
Defined in: src/languages

Variables Summary

module.exports =
  name: "SQL",
  namespace: "sql",
  scope: ['source.sql'],

  Supported Grammars
  grammars: ["SQL (Rails)", "SQL"],

  Supported extensions
  extensions: ["sql"],
  options: {

    indent_size: {
      type: 'integer',
      "default": null,
      minimum: 0,
      description: "Indentation size/length"
    reindent: {
      type: 'boolean',
      "default": true,
      description: "Change indentations of the statements. Uncheck this option to preserve indentation"
    keywords: {
      type: 'string',
      "default": "upper",
      description: "Change case of keywords",
      "enum": ["unchanged", "lower", "upper", "capitalize"]
    identifiers: {
      type: 'string',
      "default": "unchanged",
      description: "Change case of identifiers",
      "enum": ["unchanged", "lower", "upper", "capitalize"]

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