# Options Automatically generated documentation for Atom Beautify's options. ## Package Options Configurable options for Atom Beautify. --- #### [General](#general) **Description**: General options for Atom Beautify ##### [Analytics User Id](#analytics-user-id) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `string` **Description**: Unique identifier for this user for tracking usage analytics **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Analytics User Id*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Anonymous Analytics](#anonymous-analytics) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: There is [Segment.io](https://segment.io/) which forwards data to [Google Analytics](http://www.google.com/analytics/) to track what languages are being used the most, as well as other stats. Everything is anonymized and no personal information, such as source code, is sent. See https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify/issues/47 for more details. **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Anonymous Analytics*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify Entire File On Save](#beautify-entire-file-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: When beautifying on save, use the entire file, even if there is selected text in the editor. Important: The `beautify on save` option for the specific language must be enabled for this to be applicable. This option is not `beautify on save`. **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify Entire File On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Logger Level](#logger-level) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `warn` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `verbose` `debug` `info` `warn` `error` **Description**: Set the level for the logger **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Logger Level*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Mute All Errors](#mute-all-errors) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Do not show any/all errors when they occur **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Mute All Errors*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Mute Unsupported Language Errors](#mute-unsupported-language-errors) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Do not show "Unsupported Language" errors when they occur **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Mute Unsupported Language Errors*" and change it to your desired configuration. ## Language Options Supported options for each language. --- #### [Apex](#apex) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Options for language Apex ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Apex Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Uncrustify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Uncrustify` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Apex **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Apex files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Config Path](#config-path) **Namespace**: `apex` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Path to uncrustify config file. i.e. uncrustify.cfg (Supported by Uncrustify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "apex": { "configPath": "" } } ``` #### [Arduino](#arduino) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Options for language Arduino ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Arduino Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Uncrustify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Uncrustify` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Arduino **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Arduino files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Config Path](#config-path) **Namespace**: `arduino` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Path to uncrustify config file. i.e. uncrustify.cfg (Supported by Uncrustify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "arduino": { "configPath": "" } } ``` #### [C](#c) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) [`clang-format`](#clang-format) **Description**: Options for language C ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable C Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Uncrustify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Uncrustify` `clang-format` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for C **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify C files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Config Path](#config-path) **Namespace**: `c` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Path to uncrustify config file. i.e. uncrustify.cfg (Supported by Uncrustify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "c": { "configPath": "" } } ``` #### [Coldfusion](#coldfusion) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language Coldfusion ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Coldfusion Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Coldfusion **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Coldfusion files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `cfml` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "cfml": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `cfml` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "cfml": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `cfml` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "cfml": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `cfml` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "cfml": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [CoffeeScript](#coffeescript) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) [`coffee-fmt`](#coffee-fmt) **Description**: Options for language CoffeeScript ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable CoffeeScript Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `coffee-fmt` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Coffee Formatter` `coffee-fmt` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for CoffeeScript **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify CoffeeScript files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Brace style](#brace-style) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `brace_style` **Default**: `collapse` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `collapse` `collapse-preserve-inline` `expand` `end-expand` `none` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: [collapse|collapse-preserve-inline|expand|end-expand|none] (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "brace_style": "collapse" } } ``` ##### [Break chained methods](#break-chained-methods) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `break_chained_methods` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Break chained method calls across subsequent lines (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "break_chained_methods": false } } ``` ##### [End with comma](#end-with-comma) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_comma` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: If a terminating comma should be inserted into arrays, object literals, and destructured objects. (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_comma": false } } ``` ##### [End with newline](#end-with-newline) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: End output with newline (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_newline": false } } ``` ##### [Eval code](#eval-code) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `eval_code` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "eval_code": false } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) [`coffee-fmt`](#coffee-fmt) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Coffee Formatter, coffee-fmt) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent level](#indent-level) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_level` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Initial indentation level (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_level": 0 } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) [`coffee-fmt`](#coffee-fmt) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Coffee Formatter, coffee-fmt) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) [`coffee-fmt`](#coffee-fmt) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by Coffee Formatter, coffee-fmt) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_with_tabs": false } } ``` ##### [Jslint happy](#jslint-happy) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `jslint_happy` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Enable jslint-stricter mode (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "jslint_happy": false } } ``` ##### [Keep array indentation](#keep-array-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_array_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Preserve array indentation (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_array_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Keep function indentation](#keep-function-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_function_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_function_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Max preserve newlines](#max-preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `max_preserve_newlines` **Default**: `10` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "max_preserve_newlines": 10 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Space after anon function](#space-after-anon-function) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_after_anon_function` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function () (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_after_anon_function": false } } ``` ##### [Space before conditional](#space-before-conditional) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_before_conditional` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_before_conditional": true } } ``` ##### [Space in paren](#space-in-paren) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_in_paren` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b ) (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_in_paren": false } } ``` ##### [Unescape strings](#unescape-strings) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `unescape_strings` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Decode printable characters encoded in xNN notation (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "unescape_strings": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Wrap lines at next opportunity after N characters (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "wrap_line_length": 0 } } ``` #### [C++](#c-) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) [`clang-format`](#clang-format) **Description**: Options for language C++ ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable C++ Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Uncrustify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Uncrustify` `clang-format` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for C++ **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify C++ files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Config Path](#config-path) **Namespace**: `cpp` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Path to uncrustify config file. i.e. uncrustify.cfg (Supported by Uncrustify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "cpp": { "configPath": "" } } ``` #### [Crystal](#crystal) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Crystal`](#crystal) **Description**: Options for language Crystal ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Crystal Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Crystal` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Crystal` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Crystal **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Crystal files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. #### [C#](#c-) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Options for language C# ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable C# Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Uncrustify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Uncrustify` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for C# **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify C# files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Config Path](#config-path) **Namespace**: `cs` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Path to uncrustify config file. i.e. uncrustify.cfg (Supported by Uncrustify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "cs": { "configPath": "" } } ``` #### [CSS](#css) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language CSS ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable CSS Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `JS Beautify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `CSScomb` `JS Beautify` `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for CSS **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify CSS files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Align assignments](#align-assignments) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `align_assignments` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If lists of assignments or properties should be vertically aligned for faster and easier reading. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "align_assignments": false } } ``` ##### [comb custom config file](#comb-custom-config-file) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) **Description**: Path to custom CSScomb config file, used in absense of a `.csscomb.json` or `.csscomb.cson` at the root of your project. (Supported by CSScomb) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "configPath": "" } } ``` ##### [Convert quotes](#convert-quotes) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `convert_quotes` **Default**: `none` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `none` `double` `single` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Convert the quote characters delimiting strings from either double or single quotes to the other. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "convert_quotes": "none" } } ``` ##### [Force indentation](#force-indentation) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `force_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: if indentation should be forcefully applied to markup even if it disruptively adds unintended whitespace to the documents rendered output (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "force_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent comments](#indent-comments) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_comments` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Determines whether comments should be indented. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_comments": true } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Newline between rules](#newline-between-rules) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `newline_between_rules` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a newline between CSS rules (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "newline_between_rules": false } } ``` ##### [No lead zero](#no-lead-zero) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `no_lead_zero` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If in CSS values leading 0s immediately preceeding a decimal should be removed or prevented. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "no_lead_zero": false } } ``` ##### [comb predefined config](#comb-predefined-config) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `predefinedConfig` **Default**: `csscomb` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `csscomb` `yandex` `zen` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) **Description**: Used if neither a project or custom config file exists. (Supported by CSScomb) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "predefinedConfig": "csscomb" } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Retain empty lines. Consecutive empty lines will be converted to a single empty line. (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "preserve_newlines": false } } ``` ##### [Selector separator newline](#selector-separator-newline) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `selector_separator_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Add a newline between multiple selectors (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "selector_separator_newline": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum amount of characters per line (0 = disable) (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "wrap_line_length": 0 } } ``` #### [CSV](#csv) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language CSV ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable CSV Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for CSV **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify CSV files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. #### [D](#d) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) [`dfmt`](#dfmt) **Description**: Options for language D ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable D Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Uncrustify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Uncrustify` `dfmt` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for D **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify D files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Config Path](#config-path) **Namespace**: `d` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Path to uncrustify config file. i.e. uncrustify.cfg (Supported by Uncrustify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "d": { "configPath": "" } } ``` #### [EJS](#ejs) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language EJS ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable EJS Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for EJS **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify EJS files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Break chained methods](#break-chained-methods) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `break_chained_methods` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Break chained method calls across subsequent lines (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "break_chained_methods": false } } ``` ##### [End with comma](#end-with-comma) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_comma` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If a terminating comma should be inserted into arrays, object literals, and destructured objects. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_comma": false } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_with_tabs": false } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Space after anon function](#space-after-anon-function) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_after_anon_function` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function () (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_after_anon_function": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [Elm](#elm) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`elm-format`](#elm-format) **Description**: Options for language Elm ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Elm Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `elm-format` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `elm-format` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Elm **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Elm files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. #### [ERB](#erb) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`HTML Beautifier`](#html-beautifier) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language ERB ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable ERB Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `HTML Beautifier` `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for ERB **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify ERB files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`HTML Beautifier`](#html-beautifier) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by HTML Beautifier, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [Erlang](#erlang) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`erl_tidy`](#erl_tidy) **Description**: Options for language Erlang ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Erlang Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `erl_tidy` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `erl_tidy` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Erlang **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Erlang files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. #### [Fortran](#fortran) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Fortran Beautifier`](#fortran-beautifier) **Description**: Options for language Fortran ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Fortran Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Fortran Beautifier` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Fortran Beautifier` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Fortran **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Fortran files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Emacs path](#emacs-path) **Namespace**: `fortran` **Key**: `emacs_path` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Fortran Beautifier`](#fortran-beautifier) **Description**: Path to the `emacs` executable (Supported by Fortran Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "fortran": { "emacs_path": "" } } ``` ##### [Emacs script path](#emacs-script-path) **Namespace**: `fortran` **Key**: `emacs_script_path` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Fortran Beautifier`](#fortran-beautifier) **Description**: Path to the emacs script (Supported by Fortran Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "fortran": { "emacs_script_path": "" } } ``` #### [gherkin](#gherkin) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Gherkin formatter`](#gherkin-formatter) **Description**: Options for language gherkin ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable gherkin Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Gherkin formatter` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Gherkin formatter` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for gherkin **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify gherkin files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `gherkin` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Gherkin formatter`](#gherkin-formatter) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Gherkin formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "gherkin": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `gherkin` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Gherkin formatter`](#gherkin-formatter) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Gherkin formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "gherkin": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` #### [Go](#go) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`gofmt`](#gofmt) **Description**: Options for language Go ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Go Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `gofmt` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `gofmt` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Go **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Go files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. #### [Handlebars](#handlebars) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language Handlebars ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Handlebars Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `JS Beautify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `JS Beautify` `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Handlebars **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Handlebars files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Brace style](#brace-style) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `brace_style` **Default**: `collapse` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `collapse` `expand` `end-expand` `none` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: [collapse|expand|end-expand|none] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "brace_style": "collapse" } } ``` ##### [End with newline](#end-with-newline) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `end_with_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: End output with newline (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "end_with_newline": false } } ``` ##### [Extra liners](#extra-liners) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `extra_liners` **Default**: `head,body,/html` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to [head,body,/html] that should have an extra newline before them. (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "extra_liners": [ "head", "body", "/html" ] } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent inner html](#indent-inner-html) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_inner_html` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Indent and sections. (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_inner_html": false } } ``` ##### [Indent scripts](#indent-scripts) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_scripts` **Default**: `normal` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `keep` `separate` `normal` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: [keep|separate|normal] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_scripts": "normal" } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Max preserve newlines](#max-preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `max_preserve_newlines` **Default**: `10` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "max_preserve_newlines": 10 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Unformatted](#unformatted) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `unformatted` **Default**: `a,span,img,bdo,em,strong,dfn,code,samp,kbd,var,cite,abbr,acronym,q,sub,sup,tt,i,b,big,small,u,s,strike,font,ins,del,pre,address,dt,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to inline) that should not be reformatted (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "unformatted": [ "a", "span", "img", "bdo", "em", "strong", "dfn", "code", "samp", "kbd", "var", "cite", "abbr", "acronym", "q", "sub", "sup", "tt", "i", "b", "big", "small", "u", "s", "strike", "font", "ins", "del", "pre", "address", "dt", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6" ] } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes](#wrap-attributes) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes` **Default**: `auto` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `auto` `force` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Wrap attributes to new lines [auto|force] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes": "auto" } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes indent size](#wrap-attributes-indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes_indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Indent wrapped attributes to after N characters (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes_indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [Haskell](#haskell) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`stylish-haskell`](#stylish-haskell) **Description**: Options for language Haskell ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Haskell Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `stylish-haskell` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `stylish-haskell` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Haskell **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Haskell files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. #### [HTML](#html) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language HTML ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable HTML Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `JS Beautify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `JS Beautify` `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for HTML **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify HTML files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Brace style](#brace-style) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `brace_style` **Default**: `collapse` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `collapse` `expand` `end-expand` `none` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: [collapse|expand|end-expand|none] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "brace_style": "collapse" } } ``` ##### [End with newline](#end-with-newline) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `end_with_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: End output with newline (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "end_with_newline": false } } ``` ##### [Extra liners](#extra-liners) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `extra_liners` **Default**: `head,body,/html` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to [head,body,/html] that should have an extra newline before them. (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "extra_liners": [ "head", "body", "/html" ] } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent inner html](#indent-inner-html) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_inner_html` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Indent and sections. (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_inner_html": false } } ``` ##### [Indent scripts](#indent-scripts) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_scripts` **Default**: `normal` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `keep` `separate` `normal` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: [keep|separate|normal] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_scripts": "normal" } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Max preserve newlines](#max-preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `max_preserve_newlines` **Default**: `10` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "max_preserve_newlines": 10 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Unformatted](#unformatted) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `unformatted` **Default**: `a,span,img,bdo,em,strong,dfn,code,samp,kbd,var,cite,abbr,acronym,q,sub,sup,tt,i,b,big,small,u,s,strike,font,ins,del,pre,address,dt,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to inline) that should not be reformatted (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "unformatted": [ "a", "span", "img", "bdo", "em", "strong", "dfn", "code", "samp", "kbd", "var", "cite", "abbr", "acronym", "q", "sub", "sup", "tt", "i", "b", "big", "small", "u", "s", "strike", "font", "ins", "del", "pre", "address", "dt", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6" ] } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes](#wrap-attributes) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes` **Default**: `auto` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `auto` `force` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Wrap attributes to new lines [auto|force] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes": "auto" } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes indent size](#wrap-attributes-indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes_indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Indent wrapped attributes to after N characters (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes_indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [Jade](#jade) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pug Beautify`](#pug-beautify) **Description**: Options for language Jade ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Jade Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pug Beautify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Pug Beautify` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Jade **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Jade files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pug Beautify`](#pug-beautify) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pug Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pug Beautify`](#pug-beautify) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pug Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` #### [Java](#java) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Options for language Java ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Java Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Uncrustify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Uncrustify` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Java **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Java files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Config Path](#config-path) **Namespace**: `java` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Path to uncrustify config file. i.e. uncrustify.cfg (Supported by Uncrustify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "java": { "configPath": "" } } ``` #### [JavaScript](#javascript) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`JSCS Fixer`](#jscs-fixer) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language JavaScript ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable JavaScript Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `JS Beautify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `JS Beautify` `JSCS Fixer` `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for JavaScript **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify JavaScript files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Brace style](#brace-style) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `brace_style` **Default**: `collapse` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `collapse` `collapse-preserve-inline` `expand` `end-expand` `none` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: [collapse|collapse-preserve-inline|expand|end-expand|none] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "brace_style": "collapse" } } ``` ##### [Break chained methods](#break-chained-methods) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `break_chained_methods` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Break chained method calls across subsequent lines (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "break_chained_methods": false } } ``` ##### [End with comma](#end-with-comma) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_comma` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If a terminating comma should be inserted into arrays, object literals, and destructured objects. (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_comma": false } } ``` ##### [End with newline](#end-with-newline) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: End output with newline (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_newline": false } } ``` ##### [Eval code](#eval-code) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `eval_code` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "eval_code": false } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent level](#indent-level) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_level` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Initial indentation level (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_level": 0 } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_with_tabs": false } } ``` ##### [Jslint happy](#jslint-happy) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `jslint_happy` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Enable jslint-stricter mode (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "jslint_happy": false } } ``` ##### [Keep array indentation](#keep-array-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_array_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Preserve array indentation (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_array_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Keep function indentation](#keep-function-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_function_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_function_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Max preserve newlines](#max-preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `max_preserve_newlines` **Default**: `10` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "max_preserve_newlines": 10 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Space after anon function](#space-after-anon-function) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_after_anon_function` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function () (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_after_anon_function": false } } ``` ##### [Space before conditional](#space-before-conditional) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_before_conditional` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_before_conditional": true } } ``` ##### [Space in paren](#space-in-paren) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_in_paren` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b ) (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_in_paren": false } } ``` ##### [Unescape strings](#unescape-strings) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `unescape_strings` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Decode printable characters encoded in xNN notation (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "unescape_strings": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Wrap lines at next opportunity after N characters (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "wrap_line_length": 0 } } ``` #### [JSON](#json) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language JSON ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable JSON Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `JS Beautify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `JS Beautify` `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for JSON **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify JSON files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Brace style](#brace-style) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `brace_style` **Default**: `collapse` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `collapse` `collapse-preserve-inline` `expand` `end-expand` `none` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: [collapse|collapse-preserve-inline|expand|end-expand|none] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "brace_style": "collapse" } } ``` ##### [Break chained methods](#break-chained-methods) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `break_chained_methods` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Break chained method calls across subsequent lines (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "break_chained_methods": false } } ``` ##### [End with comma](#end-with-comma) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_comma` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If a terminating comma should be inserted into arrays, object literals, and destructured objects. (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_comma": false } } ``` ##### [End with newline](#end-with-newline) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: End output with newline (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_newline": false } } ``` ##### [Eval code](#eval-code) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `eval_code` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "eval_code": false } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent level](#indent-level) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_level` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Initial indentation level (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_level": 0 } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_with_tabs": false } } ``` ##### [Jslint happy](#jslint-happy) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `jslint_happy` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Enable jslint-stricter mode (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "jslint_happy": false } } ``` ##### [Keep array indentation](#keep-array-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_array_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Preserve array indentation (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_array_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Keep function indentation](#keep-function-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_function_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_function_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Max preserve newlines](#max-preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `max_preserve_newlines` **Default**: `10` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "max_preserve_newlines": 10 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Space after anon function](#space-after-anon-function) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_after_anon_function` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function () (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_after_anon_function": false } } ``` ##### [Space before conditional](#space-before-conditional) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_before_conditional` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_before_conditional": true } } ``` ##### [Space in paren](#space-in-paren) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_in_paren` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b ) (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_in_paren": false } } ``` ##### [Unescape strings](#unescape-strings) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `unescape_strings` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Decode printable characters encoded in xNN notation (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "unescape_strings": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Wrap lines at next opportunity after N characters (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "wrap_line_length": 0 } } ``` #### [JSX](#jsx) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language JSX ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable JSX Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for JSX **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify JSX files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Break chained methods](#break-chained-methods) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `break_chained_methods` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Break chained method calls across subsequent lines (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "break_chained_methods": false } } ``` ##### [End with comma](#end-with-comma) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_comma` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If a terminating comma should be inserted into arrays, object literals, and destructured objects. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_comma": false } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_with_tabs": false } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Space after anon function](#space-after-anon-function) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_after_anon_function` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function () (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_after_anon_function": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Wrap lines at next opportunity after N characters (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "wrap_line_length": 0 } } ``` #### [LaTeX](#latex) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: Options for language LaTeX ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable LaTeX Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Latex Beautify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Latex Beautify` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for LaTeX **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify LaTeX files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Align columns in environments](#align-columns-in-environments) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `align_columns_in_environments` **Default**: `tabular,matrix,bmatrix,pmatrix` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: undefined (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "align_columns_in_environments": [ "tabular", "matrix", "bmatrix", "pmatrix" ] } } ``` ##### [Always look for split braces](#always-look-for-split-braces) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `always_look_for_split_braces` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: If `latexindent` should look for commands that split braces across lines (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "always_look_for_split_braces": true } } ``` ##### [Always look for split brackets](#always-look-for-split-brackets) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `always_look_for_split_brackets` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: If `latexindent` should look for commands that split brackets across lines (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "always_look_for_split_brackets": false } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent preamble](#indent-preamble) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `indent_preamble` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: Indent the preable (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "indent_preamble": false } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "indent_with_tabs": true } } ``` ##### [Remove trailing whitespace](#remove-trailing-whitespace) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `remove_trailing_whitespace` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: Remove trailing whitespace (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "remove_trailing_whitespace": false } } ``` #### [LESS](#less) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language LESS ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable LESS Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `CSScomb` `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for LESS **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify LESS files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Align assignments](#align-assignments) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `align_assignments` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If lists of assignments or properties should be vertically aligned for faster and easier reading. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "align_assignments": false } } ``` ##### [comb custom config file](#comb-custom-config-file) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) **Description**: Path to custom CSScomb config file, used in absense of a `.csscomb.json` or `.csscomb.cson` at the root of your project. (Supported by CSScomb) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "configPath": "" } } ``` ##### [Convert quotes](#convert-quotes) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `convert_quotes` **Default**: `none` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `none` `double` `single` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Convert the quote characters delimiting strings from either double or single quotes to the other. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "convert_quotes": "none" } } ``` ##### [Force indentation](#force-indentation) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `force_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: if indentation should be forcefully applied to markup even if it disruptively adds unintended whitespace to the documents rendered output (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "force_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent comments](#indent-comments) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_comments` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Determines whether comments should be indented. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_comments": true } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Newline between rules](#newline-between-rules) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `newline_between_rules` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a newline between CSS rules (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "newline_between_rules": false } } ``` ##### [No lead zero](#no-lead-zero) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `no_lead_zero` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If in CSS values leading 0s immediately preceeding a decimal should be removed or prevented. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "no_lead_zero": false } } ``` ##### [comb predefined config](#comb-predefined-config) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `predefinedConfig` **Default**: `csscomb` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `csscomb` `yandex` `zen` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) **Description**: Used if neither a project or custom config file exists. (Supported by CSScomb) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "predefinedConfig": "csscomb" } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Retain empty lines. Consecutive empty lines will be converted to a single empty line. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "preserve_newlines": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum amount of characters per line (0 = disable) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "wrap_line_length": 0 } } ``` #### [Lua](#lua) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Lua beautifier`](#lua-beautifier) **Description**: Options for language Lua ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Lua Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Lua beautifier` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Lua beautifier` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Lua **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Lua files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. #### [Markdown](#markdown) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Remark`](#remark) [`Tidy Markdown`](#tidy-markdown) **Description**: Options for language Markdown ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Markdown Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Tidy Markdown` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Remark` `Tidy Markdown` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Markdown **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Markdown files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Commonmark](#commonmark) **Namespace**: `markdown` **Key**: `commonmark` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Remark`](#remark) **Description**: Allows and disallows several constructs. (Supported by Remark) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "markdown": { "commonmark": false } } ``` ##### [Gfm](#gfm) **Namespace**: `markdown` **Key**: `gfm` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Remark`](#remark) **Description**: GitHub Flavoured Markdown (Supported by Remark) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "markdown": { "gfm": true } } ``` ##### [Yaml](#yaml) **Namespace**: `markdown` **Key**: `yaml` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Remark`](#remark) **Description**: Enables raw YAML front matter to be detected (thus ignoring markdown-like syntax). (Supported by Remark) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "markdown": { "yaml": true } } ``` #### [Marko](#marko) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Options for language Marko ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Marko Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Marko Beautifier` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Marko Beautifier` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Marko **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Marko files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Brace style](#brace-style) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `brace_style` **Default**: `collapse` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `collapse` `expand` `end-expand` `none` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: [collapse|expand|end-expand|none] (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "brace_style": "collapse" } } ``` ##### [End with newline](#end-with-newline) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `end_with_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: End output with newline (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "end_with_newline": false } } ``` ##### [Extra liners](#extra-liners) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `extra_liners` **Default**: `head,body,/html` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to [head,body,/html] that should have an extra newline before them. (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "extra_liners": [ "head", "body", "/html" ] } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent inner html](#indent-inner-html) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_inner_html` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Indent and sections. (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_inner_html": false } } ``` ##### [Indent scripts](#indent-scripts) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_scripts` **Default**: `normal` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `keep` `separate` `normal` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: [keep|separate|normal] (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_scripts": "normal" } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Max preserve newlines](#max-preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `max_preserve_newlines` **Default**: `10` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "max_preserve_newlines": 10 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Syntax](#syntax) **Namespace**: `marko` **Key**: `syntax` **Default**: `html` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `html` `concise` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: [html|concise] (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "marko": { "syntax": "html" } } ``` ##### [Unformatted](#unformatted) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `unformatted` **Default**: `a,span,img,bdo,em,strong,dfn,code,samp,kbd,var,cite,abbr,acronym,q,sub,sup,tt,i,b,big,small,u,s,strike,font,ins,del,pre,address,dt,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to inline) that should not be reformatted (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "unformatted": [ "a", "span", "img", "bdo", "em", "strong", "dfn", "code", "samp", "kbd", "var", "cite", "abbr", "acronym", "q", "sub", "sup", "tt", "i", "b", "big", "small", "u", "s", "strike", "font", "ins", "del", "pre", "address", "dt", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6" ] } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes](#wrap-attributes) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes` **Default**: `auto` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `auto` `force` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Wrap attributes to new lines [auto|force] (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes": "auto" } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes indent size](#wrap-attributes-indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes_indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Indent wrapped attributes to after N characters (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes_indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [Mustache](#mustache) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Options for language Mustache ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Mustache Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `JS Beautify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `JS Beautify` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Mustache **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Mustache files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Brace style](#brace-style) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `brace_style` **Default**: `collapse` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `collapse` `expand` `end-expand` `none` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: [collapse|expand|end-expand|none] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "brace_style": "collapse" } } ``` ##### [End with newline](#end-with-newline) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `end_with_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: End output with newline (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "end_with_newline": false } } ``` ##### [Extra liners](#extra-liners) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `extra_liners` **Default**: `head,body,/html` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to [head,body,/html] that should have an extra newline before them. (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "extra_liners": [ "head", "body", "/html" ] } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent inner html](#indent-inner-html) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_inner_html` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Indent and sections. (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_inner_html": false } } ``` ##### [Indent scripts](#indent-scripts) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_scripts` **Default**: `normal` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `keep` `separate` `normal` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: [keep|separate|normal] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_scripts": "normal" } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Max preserve newlines](#max-preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `max_preserve_newlines` **Default**: `10` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "max_preserve_newlines": 10 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Unformatted](#unformatted) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `unformatted` **Default**: `a,span,img,bdo,em,strong,dfn,code,samp,kbd,var,cite,abbr,acronym,q,sub,sup,tt,i,b,big,small,u,s,strike,font,ins,del,pre,address,dt,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to inline) that should not be reformatted (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "unformatted": [ "a", "span", "img", "bdo", "em", "strong", "dfn", "code", "samp", "kbd", "var", "cite", "abbr", "acronym", "q", "sub", "sup", "tt", "i", "b", "big", "small", "u", "s", "strike", "font", "ins", "del", "pre", "address", "dt", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6" ] } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes](#wrap-attributes) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes` **Default**: `auto` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `auto` `force` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Wrap attributes to new lines [auto|force] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes": "auto" } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes indent size](#wrap-attributes-indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes_indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Indent wrapped attributes to after N characters (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes_indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [Objective-C](#objective-c) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) [`clang-format`](#clang-format) **Description**: Options for language Objective-C ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Objective-C Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Uncrustify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Uncrustify` `clang-format` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Objective-C **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Objective-C files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Config Path](#config-path) **Namespace**: `objectivec` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Path to uncrustify config file. i.e. uncrustify.cfg (Supported by Uncrustify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "objectivec": { "configPath": "" } } ``` #### [OCaml](#ocaml) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`ocp-indent`](#ocp-indent) **Description**: Options for language OCaml ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable OCaml Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `ocp-indent` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `ocp-indent` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for OCaml **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify OCaml files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. #### [Pawn](#pawn) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Options for language Pawn ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Pawn Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Uncrustify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Uncrustify` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Pawn **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Pawn files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Config Path](#config-path) **Namespace**: `pawn` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Path to uncrustify config file. i.e. uncrustify.cfg (Supported by Uncrustify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "pawn": { "configPath": "" } } ``` #### [Perl](#perl) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Perltidy`](#perltidy) **Description**: Options for language Perl ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Perl Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Perltidy` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Perltidy` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Perl **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Perl files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Perltidy profile](#perltidy-profile) **Namespace**: `perl` **Key**: `perltidy_profile` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Perltidy`](#perltidy) **Description**: Specify a configuration file which will override the default name of .perltidyrc (Supported by Perltidy) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "perl": { "perltidy_profile": "" } } ``` #### [PHP](#php) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`PHP-CS-Fixer`](#php-cs-fixer) [`PHPCBF`](#phpcbf) **Description**: Options for language PHP ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable PHP Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `PHP-CS-Fixer` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `PHP-CS-Fixer` `PHPCBF` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for PHP **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify PHP files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [PHP-CS-Fixer Path](#php-cs-fixer-path) **Namespace**: `php` **Key**: `cs_fixer_path` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`PHP-CS-Fixer`](#php-cs-fixer) **Description**: Path to the `php-cs-fixer` CLI executable (Supported by PHP-CS-Fixer) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "php": { "cs_fixer_path": "" } } ``` ##### [Fixers](#fixers) **Namespace**: `php` **Key**: `fixers` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`PHP-CS-Fixer`](#php-cs-fixer) **Description**: Add fixer(s). i.e. linefeed,-short_tag,indentation (Supported by PHP-CS-Fixer) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "php": { "fixers": "" } } ``` ##### [Level](#level) **Namespace**: `php` **Key**: `level` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`PHP-CS-Fixer`](#php-cs-fixer) **Description**: By default, all PSR-2 fixers and some additional ones are run. (Supported by PHP-CS-Fixer) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "php": { "level": "" } } ``` ##### [PHPCBF Path](#phpcbf-path) **Namespace**: `php` **Key**: `phpcbf_path` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`PHP-CS-Fixer`](#php-cs-fixer) **Description**: Path to the `phpcbf` CLI executable (Supported by PHP-CS-Fixer) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "php": { "phpcbf_path": "" } } ``` ##### [PHPCBF Standard](#phpcbf-standard) **Namespace**: `php` **Key**: `standard` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`PHP-CS-Fixer`](#php-cs-fixer) [`PHPCBF`](#phpcbf) **Description**: Standard name Squiz, PSR2, PSR1, PHPCS, PEAR, Zend, MySource... or path to CS rules (Supported by PHP-CS-Fixer, PHPCBF) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "php": { "standard": "" } } ``` #### [Puppet](#puppet) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`puppet-lint`](#puppet-lint) **Description**: Options for language Puppet ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Puppet Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `puppet-lint` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `puppet-lint` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Puppet **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Puppet files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. #### [Python](#python) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`autopep8`](#autopep8) [`yapf`](#yapf) **Description**: Options for language Python ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Python Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `autopep8` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `autopep8` `yapf` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Python **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Python files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Ignore](#ignore) **Namespace**: `python` **Key**: `ignore` **Default**: `E24` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`autopep8`](#autopep8) **Description**: do not fix these errors/warnings (Supported by autopep8) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "python": { "ignore": [ "E24" ] } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `python` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`autopep8`](#autopep8) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by autopep8) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "python": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Max line length](#max-line-length) **Namespace**: `python` **Key**: `max_line_length` **Default**: `79` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`autopep8`](#autopep8) **Description**: set maximum allowed line length (Supported by autopep8) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "python": { "max_line_length": 79 } } ``` ##### [Sort imports](#sort-imports) **Namespace**: `python` **Key**: `sort_imports` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`autopep8`](#autopep8) **Description**: sort imports (requires isort installed) (Supported by autopep8) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "python": { "sort_imports": false } } ``` #### [Riot.js](#riot.js) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language Riot.js ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Riot.js Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Riot.js **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Riot.js files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [Ruby](#ruby) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Rubocop`](#rubocop) [`Ruby Beautify`](#ruby-beautify) **Description**: Options for language Ruby ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Ruby Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Rubocop` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Rubocop` `Ruby Beautify` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Ruby **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Ruby files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `ruby` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: ` ` ` ` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Ruby Beautify`](#ruby-beautify) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Ruby Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "ruby": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `ruby` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Rubocop`](#rubocop) [`Ruby Beautify`](#ruby-beautify) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Rubocop, Ruby Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "ruby": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Rubocop Path](#rubocop-path) **Namespace**: `ruby` **Key**: `rubocop_path` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Rubocop`](#rubocop) **Description**: Path to the `rubocop` CLI executable (Supported by Rubocop) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "ruby": { "rubocop_path": "" } } ``` #### [Rust](#rust) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`rustfmt`](#rustfmt) **Description**: Options for language Rust ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Rust Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `rustfmt` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `rustfmt` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Rust **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Rust files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Rustfmt path](#rustfmt-path) **Namespace**: `rust` **Key**: `rustfmt_path` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`rustfmt`](#rustfmt) **Description**: Path to rustfmt program (Supported by rustfmt) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "rust": { "rustfmt_path": "" } } ``` #### [Sass](#sass) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language Sass ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Sass Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `CSScomb` `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Sass **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Sass files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Align assignments](#align-assignments) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `align_assignments` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If lists of assignments or properties should be vertically aligned for faster and easier reading. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "align_assignments": false } } ``` ##### [comb custom config file](#comb-custom-config-file) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) **Description**: Path to custom CSScomb config file, used in absense of a `.csscomb.json` or `.csscomb.cson` at the root of your project. (Supported by CSScomb) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "configPath": "" } } ``` ##### [Convert quotes](#convert-quotes) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `convert_quotes` **Default**: `none` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `none` `double` `single` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Convert the quote characters delimiting strings from either double or single quotes to the other. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "convert_quotes": "none" } } ``` ##### [Force indentation](#force-indentation) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `force_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: if indentation should be forcefully applied to markup even if it disruptively adds unintended whitespace to the documents rendered output (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "force_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent comments](#indent-comments) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_comments` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Determines whether comments should be indented. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_comments": true } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Newline between rules](#newline-between-rules) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `newline_between_rules` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a newline between CSS rules (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "newline_between_rules": false } } ``` ##### [No lead zero](#no-lead-zero) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `no_lead_zero` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If in CSS values leading 0s immediately preceeding a decimal should be removed or prevented. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "no_lead_zero": false } } ``` ##### [comb predefined config](#comb-predefined-config) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `predefinedConfig` **Default**: `csscomb` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `csscomb` `yandex` `zen` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) **Description**: Used if neither a project or custom config file exists. (Supported by CSScomb) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "predefinedConfig": "csscomb" } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Retain empty lines. Consecutive empty lines will be converted to a single empty line. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "preserve_newlines": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum amount of characters per line (0 = disable) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "wrap_line_length": 0 } } ``` #### [SCSS](#scss) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language SCSS ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable SCSS Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `CSScomb` `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for SCSS **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify SCSS files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Align assignments](#align-assignments) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `align_assignments` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If lists of assignments or properties should be vertically aligned for faster and easier reading. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "align_assignments": false } } ``` ##### [comb custom config file](#comb-custom-config-file) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) **Description**: Path to custom CSScomb config file, used in absense of a `.csscomb.json` or `.csscomb.cson` at the root of your project. (Supported by CSScomb) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "configPath": "" } } ``` ##### [Convert quotes](#convert-quotes) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `convert_quotes` **Default**: `none` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `none` `double` `single` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Convert the quote characters delimiting strings from either double or single quotes to the other. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "convert_quotes": "none" } } ``` ##### [Force indentation](#force-indentation) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `force_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: if indentation should be forcefully applied to markup even if it disruptively adds unintended whitespace to the documents rendered output (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "force_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent comments](#indent-comments) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_comments` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Determines whether comments should be indented. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_comments": true } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Newline between rules](#newline-between-rules) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `newline_between_rules` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a newline between CSS rules (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "newline_between_rules": false } } ``` ##### [No lead zero](#no-lead-zero) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `no_lead_zero` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If in CSS values leading 0s immediately preceeding a decimal should be removed or prevented. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "no_lead_zero": false } } ``` ##### [comb predefined config](#comb-predefined-config) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `predefinedConfig` **Default**: `csscomb` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `csscomb` `yandex` `zen` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) **Description**: Used if neither a project or custom config file exists. (Supported by CSScomb) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "predefinedConfig": "csscomb" } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Retain empty lines. Consecutive empty lines will be converted to a single empty line. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "preserve_newlines": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum amount of characters per line (0 = disable) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "wrap_line_length": 0 } } ``` #### [Spacebars](#spacebars) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language Spacebars ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Spacebars Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Spacebars **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Spacebars files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [SQL](#sql) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`sqlformat`](#sqlformat) **Description**: Options for language SQL ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable SQL Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `sqlformat` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `sqlformat` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for SQL **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify SQL files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Identifiers](#identifiers) **Namespace**: `sql` **Key**: `identifiers` **Default**: `unchanged` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `unchanged` `lower` `upper` `capitalize` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`sqlformat`](#sqlformat) **Description**: Change case of identifiers (Supported by sqlformat) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "sql": { "identifiers": "unchanged" } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `sql` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`sqlformat`](#sqlformat) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by sqlformat) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "sql": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Keywords](#keywords) **Namespace**: `sql` **Key**: `keywords` **Default**: `upper` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `unchanged` `lower` `upper` `capitalize` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`sqlformat`](#sqlformat) **Description**: Change case of keywords (Supported by sqlformat) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "sql": { "keywords": "upper" } } ``` #### [SVG](#svg) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language SVG ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable SVG Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for SVG **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify SVG files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [Swig](#swig) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language Swig ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Swig Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Swig **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Swig files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [TSS](#tss) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language TSS ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable TSS Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for TSS **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify TSS files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Align assignments](#align-assignments) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `align_assignments` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If lists of assignments or properties should be vertically aligned for faster and easier reading. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "align_assignments": false } } ``` ##### [Convert quotes](#convert-quotes) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `convert_quotes` **Default**: `none` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `none` `double` `single` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Convert the quote characters delimiting strings from either double or single quotes to the other. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "convert_quotes": "none" } } ``` ##### [Force indentation](#force-indentation) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `force_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: if indentation should be forcefully applied to markup even if it disruptively adds unintended whitespace to the documents rendered output (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "force_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent comments](#indent-comments) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_comments` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Determines whether comments should be indented. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_comments": true } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Newline between rules](#newline-between-rules) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `newline_between_rules` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a newline between CSS rules (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "newline_between_rules": false } } ``` ##### [No lead zero](#no-lead-zero) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `no_lead_zero` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If in CSS values leading 0s immediately preceeding a decimal should be removed or prevented. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "no_lead_zero": false } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Retain empty lines. Consecutive empty lines will be converted to a single empty line. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "preserve_newlines": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum amount of characters per line (0 = disable) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "wrap_line_length": 0 } } ``` #### [Twig](#twig) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language Twig ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Twig Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Twig **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Twig files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Break chained methods](#break-chained-methods) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `break_chained_methods` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Break chained method calls across subsequent lines (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "break_chained_methods": false } } ``` ##### [End with comma](#end-with-comma) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_comma` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If a terminating comma should be inserted into arrays, object literals, and destructured objects. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_comma": false } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_with_tabs": false } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Space after anon function](#space-after-anon-function) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_after_anon_function` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function () (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_after_anon_function": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [TypeScript](#typescript) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Options for language TypeScript ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable TypeScript Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `TypeScript Formatter` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `TypeScript Formatter` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for TypeScript **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify TypeScript files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Brace style](#brace-style) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `brace_style` **Default**: `collapse` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `collapse` `collapse-preserve-inline` `expand` `end-expand` `none` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: [collapse|collapse-preserve-inline|expand|end-expand|none] (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "brace_style": "collapse" } } ``` ##### [Break chained methods](#break-chained-methods) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `break_chained_methods` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Break chained method calls across subsequent lines (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "break_chained_methods": false } } ``` ##### [End with comma](#end-with-comma) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_comma` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: If a terminating comma should be inserted into arrays, object literals, and destructured objects. (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_comma": false } } ``` ##### [End with newline](#end-with-newline) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: End output with newline (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_newline": false } } ``` ##### [Eval code](#eval-code) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `eval_code` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "eval_code": false } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent level](#indent-level) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_level` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Initial indentation level (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_level": 0 } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_with_tabs": false } } ``` ##### [Jslint happy](#jslint-happy) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `jslint_happy` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Enable jslint-stricter mode (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "jslint_happy": false } } ``` ##### [Keep array indentation](#keep-array-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_array_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Preserve array indentation (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_array_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Keep function indentation](#keep-function-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_function_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_function_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Max preserve newlines](#max-preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `max_preserve_newlines` **Default**: `10` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "max_preserve_newlines": 10 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Space after anon function](#space-after-anon-function) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_after_anon_function` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function () (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_after_anon_function": false } } ``` ##### [Space before conditional](#space-before-conditional) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_before_conditional` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_before_conditional": true } } ``` ##### [Space in paren](#space-in-paren) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_in_paren` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b ) (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_in_paren": false } } ``` ##### [Unescape strings](#unescape-strings) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `unescape_strings` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Decode printable characters encoded in xNN notation (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "unescape_strings": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Wrap lines at next opportunity after N characters (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "wrap_line_length": 0 } } ``` #### [Vala](#vala) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Options for language Vala ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Vala Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Uncrustify` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Uncrustify` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Vala **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Vala files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Config Path](#config-path) **Namespace**: `vala` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Path to uncrustify config file. i.e. uncrustify.cfg (Supported by Uncrustify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "vala": { "configPath": "" } } ``` #### [Visualforce](#visualforce) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language Visualforce ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable Visualforce Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for Visualforce **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify Visualforce files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [XML](#xml) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language XML ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable XML Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `JS Beautify` `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for XML **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify XML files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Brace style](#brace-style) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `brace_style` **Default**: `collapse` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `collapse` `expand` `end-expand` `none` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: [collapse|expand|end-expand|none] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "brace_style": "collapse" } } ``` ##### [End with newline](#end-with-newline) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `end_with_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: End output with newline (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "end_with_newline": false } } ``` ##### [Extra liners](#extra-liners) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `extra_liners` **Default**: `head,body,/html` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to [head,body,/html] that should have an extra newline before them. (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "extra_liners": [ "head", "body", "/html" ] } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent inner html](#indent-inner-html) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_inner_html` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Indent and sections. (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_inner_html": false } } ``` ##### [Indent scripts](#indent-scripts) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_scripts` **Default**: `normal` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `keep` `separate` `normal` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: [keep|separate|normal] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_scripts": "normal" } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Max preserve newlines](#max-preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `max_preserve_newlines` **Default**: `10` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "max_preserve_newlines": 10 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Unformatted](#unformatted) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `unformatted` **Default**: `a,span,img,bdo,em,strong,dfn,code,samp,kbd,var,cite,abbr,acronym,q,sub,sup,tt,i,b,big,small,u,s,strike,font,ins,del,pre,address,dt,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to inline) that should not be reformatted (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "unformatted": [ "a", "span", "img", "bdo", "em", "strong", "dfn", "code", "samp", "kbd", "var", "cite", "abbr", "acronym", "q", "sub", "sup", "tt", "i", "b", "big", "small", "u", "s", "strike", "font", "ins", "del", "pre", "address", "dt", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6" ] } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes](#wrap-attributes) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes` **Default**: `auto` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `auto` `force` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Wrap attributes to new lines [auto|force] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes": "auto" } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes indent size](#wrap-attributes-indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes_indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Indent wrapped attributes to after N characters (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes_indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` #### [XTemplate](#xtemplate) **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Options for language XTemplate ##### [Disable Beautifying Language](#disable-beautifying-language) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Disable XTemplate Beautification **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Disable Beautifying Language*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Default Beautifier](#default-beautifier) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Default**: `Pretty Diff` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `Pretty Diff` **Description**: Default Beautifier to be used for XTemplate **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Default Beautifier*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Beautify On Save](#beautify-on-save) **Important**: This option is only configurable from within Atom Beautify's setting panel. **Type**: `boolean` **Description**: Automatically beautify XTemplate files on save **How to Configure** 1. You can open the [Settings View](https://github.com/atom/settings-view) by navigating to *Edit > Preferences (Linux)*, *Atom > Preferences (OS X)*, or *File > Preferences (Windows)*. 2. Go into *Packages* and search for "*Atom Beautify*" package. 3. Find the option "*Beautify On Save*" and change it to your desired configuration. ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` ## Beautifier Options Supported options for each beautifier. --- ### CSScomb ##### [comb custom config file](#comb-custom-config-file) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) **Description**: Path to custom CSScomb config file, used in absense of a `.csscomb.json` or `.csscomb.cson` at the root of your project. (Supported by CSScomb) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "configPath": "" } } ``` ##### [comb predefined config](#comb-predefined-config) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `predefinedConfig` **Default**: `csscomb` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `csscomb` `yandex` `zen` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`CSScomb`](#csscomb) **Description**: Used if neither a project or custom config file exists. (Supported by CSScomb) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "predefinedConfig": "csscomb" } } ``` ### Coffee Formatter ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) [`coffee-fmt`](#coffee-fmt) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Coffee Formatter, coffee-fmt) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) [`coffee-fmt`](#coffee-fmt) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Coffee Formatter, coffee-fmt) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent level](#indent-level) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_level` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Initial indentation level (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_level": 0 } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) [`coffee-fmt`](#coffee-fmt) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by Coffee Formatter, coffee-fmt) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_with_tabs": false } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Max preserve newlines](#max-preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `max_preserve_newlines` **Default**: `10` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "max_preserve_newlines": 10 } } ``` ##### [Space in paren](#space-in-paren) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_in_paren` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b ) (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_in_paren": false } } ``` ##### [Jslint happy](#jslint-happy) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `jslint_happy` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Enable jslint-stricter mode (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "jslint_happy": false } } ``` ##### [Space after anon function](#space-after-anon-function) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_after_anon_function` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function () (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_after_anon_function": false } } ``` ##### [Brace style](#brace-style) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `brace_style` **Default**: `collapse` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `collapse` `collapse-preserve-inline` `expand` `end-expand` `none` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: [collapse|collapse-preserve-inline|expand|end-expand|none] (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "brace_style": "collapse" } } ``` ##### [Break chained methods](#break-chained-methods) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `break_chained_methods` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Break chained method calls across subsequent lines (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "break_chained_methods": false } } ``` ##### [Keep array indentation](#keep-array-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_array_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Preserve array indentation (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_array_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Keep function indentation](#keep-function-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_function_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_function_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Space before conditional](#space-before-conditional) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_before_conditional` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_before_conditional": true } } ``` ##### [Eval code](#eval-code) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `eval_code` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "eval_code": false } } ``` ##### [Unescape strings](#unescape-strings) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `unescape_strings` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Decode printable characters encoded in xNN notation (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "unescape_strings": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: Wrap lines at next opportunity after N characters (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "wrap_line_length": 0 } } ``` ##### [End with newline](#end-with-newline) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: End output with newline (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_newline": false } } ``` ##### [End with comma](#end-with-comma) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_comma` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) **Description**: If a terminating comma should be inserted into arrays, object literals, and destructured objects. (Supported by Coffee Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_comma": false } } ``` ### Fortran Beautifier ##### [Emacs path](#emacs-path) **Namespace**: `fortran` **Key**: `emacs_path` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Fortran Beautifier`](#fortran-beautifier) **Description**: Path to the `emacs` executable (Supported by Fortran Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "fortran": { "emacs_path": "" } } ``` ##### [Emacs script path](#emacs-script-path) **Namespace**: `fortran` **Key**: `emacs_script_path` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Fortran Beautifier`](#fortran-beautifier) **Description**: Path to the emacs script (Supported by Fortran Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "fortran": { "emacs_script_path": "" } } ``` ### Gherkin formatter ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `gherkin` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Gherkin formatter`](#gherkin-formatter) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Gherkin formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "gherkin": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `gherkin` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Gherkin formatter`](#gherkin-formatter) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Gherkin formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "gherkin": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ### HTML Beautifier ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`HTML Beautifier`](#html-beautifier) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by HTML Beautifier, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ### JS Beautify ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Selector separator newline](#selector-separator-newline) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `selector_separator_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Add a newline between multiple selectors (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "selector_separator_newline": false } } ``` ##### [Newline between rules](#newline-between-rules) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `newline_between_rules` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a newline between CSS rules (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "newline_between_rules": false } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` ##### [Indent inner html](#indent-inner-html) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_inner_html` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Indent and sections. (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_inner_html": false } } ``` ##### [Brace style](#brace-style) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `brace_style` **Default**: `collapse` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `collapse` `expand` `end-expand` `none` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: [collapse|expand|end-expand|none] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "brace_style": "collapse" } } ``` ##### [Indent scripts](#indent-scripts) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_scripts` **Default**: `normal` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `keep` `separate` `normal` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: [keep|separate|normal] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_scripts": "normal" } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes](#wrap-attributes) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes` **Default**: `auto` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `auto` `force` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Wrap attributes to new lines [auto|force] (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes": "auto" } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes indent size](#wrap-attributes-indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes_indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Indent wrapped attributes to after N characters (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes_indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Max preserve newlines](#max-preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `max_preserve_newlines` **Default**: `10` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "max_preserve_newlines": 10 } } ``` ##### [Unformatted](#unformatted) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `unformatted` **Default**: `a,span,img,bdo,em,strong,dfn,code,samp,kbd,var,cite,abbr,acronym,q,sub,sup,tt,i,b,big,small,u,s,strike,font,ins,del,pre,address,dt,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to inline) that should not be reformatted (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "unformatted": [ "a", "span", "img", "bdo", "em", "strong", "dfn", "code", "samp", "kbd", "var", "cite", "abbr", "acronym", "q", "sub", "sup", "tt", "i", "b", "big", "small", "u", "s", "strike", "font", "ins", "del", "pre", "address", "dt", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6" ] } } ``` ##### [End with newline](#end-with-newline) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `end_with_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: End output with newline (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "end_with_newline": false } } ``` ##### [Extra liners](#extra-liners) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `extra_liners` **Default**: `head,body,/html` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to [head,body,/html] that should have an extra newline before them. (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "extra_liners": [ "head", "body", "/html" ] } } ``` ##### [Indent level](#indent-level) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_level` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Initial indentation level (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_level": 0 } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_with_tabs": false } } ``` ##### [Space in paren](#space-in-paren) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_in_paren` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b ) (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_in_paren": false } } ``` ##### [Jslint happy](#jslint-happy) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `jslint_happy` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Enable jslint-stricter mode (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "jslint_happy": false } } ``` ##### [Space after anon function](#space-after-anon-function) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_after_anon_function` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function () (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_after_anon_function": false } } ``` ##### [Break chained methods](#break-chained-methods) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `break_chained_methods` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Break chained method calls across subsequent lines (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "break_chained_methods": false } } ``` ##### [Keep array indentation](#keep-array-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_array_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Preserve array indentation (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_array_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Keep function indentation](#keep-function-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_function_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_function_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Space before conditional](#space-before-conditional) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_before_conditional` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_before_conditional": true } } ``` ##### [Eval code](#eval-code) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `eval_code` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "eval_code": false } } ``` ##### [Unescape strings](#unescape-strings) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `unescape_strings` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) **Description**: Decode printable characters encoded in xNN notation (Supported by JS Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "unescape_strings": false } } ``` ##### [End with comma](#end-with-comma) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_comma` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`JS Beautify`](#js-beautify) [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If a terminating comma should be inserted into arrays, object literals, and destructured objects. (Supported by JS Beautify, Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_comma": false } } ``` ### Latex Beautify ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "indent_with_tabs": true } } ``` ##### [Indent preamble](#indent-preamble) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `indent_preamble` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: Indent the preable (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "indent_preamble": false } } ``` ##### [Always look for split braces](#always-look-for-split-braces) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `always_look_for_split_braces` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: If `latexindent` should look for commands that split braces across lines (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "always_look_for_split_braces": true } } ``` ##### [Always look for split brackets](#always-look-for-split-brackets) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `always_look_for_split_brackets` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: If `latexindent` should look for commands that split brackets across lines (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "always_look_for_split_brackets": false } } ``` ##### [Remove trailing whitespace](#remove-trailing-whitespace) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `remove_trailing_whitespace` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: Remove trailing whitespace (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "remove_trailing_whitespace": false } } ``` ##### [Align columns in environments](#align-columns-in-environments) **Namespace**: `latex` **Key**: `align_columns_in_environments` **Default**: `tabular,matrix,bmatrix,pmatrix` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Latex Beautify`](#latex-beautify) **Description**: undefined (Supported by Latex Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "latex": { "align_columns_in_environments": [ "tabular", "matrix", "bmatrix", "pmatrix" ] } } ``` ### Marko Beautifier ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Syntax](#syntax) **Namespace**: `marko` **Key**: `syntax` **Default**: `html` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `html` `concise` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: [html|concise] (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "marko": { "syntax": "html" } } ``` ##### [Indent inner html](#indent-inner-html) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_inner_html` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Indent and sections. (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_inner_html": false } } ``` ##### [Brace style](#brace-style) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `brace_style` **Default**: `collapse` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `collapse` `expand` `end-expand` `none` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: [collapse|expand|end-expand|none] (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "brace_style": "collapse" } } ``` ##### [Indent scripts](#indent-scripts) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_scripts` **Default**: `normal` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `keep` `separate` `normal` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: [keep|separate|normal] (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_scripts": "normal" } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes](#wrap-attributes) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes` **Default**: `auto` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `auto` `force` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Wrap attributes to new lines [auto|force] (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes": "auto" } } ``` ##### [Wrap attributes indent size](#wrap-attributes-indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_attributes_indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Indent wrapped attributes to after N characters (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_attributes_indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Max preserve newlines](#max-preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `max_preserve_newlines` **Default**: `10` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "max_preserve_newlines": 10 } } ``` ##### [Unformatted](#unformatted) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `unformatted` **Default**: `a,span,img,bdo,em,strong,dfn,code,samp,kbd,var,cite,abbr,acronym,q,sub,sup,tt,i,b,big,small,u,s,strike,font,ins,del,pre,address,dt,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to inline) that should not be reformatted (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "unformatted": [ "a", "span", "img", "bdo", "em", "strong", "dfn", "code", "samp", "kbd", "var", "cite", "abbr", "acronym", "q", "sub", "sup", "tt", "i", "b", "big", "small", "u", "s", "strike", "font", "ins", "del", "pre", "address", "dt", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6" ] } } ``` ##### [End with newline](#end-with-newline) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `end_with_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: End output with newline (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "end_with_newline": false } } ``` ##### [Extra liners](#extra-liners) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `extra_liners` **Default**: `head,body,/html` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Marko Beautifier`](#marko-beautifier) **Description**: List of tags (defaults to [head,body,/html] that should have an extra newline before them. (Supported by Marko Beautifier) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "extra_liners": [ "head", "body", "/html" ] } } ``` ### PHP-CS-Fixer ##### [PHP-CS-Fixer Path](#php-cs-fixer-path) **Namespace**: `php` **Key**: `cs_fixer_path` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`PHP-CS-Fixer`](#php-cs-fixer) **Description**: Path to the `php-cs-fixer` CLI executable (Supported by PHP-CS-Fixer) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "php": { "cs_fixer_path": "" } } ``` ##### [Fixers](#fixers) **Namespace**: `php` **Key**: `fixers` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`PHP-CS-Fixer`](#php-cs-fixer) **Description**: Add fixer(s). i.e. linefeed,-short_tag,indentation (Supported by PHP-CS-Fixer) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "php": { "fixers": "" } } ``` ##### [Level](#level) **Namespace**: `php` **Key**: `level` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`PHP-CS-Fixer`](#php-cs-fixer) **Description**: By default, all PSR-2 fixers and some additional ones are run. (Supported by PHP-CS-Fixer) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "php": { "level": "" } } ``` ##### [PHPCBF Path](#phpcbf-path) **Namespace**: `php` **Key**: `phpcbf_path` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`PHP-CS-Fixer`](#php-cs-fixer) **Description**: Path to the `phpcbf` CLI executable (Supported by PHP-CS-Fixer) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "php": { "phpcbf_path": "" } } ``` ##### [PHPCBF Standard](#phpcbf-standard) **Namespace**: `php` **Key**: `standard` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`PHP-CS-Fixer`](#php-cs-fixer) [`PHPCBF`](#phpcbf) **Description**: Standard name Squiz, PSR2, PSR1, PHPCS, PEAR, Zend, MySource... or path to CS rules (Supported by PHP-CS-Fixer, PHPCBF) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "php": { "standard": "" } } ``` ### PHPCBF ##### [PHPCBF Standard](#phpcbf-standard) **Namespace**: `php` **Key**: `standard` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`PHP-CS-Fixer`](#php-cs-fixer) [`PHPCBF`](#phpcbf) **Description**: Standard name Squiz, PSR2, PSR1, PHPCS, PEAR, Zend, MySource... or path to CS rules (Supported by PHP-CS-Fixer, PHPCBF) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "php": { "standard": "" } } ``` ### Perltidy ##### [Perltidy profile](#perltidy-profile) **Namespace**: `perl` **Key**: `perltidy_profile` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Perltidy`](#perltidy) **Description**: Specify a configuration file which will override the default name of .perltidyrc (Supported by Perltidy) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "perl": { "perltidy_profile": "" } } ``` ### Pretty Diff ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Default**: `250` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Maximum characters per line (0 disables) (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "wrap_line_length": 250 } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Newline between rules](#newline-between-rules) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `newline_between_rules` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a newline between CSS rules (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "newline_between_rules": false } } ``` ##### [Indent comments](#indent-comments) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `indent_comments` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Determines whether comments should be indented. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "indent_comments": true } } ``` ##### [Force indentation](#force-indentation) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `force_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: if indentation should be forcefully applied to markup even if it disruptively adds unintended whitespace to the documents rendered output (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "force_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Convert quotes](#convert-quotes) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `convert_quotes` **Default**: `none` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `none` `double` `single` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Convert the quote characters delimiting strings from either double or single quotes to the other. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "convert_quotes": "none" } } ``` ##### [Align assignments](#align-assignments) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `align_assignments` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If lists of assignments or properties should be vertically aligned for faster and easier reading. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "align_assignments": false } } ``` ##### [No lead zero](#no-lead-zero) **Namespace**: `css` **Key**: `no_lead_zero` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If in CSS values leading 0s immediately preceeding a decimal should be removed or prevented. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "css": { "no_lead_zero": false } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_with_tabs": false } } ``` ##### [Space after anon function](#space-after-anon-function) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_after_anon_function` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function () (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_after_anon_function": false } } ``` ##### [Break chained methods](#break-chained-methods) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `break_chained_methods` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: Break chained method calls across subsequent lines (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "break_chained_methods": false } } ``` ##### [End with comma](#end-with-comma) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_comma` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pretty Diff`](#pretty-diff) **Description**: If a terminating comma should be inserted into arrays, object literals, and destructured objects. (Supported by Pretty Diff) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_comma": false } } ``` ### Pug Beautify ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pug Beautify`](#pug-beautify) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Pug Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `html` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Pug Beautify`](#pug-beautify) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Pug Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "html": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ### Remark ##### [Gfm](#gfm) **Namespace**: `markdown` **Key**: `gfm` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Remark`](#remark) **Description**: GitHub Flavoured Markdown (Supported by Remark) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "markdown": { "gfm": true } } ``` ##### [Yaml](#yaml) **Namespace**: `markdown` **Key**: `yaml` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Remark`](#remark) **Description**: Enables raw YAML front matter to be detected (thus ignoring markdown-like syntax). (Supported by Remark) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "markdown": { "yaml": true } } ``` ##### [Commonmark](#commonmark) **Namespace**: `markdown` **Key**: `commonmark` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Remark`](#remark) **Description**: Allows and disallows several constructs. (Supported by Remark) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "markdown": { "commonmark": false } } ``` ### Rubocop ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `ruby` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Rubocop`](#rubocop) [`Ruby Beautify`](#ruby-beautify) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Rubocop, Ruby Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "ruby": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Rubocop Path](#rubocop-path) **Namespace**: `ruby` **Key**: `rubocop_path` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Rubocop`](#rubocop) **Description**: Path to the `rubocop` CLI executable (Supported by Rubocop) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "ruby": { "rubocop_path": "" } } ``` ### Ruby Beautify ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `ruby` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Rubocop`](#rubocop) [`Ruby Beautify`](#ruby-beautify) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Rubocop, Ruby Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "ruby": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `ruby` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: ` ` ` ` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Ruby Beautify`](#ruby-beautify) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Ruby Beautify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "ruby": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ### TypeScript Formatter ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent level](#indent-level) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_level` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Initial indentation level (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_level": 0 } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_with_tabs": false } } ``` ##### [Preserve newlines](#preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `preserve_newlines` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Preserve line-breaks (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "preserve_newlines": true } } ``` ##### [Max preserve newlines](#max-preserve-newlines) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `max_preserve_newlines` **Default**: `10` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "max_preserve_newlines": 10 } } ``` ##### [Space in paren](#space-in-paren) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_in_paren` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b ) (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_in_paren": false } } ``` ##### [Jslint happy](#jslint-happy) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `jslint_happy` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Enable jslint-stricter mode (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "jslint_happy": false } } ``` ##### [Space after anon function](#space-after-anon-function) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_after_anon_function` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function () (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_after_anon_function": false } } ``` ##### [Brace style](#brace-style) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `brace_style` **Default**: `collapse` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `collapse` `collapse-preserve-inline` `expand` `end-expand` `none` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: [collapse|collapse-preserve-inline|expand|end-expand|none] (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "brace_style": "collapse" } } ``` ##### [Break chained methods](#break-chained-methods) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `break_chained_methods` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Break chained method calls across subsequent lines (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "break_chained_methods": false } } ``` ##### [Keep array indentation](#keep-array-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_array_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Preserve array indentation (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_array_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Keep function indentation](#keep-function-indentation) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `keep_function_indentation` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "keep_function_indentation": false } } ``` ##### [Space before conditional](#space-before-conditional) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `space_before_conditional` **Default**: `true` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "space_before_conditional": true } } ``` ##### [Eval code](#eval-code) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `eval_code` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "eval_code": false } } ``` ##### [Unescape strings](#unescape-strings) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `unescape_strings` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Decode printable characters encoded in xNN notation (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "unescape_strings": false } } ``` ##### [Wrap line length](#wrap-line-length) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `wrap_line_length` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: Wrap lines at next opportunity after N characters (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "wrap_line_length": 0 } } ``` ##### [End with newline](#end-with-newline) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_newline` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: End output with newline (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_newline": false } } ``` ##### [End with comma](#end-with-comma) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `end_with_comma` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`TypeScript Formatter`](#typescript-formatter) **Description**: If a terminating comma should be inserted into arrays, object literals, and destructured objects. (Supported by TypeScript Formatter) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "end_with_comma": false } } ``` ### Uncrustify ##### [Config Path](#config-path) **Namespace**: `vala` **Key**: `configPath` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Uncrustify`](#uncrustify) **Description**: Path to uncrustify config file. i.e. uncrustify.cfg (Supported by Uncrustify) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "vala": { "configPath": "" } } ``` ### autopep8 ##### [Max line length](#max-line-length) **Namespace**: `python` **Key**: `max_line_length` **Default**: `79` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`autopep8`](#autopep8) **Description**: set maximum allowed line length (Supported by autopep8) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "python": { "max_line_length": 79 } } ``` ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `python` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`autopep8`](#autopep8) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by autopep8) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "python": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Ignore](#ignore) **Namespace**: `python` **Key**: `ignore` **Default**: `E24` **Type**: `array` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`autopep8`](#autopep8) **Description**: do not fix these errors/warnings (Supported by autopep8) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "python": { "ignore": [ "E24" ] } } ``` ##### [Sort imports](#sort-imports) **Namespace**: `python` **Key**: `sort_imports` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`autopep8`](#autopep8) **Description**: sort imports (requires isort installed) (Supported by autopep8) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "python": { "sort_imports": false } } ``` ### coffee-fmt ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) [`coffee-fmt`](#coffee-fmt) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by Coffee Formatter, coffee-fmt) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Indent char](#indent-char) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_char` **Default**: ` ` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) [`coffee-fmt`](#coffee-fmt) **Description**: Indentation character (Supported by Coffee Formatter, coffee-fmt) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_char": " " } } ``` ##### [Indent with tabs](#indent-with-tabs) **Namespace**: `js` **Key**: `indent_with_tabs` **Type**: `boolean` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`Coffee Formatter`](#coffee-formatter) [`coffee-fmt`](#coffee-fmt) **Description**: Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char` (Supported by Coffee Formatter, coffee-fmt) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "js": { "indent_with_tabs": false } } ``` ### rustfmt ##### [Rustfmt path](#rustfmt-path) **Namespace**: `rust` **Key**: `rustfmt_path` **Type**: `string` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`rustfmt`](#rustfmt) **Description**: Path to rustfmt program (Supported by rustfmt) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "rust": { "rustfmt_path": "" } } ``` ### sqlformat ##### [Indent size](#indent-size) **Namespace**: `sql` **Key**: `indent_size` **Default**: `4` **Type**: `integer` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`sqlformat`](#sqlformat) **Description**: Indentation size/length (Supported by sqlformat) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "sql": { "indent_size": 4 } } ``` ##### [Keywords](#keywords) **Namespace**: `sql` **Key**: `keywords` **Default**: `upper` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `unchanged` `lower` `upper` `capitalize` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`sqlformat`](#sqlformat) **Description**: Change case of keywords (Supported by sqlformat) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "sql": { "keywords": "upper" } } ``` ##### [Identifiers](#identifiers) **Namespace**: `sql` **Key**: `identifiers` **Default**: `unchanged` **Type**: `string` **Enum**: `unchanged` `lower` `upper` `capitalize` **Supported Beautifiers**: [`sqlformat`](#sqlformat) **Description**: Change case of identifiers (Supported by sqlformat) **Example `.jsbeautifyrc` Configuration** ```json { "sql": { "identifiers": "unchanged" } } ```