
265 lines
7.6 KiB

Language Support and default options.
"use strict"
_ = require("lodash")
extend = require("extend")
# Language Beautifiers
beautifyJS = require("js-beautify")
beautifyHTML = require("js-beautify").html
beautifyCSS = require("js-beautify").css
beautifySQL = require("./langs/sql-beautify")
beautifyPHP = require("./langs/php-beautify")
beautifyPython = require("./langs/python-beautify")
beautifyRuby = require("./langs/ruby-beautify")
beautifyLESS = require("./langs/less-beautify")
beautifyCoffeeScript = require("./langs/coffeescript-beautify")
uncrustifyBeautifier = require("./langs/uncrustify/")
# Misc
Analytics = require("analytics-node")
pkg = require("../package.json")
# Analytics
analyticsWriteKey = "u3c26xkae8"
module.exports =
# Supported unique configuration keys
# Used for detecting nested configurations in .jsbeautifyrc
languages: [
# Default options per language
# jshint ignore: start
# JavaScript
js_indent_size: 2
js_indent_char: " "
js_indent_level: 0
js_indent_with_tabs: false
js_preserve_newlines: true
js_max_preserve_newlines: 10
js_jslint_happy: false
js_brace_style: "collapse"
js_keep_array_indentation: false
js_keep_function_indentation: false
js_space_before_conditional: true
js_break_chained_methods: false
js_eval_code: false
js_unescape_strings: false
js_wrap_line_length: 0
css_indent_size: 2
css_indent_Char: " "
html_indent_inner_html: false
html_indent_size: 2
html_indent_char: " "
html_brace_style: "collapse"
html_indent_scripts: "normal"
html_wrap_line_length: 250
sql_indent_size: 2
sql_keywords: "upper"
sql_identifiers: "lower"
sql_sqlformat_path: ""
php_beautifier_path: ""
# Python
python_autopep8_path: ""
python_max_line_length: 79
python_indent_size: 4
python_ignore: ["E24"]
# Ruby
ruby_rbeautify_path: ""
# C
c_configPath: ""
# C++
cpp_configPath: ""
# Objective-C
objectivec_configPath: ""
# C#
cs_configPath: ""
# Objective-C
d_configPath: ""
# Java
java_configPath: ""
# Pawn
pawn_configPath: ""
vala_configPath: ""
# jshint ignore: end
# Process each language
beautify: (text, grammar, allOptions, beautifyCompleted) ->
self = this
# Beautify!
unsupportedGrammar = false
options = undefined
switch grammar
# Treat JSON as JavaScript, because it will support comments.
# And Glavin001 has tested JSON beauifying with beautifyJS.
when "JSON", "JavaScript"
text = beautifyJS(text, self.getOptions("js", allOptions))
beautifyCompleted text
when "CoffeeScript"
beautifyCoffeeScript text, self.getOptions("js", allOptions), beautifyCompleted
when "Handlebars"
# jshint ignore: start
allOptions.push indent_handlebars: true # Force jsbeautify to indent_handlebars
# jshint ignore: end
when "HTML (Liquid)", "HTML", "XML"
text = beautifyHTML(text, self.getOptions("html", allOptions))
beautifyCompleted text
when "CSS"
text = beautifyCSS(text, self.getOptions("css", allOptions))
beautifyCompleted text
when "Sass", "SCSS", "LESS"
beautifyLESS text, self.getOptions("css", allOptions), beautifyCompleted
when "SQL (Rails)", "SQL"
beautifySQL text, self.getOptions("sql", allOptions), beautifyCompleted
when "PHP"
beautifyPHP text, self.getOptions("php", allOptions), beautifyCompleted
when "Python"
beautifyPython text, self.getOptions("python", allOptions), beautifyCompleted
when "Ruby"
beautifyRuby text, self.getOptions("ruby", allOptions), beautifyCompleted
when "C"
options = self.getOptions("c", allOptions)
options.languageOverride = "C"
uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted
when "C++"
options = self.getOptions("cpp", allOptions)
options.languageOverride = "CPP"
uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted
when "C#"
options = self.getOptions("cs", allOptions)
options.languageOverride = "CS"
uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted
when "Objective-C", "Objective-C++"
options = self.getOptions("objectivec", allOptions)
options.languageOverride = "OC+"
uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted
when "D"
options = self.getOptions("d", allOptions)
options.languageOverride = "D"
uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted
when "Pawn"
options = self.getOptions("pawn", allOptions)
options.languageOverride = "PAWN"
uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted
when "Vala"
options = self.getOptions("vala", allOptions)
options.languageOverride = "VALA"
uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted
when "Java"
options = self.getOptions("java", allOptions)
options.languageOverride = "JAVA"
uncrustifyBeautifier text, options, beautifyCompleted
unsupportedGrammar = true
# Check if Analytics is enabled
if atom.config.get("")
# Setup Analytics
analytics = new Analytics(analyticsWriteKey)
unless atom.config.get("atom-beautify._analyticsUserId")
uuid = require("node-uuid")
atom.config.set "atom-beautify._analyticsUserId", uuid.v4()
# Setup Analytics User Id
userId = atom.config.get("atom-beautify._analyticsUserId")
analytics.identify userId: userId
version = pkg.version
userId: atom.config.get("atom-beautify._analyticsUserId")
event: "Beautify"
grammar: grammar
version: version
options: allOptions
label: grammar
category: version
getOptions: (selection, allOptions) ->
self = this
# console.log(selection, allOptions);
# Reduce all options into correctly merged options.
options = _.reduce(allOptions, (result, currOptions) ->
containsNested = false
collectedConfig = {}
key = undefined
# Check to see if config file uses nested object format to split up js/css/html options
for key of currOptions
# Check if is supported language
if _.indexOf(self.languages, key) >= 0 and typeof currOptions[key] is "object" # Check if nested object (more options in value)
containsNested = true
break # Found, break out of loop, no need to continue
# console.log(containsNested, currOptions);
# Create a flat object of config options if nested format was used
unless containsNested
_.merge collectedConfig, currOptions
# Merge with selected options
# where `selection` could be `html`, `js`, 'css', etc
# console.log(selection, currOptions[selection]);
_.merge collectedConfig, currOptions[selection]
extend result, collectedConfig
, {})
# TODO: Clean.
# There is a bug in nopt
# See
# console.log('pre-clean', JSON.stringify(options));
#options = cleanOptions(options, knownOpts);
#console.log('post-clean', JSON.stringify(options));