Class: Beautifier

Defined in: src/beautifiers/

Direct Known Subclasses

Autopep8 ClangFormat CoffeeFmt CoffeeFormatter Crystal JSBeautify Dfmt ElmFormat ErlTidy FortranBeautifier Gherkin Gofmt HTMLBeautifier JSBeautify JSCSFixer LatexBeautify Lua MarkoBeautifier OCPIndent PerlTidy PHPCSFixer PHPCBF PrettyDiff PugBeautify PuppetFix Remark Rubocop RubyBeautify Rustfmt Sqlformat StylishHaskell TidyMarkdown TypeScriptFormatter Uncrustify Yapf

Variables Summary

Promise =


name =

Name of Beautifier

options =

Supported Options

Enable options for supported languages.

  • :
  • ::
  • ::
  • ::
  • ::
languages =

Supported languages by this Beautifier

Extracted from the keys of the options field.

beautify =

Beautify text

Override this method in subclasses

_envCache =

Get Shell Environment variables

Special thank you to @ioquatix See

_envCacheDate =
_envCacheExpiry =
logger =

Logger instance

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor()

Constructor to setup beautifer

Instance Method Details

# (void) deprecate(warning)

Show deprecation warning to user.

# (void) tempFile(name = "atom-beautify-temp", contents = "", ext = "")

Create temporary file

# (void) readFile(filePath)

Read file

# (void) findFile(startDir, fileNames)

Find file

# (void) getShellEnvironment()

# (void) which(exe, options = {})

Like the unix which utility.

Finds the first instance of a specified executable in the PATH environment variable. Does not cache the results, so hash -r is not needed when the PATH changes. See

# (void) commandNotFoundError(exe, help)

Add help to error.description

Note: error.description is not officially used in JavaScript, however it is used internally for Atom Beautify when displaying errors.

# (void) run(executable, args, {cwd, ignoreReturnCode, help, onStdin} = {})

Run command-line interface command

# (void) spawn(exe, args, options, onStdin)


# (void) setupLogger()

Initialize and configure Logger

    Quickly fuzzy find classes, mixins, methods, file:

    Control the navigation frame:

    You can focus and blur the search input: