Beautifiers = require "../src/beautifiers" beautifiers = new Beautifiers() Beautifier = require "../src/beautifiers/beautifier" Languages = require('../src/languages/') _ = require('lodash') # Use the command `window:run-package-specs` (cmd-alt-ctrl-p) to run specs. # # To run a specific `it` or `describe` block add an `f` to the front (e.g. `fit` # or `fdescribe`). Remove the `f` to unfocus the block. # Check if Windows isWindows = process.platform is 'win32' or process.env.OSTYPE is 'cygwin' or process.env.OSTYPE is 'msys' describe "Atom-Beautify", -> beforeEach -> # Activate package waitsForPromise -> activationPromise = atom.packages.activatePackage('atom-beautify') # Force activate package pack = atom.packages.getLoadedPackage("atom-beautify") pack.activateNow() # Change logger level # atom.config.set('atom-beautify._loggerLevel', 'verbose') # Return promise return activationPromise describe "Beautifiers", -> describe "Beautifier::run", -> beautifier = null beforeEach -> beautifier = new Beautifier() it "should error when beautifier's program not found", -> expect(beautifier).not.toBe(null) expect(beautifier instanceof Beautifier).toBe(true) # waitsForRuns = (fn, message, timeout) -> # isCompleted = false # completed = -> # console.log('completed') # isCompleted = true # runs -> # console.log('runs') # fn(completed) # waitsFor(-> # console.log('waitsFor', isCompleted) # isCompleted # , message, timeout) # # waitsForRuns((cb) -> # console.log('waitsForRuns', cb) # setTimeout(cb, 2000) # , "Waiting for beautification to complete", 5000) waitsForPromise shouldReject: true, -> p ="program", []) expect(p).not.toBe(null) expect(p instanceof beautifier.Promise).toBe(true) cb = (v) -> # console.log(v) expect(v).not.toBe(null) expect(v instanceof Error).toBe(true) expect(v.code).toBe("CommandNotFound") expect(v.description).toBe(undefined, \ 'Error should not have a description.') return v p.then(cb, cb) return p it "should error with help description \ when beautifier's program not found", -> expect(beautifier).not.toBe(null) expect(beautifier instanceof Beautifier).toBe(true) waitsForPromise shouldReject: true, -> help = { link: "" program: "test-program" pathOption: "Lang - Test Program Path" } p ="program", [], help: help) expect(p).not.toBe(null) expect(p instanceof beautifier.Promise).toBe(true) cb = (v) -> # console.log(v) expect(v).not.toBe(null) expect(v instanceof Error).toBe(true) expect(v.code).toBe("CommandNotFound") expect(v.description).not.toBe(null) expect(v.description.indexOf( expect(v.description.indexOf(help.program)).not.toBe(-1) expect(v.description .indexOf(help.pathOption)).not.toBe(-1, \ "Error should have a description.") return v p.then(cb, cb) return p it "should error with Windows-specific help description \ when beautifier's program not found", -> expect(beautifier).not.toBe(null) expect(beautifier instanceof Beautifier).toBe(true) waitsForPromise shouldReject: true, -> help = { link: "" program: "test-program" pathOption: "Lang - Test Program Path" } # Force to be Windows beautifier.isWindows = true terminal = 'CMD prompt' whichCmd = "where.exe" # Process p ="program", [], help: help) expect(p).not.toBe(null) expect(p instanceof beautifier.Promise).toBe(true) cb = (v) -> # console.log(v) expect(v).not.toBe(null) expect(v instanceof Error).toBe(true) expect(v.code).toBe("CommandNotFound") expect(v.description).not.toBe(null) expect(v.description.indexOf( expect(v.description.indexOf(help.program)).not.toBe(-1) expect(v.description .indexOf(help.pathOption)).not.toBe(-1, \ "Error should have a description.") expect(v.description .indexOf(terminal)).not.toBe(-1, \ "Error should have a description including \ '#{terminal}' in message.") expect(v.description .indexOf(whichCmd)).not.toBe(-1, \ "Error should have a description including \ '#{whichCmd}' in message.") return v p.then(cb, cb) return p unless isWindows it "should error with Mac/Linux-specific help description \ when beautifier's program not found", -> expect(beautifier).not.toBe(null) expect(beautifier instanceof Beautifier).toBe(true) waitsForPromise shouldReject: true, -> help = { link: "" program: "test-program" pathOption: "Lang - Test Program Path" } # Force to be Mac/Linux (not Windows) beautifier.isWindows = false terminal = "Terminal" whichCmd = "which" # Process p ="program", [], help: help) expect(p).not.toBe(null) expect(p instanceof beautifier.Promise).toBe(true) cb = (v) -> # console.log(v) expect(v).not.toBe(null) expect(v instanceof Error).toBe(true) expect(v.code).toBe("CommandNotFound") expect(v.description).not.toBe(null) expect(v.description.indexOf( expect(v.description.indexOf(help.program)).not.toBe(-1) expect(v.description .indexOf(terminal)).not.toBe(-1, \ "Error should have a description including \ '#{terminal}' in message.") expect(v.description .indexOf(whichCmd)).not.toBe(-1, \ "Error should have a description including \ '#{whichCmd}' in message.") return v p.then(cb, cb) return p describe "Languages", -> languages = null beforeEach -> languages = new Languages() describe "Languages::namespace", -> it "should verify that multiple languages do not share the same namespace", -> namespaceGroups = _.groupBy(languages.languages, "namespace") namespacePairs = _.toPairs(namespaceGroups) namespaceOverlap = _.filter(namespacePairs, ([namespace, group]) -> group.length > 1) console.log('namespaces', namespaceGroups, namespacePairs, namespaceOverlap) expect(namespaceOverlap.length).toBe(0, \ "Language namespaces are overlapping.\n\ Namespaces are unique: only one language for each namespace.\n"+, ([namespace, group]) -> "- '#{namespace}': Check languages #{, 'name').join(', ')} for using namespace '#{namespace}'.").join('\n') )