
Defined in: src

Variables Summary

module.exports =
  analytics: {
    title: 'Anonymous Analytics',
    type: 'boolean',
    "default": true,
    description: "There is []( which forwards data to [Google Analytics]( to track what languages are being used the most, as well as other stats. Everything is anonymized and no personal information, such as source code, is sent. See for more details."
  _analyticsUserId: {
    title: 'Analytics User Id',
    type: 'string',
    "default": "",
    description: "Unique identifier for this user for tracking usage analytics"
  _loggerLevel: {
    title: "Logger Level",
    type: 'string',
    "default": 'warn',
    description: 'Set the level for the logger',
    "enum": ['verbose', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error']
  beautifyEntireFileOnSave: {
    title: "Beautify Entire File On Save",
    type: 'boolean',
    "default": true,
    description: "When beautifying on save, use the entire file, even if there is selected text in the editor"
  muteUnsupportedLanguageErrors: {
    title: "Mute Unsupported Language Errors",
    type: 'boolean',
    "default": false,
    description: "Do not show \"Unsupported Language\" errors when they occur"
  muteAllErrors: {
    title: "Mute All Errors",
    type: 'boolean',
    "default": false,
    description: "Do not show any/all errors when they occur"

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