Defined in: | src/languages |
Variables Summary
- scope =
Get Atom defaults
- defaultIndentSize =
(softTabs ? tabLength : 1)
- defaultIndentChar =
(softTabs ? " " : "\t")
- module.exports =
{ name: "CSS", namespace: "css", /* Supported Grammars */ grammars: ["CSS"], /* Supported extensions */ extensions: ["css"], defaultBeautifier: "JS Beautify", options: { /* CSS */ indent_size: { type: 'integer', "default": defaultIndentSize, minimum: 0, description: "Indentation size/length" }, indent_char: { type: 'string', "default": defaultIndentChar, minimum: 0, description: "Indentation character" }, selector_separator_newline: { type: 'boolean', "default": false, description: "Add a newline between multiple selectors" }, newline_between_rules: { type: 'boolean', "default": false, description: "Add a newline between CSS rules" }, preserve_newlines: { type: 'boolean', "default": false, description: "Retain empty lines. " + "Consecutive empty lines will be converted to a single empty line." }, wrap_line_length: { type: 'integer', "default": 0, description: "Maximum amount of characters per line (0 = disable)" }, indent_comments: { type: 'boolean', "default": true, description: "Determines whether comments should be indented." }, force_indentation: { type: 'boolean', "default": false, description: "if indentation should be forcefully applied to markup even if it disruptively adds unintended whitespace to the documents rendered output" }, convert_quotes: { type: 'string', "default": "none", description: "Convert the quote characters delimiting strings from either double or single quotes to the other.", "enum": ["none", "double", "single"] }, align_assignments: { type: 'boolean', "default": false, description: "If lists of assignments or properties should be vertically aligned for faster and easier reading." }, no_lead_zero: { type: 'boolean', "default": false, description: "If in CSS values leading 0s immediately preceeding a decimal should be removed or prevented." }, configPath: { title: "comb custom config file", type: 'string', "default": "", description: "Path to custom CSScomb config file, used in absense of a `.csscomb.json` or `.csscomb.cson` at the root of your project." }, predefinedConfig: { title: "comb predefined config", type: 'string', "default": "csscomb", description: "Used if neither a project or custom config file exists.", "enum": ["csscomb", "yandex", "zen"] } } }