
225 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env coffee
# Dependencies
Handlebars = require('handlebars')
Beautifiers = require("../src/beautifiers")
fs = require('fs')
_ = require('lodash')
path = require('path')
pkg = require('../package.json')
console.log('Generating options...')
beautifier = new Beautifiers()
languageOptions = beautifier.options
packageOptions = require('../src/')
# Build options by Beautifier
beautifiersMap = _.keyBy(beautifier.beautifiers, 'name')
languagesMap = _.keyBy(beautifier.languages.languages, 'name')
beautifierOptions = {}
for lo, optionGroup of languageOptions
for optionName, optionDef of
beautifiers = optionDef.beautifiers ? []
for beautifierName in beautifiers
beautifierOptions[beautifierName] ?= {}
beautifierOptions[beautifierName][optionName] = optionDef
console.log('Loading options template...')
readmeTemplatePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../')
readmePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../')
optionsTemplatePath = __dirname + '/'
optionTemplatePath = __dirname + '/'
optionGroupTemplatePath = __dirname + '/'
optionsPath = __dirname + '/'
optionsTemplate = fs.readFileSync(optionsTemplatePath).toString()
optionGroupTemplate = fs.readFileSync(optionGroupTemplatePath).toString()
optionTemplate = fs.readFileSync(optionTemplatePath).toString()
readmeTemplate = fs.readFileSync(readmeTemplatePath).toString()
console.log('Building documentation from template and options...')
Handlebars.registerPartial('option', optionTemplate)
Handlebars.registerPartial('option-group', optionGroupTemplate)
template = Handlebars.compile(optionsTemplate)
readmeTemplate = Handlebars.compile(readmeTemplate)
linkifyTitle = (title) ->
title = title.toLowerCase()
p = title.split(/[\s,+#;,\/?:@&=+$]+/) # split into parts
sep = "-"
Handlebars.registerHelper('linkify', (title, options) ->
return new Handlebars.SafeString(
exampleConfig = (option) ->
# console.log(option)
t = option.type
d = switch
when option.default? then option.default
when t is "string" then ""
when t is "integer" then 0
when t is "boolean" then false
else null
json = {}
namespace = option.language.namespace
k = option.key
c = {}
c[k] = d
json[namespace] = c
return """```json
#{JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 4)}
Handlebars.registerHelper('example-config', (key, option, options) ->
results = exampleConfig(key, option)
# console.log(results)
return new Handlebars.SafeString(results)
Handlebars.registerHelper('language-beautifiers-support', (languageOptions, options) ->
| Language | Supported Beautifiers |
| --- | ---- |
| JavaScript | Js-Beautify, Pretty Diff |
rows =, (val, k) ->
name = val.title
defaultBeautifier = _.get(val, "properties.default_beautifier.default")
beautifiers =, (b) ->
beautifier = beautifiersMap[b]
isDefault = b is defaultBeautifier
r = "[`#{b}`](#{})"
r = "`#{b}`"
if isDefault
r += " (Default)"
return r
grammars =, (b) -> "`#{b}`")
extensions =, (b) -> "`.#{b}`")
return "| #{name} | #{grammars.join(', ')} |#{extensions.join(', ')} | #{beautifiers.join(', ')} |"
results = """
| Language | Grammars | File Extensions | Supported Beautifiers |
| --- | --- | --- | ---- |
return new Handlebars.SafeString(results)
Handlebars.registerHelper('language-options-support', (languageOptions, options) ->
| Option | PrettyDiff | JS-Beautify |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `brace_style` | ? | ? |
| `break_chained_methods` | ? | ? |
| `end_with_comma` | ? | ? |
| `end_with_newline` | ? | ? |
| `eval_code` | ? | ? |
| `indent_size` | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
| `indent_char` | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
rows = []
beautifiers = languageOptions.beautifiers.sort()
headers = ['Option'].concat(beautifiers)
rows.push(, () -> '---'))
# console.log(languageOptions)
_.each(Object.keys(, (op) ->
field =[op]
support =, (b) ->
if (_.includes(field.beautifiers, b) or _.includes(["disabled", "default_beautifier", "beautify_on_save"], op))
return ':white_check_mark:'
return ':x:'
results =, (r) -> "| #{r.join(' | ')} |").join('\n')
return new Handlebars.SafeString(results)
Handlebars.registerHelper('beautifiers-info', (beautifiers, options) ->
| Beautifier | Is Pre-Installed? | Installation Instructions |
| --- | ---- |
| Pretty Diff | :white_check_mark: | N/A |
| AutoPEP8 | :x: | LINK |
rows =, (beautifier, k) ->
name =
isPreInstalled = beautifier.isPreInstalled
link =
installationInstructions = if isPreInstalled then "Nothing!" else "Go to #{link} and follow the instructions."
return "| #{name} | #{if isPreInstalled then ':white_check_mark:' else ':x:'} | #{installationInstructions} |"
results = """
| Beautifier | Is Pre-Installed? | Installation Instructions |
| --- | --- | --- |
return new Handlebars.SafeString(results)
sortKeysBy = (obj, comparator) ->
keys = _.sortBy(_.keys(obj), (key) ->
return if comparator then comparator(obj[key], key) else key
return _.zipObject(keys,, (key) ->
return obj[key]
sortSettings = (settings) ->
# TODO: Process object type options
r = _.mapValues(settings, (op) ->
if op.type is "object" and = sortSettings(
return op
# Process these settings
r = sortKeysBy(sortKeysBy(r), (op) -> op.order)
# r = _.chain(r).sortBy((op) -> op.key).sortBy((op) -> settings[op.key]?.order).value()
# console.log('sort', settings, r)
return r
context = {
package: pkg,
packageOptions: sortSettings(packageOptions)
languageOptions: sortSettings(languageOptions)
beautifierOptions: sortSettings(beautifierOptions)
beautifiers: _.sortBy(beautifier.beautifiers, (beautifier) ->
result = template(context)
readmeResult = readmeTemplate(context)
console.log('Writing documentation to file...')
fs.writeFileSync(optionsPath, result)
fs.writeFileSync(readmePath, readmeResult)
# fs.writeFileSync(__dirname+'/context.json', JSON.stringify(context, undefined, 2))
console.log('Updating package.json')
# Add Language keywords
ls =, (a)->a.toLowerCase())
# Add Beautifier keywords
bs =, (a)->a.toLowerCase())
keywords = _.union(pkg.keywords, ls, bs)
pkg.keywords = keywords
fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname,'../package.json'), JSON.stringify(pkg, undefined, 2))