73 lines
1.9 KiB
73 lines
1.9 KiB
Requires http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_Beautifier
"use strict"
fs = require("fs")
temp = require("temp").track()
module.exports = (options, cb) ->
text = ""
# Apply indent_size to output_tab_size
options.output_tab_size = options.output_tab_size or options.indent_size # jshint ignore: line
options.input_tab_size = options.input_tab_size or options.indent_size # jshint ignore: line
delete options.indent_size # jshint ignore: line
# Indent with Tabs?
# How to use tabs when indenting code
# 0=spaces only
# 1=indent with tabs to brace level, align with spaces
# 2=indent and align with tabs, using spaces when not on a tabstop
# jshint ignore: start
ic = options.indent_char
if options.indent_with_tabs is 0 or options.indent_with_tabs is 1 or options.indent_with_tabs is 2
# Ignore indent_char option
else if ic is " "
options.indent_with_tabs = 0 # Spaces only
else if ic is "\t"
options.indent_with_tabs = 2 # indent and align with tabs, using spaces when not on a tabstop
options.indent_with_tabs = 1 # indent with tabs to brace level, align with spaces
delete options.indent_char
# jshint ignore: end
# Remove misc
delete options.languageOverride
delete options.configPath
# Iterate over each property and write to configuration file
for k of options
v = options[k]
vs = v
if typeof vs is "boolean"
if vs is true
vs = "True"
vs = "False"
text += k + " = " + vs + "\n"
# Create temp input file
suffix: ".cfg"
, (err, info) ->
unless err
# Save current text to input file
fs.write info.fd, text or "", (err) ->
# console.log(err);
return cb(err) if err
fs.close info.fd, (err) ->
# console.log(err);
return cb(err) if err
cb null, info.path
cb err