### Language Support and default options. ### "use strict" # Lazy loaded dependencies _ = null extend = null # Language Beautifiers beautifyJS = null beautifyHTML = null beautifyCSS = null beautifySQL = null beautifyPHP = null beautifyPython = null beautifyRuby = null beautifyLESS = null beautifyCoffeeScript = null uncrustifyBeautifier = null beautifyHTMLERB = null # Misc Analytics = require("analytics-node") pkg = require("../package.json") # Analytics analyticsWriteKey = "u3c26xkae8" module.exports = # Supported unique configuration keys # Used for detecting nested configurations in .jsbeautifyrc languages: [ "js" "html" "css" "sql" "php" "python" "ruby" "coffeescript" "c" "cpp" "cs" "objectivec" "java" "d" "pawn" "vala" ] # Default options per language defaultLanguageOptions: # jshint ignore: start # JavaScript js_indent_size: 2 js_indent_char: " " js_indent_level: 0 js_indent_with_tabs: false js_preserve_newlines: true js_max_preserve_newlines: 10 js_jslint_happy: false js_brace_style: "collapse" js_keep_array_indentation: false js_keep_function_indentation: false js_space_before_conditional: true js_break_chained_methods: false js_eval_code: false js_unescape_strings: false js_wrap_line_length: 0 # CSS css_indent_size: 2 css_indent_Char: " " # HTML html_indent_inner_html: false html_indent_size: 2 html_indent_char: " " html_brace_style: "collapse" html_indent_scripts: "normal" html_wrap_line_length: 250 # SQL sql_indent_size: 2 sql_keywords: "upper" sql_identifiers: "lower" sql_sqlformat_path: "" # PHP php_beautifier_path: "" # Python python_autopep8_path: "" python_max_line_length: 79 python_indent_size: 4 python_ignore: ["E24"] # Ruby ruby_rbeautify_path: "" # C c_configPath: "" # C++ cpp_configPath: "" # Objective-C objectivec_configPath: "" # C# cs_configPath: "" # Objective-C d_configPath: "" # Java java_configPath: "" # Pawn pawn_configPath: "" # VALA vala_configPath: "" # Uncrustify uncrustifyPath: "" # jshint ignore: end # Process each language beautify: (text, grammar, allOptions, beautifyCompleted) -> self = this # Beautify! unsupportedGrammar = false options = undefined switch grammar # Treat JSON as JavaScript, because it will support comments. # And Glavin001 has tested JSON beauifying with beautifyJS. when "JSON", "JavaScript" beautifyJS ?= require("js-beautify") text = beautifyJS(text, self.getOptions("js", allOptions)) beautifyCompleted text when "CoffeeScript" beautifyCoffeeScript ?= require("./langs/coffeescript-beautify") beautifyCoffeeScript text, self.getOptions("js", allOptions), beautifyCompleted when "Handlebars" # jshint ignore: start allOptions.push indent_handlebars: true # Force jsbeautify to indent_handlebars # jshint ignore: end when "HTML (Liquid)", "HTML", "XML" beautifyHTML ?= require("js-beautify").html text = beautifyHTML(text, self.getOptions("html", allOptions)) beautifyCompleted text when "HTML (Ruby - ERB)" beautifyHTMLERB ?= require("./langs/html-erb-beautify") beautifyHTMLERB text, self.getOptions("html", allOptions), beautifyCompleted when "CSS" beautifyCSS ?= require("js-beautify").css text = beautifyCSS(text, self.getOptions("css", allOptions)) beautifyCompleted text when "Sass", "SCSS", "LESS" beautifyLESS ?= require("./langs/less-beautify") beautifyLESS text, self.getOptions("css", allOptions), beautifyCompleted when "SQL (Rails)", "SQL" beautifySQL ?= require("./langs/sql-beautify") beautifySQL text, self.getOptions("sql", allOptions), beautifyCompleted when "PHP" beautifyPHP ?= require("./langs/php-beautify") beautifyPHP text, self.getOptions("php", allOptions), beautifyCompleted when "Python" beautifyPython ?= require("./langs/python-beautify") beautifyPython text, self.getOptions("python", allOptions), beautifyCompleted when "Ruby" beautifyRuby ?= require("./langs/ruby-beautify") beautifyRuby text, self.getOptions("ruby", allOptions), beautifyCompleted when "C" options = self.getOptions("c", allOptions) options.languageOverride = "C" uncrustifyBeautifier ?= require("./langs/uncrustify/") uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted when "C++" options = self.getOptions("cpp", allOptions) options.languageOverride = "CPP" uncrustifyBeautifier ?= require("./langs/uncrustify/") uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted when "C#" options = self.getOptions("cs", allOptions) options.languageOverride = "CS" uncrustifyBeautifier ?= require("./langs/uncrustify/") uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted when "Objective-C", "Objective-C++" options = self.getOptions("objectivec", allOptions) options.languageOverride = "OC+" uncrustifyBeautifier ?= require("./langs/uncrustify/") uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted when "D" options = self.getOptions("d", allOptions) options.languageOverride = "D" uncrustifyBeautifier ?= require("./langs/uncrustify/") uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted when "Pawn" options = self.getOptions("pawn", allOptions) options.languageOverride = "PAWN" uncrustifyBeautifier ?= require("./langs/uncrustify/") uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted when "Vala" options = self.getOptions("vala", allOptions) options.languageOverride = "VALA" uncrustifyBeautifier ?= require("./langs/uncrustify/") uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted when "Java" options = self.getOptions("java", allOptions) options.languageOverride = "JAVA" uncrustifyBeautifier ?= require("./langs/uncrustify/") uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted else unsupportedGrammar = true # Check if Analytics is enabled if atom.config.get("atom-beautify.analytics") # Setup Analytics analytics = new Analytics(analyticsWriteKey) unless atom.config.get("atom-beautify._analyticsUserId") uuid = require("node-uuid") atom.config.set "atom-beautify._analyticsUserId", uuid.v4() # Setup Analytics User Id userId = atom.config.get("atom-beautify._analyticsUserId") analytics.identify userId: userId version = pkg.version analytics.track userId: atom.config.get("atom-beautify._analyticsUserId") event: "Beautify" properties: grammar: grammar version: version options: allOptions label: grammar category: version # if unsupportedGrammar throw new Error("Unsupported language for grammar '#{grammar}'.") return getOptions: (selection, allOptions) -> self = this _ ?= require("lodash") extend ?= require("extend") # console.log(selection, allOptions); # Reduce all options into correctly merged options. options = _.reduce(allOptions, (result, currOptions) -> containsNested = false collectedConfig = {} key = undefined # Check to see if config file uses nested object format to split up js/css/html options for key of currOptions # Check if is supported language if _.indexOf(self.languages, key) >= 0 and typeof currOptions[key] is "object" # Check if nested object (more options in value) containsNested = true break # Found, break out of loop, no need to continue # console.log(containsNested, currOptions); # Create a flat object of config options if nested format was used unless containsNested _.merge collectedConfig, currOptions else # Merge with selected options # where `selection` could be `html`, `js`, 'css', etc # console.log(selection, currOptions[selection]); _.merge collectedConfig, currOptions[selection] extend result, collectedConfig , {}) # TODO: Clean. # There is a bug in nopt # See https://github.com/npm/nopt/issues/38#issuecomment-45971505 # console.log('pre-clean', JSON.stringify(options)); #options = cleanOptions(options, knownOpts); #console.log('post-clean', JSON.stringify(options)); options