Fixes #924. Beautify On Save changes the TextEditor not the file
It seems that in a recent update of Atom, Atom-Beautify's beautify on save feature would actually crash Atom and in some cases even delete all of the contents of the file! After some investigation, it looks like writing directly to the file with fs.write may have been the culprit and crashing Atom.
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,112 +72,117 @@ showError = (error) ->
atom.notifications?.addError(error.message, {
stack, detail, dismissable : true})
beautify = ({onSave}) ->
beautify = ({editor, onSave}) ->
return new Promise((resolve, reject) ->
# Continue beautifying
path ?= require("path")
forceEntireFile = onSave and atom.config.get("atom-beautify.general.beautifyEntireFileOnSave")
# Continue beautifying
path ?= require("path")
forceEntireFile = onSave and atom.config.get("atom-beautify.general.beautifyEntireFileOnSave")
# Get the path to the config file
# All of the options
# Listed in order from default (base) to the one with the highest priority
# Left = Default, Right = Will override the left.
# Atom Editor
# User's Home path
# Project path
# Asynchronously and callback-style
beautifyCompleted = (text) ->
# Get the path to the config file
# All of the options
# Listed in order from default (base) to the one with the highest priority
# Left = Default, Right = Will override the left.
# Atom Editor
# User's Home path
# Project path
# Asynchronously and callback-style
beautifyCompleted = (text) ->
if not text?
# Do nothing, is undefined
# console.log 'beautifyCompleted'
else if text instanceof Error
else if typeof text is "string"
if oldText isnt text
if not text?
# Do nothing, is undefined
# console.log 'beautifyCompleted'
else if text instanceof Error
return reject(text)
else if typeof text is "string"
if oldText isnt text
# console.log "Replacing current editor's text with new text"
posArray = getCursors(editor)
# console.log "Replacing current editor's text with new text"
posArray = getCursors(editor)
# console.log "posArray:
origScrollTop = getScrollTop(editor)
# console.log "posArray:
origScrollTop = getScrollTop(editor)
# console.log "origScrollTop:
if not forceEntireFile and isSelection
selectedBufferRange = editor.getSelectedBufferRange()
# console.log "origScrollTop:
if not forceEntireFile and isSelection
selectedBufferRange = editor.getSelectedBufferRange()
# console.log "selectedBufferRange:
editor.setTextInBufferRange selectedBufferRange, text
# console.log "selectedBufferRange:
editor.setTextInBufferRange selectedBufferRange, text
# console.log "setText"
editor.setText text
# console.log "setText"
editor.setText text
# console.log "setCursors"
setCursors editor, posArray
# console.log "setCursors"
setCursors editor, posArray
# console.log "Done setCursors"
# Let the scrollTop setting run after all the save related stuff is run,
# otherwise setScrollTop is not working, probably because the cursor
# addition happens asynchronously
setTimeout ( ->
# console.log "Done setCursors"
# Let the scrollTop setting run after all the save related stuff is run,
# otherwise setScrollTop is not working, probably because the cursor
# addition happens asynchronously
setTimeout ( ->
# console.log "setScrollTop"
setScrollTop editor, origScrollTop
), 0
# console.log "setScrollTop"
setScrollTop editor, origScrollTop
return resolve(text)
), 0
error = new Error("Unsupported beautification result '#{text}'.")
return reject(error)
# else
# console.log "Already Beautiful!"
# console.log 'Beautify time!'
# Get current editor
editor = editor ? atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
# Check if there is an active editor
if not editor?
return showError( new Error("Active Editor not found. "
"Please select a Text Editor first to beautify."))
isSelection = !!editor.getSelectedText()
# Get editor path and configurations for paths
editedFilePath = editor.getPath()
# Get all options
allOptions = beautifier.getOptionsForPath(editedFilePath, editor)
# Get current editor's text
text = undefined
if not forceEntireFile and isSelection
text = editor.getSelectedText()
showError( new Error("Unsupported beautification result '#{text}'."))
text = editor.getText()
oldText = text
# else
# console.log "Already Beautiful!"
# Get Grammar
grammarName = editor.getGrammar().name
# Finally, beautify!
beautifier.beautify(text, allOptions, grammarName, editedFilePath, onSave : onSave)
catch e
# console.log 'Beautify time!'
# Get current editor
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
# Check if there is an active editor
if not editor?
return showError( new Error("Active Editor not found. "
"Please select a Text Editor first to beautify."))
isSelection = !!editor.getSelectedText()
# Get editor path and configurations for paths
editedFilePath = editor.getPath()
# Get all options
allOptions = beautifier.getOptionsForPath(editedFilePath, editor)
# Get current editor's text
text = undefined
if not forceEntireFile and isSelection
text = editor.getSelectedText()
text = editor.getText()
oldText = text
# Get Grammar
grammarName = editor.getGrammar().name
# Finally, beautify!
beautifier.beautify(text, allOptions, grammarName, editedFilePath, onSave : onSave)
catch e
beautifyFilePath = (filePath, callback) ->
logger.verbose('beautifyFilePath', filePath)
@ -500,25 +505,17 @@ handleSaveEvent = ->
beautifyOnSave = atom.config.get(key)
logger.verbose('save editor positions', key, beautifyOnSave)
if beautifyOnSave
posArray = getCursors(editor)
origScrollTop = getScrollTop(editor)
logger.verbose('Beautifying file', filePath)
beautifyFilePath(filePath, ->
beautify({editor, onSave: true})
.then(() ->
logger.verbose('Done beautifying file', filePath)
if editor.isAlive() is true
logger.verbose('Reloading TextEditor buffer...')
logger.verbose('Reloaded TextEditor buffer.')
# Let the scrollTop setting run after all the save related stuff is run,
# otherwise setScrollTop is not working, probably because the cursor
# addition happens asynchronously
setTimeout ( ->
logger.verbose('restore editor positions', posArray,origScrollTop)
setCursors(editor, posArray)
setScrollTop(editor, origScrollTop)
# console.log "setScrollTop"
), 0
logger.verbose('Saving TextEditor...')
logger.verbose('Saved TextEditor.')
.catch((error) ->
return showError(error)
plugin.subscriptions.add disposable
Reference in New Issue