216 lines
9.5 KiB
216 lines
9.5 KiB
# Beautify = require '../src/beautify'
Beautifiers = require "../src/beautifiers"
beautifier = new Beautifiers()
fs = require "fs"
path = require "path"
JsDiff = require('diff')
# Use the command `window:run-package-specs` (cmd-alt-ctrl-p) to run specs.
# To run a specific `it` or `describe` block add an `f` to the front (e.g. `fit`
# or `fdescribe`). Remove the `f` to unfocus the block.
describe "BeautifyLanguages", ->
optionsDir = path.resolve(__dirname, "../examples")
# Activate all of the languages
allLanguages = [
"c", "coffee-script", "css", "html",
"java", "javascript", "json", "less",
"mustache", "objective-c", "perl", "php",
"python", "ruby", "sass", "sql",
"xml", "csharp", "gfm", "marko",
"tss", "go", "html-swig"
# All Atom packages that Atom Beautify is dependent on
dependentPackages = [
# 'linter'
# 'atom-typescript' # it logs too much...
# Add language packages to dependentPackages
for lang in allLanguages
do (lang) ->
beforeEach ->
# Install all of the languages
for packageName in dependentPackages
do (packageName) ->
waitsForPromise ->
# Activate package
waitsForPromise ->
activationPromise = atom.packages.activatePackage('atom-beautify')
# Force activate package
pack = atom.packages.getLoadedPackage("atom-beautify")
# Check if Windows
isWindows = process.platform is 'win32' or
process.env.OSTYPE is 'cygwin' or
process.env.OSTYPE is 'msys'
# Need more debugging on Windows
if isWindows
# Change logger level
atom.config.set('atom-beautify._loggerLevel', 'verbose')
# Return promise
return activationPromise
# Set Uncrustify config path
# uncrustifyConfigPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../examples/nested-jsbeautifyrc/uncrustify.cfg")
# uncrustifyLangs = ["c", "cpp", "objectivec", "cs", "d", "java", "pawn", "vala"]
# for lang in uncrustifyLangs
# do (lang) ->
# atom.config.set("atom-beautify.#{lang}_configPath", uncrustifyConfigPath)
# expect(atom.config.get("atom-beautify.#{lang}_configPath")).toEqual("TEST")
Directory structure:
- examples
- config1
- lang1
- original
- 1 - test.ext
- expected
- 1 - test.ext
- lang2
- config2
# All Configurations
configs = fs.readdirSync(optionsDir)
for config in configs
do (config) ->
# Generate the path to where all of the languages are
langsDir = path.resolve(optionsDir, config)
optionStats = fs.lstatSync(langsDir)
# Confirm that this path is a directory
if optionStats.isDirectory()
# Create testing group for configuration
describe "when using configuration '#{config}'", ->
# All Languages for configuration
langNames = fs.readdirSync(langsDir)
for lang in langNames
do (lang) ->
# Generate the path to where al of the tests are
testsDir = path.resolve(langsDir, lang)
langStats = fs.lstatSync(testsDir)
# Confirm that this path is a directory
if langStats.isDirectory()
# Original
originalDir = path.resolve(testsDir, "original")
if not fs.existsSync(originalDir)
console.warn("Directory for test originals/inputs not found." +
" Making it at #{originalDir}.")
# Expected
expectedDir = path.resolve(testsDir, "expected")
if not fs.existsSync(expectedDir)
console.warn("Directory for test expected/results not found." +
"Making it at #{expectedDir}.")
# Language group tests
describe "when beautifying language '#{lang}'", ->
# All tests for language
testNames = fs.readdirSync(originalDir)
for testFileName in testNames
do (testFileName) ->
ext = path.extname(testFileName)
testName = path.basename(testFileName, ext)
# If prefixed with underscore (_) then this is a hidden test
if testFileName[0] is '_'
# Do not show this test
# Confirm this is a test
it "#{testName} #{testFileName}", ->
# Generate paths to test files
originalTestPath = path.resolve(originalDir, testFileName)
expectedTestPath = path.resolve(expectedDir, testFileName)
# Get contents of original test file
originalContents = fs.readFileSync(originalTestPath)?.toString()
# Check if there is a matching expected test resut
if not fs.existsSync(expectedTestPath)
throw new Error("No matching expected test result found for '#{testName}' " +
"at '#{expectedTestPath}'.")
# err = fs.writeFileSync(expectedTestPath, originalContents)
# throw err if err
# Get contents of expected test file
expectedContents = fs.readFileSync(expectedTestPath)?.toString()
# expect(expectedContents).not.toEqual originalContents
# expect(atom.grammars.getGrammars()).toEqual []
grammar = atom.grammars.selectGrammar(originalTestPath, originalContents)
# expect(grammar).toEqual("test")
grammarName = grammar.name
# Get the options
allOptions = beautifier.getOptionsForPath(originalTestPath)
# Get language
language = beautifier.getLanguage(grammarName, testFileName)
beautifyCompleted = false
completionFun = (text) ->
# Replace Newlines
text = text.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '⏎\n')
expectedContents = expectedContents\
.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '⏎\n')
# Replace tabs
text = text.replace(/(?:\t)/g, '↹')
expectedContents = expectedContents\
.replace(/(?:\t)/g, '↹')
# Replace spaces
text = text.replace(/(?:\ )/g, '␣')
expectedContents = expectedContents\
.replace(/(?:\ )/g, '␣')
# logger.verbose(expectedTestPath, text) if ext is ".less"
expect(text instanceof Error).not.toEqual(true, text)
return beautifyCompleted = true if text instanceof Error
# if text instanceof Error
# return beautifyCompleted = text # text == Error
expect(text).not.toEqual(null, "Language or Beautifier not found")
return beautifyCompleted = true if text is null
expect(typeof text).toEqual("string", "Text: #{text}")
return beautifyCompleted = true if typeof text isnt "string"
# Check for beautification errors
if text isnt expectedContents
# console.warn(allOptions, text, expectedContents)
fileName = expectedTestPath
diff = JsDiff.createPatch(fileName, oldStr, \
newStr, oldHeader, newHeader)
# Get options
opts = beautifier.getOptionsForLanguage(allOptions, language)
# Show error message with debug information
expect(text).toEqual(expectedContents, \
"Beautifier output does not match expected \
With options:\n\
#{JSON.stringify(opts, undefined, 4)}")
# All done!
beautifyCompleted = true
runs ->
beautifier.beautify(originalContents, allOptions, grammarName, testFileName)
catch e
beautifyCompleted = e
if beautifyCompleted instanceof Error
throw beautifyCompleted
return beautifyCompleted
, "Waiting for beautification to complete", 5000)