Merge pull request #67 from Flukey/master

Fixes #63. Replacing node-parse with sqlparse (python dependency).
This commit is contained in:
Glavin Wiechert 2014-08-30 15:32:47 -03:00
commit e749e23df7
3 changed files with 22 additions and 79 deletions

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ yaml = require("js-yaml")
beautifier = require("./language-options")
languages = beautifier.languages
defaultLanguageOptions = beautifier.defaultLanguageOptions
MessageView = require "./message-view"
#MessageView = require "./message-view"
findFileResults = {}

View File

@ -1,78 +1,20 @@
Original SQL Beautifier Source code from
getCmd = (inputPath, outputPath, options) ->
path = options.sqlformat_path
optionsStr = " --indent_width={0} --keywords={1} --identifiers={2} --reindent"
optionsStr = optionsStr.replace("{0}", options.indent_size)
.replace("{1}", options.keywords)
.replace("{2}", options.identifiers)
if path
# Use absolute path
"python \"" + path + "\" \"" + inputPath + "\" " + optionsStr
# Use command available in $PATH
"sqlformat \"" + inputPath + "\" " + optionsStr
"use strict"
module.exports = (text, options) ->
SQL = ->
self = this
self.step = " " # 2 spaces
self.shift = [ "\n" ] # array of shifts
maxdeep = 100 # nesting level
ix = 0
# initialize array with shifts //
ix = 0
while ix < maxdeep
self.shift.push self.shift[ix] + self.step
isSubquery = (str, parenthesisLevel) ->
parenthesisLevel - (str.replace(/\(/g, "").length - str.replace(/\)/g, "").length)
splitSql = (str, tab) ->
#.replace(/ IN /ig,'~::~'+tab+'IN ')
#.replace(/\,\s{0,}\(/ig,',~::~( ')
str.replace(/\s{1,}/g, " ").replace(RegExp(" AND ", "g"), "~::~" + tab + tab + "AND ").replace(RegExp(" BETWEEN ", "g"), "~::~" + tab + "BETWEEN ").replace(RegExp(" CASE ", "g"), "~::~" + tab + "CASE ").replace(RegExp(" ELSE ", "g"), "~::~" + tab + "ELSE ").replace(RegExp(" END ", "g"), "~::~" + tab + "END ").replace(RegExp(" FROM ", "g"), "~::~FROM ").replace(RegExp(" GROUP\\s{1,}BY", "g"), "~::~GROUP BY ").replace(RegExp(" HAVING ", "g"), "~::~HAVING ").replace(RegExp(" IN ", "g"), " IN ").replace(RegExp(" JOIN ", "g"), "~::~JOIN ").replace(RegExp(" CROSS~::~{1,}JOIN ", "g"), "~::~CROSS JOIN ").replace(RegExp(" INNER~::~{1,}JOIN ", "g"), "~::~INNER JOIN ").replace(RegExp(" LEFT~::~{1,}JOIN ", "g"), "~::~LEFT JOIN ").replace(RegExp(" RIGHT~::~{1,}JOIN ", "g"), "~::~RIGHT JOIN ").replace(RegExp(" ON ", "g"), "~::~" + tab + "ON ").replace(RegExp(" OR ", "g"), "~::~" + tab + tab + "OR ").replace(RegExp(" ORDER\\s{1,}BY", "g"), "~::~ORDER BY ").replace(RegExp(" OVER ", "g"), "~::~" + tab + "OVER ").replace(/\(\s{0,}SELECT /g, "~::~(SELECT ").replace(/\)\s{0,}SELECT /g, ")~::~SELECT ").replace(RegExp(" THEN ", "g"), " THEN~::~" + tab + "").replace(RegExp(" UNION ", "g"), "~::~UNION~::~").replace(RegExp(" USING ", "g"), "~::~USING ").replace(RegExp(" WHEN ", "g"), "~::~" + tab + "WHEN ").replace(RegExp(" WHERE ", "g"), "~::~WHERE ").replace(RegExp(" WITH ", "g"), "~::~WITH ").replace(RegExp(" ALL ", "g"), " ALL ").replace(RegExp(" AS ", "g"), " AS ").replace(RegExp(" ASC ", "g"), " ASC ").replace(RegExp(" DESC ", "g"), " DESC ").replace(RegExp(" DISTINCT ", "g"), " DISTINCT ").replace(RegExp(" EXISTS ", "g"), " EXISTS ").replace(RegExp(" NOT ", "g"), " NOT ").replace(RegExp(" NULL ", "g"), " NULL ").replace(RegExp(" LIKE ", "g"), " LIKE ").replace(/\s{0,}SELECT /g, "SELECT ").replace(/~::~{1,}/g, "~::~").split "~::~"
SQL::beautify = (text, options) ->
# jshint camelcase: false
# Apply options
# options.indent_size = Indentation size [4]
# options.indent_char = Indentation character [" "]
@step = new Array(options.indent_size).join(options.indent_char)
# Initial indentation level [0]
# Not supported.
# Indent with tabs, overrides indent_size and indent_char
@step = "\t" unless not options.indent_with_tabs
arByQuote = text.replace(/\s{1,}/g, " ").replace(/\'/g, "~::~'").split("~::~")
len = arByQuote.length
ar = []
deep = 0
tab = @step
inComment = true
inQuote = false
parenthesisLevel = 0
str = ""
ix = 0
ix = 0
while ix < len
if ix % 2
ar = ar.concat(arByQuote[ix])
ar = ar.concat(splitSql(arByQuote[ix], tab))
len = ar.length
ix = 0
while ix < len
parenthesisLevel = isSubquery(ar[ix], parenthesisLevel)
ar[ix] = ar[ix].replace(/\,/g, ",\n" + tab + tab + "") if /\s{0,}\s{0,}SELECT\s{0,}/.exec(ar[ix])
if /\s{0,}\(\s{0,}SELECT\s{0,}/.exec(ar[ix])
str += @shift[deep] + ar[ix]
else if /\'/.exec(ar[ix])
deep-- if parenthesisLevel < 1 and deep
str += ar[ix]
str += @shift[deep] + ar[ix]
deep-- if parenthesisLevel < 1 and deep
str = str.replace(/^\n{1,}/, "").replace(/\n{1,}/g, "\n")
new SQL().beautify text, options
cliBeautify = require("./cli-beautify")
isStdout = true
module.exports = cliBeautify(getCmd, isStdout)

View File

@ -82,7 +82,9 @@ module.exports =
sql_indent_size: 2
sql_indent_char: " "
sql_keywords: "upper"
sql_identifiers: "lower"
sql_sqlformat_path: ""
php_beautifier_path: ""
@ -154,8 +156,7 @@ module.exports =
when "Sass", "SCSS", "LESS"
beautifyLESS text, self.getOptions("css", allOptions), beautifyCompleted
when "SQL (Rails)", "SQL"
text = beautifySQL(text, self.getOptions("sql", allOptions))
beautifyCompleted text
beautifySQL text, self.getOptions("sql", allOptions), beautifyCompleted
when "PHP"
beautifyPHP text, self.getOptions("php", allOptions), beautifyCompleted
when "Python"