutables.forEach((e, i) ->
+ executablesInstallation += "#{i+1}. Install [#{e.name or e.cmd} (`#{e.cmd}`)](#{e.homepage}) with `docker pull #{e.docker.image}`
+ )
+ executablesInstallation += "
+ executablesInstallation += ":bookmark_tabs: Manually:
+ executables.forEach((e, i) ->
+ executablesInstallation += "#{i+1}. Install [#{e.name or e.cmd} (`#{e.cmd}`)](#{e.homepage}) by following #{e.installation}
+ )
+ return executablesInstallation
+ else
+ ":page_facing_up: Go to #{link} and follow the instructions."
+ )
+ return "| #{name} | #{preinstalledCell} | #{dockerCell} | #{installationInstructions} |"
results = """
- | Beautifier | Is Pre-Installed? | Installation Instructions |
- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | Beautifier | Preinstalled | [:whale: Docker](https://www.docker.com/) | Installation |
+ | --- | --- | --- |--- |
return new Handlebars.SafeString(results)